< Acts 25 >
1 Festus, [who was now the governor] of the province, arrived in Caesarea, and three days later he went up to Jerusalem.
Llegó Festo a la provincia, y al cabo de tres días subió de Cesarea a Jerusalén.
2 In Jerusalem, the chief priests and [other] Jewish leaders formally told [Festus] about [the things that they said] that Paul [had done that were wrong].
Los sumos sacerdotes y los principales de los judíos se le presentaron acusando a Pablo, e insistían
3 They urgently asked Festus to do something for them. [They asked him to command soldiers] to bring Paul to Jerusalem, [so that Festus could put him on trial there]. But they were planning that some [of them] would hide [near the road] and wait [for Paul] and kill him when he was traveling [to Jerusalem].
en pedir favor contra él, para que le hiciese conducir a Jerusalén; teniendo ellos dispuesta una emboscada para matarle en el camino.
4 But Festus replied, “Paul is in Caesarea, and is being guarded {[soldiers] are guarding him} [there]. I myself will go down to Caesarea in a few days.
Festo respondió que Pablo estaba custodiado en Cesarea, y que él mismo había de partir cuanto antes.
5 Choose some of your leaders to go there with me. [While they are there], they can accuse Paul of the wrong things that you say that he has done.”
“Por tanto, dijo, los principales de entre vosotros desciendan conmigo, y si en aquel hombre hay alguna falta, acúsenle”.
6 After Festus had been [in Jerusalem] eight or ten days, he went back down to Caesarea. [Several of the Jewish leaders also went there]. The next day Festus [commanded] that Paul be brought {someone to bring Paul} to him [in the assembly hall] so that he could judge him.
Habiéndose, pues, detenido entre ellos no más de ocho o diez días, bajó a Cesarea, y al día siguiente se sentó en el tribunal, ordenando que fuese traído Pablo.
7 [After] Paul was brought to [the assembly hall], the Jewish [leaders] from Jerusalem gathered around him [to accuse him]. They told [Festus] that Paul had committed many crimes. But they could not prove [that Paul had done the things about which they accused him].
Llegado este, le rodearon los judíos que habían descendido de Jerusalén, profiriendo muchos y graves cargos, que no podían probar,
8 Then Paul [spoke] to defend himself. He said to Festus, “I have done nothing wrong against the laws of us [(exc)] Jews, and I have not disobeyed the rules concerning our Temple. I have also done nothing wrong against your government [MTY].”
mientras Pablo alegaba en su defensa: “Ni contra la ley de los judíos, ni contra el Templo, ni contra el César he cometido delito alguno”.
9 But Festus wanted to please the Jewish [leaders, so] he asked Paul, “Are you [(sg)] willing to go up to Jerusalem so that I can listen as these men accuse you [there]?”
Sin embargo, Festo, queriendo congraciarse con los judíos, dijo, en respuesta a Pablo: “¿Quieres subir a Jerusalén y ser allí juzgado de estas cosas delante de mí?”
10 But Paul [did not want to do that. So] he said [to Festus], “[No], I [am not willing to go to Jerusalem]! I am [now] standing before you, and you [(sg)] are the judge [whom the Roman] Emperor [MTY] [has authorized. This is the place] where I should be judged {where you should judge me}. I have not wronged the Jewish people [at all], as you know very well.
A lo cual Pablo contestó: “Ante el tribunal del César estoy; en él debo ser juzgado. Contra los judíos no he hecho mal alguno, como bien sabes tú mismo.
11 If I had done something bad [for which I] should be executed {[concerning which the law said that they] should execute me}, I would not plead [with them that they] not kill me. But none of these things about which they accuse me is [true, so] no one can [legally] surrender me to [these Jews]. So I formally request that the emperor [MTY] [should judge me at Rome].”
Si he cometido injusticia o algo digno de muerte, no rehúso morir; pero si nada hay de fundado en las acusaciones de estos, nadie por complacencia puede entregarme a ellos. Apelo al César”.
12 Then after Festus conferred with the [men who regularly] advised him, he replied to Paul, “You [(sg)] have formally requested [that I should send you] to the emperor [in Rome. So I will arrange for] you to go there [in order that he can judge you].”
Entonces Festo, después de hablar con el consejo, respondió: “Al César has apelado. Al César irás”.
13 After several days, King [Herod] Agrippa arrived at Caesarea, along with [his younger sister] Bernice. They had come to [formally] welcome Festus [as the new Governor of the province].
Transcurridos algunos días, llegaron a Cesarea el rey Agripa y Berenice para saludar a Festo.
14 King Agrippa and Bernice stayed many days in Caesarea. While [they were] there, Festus told Agrippa about Paul. He said to the king, “There is a man here whom Felix kept in prison [while he was governor]. He left him [there when his time as governor ended].
Como se detuviesen allí varios días, expuso Festo al rey el caso de Pablo, diciendo: “Hay aquí un hombre, dejado preso por Félix,
15 When I went to Jerusalem, the chief priests and [the other] Jewish elders told me that this man had done many things [against their laws]. They asked me to condemn him [to be executed] {judge him [so that people could kill him]}.
respecto del cual, estando yo en Jerusalén, se presentaron los sumos sacerdotes y los ancianos de los judíos, pidiendo su condena.
16 But I told them that when someone has been accused [of a crime, we] Romans do not immediately (condemn that person/declare that person to be guilty). First, we [command] him to stand before the people who are accusing him and to say whether or not he has done those things. [After that, the judge will decide what to do with] him.
Les contesté que no es costumbre de los romanos entregar a ningún hombre por complacencia, antes que el acusado tenga frente a sí a los acusadores y se le dé lugar para defenderse de la acusación.
17 So those Jews came [here to Caesarea] when I came. I did not delay. The day after [we(exc) arrived], after I sat down at the place where I make decisions, I [commanded] that Paul be brought {[soldiers] to bring Paul} into [the courtroom].
Luego que ellos concurrieron aquí, yo sin dilación alguna, me senté al día siguiente en el tribunal y mandé traer a ese hombre,
18 The Jewish leaders did accuse him, but the things about which they accused him were not any of the [evil] crimes about which I thought [they would accuse him].
mas los acusadores, que lo rodeaban, no adujeron ninguna cosa mala de las que yo sospechaba,
19 Instead, what they argued about with him were some teachings that [some] Jews believe [and others do not believe. They argued] about a man whose name was Jesus who had died, [but the man they were accusing, whose name is] Paul, kept saying, ‘Jesus is alive again.’
sino que tenían contra él algunas cuestiones referentes a su propia religión y a un cierto Jesús difunto, del cual Pablo afirmaba que estaba vivo.
20 I did not know what questions to ask [them, and I did not know how to judge] concerning their dispute. So I asked Paul, ‘Are you [(sg)] willing to go [back] to Jerusalem and have the dispute [between you and these Jews] judged there {and [let me] judge there the dispute [between you and these Jews]}?’
Estando yo perplejo respecto a la investigación de estos puntos, le pregunté si quería ir a Jerusalén para allí ser juzgado de estas cosas.
21 But Paul answered, ‘[No]. I [am not willing to go to Jerusalem]!
Mas como Pablo apelase para que fuese, reservado al juicio del Augusto, ordené que se le guardase hasta remitirle al César”.
22 Agrippa said to Festus, “I also would like to hear the man myself.”
Dijo entonces Agripa a Festo: “Yo mismo tendría también gusto en oír a ese hombre”. “Mañana, dijo, le oirás”.
23 The next day Agrippa and Bernice came very ceremoniously to the assembly hall. Some [Roman] commanders and prominent men in [Caesarea] came with them. Then, Festus told an officer to bring Paul. So after the officer [went to the prison and] brought him,
Al día siguiente vinieron Agripa y Berenice con gran pompa, y cuando entraron en la sala de audiencia con los tribunos y personajes más distinguidos de la ciudad, por orden de Festo fue traído Pablo.
24 Festus said, “King Agrippa, and all [the rest of you] who are here, you see this man. Many [HYP] Jews in Jerusalem and also those here [in Caesarea] appealed to me, screaming that we [(exc)] should not let him live any longer.
Y dijo Festo: “Rey Agripa y todos los que estáis presentes con nosotros, he aquí a este hombre, respecto del cual todo el pueblo de los judíos me ha interpelado, así en Jerusalén como aquí, gritando que él no debe seguir viviendo.
25 But [when I asked them to tell me what he had done, and they told me], I found out that he had not done anything for which he should be executed {[anyone should] execute him}. However, he has asked that our emperor [should judge his case], so I have decided to send him to Rome.
Yo, por mi parte, me di cuenta de que no había hecho nada que fuese digno de muerte; pero habiendo él mismo apelado al Augusto juzgué enviarle.
26 But I do not know what specifically I should write to the emperor concerning him. That is why I have brought him here. I [want] you all [to hear him speak], and I especially want you [(sg)], King Agrippa, to hear him. Then, after we [(inc)] have questioned him, I may know what I should write [to the emperor about him].
No tengo acerca de él cosa cierta que pueda escribir a mi señor. Por lo cual lo he conducido ante vosotros, mayormente ante ti, oh rey Agripa, a fin de que a base de este examen tenga yo lo que pueda escribir.
27 It seems to me [that it would be] unreasonable to send a prisoner [to the emperor in Rome without my] specifying the [things about which people] are accusing him.”
Porque me parece fuera de razón mandar un preso sin indicar también las acusaciones que se hagan contra él”.