< 2 Timothy 2 >

1 You [are like a] son to me. So I urge also that you [let God] empower you [spiritually] as a result of Christ Jesus acting kindly toward you.
Tu dunque, figlio mio, attingi sempre forza nella grazia che è in Cristo Gesù
2 [As you do that], remembering that [the message] that you heard from me is the same message that other people have affirmed/declared to you, you must entrust/give that message to people whom you can trust, people who will be competent/able/qualified to teach others.
e le cose che hai udito da me in presenza di molti testimoni, trasmettile a persone fidate, le quali siano in grado di ammaestrare a loro volta anche altri.
3 Endure as I do what we suffer for Christ Jesus, like a good soldier [endures what he suffers].
Insieme con me prendi anche tu la tua parte di sofferenze, come un buon soldato di Cristo Gesù.
4 [You know that] soldiers, in order to please their captain, do not (become involved in civilian affairs/spend time doing other kinds of work) [MET]. [So, like soldiers, do not let other matters (distract you as you serve/hinder you from serving]) [Christ Jesus]!
Nessuno però, quando presta servizio militare, s'intralcia nelle faccende della vita comune, se vuol piacere a colui che l'ha arruolato.
5 [Similarly, you know that] athletes who do not obey the rules of the contest will not be given {not win} the prize [MET]. [So, like athletes, do all that Christ Jesus has commanded so that God will reward you]!
Anche nelle gare atletiche, non riceve la corona se non chi ha lottato secondo le regole.
6 [You also know that] a hard-working farmer should be the first to receive some of the harvest [MET]. [So, like farmers, work hard for Christ Jesus and expect that God will reward you]!
L'agricoltore poi che si affatica, dev'essere il primo a cogliere i frutti della terra.
7 Think about what I have just written, because, [if you do], the Lord will enable you to understand everything [that you need to understand].
Cerca di comprendere ciò che voglio dire; il Signore certamente ti darà intelligenza per ogni cosa.
8 [Endure everything by] remembering how Jesus Christ [endured it when he suffered]. Remember that he came back to life {God raised him from the dead} and [God affirmed/declared him to be king as] his ancestor [King] David was. Those are things that I tell to people when I tell them the message [about Christ].
Ricordati che Gesù Cristo, della stirpe di Davide, è risuscitato dai morti, secondo il mio vangelo,
9 I am suffering [here in prison] because [some people oppose] the good message [that I tell]. They have even put me in chains as if I were a criminal. Nevertheless, the message from God is not chained {nothing is preventing [MET] [others from proclaiming] the message from God}.
a causa del quale io soffro fino a portare le catene come un malfattore; ma la parola di Dio non è incatenata!
10 Therefore I [willingly] endure all [that I am suffering] for the sake of those [whom God has] chosen. [I do this] in order that Christ Jesus will save them, too, and that they will be forever with [him in the] glorious [place where he is]. (aiōnios g166)
Perciò sopporto ogni cosa per gli eletti, perché anch'essi raggiungano la salvezza che è in Cristo Gesù, insieme alla gloria eterna. (aiōnios g166)
11 [Endure everything as you remember] that these words [that we all say/sing] (OR, [that we teach people]) [are trustworthy]: Since we have stopped behaving as we did in the past, as though we died when he died, we shall also live with him.
Se moriamo con lui, vivremo anche con lui; Certa è questa parola:
12 Since we are also patiently enduring what we suffer, we shall also rule with him. But if we say that we do not know him, he also will say that he does not know us.
se con lui perseveriamo, con lui anche regneremo; se lo rinneghiamo, anch'egli ci rinnegherà;
13 If we (are unfaithful/stop doing what he tells us to do), he will treat us just like he promised to do, because he (can never be untrue to himself/always does what he says that he will do).
se noi manchiamo di fede, egli però rimane fedele, perché non può rinnegare se stesso.
14 [Those whom you appointed to teach others] God’s truth, keep reminding them about these things that [I have told you]. Tell them strongly that, since God knows what they are doing (OR, that God [will judge them for everything that is wrong that they do, and therefore]) they must not quarrel (about words/about matters that are not important), [because, when teachers quarrel, it helps] no one, [and because, when they quarrel, they spiritually] destroy those who hear them (OR, they cause those who hear [them to] quit (being committed [to Christ]/believing [in Christ]).)
Richiama alla memoria queste cose, scongiurandoli davanti a Dio di evitare le vane discussioni, che non giovano a nulla, se non alla perdizione di chi le ascolta.
15 (Do your best/Try hard) to be the kind of person that God will approve of. [Be like a] good worker as you teach the true message accurately. If a worker works well, he will not need to be ashamed of (OR, will be pleased about) [what he does].
Sfòrzati di presentarti davanti a Dio come un uomo degno di approvazione, un lavoratore che non ha di che vergognarsi, uno scrupoloso dispensatore della parola della verità.
16 (Stay away from/Do not talk with) [those who talk foolishly and] ([godlessly/say things that displease God]), because [those who talk foolishly] will become even more (ungodly/displeasing to God),
Evita le chiacchiere profane, perché esse tendono a far crescere sempre più nell'empietà;
17 and [because] their message will [harm people] [SIM] [like] gangrene/cancer does. [You know] Hymenaeus and Philetus. They are [two] such people [who talk in this manner].
la parola di costoro infatti si propagherà come una cancrena. Fra questi ci sono Imenèo e Filèto,
18 [Specifically], they teach a wrong message; [that is], they say [wrongly that God will not cause dead people to live again because] he has already given us [spiritual] life. [They claim that our spiritual life is the only new life that we will receive. By saying that], they cause some people
i quali hanno deviato dalla verità, sostenendo che la risurrezione è gia avvenuta e così sconvolgono la fede di alcuni.
19 not to continue to believe [in Christ]. However, [the congregations of] God are strong [MET]. [They are like] a strong foundation on which is written: “The Lord knows the people who really belong to him,” and “Every person who calls Jesus [MTY] ‘Lord’ must stop doing wicked things”.
Tuttavia il fondamento gettato da Dio sta saldo e porta questo sigillo: Il Signore conosce i suoi, e ancora: Si allontani dall'iniquità chiunque invoca il nome del Signore.
20 In a wealthy person’s house there are not only utensils made of gold and of silver, but also utensils made of wood and of clay. The gold and silver [utensils are used] at special [occasions/events], and the others are used at ordinary [occasions. Similarly, in a congregation there are those who] ([are ready/desire]) [to do great things for the Lord Jesus, and there are those like the teachers of false doctrines/teachings who are not].
In una casa grande però non vi sono soltanto vasi d'oro e d'argento, ma anche di legno e di coccio; alcuni sono destinati ad usi nobili, altri per usi più spregevoli.
21 Therefore, those who rid themselves of [what is evil in their lives] will be able to [work well for the Lord. They will be like] utensils [MET] used at special [occasions], set apart for and especially useful to the owner [of the big house. They will be like fine utensils] that have been prepared {are ready} to do any kind of good work.
Chi si manterrà puro astenendosi da tali cose, sarà un vaso nobile, santificato, utile al padrone, pronto per ogni opera buona.
22 [Because of that], you [(sg)] must avoid doing the wrong actions that [many] young people desire to do. Instead, you must earnestly do right actions, believe [the true teaching], love [God and others, and you must continually be at] peace with those who ask the Lord [to help them and who are] pure in every way (OR, who serve [Jesus] faithfully).
Fuggi le passioni giovanili; cerca la giustizia, la fede, la carità, la pace, insieme a quelli che invocano il Signore con cuore puro.
23 Do not talk [with anyone who] foolishly [wants] to argue about matters that are not important. [Do not talk with them], because you know that [when people talk about foolish things], they begin to quarrel.
Evita inoltre le discussioni sciocche e non educative, sapendo che generano contese.
24 But those who serve the Lord must not quarrel. Instead, they should be kind to all people, they should be able to teach [God’s truth well], and they should be patient [with people].
Un servo del Signore non dev'essere litigioso, ma mite con tutti, atto a insegnare, paziente nelle offese subite,
25 [That is, they should] gently instruct/teach people who oppose [the true message. They should do that] in order that perhaps God will cause others to completely change what they think, so that they may acknowledge/believe the true [message].
dolce nel riprendere gli oppositori, nella speranza che Dio voglia loro concedere di convertirsi, perché riconoscano la verità
26 In that way they may get free from [what is like] [MET] a trap [set by] the devil. The devil has deceived them in order that [they might do] what he wants [them to do].
e ritornino in sé sfuggendo al laccio del diavolo, che li ha presi nella rete perché facessero la sua volontà.

< 2 Timothy 2 >