< Acts 25 >

1 Festus, [who was now the governor] of the province, arrived in Caesarea, and three days later he went up to Jerusalem.
Tiga hari sesudah tiba di propinsi itu berangkatlah Festus dari Kaisarea ke Yerusalem.
2 In Jerusalem, the chief priests and [other] Jewish leaders formally told [Festus] about [the things that they said] that Paul [had done that were wrong].
Di situ imam-imam kepala dan orang-orang Yahudi yang terkemuka datang menghadap dia dan menyampaikan dakwaan terhadap Paulus.
3 They urgently asked Festus to do something for them. [They asked him to command soldiers] to bring Paul to Jerusalem, [so that Festus could put him on trial there]. But they were planning that some [of them] would hide [near the road] and wait [for Paul] and kill him when he was traveling [to Jerusalem].
Kepadanya mereka meminta suatu anugerah, yang merugikan Paulus, yaitu untuk menyuruh Paulus datang ke Yerusalem. Sebab mereka sedang membuat rencana untuk membunuh dia di tengah jalan.
4 But Festus replied, “Paul is in Caesarea, and is being guarded {[soldiers] are guarding him} [there]. I myself will go down to Caesarea in a few days.
Tetapi Festus menjawab, bahwa Paulus tetap ditahan di Kaisarea dan bahwa ia sendiri bermaksud untuk segera kembali ke sana.
5 Choose some of your leaders to go there with me. [While they are there], they can accuse Paul of the wrong things that you say that he has done.”
Katanya: "Karena itu baiklah orang-orang yang berwewenang di antara kamu turut ke sana bersama-sama dengan aku dan mengajukan dakwaan terhadap dia, jika ada kesalahannya."
6 After Festus had been [in Jerusalem] eight or ten days, he went back down to Caesarea. [Several of the Jewish leaders also went there]. The next day Festus [commanded] that Paul be brought {someone to bring Paul} to him [in the assembly hall] so that he could judge him.
Festus tinggal tidak lebih dari pada delapan atau sepuluh hari di Yerusalem. Sesudah itu ia pulang ke Kaisarea. Pada keesokan harinya ia mengadakan sidang pengadilan, dan menyuruh menghadapkan Paulus.
7 [After] Paul was brought to [the assembly hall], the Jewish [leaders] from Jerusalem gathered around him [to accuse him]. They told [Festus] that Paul had committed many crimes. But they could not prove [that Paul had done the things about which they accused him].
Sesudah Paulus tiba di situ, semua orang Yahudi yang datang dari Yerusalem berdiri mengelilinginya dan mereka mengemukakan banyak tuduhan berat terhadap dia yang tidak dapat mereka buktikan.
8 Then Paul [spoke] to defend himself. He said to Festus, “I have done nothing wrong against the laws of us [(exc)] Jews, and I have not disobeyed the rules concerning our Temple. I have also done nothing wrong against your government [MTY].”
Sebaliknya Paulus membela diri, katanya: "Aku sedikitpun tidak bersalah, baik terhadap hukum Taurat orang Yahudi maupun terhadap Bait Allah atau terhadap Kaisar."
9 But Festus wanted to please the Jewish [leaders, so] he asked Paul, “Are you [(sg)] willing to go up to Jerusalem so that I can listen as these men accuse you [there]?”
Tetapi Festus yang hendak mengambil hati orang Yahudi, menjawab Paulus, katanya: "Apakah engkau bersedia pergi ke Yerusalem, supaya engkau dihakimi di sana di hadapanku tentang perkara ini?"
10 But Paul [did not want to do that. So] he said [to Festus], “[No], I [am not willing to go to Jerusalem]! I am [now] standing before you, and you [(sg)] are the judge [whom the Roman] Emperor [MTY] [has authorized. This is the place] where I should be judged {where you should judge me}. I have not wronged the Jewish people [at all], as you know very well.
Tetapi kata Paulus: "Aku sekarang berdiri di sini di hadapan pengadilan Kaisar dan di sinilah aku harus dihakimi. Seperti engkau sendiri tahu benar-benar, sedikitpun aku tidak berbuat salah terhadap orang Yahudi.
11 If I had done something bad [for which I] should be executed {[concerning which the law said that they] should execute me}, I would not plead [with them that they] not kill me. But none of these things about which they accuse me is [true, so] no one can [legally] surrender me to [these Jews]. So I formally request that the emperor [MTY] [should judge me at Rome].”
Jadi, jika aku benar-benar bersalah dan berbuat sesuatu kejahatan yang setimpal dengan hukuman mati, aku rela mati, tetapi, jika apa yang mereka tuduhkan itu terhadap aku ternyata tidak benar, tidak ada seorangpun yang berhak menyerahkan aku sebagai suatu anugerah kepada mereka. Aku naik banding kepada Kaisar!"
12 Then after Festus conferred with the [men who regularly] advised him, he replied to Paul, “You [(sg)] have formally requested [that I should send you] to the emperor [in Rome. So I will arrange for] you to go there [in order that he can judge you].”
Setelah berunding dengan anggota-anggota pengadilan, Festus menjawab: "Engkau telah naik banding kepada Kaisar, jadi engkau harus pergi menghadap Kaisar."
13 After several days, King [Herod] Agrippa arrived at Caesarea, along with [his younger sister] Bernice. They had come to [formally] welcome Festus [as the new Governor of the province].
Beberapa hari kemudian datanglah raja Agripa dengan Bernike ke Kaisarea untuk mengadakan kunjungan kehormatan kepada Festus.
14 King Agrippa and Bernice stayed many days in Caesarea. While [they were] there, Festus told Agrippa about Paul. He said to the king, “There is a man here whom Felix kept in prison [while he was governor]. He left him [there when his time as governor ended].
Karena mereka beberapa hari lamanya tinggal di situ, Festus memaparkan perkara Paulus kepada raja itu, katanya: "Di sini ada seorang tahanan yang ditinggalkan Feliks pada waktu ia pergi.
15 When I went to Jerusalem, the chief priests and [the other] Jewish elders told me that this man had done many things [against their laws]. They asked me to condemn him [to be executed] {judge him [so that people could kill him]}.
Ketika aku berada di Yerusalem, imam-imam kepala dan tua-tua orang Yahudi mengajukan dakwaan terhadap orang itu dan meminta supaya ia dihukum.
16 But I told them that when someone has been accused [of a crime, we] Romans do not immediately (condemn that person/declare that person to be guilty). First, we [command] him to stand before the people who are accusing him and to say whether or not he has done those things. [After that, the judge will decide what to do with] him.
Aku menjawab mereka, bahwa bukanlah kebiasaan pada orang-orang Roma untuk menyerahkan seorang terdakwa sebagai suatu anugerah sebelum ia dihadapkan dengan orang-orang yang menuduhnya dan diberi kesempatan untuk membela diri terhadap tuduhan itu.
17 So those Jews came [here to Caesarea] when I came. I did not delay. The day after [we(exc) arrived], after I sat down at the place where I make decisions, I [commanded] that Paul be brought {[soldiers] to bring Paul} into [the courtroom].
Karena itu mereka turut bersama-sama dengan aku ke mari. Pada keesokan harinya aku segera mengadakan sidang pengadilan dan menyuruh menghadapkan orang itu.
18 The Jewish leaders did accuse him, but the things about which they accused him were not any of the [evil] crimes about which I thought [they would accuse him].
Tetapi ketika para pendakwa berdiri di sekelilingnya, mereka tidak mengajukan suatu tuduhanpun tentang perbuatan jahat seperti yang telah aku duga.
19 Instead, what they argued about with him were some teachings that [some] Jews believe [and others do not believe. They argued] about a man whose name was Jesus who had died, [but the man they were accusing, whose name is] Paul, kept saying, ‘Jesus is alive again.’
Tetapi mereka hanya berselisih paham dengan dia tentang soal-soal agama mereka, dan tentang seorang bernama Yesus, yang sudah mati, sedangkan Paulus katakan dengan pasti, bahwa Ia hidup.
20 I did not know what questions to ask [them, and I did not know how to judge] concerning their dispute. So I asked Paul, ‘Are you [(sg)] willing to go [back] to Jerusalem and have the dispute [between you and these Jews] judged there {and [let me] judge there the dispute [between you and these Jews]}?’
Karena aku ragu-ragu bagaimana aku harus memeriksa perkara-perkara seperti itu, aku menanyakan apakah ia mau pergi ke Yerusalem, supaya perkaranya dihakimi di situ.
21 But Paul answered, ‘[No]. I [am not willing to go to Jerusalem]!
Tetapi Paulus naik banding. Ia minta, supaya ia tinggal dalam tahanan dan menunggu, sampai perkaranya diputuskan oleh Kaisar. Karena itu aku menyuruh menahan dia sampai aku dapat mengirim dia kepada Kaisar."
22 Agrippa said to Festus, “I also would like to hear the man myself.”
Kata Agripa kepada Festus: "Aku ingin mendengar orang itu sendiri." Jawab Festus: "Besok engkau akan mendengar dia."
23 The next day Agrippa and Bernice came very ceremoniously to the assembly hall. Some [Roman] commanders and prominent men in [Caesarea] came with them. Then, Festus told an officer to bring Paul. So after the officer [went to the prison and] brought him,
Pada keesokan harinya datanglah Agripa dan Bernike dengan segala kebesaran dan sesudah mereka masuk ruang pengadilan bersama-sama dengan kepala-kepala pasukan dan orang-orang yang terkemuka dari kota itu, Festus memberi perintah, supaya Paulus dihadapkan.
24 Festus said, “King Agrippa, and all [the rest of you] who are here, you see this man. Many [HYP] Jews in Jerusalem and also those here [in Caesarea] appealed to me, screaming that we [(exc)] should not let him live any longer.
Festus berkata: "Ya raja Agripa serta semua yang hadir di sini bersama-sama dengan kami. Lihatlah orang ini, yang dituduh oleh semua orang Yahudi, baik yang di Yerusalem, maupun yang di sini. Mereka telah datang kepadaku dan sambil berteriak-teriak mereka mengatakan, bahwa ia tidak boleh hidup lebih lama.
25 But [when I asked them to tell me what he had done, and they told me], I found out that he had not done anything for which he should be executed {[anyone should] execute him}. However, he has asked that our emperor [should judge his case], so I have decided to send him to Rome.
Tetapi ternyata kepadaku, bahwa ia tidak berbuat sesuatupun yang setimpal dengan hukuman mati dan karena ia naik banding kepada Kaisar, aku memutuskan untuk mengirim dia menghadap Kaisar.
26 But I do not know what specifically I should write to the emperor concerning him. That is why I have brought him here. I [want] you all [to hear him speak], and I especially want you [(sg)], King Agrippa, to hear him. Then, after we [(inc)] have questioned him, I may know what I should write [to the emperor about him].
Tetapi tidak ada apa-apa yang pasti yang harus kutulis kepada Kaisar tentang dia. Itulah sebabnya aku menghadapkan dia di sini kepada kamu semua, terutama kepadamu, raja Agripa, supaya, setelah diadakan pemeriksaan, aku dapat menuliskan sesuatu.
27 It seems to me [that it would be] unreasonable to send a prisoner [to the emperor in Rome without my] specifying the [things about which people] are accusing him.”
Sebab pada hematku tidaklah wajar untuk mengirim seorang tahanan dengan tidak menyatakan tuduhan-tuduhan yang diajukan terhadap dia."

< Acts 25 >