< Acts 11 >

1 The apostles and [other] believers who lived in various towns in Judea [province] heard people say that [some] non-Jewish people had believed the message [from] God [about Jesus].
De apostelen en de broeders, die in Judea waren, vernamen dus, dat ook de heidenen het woord Gods hadden ontvangen.
2 So when Peter [and the six other believers] returned [from Caesarea] to Jerusalem, [some] Jewish believers criticized Peter, [because they thought that Jews should not associate with non-Jews] [MTY].
En toen Petrus te Jerusalem kwam, begonnen de broeders uit de besnijdenis hem verwijten te doen,
3 They said to him, “Not only was it wrong for you(sg) to visit non-Jewish people, you [even] ate with them!”
en zeiden: Gij zijt bij onbesnedenen binnengegaan, en hebt met hen gegeten!
4 So Peter began to explain exactly [what had happened concerning Cornelius].
Nu gaf Petrus hun een geregeld verslag van de aanvang af, en zeide:
5 He said, “I was praying [by myself] in Joppa [town], and in a trance I saw a vision. I saw that something like a large sheet was being lowered from heaven. [It was tied with ropes] at its four corners, and it came down to where I was.
Ik was in de stad Joppe bezig met bidden, toen ik in geestverrukking het volgende visioen zag: een soort zak, als een groot laken, werd aan de vier uiteinden afgelaten, daalde neer uit de hemel, en kwam naar mij toe.
6 As I was looking intently into it, I saw some tame animals [but also animals that our laws forbid us to eat, including] wild animals, snakes, and wild birds.
Toen ik er heel aandachtig naar keek, zag ik de viervoetige landdieren en de wilde beesten, het kruipend gedierte en de vogels uit de lucht.
7 Then I heard God [MTY] commanding me, ‘Peter, get up, kill [some of these], and [cook and] eat [their meat]!’
Ook hoorde ik een stem, die tot mij sprak: Sta op, Petrus, slacht en eet.
8 But I replied, ‘Lord, [you(sg)] surely do not [really want me to do that], because I have never eaten [MTY] meat [from any animal] that [our laws say] that we [(exc)] must not eat [SYN]!’
Maar ik zeide: Onmogelijk, Heer; want nog nooit is er iets mijn mond ingegaan, wat bezoedeld is, of onrein.
9 God spoke from heaven [to me] a second time, ‘[I am] God, [so] if I have made something acceptable [to eat], do not say that it is not acceptable [to eat]!’
Een tweede maal weerklonk een stem uit de hemel: Wat God rein heeft verklaard, moogt gij niet bezoedeld noemen.
10 Then [after that happened three times, the sheet with] all [those animals and birds] was pulled up into heaven again.”
Dit gebeurde tot driemaal toe; daarna werd alles weer naar de hemel opgetrokken.
11 “At that exact moment, three men who had been {whom [Cornelius] had} sent from Caesarea arrived at the house where I was staying.
En zie, op hetzelfde ogenblik stonden er drie mannen, die van Cesarea tot mij waren gezonden, voor het huis, waar ik verblijf hield.
12 [God’s] Spirit told me that I should be willing to go with them [even though they were not Jews]. These six [Jewish] believers [from Joppa] went with me [to Caesarea], and then we [(exc)] went into that [non-Jewish] man’s house.
En de Geest zeide mij, zonder enig bedenken met hen mee te gaan. Ook deze zes broeders gingen met mij mee, en we kwamen in het huis van dien man.
13 He told us that he had seen an angel standing in his house. The angel told him, ‘Tell some [men] to go to Joppa and bring back Simon whose other name is Peter.
Deze verhaalde ons, hoe hij in zijn huis den engel had zien staan. die hem zeide: Zend enige mannen naar Joppe, om Simon te ontbieden, die ook Petrus wordt genoemd;
14 He will tell you [(sg)] how you and everyone [MTY] else in your house will be saved {how [God] will save you and everyone [MTY] else in your house}.’
hij zal woorden tot u spreken, waardoor ge gered zult worden, met heel uw gezin.
15 After I started to speak, the Holy Spirit [suddenly] came down on them, just like he had first [MTY] come on us [during the Pentecost festival].
Toen ik nu begon te spreken, daalde de Heilige Geest op hen neer, juist zoals vroeger op ons.
16 Then I remembered what the Lord had said: ‘John caused people to be baptized in water, but [God] will cause the Holy Spirit [to enter you and change your lives.’]
En ik herinnerde mij het woord, dat de Heer heeft gesproken "Johannes doopte wel met water, maar gij zult met den Heiligen Geest worden gedoopt".
17 God gave those non-Jews the same Holy Spirit that he had given to us [(inc)] after we believed in the Lord Jesus Christ. So, ([I] could not [possibly] tell God that he did wrong [when he gave them the Holy Spirit!]/how could I [tell] God that he did wrong [when he gave them the Holy Spirit]?) [RHQ] [He was showing that he had received them]!”
Als God dan aan hen dezelfde gave geschonken heeft als aan ons, die in den Heer Jesus Christus geloven, wie was ik dan wel, dat ik God zou kunnen tegenwerken?
18 After [those Jewish believers] heard what Peter said, they stopped criticizing [him. Instead], they praised God, saying, “Then it is [clear to us that] God has also accepted the non-Jews so that they will have eternal life, if they turn from their sinful behavior [and believe in Jesus]!”
Toen ze dit hadden gehoord, berustten zij er in, verheerlijkten God, en zeiden: Dus heeft God ook aan de heidenen de bekering ten leven geschonken.
19 After [people had killed] Stephen, many of the believers left [Jerusalem and went] to other places, because people were causing them to suffer [there in Jerusalem. Some of] them went to Phoenicia [region], some went to Cyprus [Island], and others went to Antioch [city in Syria province. In those places] they were continually telling people the message [about Jesus], but they told only other Jewish people.
Intussen waren zij, die zich hadden verspreid om de vervolging, door het optreden van Stéfanus ontstaan, tot Fenicië, Cyprus, en Antiochië doorgedrongen, en hadden aan niemand het woord verkondigd, dan aan de Joden alleen.
20 Some of the believers were men from Cyprus and from Cyrene [city in north Africa]. They went to Antioch, and [although they told other Jews about] the Lord Jesus, they also told non-Jewish people [there].
Maar na hun komst te Antiochië, begonnen sommigen van hen, de Cypriërs en de Cyreneërs, zich ook tot de heidenen te richten, en hun den Heer Jesus te verkondigen
21 The Lord [God] [MTY] was powerfully enabling those [believers to preach effectively. As a result], very many [non-Jewish] people believed [their message and] trusted in the Lord [Jesus].
En de hand des Heren was met hen: een groot aantal werd gelovig, en bekeerde zich tot den Heer.
22 The group of believers in Jerusalem heard [MTY] [people say that many people in Antioch were believing in Jesus. So] the [leaders] of the congregation in [Jerusalem] asked Barnabas to go to Antioch.
Zodra het gerucht hiervan de kerk van Jerusalem ter ore kwam, vaardigde men Bárnabas naar Antiochië af.
23 When he got [there], he realized that God had acted kindly toward [the believers. So] he was very happy, and he continually encouraged all of the [believers] to continue to trust completely in the Lord [Jesus].
Toen hij daar aankwam, en hij Gods genade zag, was hij verheugd, en spoorde allen aan, den Heer trouw te blijven, door de goede gesteltenis van hun hart;
24 Barnabas was a good man [whom] the Holy Spirit completely controlled, one who trusted [God] completely. [Because of what Barnabas did], many people [there] believed in the Lord [Jesus].
want hij was een vroom man, vol van den Heiligen Geest en van geloof. En een grote schare werd voor den Heer gewonnen.
25 Then Barnabas went to Tarsus [in Cilicia province to try] to find Saul.
Vervolgens vertrok hij naar Tarsus, om Saul op te zoeken; hij trof hem daar aan, en bracht hem naar Antiochië.
26 After he found him, Barnabas brought him [back to] Antioch [to help teach the believers. So during] a whole year [Barnabas and Saul] met [regularly] with the congregation [there] and taught many of them [about Jesus. It was] at Antioch that the believers were first called Christians {[that people] first called the believers Christians}.
Een vol jaar bleven ze in deze gemeente bij elkander, en gaven ze onderricht aan een talrijke schare. Te Antiochië werden de leerlingen voor het eerst christenen genoemd.
27 During the time [that Barnabas and Saul were] at Antioch, some [believers who were] prophets arrived there from Jerusalem.
In die dagen kwamen er profeten van Jerusalem te Antiochië aan.
28 One of them, whose name was Agabus, stood up [in order to speak]. [God’s] Spirit enabled him to prophesy (that there would soon be a famine in many countries/that [people] in many countries [HYP] would soon [suffer because they] would not have enough [food] to eat). (That famine happened when Claudius was the [Roman Emperor].)
Een van hen, Agabus genaamd, trad op, en maakte door den Geest bekend, dat er een grote hongersnood over de hele wereld zou komen; wat dan ook onder Cláudius is gebeurd.
29 When the believers [there heard what Agabus said], they decided that they would send [money] to help the believers who lived in Judea. Each [of them decided to give as much money] as he was able [to give].
De leerlingen besloten, om elk naar vermogen een ondersteuning te zenden aan de broeders, die in Judea woonden.
30 They sent [the money] with Barnabas and Saul to the leaders of the congregation [in Jerusalem].
Dat hebben ze dan ook gedaan, en ze aan de priesters toegezonden door bemiddeling van Bárnabas en Saul.

< Acts 11 >