< Acts 4 >

1 [Meanwhile, in the temple courtyard, there were some] priests, the officer who was in charge of the temple police, and [also some] [SYN] Sadducee [sect members]. These men came to Peter and John while the two of them were speaking to the people.
Enquanto Pedro e João falavam para as pessoas, chegaram os sacerdotes, o capitão da guarda do Templo e os saduceus.
2 These men were very angry, because the [two] apostles were teaching the people [about Jesus]. What they were telling the people was that because ([God caused Jesus to become alive again/God raised] Jesus [from the dead]), [God] would cause other people who had died to become alive again.
Eles estavam furiosos pelos apóstolos estarem ensinando ao povo que, por meio da fé em Jesus, há a ressurreição dos mortos.
3 So those officials seized Peter and John. Then they put them in jail. [They had to wait] until the next day [to question Peter and John], because it was already evening [and it was contrary to their Jewish law to question people at night].
Eles prenderam os dois e os colocaram sob vigilância até o dia seguinte, pois já era tarde.
4 However, many people who had heard the message [from Peter] believed [in Jesus]. (OR, But many people had [already] believed [in Jesus, because] they had heard the message [from Peter].) So the number of men [who believed in Jesus] increased to about five 5,000.
Mas, muitas pessoas que tinham ouvido a mensagem acreditaram nela e, assim, o total de seguidores de Jesus aumentou em quase cinco mil pessoas.
5 The next day [the supreme priest summoned] the [other] chief priests, the teachers of the [Jewish] laws, and the other members [of the Jewish Council, and they] gathered together [in one place] in Jerusalem.
No dia seguinte, os governantes, os anciãos do povo e os líderes religiosos se reuniram em Jerusalém.
6 Annas, [the former] supreme priest, Caiaphas [who was the new supreme priest], [two other former supreme priests whose names were] John and Alexander, and other men who were related to the supreme priest [were there].
Entre eles estavam Anás, o grande sacerdote, Caifás, João, Alexandre e outros membros da família do grande sacerdote.
7 They [commanded guards to] bring Peter and John into the courtroom [MTY] and have them stand in front of them. [Then one of] the leaders questioned [the two of] them, saying, “Who [do you two claim] gave you the power [to heal this man]? And who authorized [MTY] you to do this [DOU]?”
Mandaram que Pedro e João fossem trazidos diante deles e começaram a perguntar aos dois: “Com que poder ou em nome de quem vocês fizeram isso?”
8 So as the Holy Spirit completely controlled Peter, he said to them, “You [fellow Israelites] who rule us and [all of you other] elders, [listen]!
Pedro, cheio do Espírito Santo, respondeu-lhes: “Governantes e anciãos do povo,
9 Today you are questioning us concerning our doing something good for a man who was crippled, and you asked us how he was healed.
nós estamos sendo interrogados em relação a uma boa ação feita a um homem que não podia se ajudar e sobre como ele veio a ser curado?
10 So [we(exc) want] you and all [of our other] fellow Israelites to know this: It is because Jesus the Messiah [MTY] from Nazareth healed this man that he is able to stand here. [God considers that] it was you who nailed Jesus to a cross, but God caused him to become alive again.
Se a razão é essa, todos vocês deveriam saber, e todo o povo de Israel também, que isso foi feito em nome de Jesus Cristo de Nazaré, aquele a quem vocês crucificaram e que Deus ressuscitou. É por causa de Jesus que esse homem está em pé diante de vocês, completamente curado.
11 [In the Psalms this was written about the Messiah: ] He is [like] [MET] the stone that was rejected by the builders {that the builders rejected}. But that stone became the most important stone in the building [that they were building]. [Jesus is that stone, and] you [are those builders who threw away the stone that was the most important one].
‘Jesus é a pedra que vocês, construtores, rejeitaram, mas que se tornou a base da construção.’
12 So he alone can save us [MTY]. [God] has sent only one person [MTY] into the world who can save us [from the guilt of our sins, and that person is Jesus]!”
Não há salvação em ninguém mais; não há outro nome, abaixo do céu, que tenha sido dado a humanidade com o poder de nos salvar.”
13 The [Jewish leaders] realized that Peter and John (were not afraid [of them]/spoke boldly). They also learned that the two men were ordinary people who had not studied in schools. So the leaders were amazed, and they realized that these men had associated with Jesus.
Eles ficaram muito surpresos ao perceberem a segurança de Pedro e João, pois eles eram homens simples e sem instrução. Eles também reconheceram que os dois eram companheiros de Jesus.
14 They also saw the man who had been healed standing there with [the two of] them, so they were not able to say anything [to oppose Peter and John].
Eles não tinham nada a dizer contra os dois, pois o homem que tinha sido curado estava lá, em pé, junto deles.
15 So the [Jewish leaders] commanded [guards] to take Peter, John, and the man outside of the room [where those leaders were meeting. After they did so], the leaders talked with each other [about Peter and John].
Então, os líderes disseram aos dois que esperassem do lado de fora do conselho, enquanto discutiam o assunto entre eles.
16 [Being frustrated, one after another], they said, “(There is really nothing that we can do to [punish] these [two] men!/How can we [(inc)] do anything to [punish] these [two] men?) [RHQ] Almost everyone [HYP] who is living in Jerusalem knows that they have done an amazing miracle, so we cannot tell people that it did not happen!
Eles perguntaram: “O que devemos fazer com esses homens?” “Não podemos negar que eles fizeram um milagre significativo. Todos os que moram aqui em Jerusalém já sabem o que aconteceu.
17 However, [we] must not allow other people to hear about [this miracle]. So we must tell these men that [we will punish them if they] continue to tell other people about this [MTY] man [who they say gave them the power to do it].”
Mas, para evitar que isso se espalhe ainda mais entre as pessoas, devemos ameaçá-los, para que nunca mais toquem nesse nome de novo para quem quer que seja.”
18 So the Jewish leaders [commanded guards] to bring the two apostles [into that room again. After they did so], they [commanded] them both that they should never speak about Jesus, and they should not teach [anyone about him] [MTY] [again].
Então, eles os chamaram e lhes ordenaram para nunca mais falarem ou ensinarem em nome de Jesus.
19 But Peter and John replied, “Would God think that it is right [for us two] to obey you and not [to obey] him? [We(exc) will let] you decide [which of those you think is proper].
Mas, Pedro e João responderam: “Os senhores decidem o que é justo aos olhos de Deus: obedecer a vocês ou a Deus?
20 [But as for us, we cannot obey you]. We will not stop telling people about the things that we [(exc)] have seen [Jesus do] and what we have heard [him teach].”
Pois não podemos deixar de falar a respeito de tudo o que vimos e ouvimos.”
21 Then the [Jewish leaders] again told [Peter and John] not to disobey them. But all the people [there] were praising God about what had happened [to the lame man. The leaders knew that only God could have enabled Peter and John] to miraculously heal the man, because the man was more than 40 years old [and he was lame when his mother bore him. They also knew that the people would become angry if they punished the two apostles]. So, because they could not decide how to punish Peter and John, [they finally] let them go.
Após fazerem mais ameaças a eles, os membros do conselho os deixaram ir embora. Eles não puderam castigá-los, porque as pessoas estavam louvando a Deus pelo que havia acontecido.
O homem que havia recebido esse milagre de cura tinha mais de quarenta anos.
23 After Peter and John had been released, they went to the other believers and reported all that the chief priests and [other Jewish] elders had said to them.
Depois que os discípulos foram soltos, eles voltaram para junto do seu grupo e lhes contaram tudo o que os chefes dos sacerdotes e os anciãos do povo tinham falado.
24 When they heard that, they [all] agreed as they prayed to God, and [one of] them prayed, “O Lord! You [(sg)] made the sky, the earth and the oceans, and everything in them.
Ao ouvirem o que havia acontecido, eles se juntaram para orar: “Senhor, que fez o céu, a terra, o mar e tudo que há neles.
25 The Holy Spirit caused our ancestor, [King] David [MTY], who served you, to write these words: [It is ridiculous] [RHQ] that the non-Jews became angry and the Israelite people planned uselessly [to oppose God].
O Senhor falou pelo Espírito Santo, por intermédio de Davi, nosso antepassado e seu servo, dizendo: ‘Por que as pessoas de outras nações ficaram tão furiosas? Por que elas fizeram planos tão tolos contra mim?
26 The kings of the world prepared to fight [God’s Ruler], and the [other] rulers assembled together [with them] to oppose the Lord [God] and the one whom he had appointed [to be the Messiah].
Os reis da terra se prepararam para a guerra, e os governantes se uniram contra o Senhor e contra o seu Escolhido.’
27 [Lord, we know that what you(sg) said long ago was true], because [King] Herod and the [governor], Pontius Pilate, and many other people, both non-Jews and Israelites, assembled together [here] in this city. [They] planned [to kill] Jesus, who devotedly served you [and] whom you appointed [MTY] [to be the Messiah].
Isso realmente aconteceu exatamente aqui nesta cidade! Tanto Herodes quanto Pôncio Pilatos se uniram aos pagãos e ao povo de Israel contra o seu santo servo, Jesus, que o Senhor escolheu para ser o Messias.
28 [Because] you [(sg)] are all-powerful, those people did [only] what you [SYN] allowed [them to do]. It was what you decided long ago would happen.”
Eles fizeram tudo o que o Senhor, pelo seu poder e pela sua vontade, já tinha decidido que iria acontecer.
29 “So now, Lord, listen to what they are saying about punishing us! Help us who serve you [(sg)] to very boldly speak messages from you [(sg) about Jesus]
Agora, Senhor, veja como eles nos ameaçam! Dá-nos coragem para anunciarmos, sem temor, a sua mensagem.
30 [Also], by your power [MTY] miraculously heal [sick people] and do other amazing miracles [SYN] that show people your power! Ask Jesus, who always serves you, [to give us the authority] [MTY] [to do such miracles]!”
Estende a mão para efetuar curas. Que sinais e milagres possam ser realizados por meio do nome do seu santo servo, Jesus!”
31 When the believers had finished praying, the place where they were meeting shook. All of them were (completely controlled/empowered) by the Holy Spirit {the Holy Spirit (completely controlled/empowered) all of them}, with the result that they began to speak boldly the words that God [told them to speak].
Quando eles terminaram de orar, o lugar onde estavam reunidos tremeu. Todos eles ficaram cheios do Espírito Santo e corajosamente anunciaram a palavra de Deus.
32 The group of people who had believed [in Jesus] were completely agreed about what they thought and what they wanted/desired. Not one of them claimed that he [alone] owned anything. Instead, they shared with one another everything that they had.
Todos os que creram pensavam e sentiam da mesma forma. Nenhum deles considerava que as coisas que possuía eram apenas suas. Pelo contrário, todos compartilhavam uns com os outros tudo o que tinham.
33 The apostles continued to tell others, very powerfully, [that God] had (caused the Lord Jesus to become alive again/raised the Lord Jesus from the dead). [People knew that God] was graciously helping all the believers.
Os apóstolos continuavam a testemunhar sobre a ressurreição do Senhor Jesus com grande poder, e Deus derramava muitas bênçãos sobre todos eles.
34 [Some of] the believers who owned land or houses would occasionally sell [some of] their property. Then they would bring [the money for what they sold]
Não havia entre eles nenhum necessitado, pois os que possuíam terras ou propriedades as vendiam,
35 and they would present it to the apostles [MTY]. Then [the apostles] would give money to any [believer] who needed [it]. So no one among the believers was lacking anything.
e o dinheiro dessas vendas era oferecido aos apóstolos, para que fosse dividido com todos os que precisavam.
36 [For example, there was] Joseph. [He was] a descendant of Levi [and he was born] on Cyprus [Island]. The apostles called him Barnabas; [in the Jewish language] that name means a person who [IDM] always encourages [others].
José, a quem os apóstolos chamavam de Barnabé (que significa “filho do encorajamento”), era um levita nascido na ilha de Chipre.
37 He sold one of his fields, and brought the money to the apostles [for them to distribute to other believers].
Ele vendeu as terras que lhe pertenciam, trouxe o dinheiro e o deu aos apóstolos.

< Acts 4 >