< Acts 23 >

1 Paul looked straight at the Jewish council members and said: “My fellow Jews, all my life I have lived respecting our God, and I do not know of anything that I have done that I knew was wrong/evil.”
Paul in sanhedrin te tangtak in en a, u le nau te awng, tu ni dong Pathian mai ah sia le pha khentel theina thinsung pha taw ka nungta hi.
2 When Ananias the supreme priest [heard what Paul said], he commanded the men who were standing near Paul to hit him on the mouth.
Taciang thiampi sang Ananias in Paul hui ah ding a, Paul i muk pan sat tu in thupia hi.
3 Then Paul said to Ananias, “God will punish you [(sg) for that], you hypocrite [MET]! You sit there and judge me, using the laws that [God gave Moses]. But you [yourself] disobey those laws, because you commanded me to be struck {[these men] to strike me} [without having proved that I have done anything that is wrong!]”
Tua zawkciang in Paul in, nang a ngo ki zut pangpi, Pathian in hong sat tu hi: banghangziam cile thukham bang in thukhen tu in to napi, banghang thukham taw ki lebul in keima sat tu in thu pia ni ziam? ci hi.
4 The men who were standing near Paul [rebuked him. They] said, “Are not you [(sg)] afraid to insult God’s [servant, our] supreme priest?”
Taciang Paul hui ah a ding te in, Pathian i thiampi sang thusimngawl ni ziam? ci uh hi.
5 Paul replied, “My fellow Jews, I [am sorry that I said that]. I did not know that the man [who told one of you to hit me] is the high priest. [If I had known that, I would not have insulted our supreme priest], because I [know that] it is written {[that Moses] wrote} [in our Jewish law], ‘Do not speak evil of any of your rulers!’”
Tua zawkciang in Paul in, suapui te awng, ama sia thiampi sang hi, ci ka he bua hi: banghangziam cile, na mihing lampui te phatngawlna kampau heak in, ci in ki atsa om hi, ci hi.
6 Paul realized that some of the [Council members] were Sadducees and others were Pharisees. So, [in order to cause the Pharisees and Sadducees to argue among themselves instead of accusing him], he called out loudly in the Council [hall], “My fellow Jews, I am a Pharisee, like my father was. I have been put {[You] have put me} on trial [here] because I confidently expect that [some day God] will (cause people who have died to become alive again/raise people from the dead).”
Ahihang Paul in pawlkhat te sia Saducee te hi a, a dang te sia Pharisee te hi, ci a heak ciang in, sanhedrin te sung ah, u le nau te awng, keima sia Pharisee ka hihi, Pharisee i tapa ka hihi: mithi te lametna le thawkikna thu dong tu in hongsam uh hi, ci au hi.
7 When he said that, the Pharisees and Sadducees started to argue with one another [about whether people who have died will become alive again or not].
Tabang in a son zawkciang in, Pharisee te le Saducee te ki laklaw ah ki thusik ngawl na hong om a: mihonpi kikhen siat hi.
8 The Sadducees believe that after people die, they will not become alive again. They also believe that there are no angels and no [other kinds of] spirits. But the Pharisees believe [that all people who have died will one day become alive again. They also believe] that there are [angels and other kinds of spirits].
Banghangziam cile Saducee te in thawkikna, vantungmi le thaa om ngawl hi ci uh hi: ahihang Pharisee te in a vekpi in om hi, ci uh hi.
9 So the Council members (were divided/did not agree with each other), and they began shouting at one another [as they argued]. Some of the teachers of the laws that [God gave Moses] who were Pharisees stood up. One of them said, “We [(exc)] think that this man has done nothing wrong.” Another said, “Maybe an angel or some [other] spirit [really] spoke to him [and what he says is true].”
Nasiatak in au ngawp uh hi: taciang Pharisee te sung pan in thukhamhil te hong ding uh a, hisia pa sia a phatngawlna ka mu bua uh hi: ahihang thaa a hibale, vantungmi in paupui ahile, Pathian i do batu hi, ci in nasiatak in nial uh hi.
10 Then the [Pharisees and Sadducees] argued even more loudly [with one another]. As a result, the commander (was afraid/thought) that they would tear Paul to pieces. So he [commanded] soldiers to go down [from the barracks] and forcefully take Paul away from the Council members and bring him up into the barracks. [So the soldiers did that].
A thu kisik ngawlna a nasiat seseam ciang in, tulkhat uk ngalkap mangpa in, Paul sia amate in a laithap tu uh lau ahikom, ngalkap te tuaksuk in, amate sung pan lakeak tu le, ngalkap inn huang sung ah paipui tu in thupia hi.
11 That night, [in a vision Paul saw] the Lord [Jesus come and] stand near him. The Lord said [to him], “Be courageous! You [(sg)] have told people [here] in Jerusalem about me, and you must tell people in Rome [about me], too.”
Taciang a zingzan ciang in Topa sia paul kung ah ding a, Paul, hangsantak in om in: banghangziam cile Jerusalem ah keima thu tetti na pan bang in, Rome ah zong pang hamtang tu ni hi, ci hi.
12 The next morning [some] of the Jews [MTY] [who hated Paul] met secretly and talked [about how they could kill him]. They promised [themselves] that they would not eat or drink anything until they had killed him. They asked God to curse them [if they did not do what they promised].
A zingsang ciang in, Judah mi pawlkhat te ki kaikhawm uh a, Paul a thalup mateng, an ne ngawl le tui dawn ngawl tu, ci in kiciam na vawt uh hi.
13 There were more than 40 men who planned to do that.
Hi kiciamna a vawt te sia mihing sawmli val pha uh hi.
14 They went to the chief priests and [Jewish] elders and told them, “God has heard us promise/vow that we [(exc)] will not eat [or drink] anything until we [(exc)] have killed Paul.
Taciang amate thiampi lian te le ulian te kung ah pai uh a, Paul ka thalup uh mateng bangma ne ngawl tu in kiciamna lianpi ka vawt zo uh hi, ci uh hi.
15 So [we request that] you go to the commander and ask him, on behalf of the whole Jewish Council, to bring Paul down to us [from the barracks]. Tell the commander that you want to question Paul some more. But we [(exc)] will be waiting to kill Paul while he is on the way here.”
Tua ahikom tu in, noma le sanhedrin te in tulkhat uk ngalkap mangpa kung ah, Paul thu a kicingzaw dong tu bang in na kung ah a zingciang hong paipui tu in son vun: taciang kote in, a nai na pan, that tu in ka kinging khol tu uh hi, ci uh hi.
16 But the son of Paul’s sister heard what they were planning to do, so he went into the barracks and told Paul.
Taciang amate in tabang in suam tu a ngeal khop uh sia Paul i nau nu i tapa in a zak ciang in, ngalkap inn huang sung ah tum a, Paul tung ah son hi.
17 [When Paul heard that], he called one of the officers and said to him, “[Please] take this young man to the commander, because he needs to tell him something [important].”
Tua zawkciang in Paul in zakhat uk ngalkap mangpa te sung pan khat a kung ah sam a, hi tangvalpa tulkhat uk ngalkap mangpa kung ah paipui tu in son hi: banghangziam cile ama in tulkhat uk ngalkap mangpa tung sonnop nei hi, ci hi.
18 So the officer took Paul’s nephew to the commander. The officer said to the commander, “That prisoner, Paul, called me and said, ‘Please take this young man to the commander, because he needs to tell him something [important].’”
Tua ahikom tua ngalkap mangpa in tangvalpa sia tulkhat uk ngalkap mangpa kung ah paipui a, thongtak pa Paul in keima hong sam hi, taciang na kung ah thuson tu a nei hi tangvalpa paipui tu in hong ngen hi, ci hi.
19 The commander took the young man by the hand, led him off by himself, and asked him, “What do you [(sg)] need to tell me?”
Tua zawkciang in tulkhat uk ngalkap mangpa in tangvalpa a khut pan len a, a tuam in paipui hi, taciang bang hong son nuam ni ziam? ci in dong hi.
20 The young man said, “[There are some] [SYN] Jews who have planned to ask you [(sg)] to bring Paul before their Council tomorrow. They will say that they want to ask him some more questions. [But that is not true].
Tangvalpa in, Judah mite in Paul thu a cingzaw dong tu bang in zingciang sanhedrin te kung ah paipui tu in hong ngen tu ci in, lungkim zo uh hi.
21 Do not do what they ask you [(sg)] to do, because there are more than 40 [Jewish] men who will be hiding and waiting [to attack Paul when he passes by on the way to the Council]. They even promised/vowed to God that they will not eat or drink anything until they have killed Paul. They are ready [to do it], and right now they are waiting for you [(sg)] to agree [to do what they are asking you to do].”
Ahihang amate thu zui heak in: banghangziam cile mihing sawmli val in Paul suam nuam in pang uh hi, Paul a thalup uh mateng an ne ngawl le tui dawn ngawl tu in, kiciamna nei zo uh hi: taciang, amate sia nangma tung pan kamciam ngak in kinging khol in om uh hi, ci hi.
22 The commander said to [Paul’s] young nephew, “Do not tell anyone that you [(sg)] have told me [about their plan].” Then he sent the young man away.
Tua ahikom tulkhat uk ngalkap mangpa in tangval pa kung ah, hi thu te nong son sia kuama tung son heak in, ci in vaitha a, ciasak hi.
23 Then the commander called two of his officers and told them, “Get a group of 200 soldiers ready [to travel]. Take along 70 soldiers riding horses, and 200 other soldiers carrying spears. [All of you must be ready] to leave at nine o’clock tonight, to go [down] to Caesarea.
Taciang ama in zakhat uk ngalkap mangpa sam a, ngalkap za ni, siphu ngalkap sawm sali le teipi ngalkap za ni te tu zan nai kua in Caesarea pai tu in kinging khol vun;
24 And take along horses for Paul [and those accompanying him] to ride, and safely escort him to [the palace of] Governor Felix.”
Paul i to tu nganhing te zong vaihawmsak vun a, taciang ngam uk Felix tung ah bangma tat ngawl in puak vun, ci hi.
25 Then the commander wrote a letter [to send to the governor]. This is what he wrote:
Taciang hibang in laithak at hi:
26 “[I am] Claudius Lysias [writing to you]. You, Felix, are our governor whom we [(exc)] respect, [and I sincerely send you] my greetings.
Claudius Lysias in a phabel ngam uk Felix tung ah paupuina lai kong thak hi.
27 I [have sent you(sg)] this man, [Paul, because certain] Jews seized him and were about to kill him. But I heard [someone tell me] that he is a Roman citizen, so I and my soldiers went and rescued him.
Hisia pa sia Judah te in man uh a, a thalup tu uh hi napi: Rome mi hi, ci ka he a, ngalkap te taw pai in ka hun hi.
28 I wanted to know what those Jews were saying that he had done wrong, so I took him to their Jewish Council.
Taciang amate i mawsiat na thu ka heak nop hu in sanhedrin te kung ah ka paipui hi:
29 I listened [while they asked this man questions and he answered them]. The things [they] accused him about were entirely concerned with their [Jewish] laws. But Paul has not disobeyed any of our [Roman] laws. [So our officials] should not execute him or [even] put him in prison [MTY].
Ama a mawsiatna uh sia amate thukham thu ki dokna te hi, ci ka he hi, ahihang thina tak le thongtak khop tu mawna bangma nei ngawl hi.
30 [Someone] told me that some [SYN] Jews were secretly planning to kill this man, so I immediately am sending him to you, [so that you(sg) may give him a fair trial there]. I have also [commanded] the Jews who have accused him to [go there to Caesarea and] tell you [(sg) what they are accusing him about].”
Taciang Judah mite in hisia pa suam sawm tawntung uh hi, ci thu hong ki son pociang in, na kung ah hong puak khi hi, taciang a mawsiat te zong nangma mai ah son tu in thu ka pia hi, Na dam ta in, ci hi.
31 So the soldiers did what [the commander commanded] them, [taking this letter with them]. They [got Paul and] took him with them during the night [down] to Antipatris [city].
Tua zawkciang in ngalkap te zong thupiakna bang in Paul la uh a, Antipatris ah zan ciang in paipui uh hi.
32 The next day, the foot soldiers returned to the barracks [in Jerusalem], and the soldiers who rode horses went on with Paul.
A zingciang in siphu ngalkap te sia ama taw pai tu in nusia a, a dang te ngalkap huang sung ah heakkik uh hi:
33 When the men escorting Paul arrived in Caesarea, they delivered the letter to the governor, and they delivered Paul to the governor. [Then the horsemen returned to Jerusalem].
Caesaria a thet uh ciang in, laithak sia ngam uk pa tung ah ap uh a, Paul zong a mai ah ap uh hi.
34 The governor read the letter, and then he said to Paul, “What province are you [(sg)] from?” [Paul answered], “I am from Cilicia [province].”
Ngam uk pa in laithak a sim zawkciang, koisung pan ziam, ci in dong hi, Taciang Caesaria pan hi, ci a heak ciang in;
35 Then the governor said, “When the people who have accused you [(sg)] arrive, I will listen [to what each of you says] and then I will judge your case.” Then he [commanded] that Paul be guarded {[soldiers] to guard Paul} in the palace that King Herod [the Great had built].
Nangma hong mawsiat te hong thet ciang in, na thu ka ngai kik tu hi, ci hi. Taciang Herod i thukhen mun innpi sung ah keam tu in thupia hi.

< Acts 23 >