< Acts 22 >
1 Paul said, “[Jewish] elders and my other fellow Jews, listen to me now while I reply to [those who are accusing me]!”
Hmaunawngha hoi a nupanaw, atu kai ni ka dei e lawk kahawicalah thai awh haw telah a dei navah,
2 When the crowd of people heard Paul speaking to them in [their own] Hebrew language, they became even more quiet and really listened. Then Paul said to them,
Hebru lawk hoi a dei e a thai awh navah hoe cing ati awh.
3 “I am a Jew, [as are all of you]. I was born in Tarsus [city], in Cilicia [province], but I grew up here in Jerusalem. [When I was young, for many years] I studied the laws [that Moses gave to our ancestors]. I was taught by [the famous teacher] Gamaliel [MTY] {[The famous teacher] Gamaliel taught [MTY] me}. [I have] carefully [obeyed those laws, because] I have wanted to obey God. I [am sure that] many of you also carefully obey [those laws].
Pawl ni kai teh Cilicia ram Tarshish kho dawk ka khe e, Judah tami buet touh lah ka o. Hatei hete kho dawk ka roung teh, Gamaliel kut rahim vah mintoenaw e phung lawk hah kacaicalah ka kamtu niteh, sahnin nangmouh pueng Cathut hanelah na lung a tang awh e patetlah kai hai ka lung a tang van.
4 [That is why] I previously persecuted those who believe the message [that people call] the Way [that Jesus taught. I continually looked for ways] to kill [them. Whenever I found] men or women [who believed that message], I [commanded that] they should be seized and thrown {[people to] seize them and throw them} into jail.
Kai ni hete lam ka dawn e napui tongpa tet hoeh, ka pâkhi teh thongim thung ka pakhum teh, a due han ditouh ouk ka rektap toe.
5 The supreme priest knows this, and so do the [other respected men who belong to our Jewish] Council. They gave me letters to [take to] their fellow Jews in Damascus [city. By means of those letters, they authorized me to] go to there and find people who believed in [Jesus. They had written in the letters that I was to bring those people] as prisoners to Jerusalem, so that they would be punished here {[the leaders here] could punish them}. [So I went on my way to Damascus].
Hot patetlah vaihma kacue koehoi kamtawng teh, kacuenaw pueng teh, kai koe lah koung na kampangkhai awh. Kai ni hai ahnimanaw koe ca ka la teh, Damaskas kho e kaawm e, hote phung lah kâen e naw hah man vaiteh rektap hanelah Jerusalem hoi Damaskas lah ka cei.
6 About noon, my companions and I were getting near Damascus. Suddenly a bright light from the sky flashed all around me.
Hatei Damaskas kho teng ka pha nah, kanîthun e tueng navah, kalvan hoi puenghoi ka ang e ni kai pet na kalup lah pheng a tue.
7 [The light was so bright that] I fell to the ground. Then I heard the voice [of someone] speaking to me [from up in the sky. The one who was speaking to me said], ‘Saul! Saul! Why do you [(sg)] do things to harm me?’
Hahoi kai teh talai ka rawp teh, Sawl Sawl nang ni bangdawk maw, kai hah na rektap vaw telah na dei pouh e lawk ka thai.
8 I answered, ‘Who are you?’ He replied, ‘I am Jesus from Nazareth. I [am the one] whom you [(sg)] are harming [by doing things to harm my followers].’
Kai ni yah, Bawipa, nang teh apimaw telah ka pacei torei teh, kai teh nang ni na rektap e Nazareth kho e Jisuh doeh, telah na ti pouh.
9 The men who were [traveling] with me saw the [very bright] light, [and they heard a voice], but they did not understand what the voice said to me.
Kai hoi rei kaawm e naw ni angnae a hmu awh eiteh kai hanlah a dei e lawk teh thai awh hoeh.
10 Then I asked, ‘Lord, what [do you want] me to do?’ The Lord told me, ‘Get up and go into Damascus! [A man] there will tell you [(sg)] all that I have planned for you to do.’
Kai ni hai Bawipa, bang mouh ka sak han ka ti pouh navah, Bawipa ni thaw nateh Damaskas kho cet haw. Hawvah na sak hane kai ni na dei pouh han na ti pouh.
11 [After that, I could not see], because the [very bright] light had caused me to become blind. So my companions took me by the hand and led me until [we(exc) arrived] in Damascus.
Kai teh hote angnae bahu ni na tue torei teh ka mit a dawn toung dawkvah, rei kaawm e naw ni Damaskas kho na hrawi awh.
12 [A couple of days] later, a man whose name was Ananias came to [see] me. He was a man who [greatly respected God and] carefully obeyed [our Jewish] laws. All the Jews living in Damascus said good things about him.
Hatnavah Cathut ka bari e Damaskas kho e min kamthang e Judah tami Ananias ni,
13 He came and stood beside me and said to me, ‘Brother Saul, see [again]!’ Instantly I could see! I saw Ananias [standing there beside me].
kai koe a tho teh ka teng a kangdue. Ka nawngha Sawl na mit ang seh ati navah ka mit a ang.
14 Then he said: ‘The God whom [we(inc) worship and] whom our ancestors [worshipped] has chosen you and will show you what he wants [you to do. He has allowed you] to see the righteous one, [the Messiah], and you have heard him speaking [to you].
Ahni ni mintoenaw e Cathut ngainae panue sak hanlah thoseh, tamikalan hmu thai nahane thoseh, ahnie lawk dei pouh hane thoseh, nang teh sut na hmoun toe.
15 He wants you to tell people everywhere what you have seen and heard [from him].
Nang teh na hmu e hoi na thai e pueng tami pueng e hmalah kapanuekkhaikung lah na o han a ti.
16 So now (do not delay!/why delay?) [RHQ] Stand up, let [me] baptize you, and by praying to the Lord [Jesus ask God] to forgive you [(sg)] for your sins!’”
Bangkongmaw atu rap na o. Thaw nateh Bawipa min kaw haw. Baptisma coe haw, na yonnae pâsu haw na ti pouh.
17 “Later, I returned to Jerusalem. [One day] I went to the Temple courtyard. While I was praying there, I saw a vision [in which]
Hathnukkhu Jerusalem vah bout ka tho teh, bawkim thung ka ratoum lahun nah ka pouknae a mawm teh, Bawipa hah ka hmu.
18 I saw the Lord speaking to me. He said to me, ‘[Do not stay here]! Leave Jerusalem immediately, because the people [here] will not (believe/listen to) what you [(sg)] tell [them] about me!’
Bawipa ni kai hoi kâkuen e lawkpanuesaknae hah taminaw ni a dâw awh hoeh han dawkvah, Jerusalem vah rap awm laipalah karang tâcawt leih na ti pouh.
19 But I [protested and] said to him, ‘Lord, they know that I went to many of our meeting houses looking for people who believe in you. I was putting in jail those [whom I found] who believed in you, and I was even beating them.
Kai nihaiyah, Bawipa Sinakok buet touh hoi buet touh koe ka cei teh nang na kayuemnaw ka theituk teh thawng ka pabo e a panue awh.
20 [They remember that] when Stephen was killed [MTY] {when people killed [MTY] Stephen} because he told people about you, I stood there [watching it all] and approving [what they were doing]. I [even] guarded the outer garments that those who were murdering him [had thrown aside. So if I stay here, the fact that I have changed how I think about you will surely impress those leaders of our people].’
Nang kampangkhai lah kaawm e Stiven hah a thei awh navah kai kama roeroe raw hnâbo lahoi ka sak teh, kathetnaw e khohna ka ring pouh kung lah ka o.
21 But the Lord said to me, ‘No, [do not stay here]! Leave [Jerusalem, because] I am going to send you [(sg)] far away [from here] to non-Jewish people!’”
Hateiteh, Bawipa ni, Cet leih, ramhlanae koe kaawm e Jentelnaw koe kai ni na patoun han telah kai koe na ti pouh, telah a dei.
22 The people listened [quietly] to what Paul was saying until [he mentioned the Lord sending him to non-Jewish people]. Then they began shouting [angrily], “Kill him! [He does not deserve to live any longer]!” [They said that because they could not believe that God would save anyone except Jews].
Het totouh a dei e a thai pouh teh, hot patet e tami hah talai van hring hanelah kamcu hoeh, thet awh titeh lawk kacaipounglah a hram awh.
23 While they continued shouting, [“Kill him!”] they took off their cloaks and threw dust into the air, [which showed how angry they were].
Taminaw niyah hottelah a hramki awh teh, a khohnanaw hah a kahek awh teh, vaiphu kahlun lah a kahei awh
24 So the commander [commanded] that Paul be taken {[soldiers] to take Paul} into the barracks. He told [the soldiers] that they should strike Paul with a whip [that had pieces of bone/metal on the end of it], in order to make him tell what he had done that made the Jews shout so angrily. [So the soldiers took Paul into the barracks].
Rom ransabawi kalen ni taminaw hah a kaw sak teh, ransaim thung kâen sak hanlah kâ a poe. Taminaw pueng ni bangkongmaw ahni hah telah a taran awh teh, telah a hram awh tie panue hane a ngai dawkvah, ruitaboung hoi hem vaiteh akungkhei hanelah kâ a poe.
25 Then they stretched his arms out [and tied them] so that they could whip him [on his back. But] Paul said to the officer who was standing nearby [watching], “[You(sg) should think carefully about this]! You will certainly be [RHQ] acting unlawfully if you whip me, a Roman [citizen whom] no [one has put on trial and] condemned!”
Ahni teh phaivuenrui hoi a katek awh hnukkhu, a teng kangdout e ransabawi hanlah nangmouh ni Rom tami buet touh heh akungkhei laipalah hemnae kâ na tawn a maw telah a pacei.
26 When the officer heard that, he went to the commander and reported it to him. He said [to the commander], “This man is a Roman [citizen] (Surely you would not [command us to whip him]!/Do you really want [us to whip him]?) [RHQ]”
Ransabawi ni hote lawk hah a thai toteh ransabawi kalen koe a cei teh, nang bangtelamaw ti han. Ahni ni kai teh Rom tami doeh na ti pouh.
27 The commander [was surprised when he heard that. He himself] went [into the barracks] and said to Paul, “Tell me, are you [(sg) really] a Roman [citizen]?” Paul answered, “Yes, I [am].”
Hahoi ransabawi kalen e teh Pawl koe a tho teh, kai koe na dei pouh haw, nang teh Rom tami na maw telah a pacei toteh ue a atipouh.
28 Then the commander said, “[I am also a Roman citizen]. I paid a lot of money to become a [Roman] citizen.” Paul said, “But I was born a [Roman] citizen, [so I did not need to pay anything].”
Ransabawi kalen e ni kai teh, Rom tami lah o nahanelah tangka moikapap poe laihoi doeh ka o thai atipouh navah, Pawl ni, kai teh Rom tami lah ka khe atipouh.
29 The soldiers [were about to whip Paul and to ask him questions about what he had done. But when they heard what Paul said, they] left him immediately. The commander also became afraid, because he realized that Paul was a Roman [citizen] and that he had [illegally commanded soldiers to] tie up Paul’s [hands].
Hatdawkvah ahni akungkhei hane naw teh ahni koehoi karanglah a kâkhoe awh. Ransabawi kalen ni hai Pawl heh Rom tami lah ao e hah a panue toteh a pâkhi e hah a taki.
30 [The commander still] wanted to know exactly why the Jews were accusing Paul. So the next day he [told the soldiers to] take the chains off Paul. He also summoned the chief priests and the [other Jewish] Council [members]. Then he took Paul [to where the Council was meeting] and [commanded] him to stand before them.
Atangtho vah ransabawi teh Judahnaw ni yon a pen awh e hah kamcengcairalah a panue han a ngai dawkvah, Pawl kateknae rathap hanelah kâ a poe. Vaihma kalennaw hoi lawkcengkungnaw pueng a kamkhueng sak. Pawl hah a kaw awh teh, ahnimae hmalah a kangdue sak awh.