< 2 Thessalonians 2 >
1 Now [I want to write to you] about the time when our Lord Jesus Christ will return and when [God] will gather us together to [where Jesus] is. My fellow believers, I urge you
Wir bitten euch aber, Brüder, betreffs der Wiederkunft unsres Herrn Jesus Christus und unsrer Vereinigung mit ihm:
2 that you think calmly [about any message] that [claims/says] that the Lord has [already] come again. Do not be shaken or alarmed/worried by any such message. [It does not matter] if [it is a message that someone claims God’s Spirit] revealed to him, or if [it is some other message that someone] has spoken, or whether [it is a message that someone claims] that I wrote in a letter.
Lasset euch nicht so schnell aus der Fassung bringen oder gar in Schrecken jagen, weder durch einen Geist, noch durch eine Rede, noch durch einen angeblich von uns stammenden Brief, als wäre der Tag des Herrn schon da.
3 Do not allow anyone to deceive you in any way [with the result that you believe any such message]. 2 Thessalonians 2:3b-5 [The Lord] will not come [MTY] [immediately]. First, [many people] [PRS] will rebel [against God]. The result of their rebelling will be that [they will accept and obey] the man who will sin very greatly [against God].
Niemand soll euch irreführen in irgendeiner Weise, denn es muß unbedingt zuerst der Abfall kommen und der Mensch der Sünde, der Sohn des Verderbens,
4 He will be the [supreme] enemy [of God]. He will [proudly] exalt himself above everything that [people] consider to be some god and above everything that people worship. [As a result of wanting people to worship him], he will [even enter] God’s Temple and sit down [there to rule]. He will publicly proclaim that he himself is God! But [God] will [certainly] punish that man forever!
geoffenbart werden, der Widersacher, der sich über alles erhebt, was Gott oder Gegenstand der Verehrung heißt, so daß er sich in den Tempel Gottes setzt und sich selbst als Gott erklärt.
5 (I am sure that you remember that I kept telling you these things while I was still with you [there in Thessalonica]./Do you not remember that I continued telling you these things while I was still with you [there in Thessalonica]?) [RHQ]
Denket ihr nicht mehr daran, daß ich euch solches sagte, als ich noch bei euch war?
6 You also know that there is something (OR, someone) that is preventing this man [from being revealed] {[from revealing himself]}. This man is being (held back/restrained) [now] for him to be revealed {that he reveal himself} at the time that [God has planned] [MTY].
Und nun wisset ihr ja, was noch aufhält, daß er geoffenbart werde zu seiner Zeit.
7 [Although Satan] is already secretly causing [people] to reject [God’s] laws, (the one/God) who is preventing [this man from revealing himself] now [will continue to prevent him from doing that] until he/[God] removes him.
Denn das Geheimnis der Gesetzlosigkeit ist schon an der Arbeit, nur muß der, welcher jetzt aufhält, erst aus dem Wege geschafft werden;
8 It is then that [God will allow] this man, who rejects [God’s] laws [completely], to be revealed {to reveal himself}. Then the Lord Jesus will destroy him, by simply commanding it [MTY]. Jesus, by his own glorious arrival, will cause him to become [completely] powerless.
und dann wird der Gesetzlose geoffenbart werden, welchen der Herr Jesus durch den Geist seines Mundes aufreiben, und den er durch die Erscheinung seiner Wiederkunft vernichten wird,
9 But [before Jesus destroys him], Satan will make him very powerful. As a result, he [will do all kinds of supernatural] miracles and amazing things [DOU] that will seem as though [God has enabled him to do them].
ihn, dessen Auftreten nach der Wirkung des Satans erfolgt, unter Entfaltung aller betrügerischen Kräfte, Zeichen und Wunder
10 And by doing wicked [things], he will completely deceive those who will [certainly] (perish/go to hell). [He will deceive them] because they will have refused to love the true [message]. So they will not be saved {God will not save them}. ()
und aller Verführung der Ungerechtigkeit unter denen, die verlorengehen, weil sie die Liebe zur Wahrheit nicht angenommen haben, durch die sie hätten gerettet werden können.
11 So, God, by his power, will enable this man to easily deceive people, so that they will believe what [this man] falsely [claims/says that he is].
Darum sendet ihnen Gott kräftigen Irrtum, daß sie der Lüge glauben,
12 The result will be that everyone will be [rightly] condemned {that [God] will [justly] condemn everyone} [to be punished] who did not believe the true [message], but who instead gladly chose [to be doing] what is wicked.
damit alle gerichtet werden, die der Wahrheit nicht geglaubt, sondern Wohlgefallen an der Ungerechtigkeit gehabt haben.
13 [Our] fellow believers, whom our Lord [Jesus] loves, we thank God very frequently for you. It is appropriate/right for us to do that, because God chose you (from the beginning [MTY] [of creation/before the world existed]) in order that he might save [you] as a result of [your] believing the true [message] and as a result of [God’s] Spirit setting you apart [for God].
Wir aber sind Gott allezeit zu danken schuldig für euch, vom Herrn geliebte Brüder, daß Gott euch von Anfang an zum Heil erwählt hat, in der Heiligung des Geistes und im Glauben an die Wahrheit,
14 [We thank God that] he chose you as a result of our [proclaiming] the message about Christ [to you], in order that you might (share in/have) some of the glory that our Lord Jesus Christ has.
wozu er euch auch berufen hat durch unser Evangelium, zur Erlangung der Herrlichkeit unsres Herrn Jesus Christus.
15 So, [our fellow believers, continue to be firm concerning what you believe]; that is, continue believing the [true] teaching that we gave to you by our speaking to you and by our [writing] a letter [to you].
So stehet denn nun fest, ihr Brüder, und haltet fest an den Überlieferungen, die ihr gelehrt worden seid, sei es durch ein Wort oder durch einen Brief von uns.
16 Our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God, our Father, loves us and encourages us and causes us to confidently expect [to receive] the eternal things that [he has promised to give to us] as a result of [Christ] acting kindly toward us in a way we did not deserve. (aiōnios )
Er selbst aber, unser Herr Jesus Christus, und Gott, unser Vater, der uns geliebt und einen ewigen Trost und eine gute Hoffnung durch Gnade gegeben hat, (aiōnios )
17 [We strongly pray that] God and Jesus together will encourage you! And we pray that they will cause you to continue doing and saying things that God considers to be good.
tröste eure Herzen und stärke euch in jedem guten Wort und Werk!