< Acts 2 >

1 On the day when [the Jews were celebrating the] Pentecost [festival], the [believers] were all together in one place [in Jerusalem].
Kwathi kufika usuku lwePhentekhosti, bonke babendawonye.
2 Suddenly [they heard] a noise [coming] from the sky [that sounded] like a strong wind. Everyone in the entire house where they were sitting heard the noise.
Masinyane nje kwabakhona umsindo onjengokuvunguza komoya wesiphepho wehla uvela ezulwini, wagcwala indlu yonke ababehlezi kuyo.
3 Then they saw [what looked] like flames of fire. These flames separated [from one another], and [one of them] came down on [the head of] each of the believers.
Babona okwakungathi zinlimi ezingamalangabi omlilo ezehlukana zahlala komunye lomunye wabo.
4 Then all of the believers were (completely controlled/empowered) by the Holy Spirit {the Holy Spirit (completely controlled/empowered) all of the believers}, and he enabled them to begin speaking other languages [MTY] [that they had not learned].
Bonke bagcwaliswa ngoMoya oNgcwele, basebeqalisa ukukhuluma ezinye izindimi njengokwaneliswa kwabo nguMoya.
5 At that time [many] Jews were staying in Jerusalem [to celebrate the Pentecost festival. They were people who] always tried to obey [the Jewish] laws. [They had come] from many different [HYP] countries.
Ngalesosikhathi kwakuhlala amaJuda ayemesaba uNkulunkulu eJerusalema, evela kuyo yonke imibuso yomhlaba.
6 When they heard that [loud] noise [like a wind], a crowd came together [to the place where the believers were]. The crowd (was amazed/did not know what to think), because each of them was hearing [one of] the believers speaking in that person’s own language.
Athi ngokuzwa umsindo lo, kwabuthana ixuku labantu bemangele ngoba omunye lomunye wabezwa bekhuluma ngolimi lwakhe.
7 They were completely amazed, and they said [to each other], “All these men who are speaking have [RHQ] [always] resided in Galilee [district, so they would not know our languages].
Ngokumangala okukhulu babuza bathi, “Kanti bonke laba abakhulumayo kabasimaGalile na?
8 ([We(inc) do not understand] how these men can speak our own native languages!/How can these men speak our own native languages?) [RHQ] [But] all of us hear them [doing that]
Pho kungani omunye lomunye wethu ebezwa bekhuluma ngolimi lwethu na?
9 [Some of us are from the regions of] Parthia and Media and Elam, and [others of us] reside [in the regions of] Mesopotamia, Judea, Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia.
AmaPhathiya, amaMede, ama-Elamu; izakhamizi zaseMesophothamiya, lezeJudiya leKhaphadokhiya, lePhontusi le-Ezhiya,
10 There are some from Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt, and the regions in Libya [that are] near Cyrene [city]. [There are others of us] who are [here] visiting [Jerusalem] from Rome.
leFirigiya lePhamfiliya, leGibhithe lezingxenye zeLibhiya eduze leKhureni; izethekeli ezivela eRoma
11 [They include native] Jews as well as non-Jews who have accepted what we Jews believe. And others of us are from Crete [Island] and from [the region of] Arabia. [So how is it that these people] are speaking our languages [MTY], telling us [about] (the great/the mighty things) [that] God has done?”
(amaJuda lamakholwa aphendukele enkolweni yesiJuda); amaKhrethe lama-Arabhu, sibezwa befakaza izimangaliso zikaNkulunkulu ngendimi zethu!”
12 All [those people] were amazed, and did not know what to think [about what was happening]. So they asked one another, “What does this mean?”
Babedidekile bengelankani, babuzana bathi, “Kutshoni lokhu?”
13 But [some] of them (made fun of/laughed at) [those who believed in Jesus]. They said, “[These people are talking like this because] they are drunk!”
Kodwa abanye benza inhlekisa ngabo bathi, “Banathe iwayini enengi bedlulisa.”
14 So Peter stood up with the [other] eleven [apostles] and spoke loudly to the [crowd of] people, saying, “[My] fellow Jews and you [others] who are staying in Jerusalem, listen to me, all of you, and I will explain to you what is happening!
UPhethro wasesukuma labalitshumi lanye, waphakamisa ilizwi lakhe wakhuluma emphakathini wathi, “Bantu bakithi elingamaJuda, lani lonke eliseJerusalema, kahleni ngilichasisele lokhu; lalelisisani lokhu engikutshoyo.
15 [Some of] you think that [we(exc) are drunk], but we are not drunk. It is [only] nine o’clock in the morning, [and people here never get drunk this early] in the day!
Amadoda la kawadakwanga njengokucabanga kwenu. Kuseselihola lesificamunwemunye nje ekuseni!
16 Instead, [what has happened to us is] the [miraculous] thing that the prophet Joel wrote about [long ago]. [Joel wrote]: God says,
Hatshi, lokhu yikho okwakhulunywa ngumphrofethi uJoweli ukuthi:
17 ‘During the last/final days [before I judge all people], I will give my Spirit abundantly/generously to people [SYN] everywhere. [As a result], your sons and daughters will tell [people] messages from me, the young men among you will see visions [from me], and the old men among you will have dreams [that I will give them].
‘Ngezinsuku zokucina, uNkulunkulu uthi, Ngizathululela uMoya wami kubo bonke abantu. Amadodana lamadodakazi enu azaphrofitha, izinsizwa zenu zizabona imibono, lamaxhegu enu azaphupha amaphupho.
18 During those days I will abundantly/generously give my Spirit [even] to men and women believers [who are] my slaves/servants, so they can tell [people] messages from me.
Lasezincekwini zami, ezesilisa lezesifazane, ngizawuthulula uMoya wami ngalezonsuku, njalo bazaphrofitha.
19 I will cause amazing things to happen in the sky, and I will do miracles on the earth that will show [that I am powerful]. [Here] on the earth [CHI] I [will cause wars with] blood, fire and thick/dark smoke [everywhere].
Ngizatshengisa izimanga ezulwini phezulu, lezibonakaliso emhlabeni phansi, igazi lomlilo lezikhatha zentuthu.
20 [In the sky] the sun will [appear] dark [to people] and the moon [will appear] red [to them. Those things will happen] before the important and splendid/amazing day [MTY] [when I], the Lord [God, will come to judge everyone].
Ilanga lizaphendulwa libe yibumnyama, lenyanga ibeligazi phambi kokuba kufike usuku olukhulu lukaThixo, olukhazimulayo.
21 [Before that time], all those who ask [me] [MTY] [to save them from the guilt of their sins] will be saved {[I], the Lord, will save all those who ask [me] [MTY] [to save them from the guilt of their sins].}’”
Njalo wonke obiza ibizo likaThixo uzasindiswa.’
22 [Peter continued], “[My fellow] Israelites, listen to me! [When] Jesus from Nazareth [town lived] among you, God proved to you [that he had sent him] by enabling him to do many amazing miracles. You yourselves know [that this is true].
Bantu bako-Israyeli, lalelani lokhu: UJesu waseNazaretha wayeyindoda eyamiswa nguNkulunkulu kini, ngezimangaliso lezibonakaliso uNkulunkulu azenzayo phakathi kwenu ngaye, njengoba lina ngokwenu lisazi.
23 [Even though you knew that], you turned this man [Jesus] over to his enemies. [However], God had already planned for that, and he knew all about it. Then you urged men [SYN] who do not obey [God’s] law to kill Jesus. They did that by nailing him to a cross.
Umuntu lo wanikelwa kini ngecebo likaNkulunkulu ayelimisile langolwazi lokuzayo; njalo lina lincediswa ngabantu ababi, lambulala ngokumbethela esiphambanweni.
24 He suffered terribly [when he died, but God caused him to become alive again]. God did not let him continue to be dead, because it was not possible for him [PRS] to remain dead.”
Kodwa uNkulunkulu wamvusa kwabafileyo, wamkhulula ebuhlungwini bokufa ngoba ukufa kwakungelamandla okumncindezela.
25 “[Long ago King] David wrote [what] the Messiah [said], “knew [that] you, Lord [God, would always] be near me. You are right beside [MTY] me, so I will not be afraid of [those who want to harm me].
UDavida wathi ngaye: ‘Ngayibona iNkosi iphambi kwami kokuphela. Njengoba isesandleni sami sokunene, angiyi kunyikinywa.
26 Because of that I [SYN] joyfully praise [you, O God]. And I am completely confident that [you(sg) will] ([cause my body] to become alive [again]/[raise me from the dead]).
Ngakho inhliziyo yami iyathaba lolimi lwami luyathokoza; umzimba wami lawo uzahlala ulethemba,
27 You will not allow my spirit to remain in the place where the dead are. You will not [even] let my body decay, [because] I am devoted to you and always obey [you]. (Hadēs g86)
ngoba kawuzukungidela ukuba ngiye endaweni yabafileyo, njalo kawusoze wekele ongcwele wakho ukuthi abone ukubola. (Hadēs g86)
28 You have told me [that you will cause my body] to become alive [again]. You will make me very happy [because] you will be with me [forever].”
Ungazisile izindlela zempilo; uzangigcwalisa ngentokozo phambi kwakho.’
29 [Peter] continued, “My fellow Jews, I can tell you confidently that [our royal] ancestor, [King] David, died, and that his [body] was buried {that [people] buried his [body]}. And the place [where they] buried his body is [still] here today.
Bazalwane, ngilitshela ngilesibindi ukuthi ukhokho uDavida wafa wangcwatshwa, njalo ithuna lakhe likhona khonapha kuze kube lamuhla.
30 So [we(inc) know that David was not speaking those words about himself. But] because he was a prophet, [he spoke about the Messiah]. David knew that God had strongly promised him that he would cause one of his descendants to become king [MTY] like David was king. (OR, to [be the Messiah who would] rule [God’s people] like David had ruled [them].)
Kodwa wayengumphrofethi, ekwazi ukuthi uNkulunkulu wayemthembisile ngesifungo ukuthi wayezabeka omunye wesizukulwane sakhe esihlalweni sakhe sobukhosi.
31 David knew beforehand [what God would do], so he [was able to] say that God would cause the Messiah to live again [after he died]. He said that God would not let the Messiah remain in the place of the dead, nor let his body decay.” (Hadēs g86)
Ngoba ebona okwakuphambili, wakhuluma ngokuvuka kukaKhristu kwabafileyo, ukuthi kazange atshiywe endaweni yabafileyo njalo umzimba wakhe kawukubonanga ukubola. (Hadēs g86)
32 “[After] this [man] Jesus [had died], God caused him to become alive [again]. All of us(exc), [his followers], have seen [and tell people] that Jesus has become alive again.
UNkulunkulu usemvusile uJesu lo waphila, thina sonke singofakazi balokho.
33 God has greatly honored Jesus [by causing him to rule] right beside him [MTY] [in heaven]. Jesus has received the Holy Spirit from [God] his Father, [just like] God promised. [So] Jesus has generously/abundantly given us the Holy Spirit, [and he has shown that by] what you are seeing and hearing.
Njengoba esekhutshulelwe ngakwesokunene sikaNkulunkulu, usamukele kuYise uMoya oNgcwele owathenjiswayo njalo usekuthulule lokho elikubonayo lelikuzwayo khathesi.
34 [We(inc) know that David was not speaking about himself] because David did not go up into heaven [as Jesus did]. [Besides that], David himself said [this about the Messiah]: The Lord [God] said to my Lord [the Messiah], ‘Reign here beside me,
Ngoba uDavida kenyukanga ukuya ezulwini, kodwa wathi, ‘INkosi yathi eNkosini yami: “Hlala ngakwesokunene sami
35 while I completely defeat [MTY] your enemies.’”
ngize ngenze izitha zakho zibe yisinyathelo senyawo zakho.”’
36 [Peter concluded], “So I [want you and] all [other] Israelites [MTY] to acknowledge that God has caused this Jesus to be both [our] Lord/Ruler and the Messiah. [But God considers that] you are the ones who nailed Jesus to a cross.”
Ngakho-ke, u-Israyeli wonke kaqiniseke ngalokhu: uNkulunkulu usenze uJesu lo elambethelayo waba yiNkosi loKhristu.”
37 When the people heard what [Peter said], they felt very guilty [IDM]. So they asked him and the other apostles, “Fellow-countrymen, what should we [(exc)] do [so that God will forgive us]?”
Abantu bathi bekuzwa lokhu bathinteka kakhulu ezinhliziyweni, bathi kuPhethro labanye abapostoli, “Bazalwane, senze njani na?”
38 Peter [answered] them, “Each of you should turn away from your sinful behavior. Then [we(exc)] will baptize you, if [you now believe] in Jesus Christ. Then [God] will give you the Holy Spirit.
UPhethro waphendula wathi, “Phendukani libhaphathizwe lonke, ebizweni likaJesu Khristu ukuze lithethelelwe izono zenu. Njalo lizakwamukela isipho soMoya oNgcwele.
39 [God] has promised [to do that] [MTY] for you and your descendants, and for all [others who believe in him], even those who [live] far away [from here]. The Lord our God [will give his Spirit] to everyone whom he invites [to become his people]!”
Isithembiso ngesenu labantwabenu labo bonke abakude, lesabo bonke iNkosi uNkulunkulu wethu ezababiza.”
40 Peter spoke much more [and] spoke strongly/forcefully to them. He pleaded with them, “[Ask God] to save you [so that he will not punish you when he punishes] these evil people [who have rejected Jesus]!”
Wabaxwayisa langamanye amazwi amanengi; njalo wabancenga wathi, “Zisindiseni kulesisizukulwane esonakeleyo.”
41 So the people who believed Peter’s message were baptized. There were about 3,000 [SYN] [who] joined the group [of believers] that day.
Labo abalemukelayo ilizwi lakhe babhaphathizwa, kwengezwa enanini labo mhlalokho abangaba zinkulungwane ezintathu.
42 They continually obeyed what the apostles taught, and they very frequently met together [with the other believers]. And they continually ate [together and celebrated the Lord’s Supper], and continually prayed [together].
Bayikhuthalela imfundiso yabapostoli kanye lokudlelana, lokuhlephuna isinkwa lokukhuleka.
43 All the people [SYN] [who were in Jerusalem] were greatly revering [God because] the apostles were frequently doing many kinds of miraculous things.
Wonke umuntu wagcwala ukwesaba ngezimanga lezibonakaliso ezenziwa ngabapostoli.
44 All of those who believed [in Jesus] were united [and regularly met] together. They were also sharing everything that they had with one another.
Wonke amakholwa ayendawonye, ehlanganyela kukho konke.
45 [From time to time some of] them sold [some of] their land and [some of the other] things that they owned, and they would give [some of] the money [from what they sold] to others [among them], according to what they needed.
Athengisa izinto zawo lempahla zawo anika loba ngubani oswelayo.
46 Every day they continued meeting together in the temple [area]. And every day they gladly and generously shared their food [SYN] [with each other], as they ate together [and celebrated the Lord’s Supper] in their houses.
Insuku zonke aqhubeka ehlangana emagumeni ethempeli njalo ehlephuna isinkwa emakhaya awo esidla ndawonye ngezinhliziyo ezimhlophe lezithobekileyo,
47 [As they did so], they were praising God, and all the [other] people [in Jerusalem] were [thinking] favorably about them. [As those things were happening], every day the Lord [Jesus] increased the number of people who were being saved {whom he was saving} [from the guilt of their sins].
edumisa uNkulunkulu njalo ethakazelelwa ngabantu bonke. Njalo iNkosi yengeza inani lawo insuku zonke ngalabo abasebesindisiwe.

< Acts 2 >