< Acts 22 >
1 Paul said, “[Jewish] elders and my other fellow Jews, listen to me now while I reply to [those who are accusing me]!”
“Braćo i oci, poslušajte što ću vam sad u svoju obranu reći.”
2 When the crowd of people heard Paul speaking to them in [their own] Hebrew language, they became even more quiet and really listened. Then Paul said to them,
Kad čuše da im govori hebrejskim jezikom, još većma utihnuše. On nastavi:
3 “I am a Jew, [as are all of you]. I was born in Tarsus [city], in Cilicia [province], but I grew up here in Jerusalem. [When I was young, for many years] I studied the laws [that Moses gave to our ancestors]. I was taught by [the famous teacher] Gamaliel [MTY] {[The famous teacher] Gamaliel taught [MTY] me}. [I have] carefully [obeyed those laws, because] I have wanted to obey God. I [am sure that] many of you also carefully obey [those laws].
“Ja sam Židov, rođen u Tarzu cilicijskom, ali odrastao u ovom gradu, do nogu Gamalielovih odgojen točno po otačkom Zakonu; bijah revnitelj Božji kao što ste svi vi još danas.
4 [That is why] I previously persecuted those who believe the message [that people call] the Way [that Jesus taught. I continually looked for ways] to kill [them. Whenever I found] men or women [who believed that message], I [commanded that] they should be seized and thrown {[people to] seize them and throw them} into jail.
Ovaj sam Put na smrt progonio, u okove bacao i predavao u tamnice muževe i žene,
5 The supreme priest knows this, and so do the [other respected men who belong to our Jewish] Council. They gave me letters to [take to] their fellow Jews in Damascus [city. By means of those letters, they authorized me to] go to there and find people who believed in [Jesus. They had written in the letters that I was to bring those people] as prisoners to Jerusalem, so that they would be punished here {[the leaders here] could punish them}. [So I went on my way to Damascus].
kako mi to može posvjedočiti i veliki svećenik i sve starješinstvo. Od njih sam i pisma dobio za braću u Damasku pa se zaputio da i one ondje okovane dovedem u Jeruzalem da se kazne.”
6 About noon, my companions and I were getting near Damascus. Suddenly a bright light from the sky flashed all around me.
“Dok sam tako putovao i približavao se Damasku, s neba me oko podneva iznenada obasja svjetlost velika.
7 [The light was so bright that] I fell to the ground. Then I heard the voice [of someone] speaking to me [from up in the sky. The one who was speaking to me said], ‘Saul! Saul! Why do you [(sg)] do things to harm me?’
Sruših se na tlo i začuh glas što mi govoraše: 'Savle, Savle, zašto me progoniš?'
8 I answered, ‘Who are you?’ He replied, ‘I am Jesus from Nazareth. I [am the one] whom you [(sg)] are harming [by doing things to harm my followers].’
Ja odgovorih: 'Tko si, Gospodine?' Reče mi: 'Ja sam Isus Nazarećanin koga ti progoniš.'
9 The men who were [traveling] with me saw the [very bright] light, [and they heard a voice], but they did not understand what the voice said to me.
Oni koji bijahu sa mnom svjetlost doduše primijetiše, ali ne čuše glasa Onoga koji mi govoraše.
10 Then I asked, ‘Lord, what [do you want] me to do?’ The Lord told me, ‘Get up and go into Damascus! [A man] there will tell you [(sg)] all that I have planned for you to do.’
Rekoh nato: 'Što mi je činiti, Gospodine?' Gospodin će mi: 'Ustani, pođi u Damask i ondje će ti se reći što ti je određeno učiniti.'
11 [After that, I could not see], because the [very bright] light had caused me to become blind. So my companions took me by the hand and led me until [we(exc) arrived] in Damascus.
Kako od sjaja one svjetlosti obnevidjeh, pratioci me povedoše za ruku te stigoh u Damask.”
12 [A couple of days] later, a man whose name was Ananias came to [see] me. He was a man who [greatly respected God and] carefully obeyed [our Jewish] laws. All the Jews living in Damascus said good things about him.
“Neki Ananija, čovjek po Zakonu pobožan i na dobru glasu u Židova ondje nastanjenih -
13 He came and stood beside me and said to me, ‘Brother Saul, see [again]!’ Instantly I could see! I saw Ananias [standing there beside me].
dođe k meni, pristupi mi i reče: 'Savle, brate, progledaj!' I ja se u taj čas zagledah u nj.
14 Then he said: ‘The God whom [we(inc) worship and] whom our ancestors [worshipped] has chosen you and will show you what he wants [you to do. He has allowed you] to see the righteous one, [the Messiah], and you have heard him speaking [to you].
A on će: 'Bog otaca naših predodredi te da upoznaš volju njegovu, da vidiš Pravednika i čuješ glas iz usta njegovih
15 He wants you to tell people everywhere what you have seen and heard [from him].
jer bit ćeš mu pred svim ljudima svjedokom onoga što si vidio i čuo.
16 So now (do not delay!/why delay?) [RHQ] Stand up, let [me] baptize you, and by praying to the Lord [Jesus ask God] to forgive you [(sg)] for your sins!’”
I što sad oklijevaš? Ustani, krsti se i operi grijehe svoje, prizivljući Ime njegovo!'”
17 “Later, I returned to Jerusalem. [One day] I went to the Temple courtyard. While I was praying there, I saw a vision [in which]
“Pošto se vratih u Jeruzalem, dok sam se jednom molio u Hramu, padoh u zanos
18 I saw the Lord speaking to me. He said to me, ‘[Do not stay here]! Leave Jerusalem immediately, because the people [here] will not (believe/listen to) what you [(sg)] tell [them] about me!’
i vidjeh Gospodina gdje mi govori: 'Pohiti, žurno izađi iz Jeruzalema jer neće primiti tvoga svjedočanstva o meni.'
19 But I [protested and] said to him, ‘Lord, they know that I went to many of our meeting houses looking for people who believe in you. I was putting in jail those [whom I found] who believed in you, and I was even beating them.
Ja rekoh: 'Gospodine, oni znaju da sam ja u tamnice bacao i bičevao po sinagogama one koji vjeruju u te.
20 [They remember that] when Stephen was killed [MTY] {when people killed [MTY] Stephen} because he told people about you, I stood there [watching it all] and approving [what they were doing]. I [even] guarded the outer garments that those who were murdering him [had thrown aside. So if I stay here, the fact that I have changed how I think about you will surely impress those leaders of our people].’
I dok se prolijevala krv Stjepana, svjedoka tvoga, i ja sam ondje stajao i odobravao te čuvao haljine onih koji ga ubijahu.'
21 But the Lord said to me, ‘No, [do not stay here]! Leave [Jerusalem, because] I am going to send you [(sg)] far away [from here] to non-Jewish people!’”
Nato mi reče: 'Pođi jer ću te poslati daleko k poganima!'
22 The people listened [quietly] to what Paul was saying until [he mentioned the Lord sending him to non-Jewish people]. Then they began shouting [angrily], “Kill him! [He does not deserve to live any longer]!” [They said that because they could not believe that God would save anyone except Jews].
Slušali su ga sve do te riječi, a tada podigoše glas: “Ukloni takva sa zemlje! Nije pravo da živi!”
23 While they continued shouting, [“Kill him!”] they took off their cloaks and threw dust into the air, [which showed how angry they were].
Kako oni stadoše bučiti, odbacivati haljine i vitlati prašinu u zrak,
24 So the commander [commanded] that Paul be taken {[soldiers] to take Paul} into the barracks. He told [the soldiers] that they should strike Paul with a whip [that had pieces of bone/metal on the end of it], in order to make him tell what he had done that made the Jews shout so angrily. [So the soldiers took Paul into the barracks].
zapovjedi tisućnik da Pavla uvedu u vojarnu pa odredi da ga bičevima ispitaju kako bi doznao zašto tako viču protiv njega.
25 Then they stretched his arms out [and tied them] so that they could whip him [on his back. But] Paul said to the officer who was standing nearby [watching], “[You(sg) should think carefully about this]! You will certainly be [RHQ] acting unlawfully if you whip me, a Roman [citizen whom] no [one has put on trial and] condemned!”
Kad ga remenjem rastegoše, reče on nazočnom satniku: “Rimskoga građanina, i još neosuđena, smijete bičevati?”
26 When the officer heard that, he went to the commander and reported it to him. He said [to the commander], “This man is a Roman [citizen] (Surely you would not [command us to whip him]!/Do you really want [us to whip him]?) [RHQ]”
Kad je to čuo satnik, priđe tisućniku i dojavi mu: “Što si to nakanio? Ovaj je čovjek Rimljanin!”
27 The commander [was surprised when he heard that. He himself] went [into the barracks] and said to Paul, “Tell me, are you [(sg) really] a Roman [citizen]?” Paul answered, “Yes, I [am].”
Tisućnik tada priđe Pavlu pa mu reče: “Reci mi, jesi li Rimljanin!” On odvrati: “Da.”
28 Then the commander said, “[I am also a Roman citizen]. I paid a lot of money to become a [Roman] citizen.” Paul said, “But I was born a [Roman] citizen, [so I did not need to pay anything].”
Tisućnik dometnu: “Ja stekoh to građanstvo za skupe novce.” Pavao nato reče: “Ja sam se pak s njim i rodio.”
29 The soldiers [were about to whip Paul and to ask him questions about what he had done. But when they heard what Paul said, they] left him immediately. The commander also became afraid, because he realized that Paul was a Roman [citizen] and that he had [illegally commanded soldiers to] tie up Paul’s [hands].
Brže stoga odstupe od njega oni koji su ga imali ispitivati. I tisućnik se preplaši kad sazna da je Pavao Rimljanin, a on ga bijaše okovao.
30 [The commander still] wanted to know exactly why the Jews were accusing Paul. So the next day he [told the soldiers to] take the chains off Paul. He also summoned the chief priests and the [other Jewish] Council [members]. Then he took Paul [to where the Council was meeting] and [commanded] him to stand before them.
Sutradan pak kad je htio točno saznati za što ga Židovi optužuju, odriješi ga pa zapovjedi da se sastanu veliki svećenici i sve Vijeće te privede Pavla i postavi ga pred njih.