< Acts 25 >

1 Festus, [who was now the governor] of the province, arrived in Caesarea, and three days later he went up to Jerusalem.
Через три дні після свого прибуття Фест вирушив із Кесарії до Єрусалима,
2 In Jerusalem, the chief priests and [other] Jewish leaders formally told [Festus] about [the things that they said] that Paul [had done that were wrong].
де первосвященники та керівники юдеїв виклали обвинувачення проти Павла. Вони благали Феста
3 They urgently asked Festus to do something for them. [They asked him to command soldiers] to bring Paul to Jerusalem, [so that Festus could put him on trial there]. But they were planning that some [of them] would hide [near the road] and wait [for Paul] and kill him when he was traveling [to Jerusalem].
проявити милість та викликати Павла до Єрусалима. Самі ж готували засідку, щоб у дорозі вбити його.
4 But Festus replied, “Paul is in Caesarea, and is being guarded {[soldiers] are guarding him} [there]. I myself will go down to Caesarea in a few days.
Але Фест відповів: «Павла стережуть у Кесарії, і я сам незабаром відправлюся туди.
5 Choose some of your leaders to go there with me. [While they are there], they can accuse Paul of the wrong things that you say that he has done.”
Отже, нехай ваші керівники йдуть зі мною, і якщо в цій людині є щось погане, то нехай звинувачують її».
6 After Festus had been [in Jerusalem] eight or ten days, he went back down to Caesarea. [Several of the Jewish leaders also went there]. The next day Festus [commanded] that Paul be brought {someone to bring Paul} to him [in the assembly hall] so that he could judge him.
Пробувши в них не більше восьми чи десяти днів, [Фест] повернувся до Кесарії, наступного дня сів у суддівське крісло та наказав привести Павла.
7 [After] Paul was brought to [the assembly hall], the Jewish [leaders] from Jerusalem gathered around him [to accuse him]. They told [Festus] that Paul had committed many crimes. But they could not prove [that Paul had done the things about which they accused him].
Коли ж Павло прийшов, юдеї, які прибули з Єрусалима, зібралися навколо нього й почали звинувачувати його в численних злочинах, яких не могли довести.
8 Then Paul [spoke] to defend himself. He said to Festus, “I have done nothing wrong against the laws of us [(exc)] Jews, and I have not disobeyed the rules concerning our Temple. I have also done nothing wrong against your government [MTY].”
Павло сказав у свій захист: ―Я нічим не согрішив ні проти юдейського Закону, ні проти Храму, ні проти Кесаря.
9 But Festus wanted to please the Jewish [leaders, so] he asked Paul, “Are you [(sg)] willing to go up to Jerusalem so that I can listen as these men accuse you [there]?”
Але Фест, бажаючи догодити юдеям, спитав Павла: ―Чи згоден ти піти до Єрусалима, щоб я судив тебе там?
10 But Paul [did not want to do that. So] he said [to Festus], “[No], I [am not willing to go to Jerusalem]! I am [now] standing before you, and you [(sg)] are the judge [whom the Roman] Emperor [MTY] [has authorized. This is the place] where I should be judged {where you should judge me}. I have not wronged the Jewish people [at all], as you know very well.
Павло ж сказав: ―Я стою перед судом Кесаря, де мені й належить прийняти суд. Я не зробив нічого поганого юдеям, як ти й сам це добре знаєш.
11 If I had done something bad [for which I] should be executed {[concerning which the law said that they] should execute me}, I would not plead [with them that they] not kill me. But none of these things about which they accuse me is [true, so] no one can [legally] surrender me to [these Jews]. So I formally request that the emperor [MTY] [should judge me at Rome].”
Якщо я зробив щось погане, варте смерті, я згоден померти. Але якщо немає нічого в тому, у чому мене звинувачують, ніхто не може видати мене їм. Я вимагаю суду Кесаря!
12 Then after Festus conferred with the [men who regularly] advised him, he replied to Paul, “You [(sg)] have formally requested [that I should send you] to the emperor [in Rome. So I will arrange for] you to go there [in order that he can judge you].”
Тоді Фест, поговоривши зі своєю радою, відповів: ―Якщо ти вимагаєш суду Кесаря, до Кесаря й підеш!
13 After several days, King [Herod] Agrippa arrived at Caesarea, along with [his younger sister] Bernice. They had come to [formally] welcome Festus [as the new Governor of the province].
Через декілька днів до Кесарії приїхав цар Агриппа та Вереніка, щоб привітати Феста.
14 King Agrippa and Bernice stayed many days in Caesarea. While [they were] there, Festus told Agrippa about Paul. He said to the king, “There is a man here whom Felix kept in prison [while he was governor]. He left him [there when his time as governor ended].
Вони провели там декілька днів, і Фест розповів цареві про справу Павла: ―Є тут один чоловік, залишений Феліксом у в’язниці.
15 When I went to Jerusalem, the chief priests and [the other] Jewish elders told me that this man had done many things [against their laws]. They asked me to condemn him [to be executed] {judge him [so that people could kill him]}.
Коли я був у Єрусалимі, юдейські первосвященники та старійшини свідчили проти нього, вимагаючи його засудження.
16 But I told them that when someone has been accused [of a crime, we] Romans do not immediately (condemn that person/declare that person to be guilty). First, we [command] him to stand before the people who are accusing him and to say whether or not he has done those things. [After that, the judge will decide what to do with] him.
Я ж відповів їм, що римляни не мають звичаю видавати людину, доки вона не зустрінеться віч-на-віч зі своїм обвинувачем і не отримає можливості захиститися від звинувачення.
17 So those Jews came [here to Caesarea] when I came. I did not delay. The day after [we(exc) arrived], after I sat down at the place where I make decisions, I [commanded] that Paul be brought {[soldiers] to bring Paul} into [the courtroom].
Коли вони прийшли сюди, я відразу ж скликав суд та наказав привести цього чоловіка.
18 The Jewish leaders did accuse him, but the things about which they accused him were not any of the [evil] crimes about which I thought [they would accuse him].
Обступивши його, обвинувачі не висунули жодної провини з тих, про які я підозрював;
19 Instead, what they argued about with him were some teachings that [some] Jews believe [and others do not believe. They argued] about a man whose name was Jesus who had died, [but the man they were accusing, whose name is] Paul, kept saying, ‘Jesus is alive again.’
натомість вони мали деякі суперечки щодо їхньої релігії й щодо якогось Ісуса, Котрий помер і про Якого Павло казав, що Він живий.
20 I did not know what questions to ask [them, and I did not know how to judge] concerning their dispute. So I asked Paul, ‘Are you [(sg)] willing to go [back] to Jerusalem and have the dispute [between you and these Jews] judged there {and [let me] judge there the dispute [between you and these Jews]}?’
Я був розгублений, не знав, як розглянути цю справу, і спитав [Павла], чи він бажає піти до Єрусалима й там стати перед судом щодо цього.
21 But Paul answered, ‘[No]. I [am not willing to go to Jerusalem]!
Павло ж вимагав, щоб його залишили під вартою на розсуд Августа. Отже, я вирішив відіслати його до Кесаря.
22 Agrippa said to Festus, “I also would like to hear the man myself.”
Агриппа сказав Фестові: ―Я хотів би сам послухати [цього] чоловіка. Фест відповів: ―Завтра почуєш.
23 The next day Agrippa and Bernice came very ceremoniously to the assembly hall. Some [Roman] commanders and prominent men in [Caesarea] came with them. Then, Festus told an officer to bring Paul. So after the officer [went to the prison and] brought him,
Наступного дня Агриппа та Вереніка прийшли з великою пишністю та увійшли до зали зустрічі разом із Трибунами та поважними людьми міста. За наказом Феста привели Павла.
24 Festus said, “King Agrippa, and all [the rest of you] who are here, you see this man. Many [HYP] Jews in Jerusalem and also those here [in Caesarea] appealed to me, screaming that we [(exc)] should not let him live any longer.
Фест сказав: «Царю Агриппо й усі присутні тут із нами! Ви бачите людину, на яку мені скаржилося безліч юдеїв і в Єрусалимі, і тут, вигукуючи, що він не повинен більше жити.
25 But [when I asked them to tell me what he had done, and they told me], I found out that he had not done anything for which he should be executed {[anyone should] execute him}. However, he has asked that our emperor [should judge his case], so I have decided to send him to Rome.
Я ж зрозумів, що він не зробив нічого, вартого смерті; і оскільки він сам вимагав суду в Августа, я вирішив надіслати його [до Рима].
26 But I do not know what specifically I should write to the emperor concerning him. That is why I have brought him here. I [want] you all [to hear him speak], and I especially want you [(sg)], King Agrippa, to hear him. Then, after we [(inc)] have questioned him, I may know what I should write [to the emperor about him].
Але в мене немає нічого достеменного, про що я міг би написати володареві, тому я привів його до вас, і особливо до тебе, царю Агриппо, щоб після допиту я мав, що написати.
27 It seems to me [that it would be] unreasonable to send a prisoner [to the emperor in Rome without my] specifying the [things about which people] are accusing him.”
Бо мені здається нерозсудливим надсилати ув’язненого, не вказавши підстав для його звинувачення».

< Acts 25 >