< Acts 3 >
1 [One day] Peter and John were going to the Temple [courtyard]. It was three o’clock in the afternoon, which was the time when people prayed [there publicly].
A Peter in Janez sta šla vkupej gor v tempelj ob uri molitve, ob devetih.
2 There was a man there who had been lame from the time he was born. He [was sitting by] the gate called Beautiful [Gate], at the entrance to the Temple [area]. People put him there every day, so that he could ask those who were entering [or leaving] the temple courtyard to give him some money.
In nosili so nekega moža, kteri je hrom bil iz telesa matere svoje; in pokladali so ga vsak dan pred tempeljnova vrata, ktera se imenujejo Lepa, da je prosil miloščine od teh, kteri so hodili v tempelj.
3 As Peter and John were about to enter [the Temple courtyard], the lame man saw them and asked them several times to give him some money. (OR, The lame man said to them several times, “Please give me some money!”)
Ta, videvši Petra in Janeza, da hočeta iti v tempelj, prosil je, da bi prejel miloščine.
4 As Peter and John looked directly at him, Peter said to him, “Look at us!”
Peter pa, pogledavši na-nj z Janezom, reče: Poglej na naju!
5 So he looked directly at them, expecting to get some [money] from them.
In on je gledal na nju, misleč, da bo kaj prejel od nju.
6 Then Peter said to him, “I do not have any money [MTY], but what I [can do], I will [do] for you. Jesus Christ, [who was] from Nazareth [town], has authorized [MTY] me [to heal you! So get up and] walk!”
Peter pa reče: Srebra in zlata nimam; kar pa imam, to ti dam. V ime Jezusa Kristusa Nazarečana, vstani in hodi!
7 Then Peter grasped the man’s right hand and helped him to stand up. Immediately the man’s feet and ankles became strong.
In prijemši ga za desno roko, vzdigne ga: in precej so se utrdila stopala njegova in gležnji.
8 He jumped up and began to walk! Then he entered the Temple [area] with them, walking and leaping and praising God!
In poskočivši, stal je in hodil, in vnide ž njima v tempelj, hodeč in poskakujoč in hvaleč Boga.
9 All the people [there] saw that man walking and praising God.
In videlo ga je vse ljudstvo da hodi in hvali Boga;
10 They recognized that he was the man who used to sit at the Beautiful Gate in the Temple [courtyard] and ask [people] for money! So all the people there were greatly amazed at what had happened to him.
In poznali so ga, da je tisti, ki je za voljo miloščine sedel pri Lepih vratih tempeljnovih in napolnijo se strmenja in groze nad tem, kar mu se je prigodilo.
11 As the man clung to Peter and John, all the people were so surprised [that they did not know what to think] So they ran to the two apostles at the place [in the Temple courtyard] that is called {that [people] call} Solomon’s Porch.
Ko se je pa hromi ta, ki je bil ozdravel, držal Petra in Janeza, priteče k njim vse ljudstvo v lopo, ki se imenuje Solomonova, in strmeli so.
12 When Peter saw that, he said to the crowd, “Fellow Israelites, (you should not be surprised about what has happened to this man!/why are you so surprised about what has happened to this man?) [RHQ] And you should not stare at us, either! You seem to [RHQ] think that the two of us enabled this man to walk because we [(exc)] ourselves are powerful or because we please God very much!
Videč pa to Peter, odgovorí ljudstvu: Možjé Izraelci! kaj se čudite temu, ali kaj naju gledate, kakor da bi bila s svojo močjó ali oblastjo storila, da ta hodi?
13 [So I will tell you what is really happening]. Our ancestors, including Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, worshipped God. And now he has greatly honored Jesus, who always served him. Your [leaders] brought Jesus [to the governor, Pilate], so that [his soldiers would kill him]. And [God considers that] in front of Pilate you [were the ones who rejected] Jesus [as your king], after Pilate had decided that he should release Jesus.
Bog Abrahamov, in Izakov, in Jakobov, Bog očetov naših oslavil je sina svojega Jezusa, kterega ste vi izdali, in zatajili ga pred obličjem Pilatovim, ko je on sodil, naj se izpustí.
14 [Although Jesus] always did what was right/just and good, you rejected him. [Pilate wanted to release him, but] you urgently asked Pilate to release (a murderer/someone who had killed people)!
A vi ste svetnika in pravičnega zatajili, in prosili ste, naj vam dá ubijalca.
15 [God considers that] you killed [Jesus], the one who gives people [eternal] life. But God has greatly honored him (by causing him to become alive again after he died/by raising him from the dead). Many of us saw [him after that, and now] we [(exc)] are telling [you] about it.
A začetnika življenja ste umorili, kterega je Bog obudil iz mrtvih, čemur smo mi priče.
16 It is because [we two] trusted in what Jesus [MTY, PRS] [could do, that he] made this man, whom you see and know, strong again. Yes, it is because we [(exc)] trusted in Jesus that he has completely healed this man for all of you to see.”
In za voljo vere v ime njegovo je tega, ki ga vidite in poznate, utrdilo ime njegovo; in vera, ki je po njem, dala mu je popolno to zdravje vpričo vseh vas.
17 “Now, my fellow-countrymen, I know that you and your leaders did that [to Jesus] because you [and they] did not know [that he was the Messiah].
Ali sedaj, bratje, vém, da ste iz nevednosti storili, kakor tudi poglavarji vaši.
18 However, [your putting him to death] was what God had predicted that people would do. [Long ago] he told all the prophets [MTY] to write [what people would do to the Messiah. They wrote] that the Messiah, whom God [would send], would suffer [and die].
Bog pa, kar je bil naprej oznanil z ustmi vseh prerokov svojih, da bo Kristus trpel, dopolnil je tako.
19 So, turn away from your sinful behavior and ask God [to help you] do what pleases [him], in order that he may completely forgive you for your sins.
Spokorite se torej in izpreobrnite, da se izbrišejo grehi vaši: da pridejo časi ohlajenja od obličja Gospodovega,
20 [If you do that], there will be times [when you will know that] the Lord [God is] helping [you]. And some day he will [again] send back [to earth] the Messiah, whom he appointed for you. That person is Jesus.
In pošlje oznanjenega vam Jezusa Kristusa,
21 Jesus must stay in heaven until the time when God will cause all that he has created to become new. Long ago God promised [to do that, and] he chose holy prophets to tell [that to people]. (aiōn )
Kterega mora sicer nebo sprejeti do časov, ko se uravna vse, kar je Bog povedal z ustmi svetih prerokov svojih od nekedaj. (aiōn )
22 For [example, the prophet] Moses said [this about the Messiah]: ‘The Lord (your God/the God whom you [worship]) will cause someone to become a prophet to tell you [God’s message. God will send him] as [he sent] me, [and he will be] from among your own people. You must listen to everything that this prophet tells you [and obey him] [SYN].
Mojzes namreč je rekel očakom: "Preroka vam bo zbudil Gospod Bog vaš izmed bratov vaših, kakor mene; njega poslušajte v vsem, karkoli vam bo govoril.
23 [Those who] do not listen to [that prophet and obey] him will no longer belong to God’s people, and [God] will get rid of them’.”
Bo pa, da vsaka duša, ktera ne bo poslušala tega preroka, iztrebila se bo iz ljudstva."
24 [Peter continued], “All the prophets have told [about what would happen during] the time [MTY] [in which we(inc) are living. Those prophets include] Samuel [and all the others who] later also spoke [about these events] before they happened.
Pa tudi vsi preroki od Samuela in po tem, kolikorkoli jih je govorilo, oznanili so te dní.
25 You [as well as we(exc)] are the people [to whom God sent the Messiah, as] the prophets said [MTY] [that he would]. And when God strongly promised [to bless] our ancestors, he also surely promised to bless you. He said to Abraham [concerning the Messiah], ‘[I] will bless all people on the earth as a result of [what] your descendant [will do].’”
Vi ste sinovi prerokov in zaveze, ktero je storil Bog z očaki našimi, govoreč Abrahamu: "In v semenu tvojem se bodo blagoslovili vsi narodi zemlje."
26 [Peter concluded], “[So] when God sent [to the earth] (Jesus, the one who always obeys him/his servant Jesus), he sent him first to you [Israelites] to bless you. [God will] enable you to stop doing what is wicked [and to start doing what pleases him].”
Vam najprej je zbudil Bog sina svojega Jezusa, in poslal, da vas blagoslovi, da se vsak od vas obrne od hudobij svojih.