< 2 Timothy 3 >

1 [You need to] realize that during the last days [MTY] [before Christ returns, evil people will make] it difficult [for believers to behave as they should].
A to wiedz, że w ostatecznych dniach nastaną trudne czasy.
2 This is because [such evil] people will be habitually loving themselves and loving money. They will habitually boast [about themselves], they will be proud, and will often say bad things [about others. They] will disobey [their] parents. They will not be thankful, nor will they respect [anything that is good].
Ludzie bowiem będą samolubni, chciwi, chełpliwi, pyszni, bluźniący, nieposłuszni rodzicom, niewdzięczni, bezbożni;
3 They will not [even] love their own family, nor agree with [anybody] (OR, [they never forgive anyone]). They will tell lies about people. They will not control what they say and do, nor allow anyone to control them. They will not love [anything that is] good.
Bez naturalnej miłości, niedotrzymujący słowa, oszczercy, niepowściągliwi, okrutni, niemiłujący dobrych;
4 They will (betray others/hand others over to their enemies) and act foolishly. They will be overly/very proud of themselves, and they will love to please themselves instead of loving God.
Zdrajcy, porywczy, nadęci, miłujący bardziej rozkosze niż Boga;
5 [And, although they will] pretend that they worship God, they will not let [God’s Spirit] work powerfully [in their lives]. Do not associate with such people (OR, Do not let such people join [your congregation]),
Przybierający pozór pobożności, ale wyrzekający się jej mocy. Takich ludzi unikaj.
6 because some such [people, even now], subtly/deceivingly persuade foolish women to let them come into their houses, and then they deceive those women [so that they control what those women think. These women] have been burdened with sins {have sinned very much} and they have been led to do {they do} the many [evil] things that they strongly desire to do.
Z takich bowiem są ci, którzy wkradają się do domów i usidlają naiwne kobietki obciążone grzechami, wiedzione przez rozmaite pożądliwości;
7 [Even though] they are always [wanting to] learn new things, they are never able to recognize what is true.
Które zawsze się uczą, a nigdy nie mogą dojść do poznania prawdy.
8 Just like Jannes and Jambres [long ago] very much opposed Moses, so also some [people] now oppose the true [message. Those] people think only what is evil. God rejects them [because they do not] believe [what is true].
Jak Jannes i Jambres sprzeciwiali się Mojżeszowi, tak też oni sprzeciwiają się prawdzie, ludzie o wypaczonym umyśle, odrzuceni jeśli chodzi o wiarę.
9 Nevertheless, they will not continue to succeed, because most [HYP] people will understand clearly that such people are foolish, just like people also realized [clearly that Jannes and Jambres were foolish].
Lecz daleko nie zajdą, bo ich głupota będzie jawna dla wszystkich, jak to się stało i z tamtymi.
10 But as for yourself, you have fully known what I have taught. You have known [and imitated] the way in which I conducted my life, [and] what I have been trying to do. [You have] trusted [God as] I have. You have been patient as I have been. [You have] loved people [as] I have, and [you have] endured [as you suffered like] I have [suffered].
Ale ty pojąłeś moją naukę, sposób życia, dążenia, wiarę, wytrwałość, miłość i cierpliwość;
11 [You know how I endured many times when people] harmed me. [They] caused me to suffer at Antioch, Iconium, and Lystra [cities]. [But although they caused me to suffer], I endured it; and every time [they] did those things to me, the Lord rescued me.
Prześladowania, cierpienia, które mnie spotkały w Antiochii, w Ikonium [i] Listrze – prześladowania, które zniosłem, a ze wszystkich wyrwał mnie Pan.
12 (Indeed/You know that), for us [(inc)] who want to live (in a [godly manner/] a [manner that pleases God]), we will always be persecuted {there will always be people who will cause us to suffer} because we [have a close relationship with] Christ Jesus.
Tak i wszyscy, którzy chcą żyć pobożnie w Chrystusie Jezusie, będą prześladowani.
13 Evil people (OR, And those) who deceive other people will (get worse/teach things that are more and more wrong). [Specifically, they will] deceive other people, and [those who hear them will] deceive others.
Lecz ludzie źli i zwodziciele [coraz bardziej] będą brnąć w zło, błądząc i [innych] wprowadzając w błąd.
14 But you, in contrast, must continue [to believe] what you have learned and (been assured of/firmly believe). [I know that you are confident/sure that it is true because] you know that you have learned it from all [of us who taught you] ([God’s truth/what is right]).
Ty zaś trwaj w tym, czego się nauczyłeś i co ci powierzono, wiedząc, od kogo się tego nauczyłeś;
15 From [the time when you were] a child you have known the holy writings/Scriptures. [You now know that] they enabled you to become wise so that God saved you because of your believing in Christ Jesus.
I ponieważ od dziecka znasz Pisma święte, które cię mogą uczynić mądrym ku zbawieniu przez wiarę, która jest w Chrystusie Jezusie.
16 God (inspired/put into men’s minds) everything [that is written] in the Scriptures {they [wrote] in the holy writings}, and those writings are all useful to teach [us what is true], to cause us to know [when we are] wrong and then (to correct us/to show us what we have done that is wrong), and to train/teach us to do what is right.
Całe Pismo [jest] natchnione przez Boga i pożyteczne do nauki, do strofowania, do poprawiania, do wychowywania w sprawiedliwości;
17 What [is written] {they wrote} is useful to help us who [serve] God to be ready/prepared to do all that we should do. By means of it, we are equipped {God gives us what we need} in order to do every [kind of] good deeds.
Aby człowiek Boży był doskonały, do wszelkiego dobrego dzieła w pełni przygotowany.

< 2 Timothy 3 >