< Acts 14 >

1 At Iconium Paul and Barnabas went as usual into the Jewish meeting place and spoke very convincingly [about the Lord Jesus]. As a result, many Jews and also non-Jews believed [in Jesus].
E-Ikhoniyamu uPhawuli loBhanabhasi baya esinagogweni yamaJuda njengenjayelo yabo. Khonapho bakhuluma kwazwela kwaze kwathi amaJuda amanengi lamaGrikhi akholwa.
2 But [some of] the Jews refused to believe [that message, and] told the non-Jews not to believe it. They told the non-Jewish people that the message [about Jesus] was not true. As a result, [some of] the non-Jews became angry towards the believers [there].
Kodwa amaJuda ayengafuni ukukholwa adunga abeZizwe, abathela umoya omubi ngabazalwane.
3 So Paul and Barnabas spent considerable time there speaking boldly for the Lord, and the Lord Jesus enabled them to do many miracles. In this way he showed [people] that the message about how the Lord saves us in a way that we do not deserve is true.
UPhawuli loBhanabhasi bahlala isikhathi eside khona lapho bekhulumela iNkosi ngesibindi. INkosi yaqinisa ilizwi lomusa wayo ngokubapha amandla okwenza imimangaliso lezimanga.
4 The people [who lived] in [Iconium] city strongly disagreed with each other [concerning the message about Jesus]. Some of them agreed with the Jews [SYN] [who did not believe that message]. Others agreed with Paul and Barnabas.
Abantu bedolobho lelo badabukana phakathi; abanye bema lamaJuda, kwathi abanye basekela abapostoli.
5 Then the non-Jewish people and the Jewish [leaders] [SYN] [who opposed those two] talked among themselves about how they could mistreat them. Some of the important men in that city agreed to help them. Together, they decided that they would [kill Paul and Barnabas by] throwing stones at them.
AbeZizwe lamaJuda ndawonye labakhokheli babo bakha icebo lokubahlukumeza lokubakhanda ngamatshe.
6 But Paul and Barnabas heard about that, so they quickly went away to Lycaonia [district. They went] to Lystra and Derbe [cities in that district] and to the area surrounding [those cities].
Kodwa balizwa icebo lelo basebebalekela emadolobheni aseLikhawoniya, eListra leDebhe lasemangweni yakhona,
7 [While they were] in that area, they continually told people the message [about the Lord Jesus].
lapho abaqhubeka khona ukutshumayela izindaba ezinhle.
8 [Once while Paul was preaching to people] in Lystra, a man was sitting there who was crippled in his legs. When [his mother] bore him he had crippled legs, so he was never able to walk.
EListra kwakulendoda eyayiyisigoga ikwazi ukuhlala kuphela, ilokhu yazalwayo ingakaze ihambe.
9 He listened as Paul was speaking [about the Lord Jesus]. Paul looked directly at him and could see [in the man’s face] that he believed that [the Lord Jesus] could make him well.
Yamlalela uPhawuli lapho ekhuluma. UPhawuli wayijolozela wabona ukuthi yayikholwa ukuba ingasiliswa
10 So Paul called out [to him], “Stand up!” [When the man heard that], he [immediately] jumped up and began to walk [normally].
wasememeza wathi, “Sukuma ngezinyawo zakho!” Ngalokho indoda yathi lothu yahle yahamba.
11 When the crowd saw what Paul had done, [they thought that Paul and Barnabas] [were/must be]) [the gods that they worshipped]. So they shouted [excitedly] in their [own] Lycaonia language, “[Look! These people are] the gods [that we(inc) worship! They] made themselves look like people and have come down [from the sky/heaven to help us]!”
Kwathi ixuku labantu selikubonile okwakwenziwe nguPhawuli, lamemeza ngolimi lwesiLikhawoniya lathi, “Onkulunkulu sebehlele kithi belesimo sabantu!”
12 They began to say that Barnabas was [probably the chief god, whose name was]. And [they began to say that] Paul was Hermes, [the messenger/spokesman for the other gods. They mistakenly thought that] because Paul was the one who had been speaking.
UBhanabhasi bambiza bathi nguZewusi, uPhawuli bathi nguHemesi ngoba nguye owayekhokhela ekukhulumeni.
13 Just outside [the gates of] the city there was a temple [where the people worshipped Zeus. The priest who was there heard what Paul and Barnabas had done, so he came] to the city gate, where many people had already gathered. He brought [two] bulls with wreaths [of flowers around their necks]. The priest and the other people wanted to kill the bulls [as part of a ceremony] to worship Paul and Barnabas.
Umphristi kaZewusi owayelethempeli eduze ngaphandle kwedolobho, waletha inkunzi lemigaxo emasangweni edolobho ngoba yena kanye lexuku labantu babefuna ukwenza imihlatshelo kubo.
14 But when the apostles, Barnabas and Paul, heard about that, [and understood that the people thought that they were gods and wanted to sacrifice the bulls to worship them], they [were very distressed], so they tore their own clothes. They rushed among the people, shouting,
Kodwa kwathi abapostoli, uBhanabhasi loPhawuli bekuzwa lokhu, badabula izigqoko zabo bazithela phakathi kwabantu bememeza besithi:
15 “Men, (you must not kill those bulls [to worship us(dl)!]/why are you doing this?) [RHQ] [We are not gods]! We are just human beings like you! We have come to tell you some good news! [We have come to tell you about] God who is all-powerful. He wants you to stop worshipping other gods, because they cannot help you. This true God made the heaven/sky and the earth and the oceans and everything in it.
“Madoda, likwenzelani lokhu? Lathi singabantu njengani. Sililethela izindaba ezinhle, silitshela ukuthi litshiye izinto lezi eziyize liye kuNkulunkulu ophilayo owenza amazulu lomhlaba, lolwandle lakho konke okukuwo.
16 In the past, all of you non-Jewish people [worshipped whatever gods that you wanted to]. God let you worship them, [because you did not know him].
Endulo waziyekela izizwe zonke zahamba ngezindlela zazo.
17 But he has shown us [LIT] [that] he acts kindly [toward us(inc)]. He is the one who causes it to rain and causes crops to grow. He is the one who gives you plenty of food, and makes you very happy.”
Ikanti kazange ekele ukuzifakazela: Utshengisile umusa ngokulipha izulu laphezulu lamabele ngesikhathi sawo; ulipha ukudla okunengi njalo agcwalise inhliziyo zenu ngentokozo.”
18 The people heard what [Paul] said, but they still thought that they should sacrifice those bulls to worship Paul and Barnabas. [But finally, the people decided not to do it].
Loba sebetsho lamazwi baba lobunzima ukuthi bekelise abantu bonke ukuba babenzele umhlatshelo.
19 [However], after that, some Jews came from Antioch and Iconium and persuaded many of the people of Lystra [that the message Paul had been telling them] was not true. The people [who believed what those Jews said became angry with Paul. They let the Jews] throw stones at him [until he fell down, unconscious]. They [all] thought that he was dead, so they dragged him outside the city [and left him lying there]. But some of the believers [in Lystra had followed them outside the city].
Kwasekufika amaJuda evela e-Antiyokhi lase-Ikhoniyamu afika adunga abantu. UPhawuli bamkhanda ngamatshe bamhudulela ngaphandle kwedolobho, becabanga ukuthi wayesefile.
20 They came and stood around Paul, [where he was lying on the ground]. And Paul [became conscious! He] stood up and went back into the city [with the believers]. Acts 14:20b-23 The next day, Paul and Barnabas [left Lystra and] traveled to Derbe.
Kodwa ngemva kokuba abafundi sebembuthanele, waphaphama wabuyela edolobheni. Ngosuku olulandelayo yena loBhanabhasi basuka baya eDebhe.
21 They [stayed there several days and they kept telling] the people the good message [about Jesus]. Many people became believers. After that, Paul and Barnabas [started on their way back. They] went again to Lystra. [Then they went from there] to Iconium, and [then they went] to Antioch [in Pisidia province].
Bazitshumayela izindaba ezinhle kulelodolobho bazuza inani elikhulu labafundi. Basebebuyela eListra, le-Ikhoniyamu le-Antiyokhi
22 [In each city], they helped the believers [SYN] to become strong [spiritually], and they urged them to keep on trusting in [the Lord Jesus]. They told [the believers], “It is necessary that [we endure] people often persecuting us [(inc)] before we enter the place where God will rule [over us forever].”
beqinisa abafundi njalo bebakhuthaza ukuthi babambelele ekukholweni. Bathi, “Kufanele sedlule ezinhlungwini ezinengi ukuze singene embusweni kaNkulunkulu.”
23 Paul and Barnabas appointed leaders for each congregation. [And before Paul and Barnabas left each town, they gathered the believers together and spent some time] praying and (fasting/not eating any food). Then Paul and Barnabas entrusted the [leaders and other believers] to the Lord [Jesus], in whom they had believed, [in order that he would care for them].
UPhawuli loBhanabhasi babakhethela abadala kulelo lalelo bandla, babanikela eNkosini ngomkhuleko langokuzila ngoba bebeke ithemba labo kuyo iNkosi.
24 After Paul and Barnabas had traveled through Pisidia [district], they went [south] to Pamphylia [district].
Sebehambe bedlula ePhisidiya, bafika ePhamfiliya,
25 [In that district], they [arrived] at Perga and preached God’s message [about the Lord Jesus to the people there. Then] they went down [to the seacoast] at Attalia.
kwathi sebetshumayele ilizwi ePhega basebesiya e-Athaliya.
26 There they got on a ship and went back to Antioch [in Syria province]. That was the place where Paul and Barnabas had been appointed {where [believers] had sent Paul and Barnabas} to go [to other places] and preach. [Antioch was the place where the believers] had asked God to kindly help Paul and Barnabas in the work that they had now completed.
Besuka e-Athaliya bawela ngomkhumbi babuyela e-Antiyokhi, lapho ababenikelwe khona emuseni kaNkulunkulu ukwenza umsebenzi lowo abasebewufezile.
27 When they arrived in Antioch, they called the believers together. Then Paul and Barnabas told them all that God had helped them to do. [Specifically, they told them how God] had enabled [IDM] [many] non-Jewish people to believe [in Jesus].
Ekufikeni kwabo khona, balihlanganisa ndawonye ibandla balibikela konke lokho uNkulunkulu ayekwenzile ngabo, lokuthi wayesevulele abeZizwe umnyango wokukholwa.
28 Then Paul and Barnabas stayed in Antioch with the [other] believers for several months.
Bahlala khona isikhathi eside labafundi.

< Acts 14 >