< 2 Timothy 1 >

1 [I], Paul, [am writing this letter. I am] an apostle whom Christ Jesus chose so that I would do what God wanted. He chose me [to tell people that God] has promised [that they will] live [eternally] as a result of their having a close relationship with Christ Jesus.
Timoteji, můj drahý synu, přeji ti Boží pokoj, milost a slitování! Jsem za tebe tolik vděčný Bohu;
2 [I am writing to you], Timothy, whom I love [as if you were] my own son. [I pray that] God our Father and Christ Jesus our Lord will [continue to act] kindly to you, be merciful to you, and [cause you to have] inner peace,
3 I thank God [for all that he has done for you]. I serve him, and my ancestors [served him, too. I serve him] in a manner that I know to be right. [I thank him] while repeatedly I [pray for you] at night and during the day.
myslím na tebe každý den a nejednu noc jsem vyplnil prosbami, aby ti Bůh bohatě žehnal.
4 [While I am thanking God for you], I very much want to see you because I remember how you cried [MTY] [when we separated. I want to see you] in order that I may be (filled with joy/very happy).
Když si vzpomenu, jak jsi při našem rozloučení plakal, nejraději bych se hned rozběhl za tebou – tak rád bych tě ještě jednou uviděl.
5 [I thank God because] I remember that you sincerely believe [in Christ Jesus]. First, your grandmother, Lois, and your mother, Eunice, [believed in him and], I am (convinced/very sure) that you also believe in him.
Vzpomínám na tvou upřímnou víru, jakou jsem poznal už u tvé babičky a maminky. Jistě si pamatuješ, jak jsem na tebe vkládal ruce, když jsem ti svěřoval službu v církvi.
6 Because [I am sure that you believe in him], I remind you to do fervently/wholeheartedly [MET] what God has (assigned for/appointed) you to do and what he has enabled you to do. [God] ([assigned for/appointed]) you to do it as a result of my putting my hands [on you to show/indicate that he had chosen you to do his work].
Bůh ti dal všechny dary a schopnosti, které potřebuješ. A tak když budeš toto božské obdarování rozvíjet a podporovat, nepřijde ti nikdy zatěžko hovořit o Kristu s lidmi, ani ti nebude trapné přiznat se k přátelství se mnou, i když jsem kvůli Kristu v okovech. Naopak – dostaneš dost odvahy a síly snášet pro něho třeba i stejné utrpení.
7 Remember that God has put [his Spirit] within us. [His Spirit does not cause us to be] afraid. Instead, [he causes us to be] powerful [to work for God], and he helps us to love [others] and [to] control what we say and do.
8 So never be ashamed/reluctant to tell others the message about our Lord. And do not [be ashamed] of me, [even though I am] a prisoner [because I preach about] him. Instead, [be willing to] suffer as I do as you proclaim the message about Christ. [Endure what you will suffer] by letting God empower [you to endure it].
9 [God] saved us and chose us to conduct our lives in a pure way. It was not our doing good deeds/actions [that caused him to do this for us—something] that we did not deserve. Instead, before (time began/he created the world) he purposed/planned to [be kind to us] as a result of what Christ Jesus [would do for us]. (aiōnios g166)
To on nás zachránil a vyvolil pro zvláštní úlohu. Nesvěřil nám ji proto, že bychom se o to sami zasloužili, ale protože se tak už dávno sám rozhodl. Již před stvořením světa nám daroval svou milost (aiōnios g166)
10 Now, as a result of our Savior Christ Jesus having come, it has been revealed {he has shown} [that he acts kindly toward us. Specifically, Christ Jesus] has declared that we [will not remain dead after we] die! He has also revealed that, as a result of [our hearing and accepting] the message [about Christ, we] will live [forever in bodies that will] not decay!
a ta se viditelně projevila, když Kristus přišel, aby zlomil moc smrti a ukázal nám, jak důvěrou v něho můžeme dospět k věčnému životu.
11 I was chosen {Christ chose me} to go as an apostle to many places and proclaim that message to people.
A mne si Bůh zvolil za svého vyslance, abych tyto věci hlásal a učil.
12 So, even though I suffer [here in this prison], I am not ashamed [of being here] (OR, I am very confident), because I know [Christ Jesus], the one whom I have trusted, and I am convinced/sure that he is able to keep safe the good message that he has entrusted to me (OR, the things that I have entrusted [to him]), and that he will reward me at the time [MTY] [when he comes again].
Kvůli tomu jsem teď právě za mřížemi, ale nijak se za to nestydím, protože znám toho, komu jsem uvěřil. Jsem si jist, že vše, co mi svěřil, s jeho pomocí bezpečně zachovám až do jeho příchodu.
13 Be sure that you tell others the same correct message that you heard from me. [And as you tell it], keep trusting [in Christ Jesus] and keep loving [others] as Christ Jesus [enables you to do].
Drž se tedy vždycky toho, co jsi ode mne slyšel. Měj to za pravidlo a příklad, jak máš sám mluvit, a s láskou důvěřuj Kristu Ježíši.
14 Do not let anyone persuade you to change the [good message that] God has entrusted/given to you. Allow the Holy Spirit who lives in us to [direct what you say].
S pomocí jeho Ducha, který v nás bydlí, opatruj jako oko v hlavě duchovní jmění, které ti Bůh daroval.
15 You know that [almost] all [the believers] in Asia [province] have (turned away from/abandoned) me, including Phygelus and Hermogenes.
Jak už asi víš, všichni křesťané, kteří sem přišli se mnou z Asie, mě teď opustili. Odešel i Fygellos a Hermogenes.
16 [But I pray that] the Lord will be kind to the family of Onesiphorus for the following reasons: Often he cheered me up and, [even though] I was a prisoner [MTY], he was not ashamed (of me/[to admit he was] my [friend]).
Jen Oneziforus mě sem chodil často navštěvovat a mě vždycky tak povzbudilo a zahřálo u srdce, že se za mne jako vězně nestyděl. Bůh žehnej celé jeho rodině!
17 On the contrary, when he came here to Rome, he diligently searched for me until he found me.
Když přišel do Říma, pátral po mně tak dlouho, až mne našel.
18 [I pray that] the Lord will be kind to him on that day [MTY] [when he, the Lord, will judge people]. And how much Onesiphorus served [me] in Ephesus [city], you know very well.
Ať mu to Pán bohatě odplatí po svém příchodu. A co pro mne znamenala jeho pomoc v Efezu, to víš nejlíp sám.

< 2 Timothy 1 >