< 2 Samuel 9 >

1 One day David asked, “Is there anyone who is a descendant of Saul to whom I can be kind?” He asked this because he wanted to honor Jonathan.
Pada suatu hari Daud bertanya, "Masih adakah orang yang hidup dari keluarga Saul? Jika ada, aku ingin berbuat baik kepadanya demi Yonatan."
2 [They told him that] there was [in Jerusalem] a man named Ziba who had been a servant of Saul’s family. So [David sent messengers to summon Ziba. When he arrived], the king asked him, “Are you Ziba?” He replied, “Yes, your majesty, I am.”
Keluarga Saul mempunyai budak yang bernama Ziba, dan ia disuruh menghadap Raja Daud. Raja bertanya, "Engkaukah Ziba?" "Ya, Baginda," jawabnya.
3 The king asked him, “Is there anyone in Saul’s family to whom I can be kind, [as I promised Jonathan that I would do]?” Ziba replied, “Yes, there is one son of Jonathan who is still [alive]. His feet are crippled.”
Kemudian raja bertanya, "Masih adakah orang yang hidup dari keluarga Saul? Aku ingin berbuat baik kepadanya, seperti yang telah kujanjikan kepada Allah." Ziba menjawab, "Masih ada seorang putra Yonatan. Dia pincang."
4 The king asked him, “Where is he?” Ziba replied, “He is [living] in the house of Machir, son of Ammiel, in Lo-Debar [city east of the Jordan River].”
"Di mana dia?" tanya raja. "Di Lodebar, di rumah Makhir anak Amiel," jawab Ziba.
5 So King David sent [messengers] to bring Mephibosheth [to Jerusalem].
Lalu Raja Daud menyuruh memanggil putra Yonatan itu.
6 When Mephibosheth came to David, he knelt down with his face on the ground, to show respect. Then David said, “Mephibosheth!” He replied, “Yes, your majesty, how may I serve you?”
Putra Yonatan itu bernama Mefiboset. Ketika ia datang, ia sujud menghormati Daud. Daud menyapa dia, katanya, "Mefiboset," dan dia menjawab, "Ya, Baginda."
7 David said to him, “Do not be afraid; I will be kind to you because Jonathan your father [was my loyal friend]. I will give back to you all the land that belonged to your grandfather Saul. And [I want] you to always eat with me at my house [MTY].”
Daud berkata, "Jangan takut. Aku akan bermurah hati kepadamu demi Yonatan ayahmu. Semua tanah kakekmu Saul, akan kukembalikan kepadamu dan untuk selama-lamanya engkau boleh makan di istana."
8 Mephibosheth bowed [in front of David again] and said, “Sir, I am [as worthless as] [MET] a dead dog; I do not deserve [RHQ] that you be kind to me!”
Mefiboset sujud lagi dan berkata, "Apalah artinya hamba ini! Mengapa Baginda begitu baik kepada hamba?"
9 Then the king summoned Saul’s servant Ziba and said to him, “Saul was your master; now I am giving to Mephibosheth everything that belonged to Saul and his family.
Lalu raja memanggil Ziba budak Saul itu, dan berkata, "Segala peninggalan Saul dan keluarganya kuberikan kepada cucu tuanmu ini.
10 You and your 15 sons and your 20 servants must till/plow the land for Mephibosheth’s [family], and [plant crops] and harvest them, in order that they will have food to eat. But Mephibosheth will eat food with me at my house.”
Engkau dan anak-anakmu serta pembantumu harus mengerjakan tanah itu bagi keluarga tuanmu Saul, dan berikanlah hasil tanah itu kepada mereka untuk mencukupi kebutuhan mereka. Tetapi Mefiboset boleh makan di istana selama-lamanya." (Ziba mempunyai 15 orang anak laki-laki dan 20 orang budak).
11 Ziba replied to the king, “Your majesty, I will do everything that you have commanded me to do.” So [after that], Mephibosheth always ate at the king’s table, as though he were one of the king’s sons.
Ziba menjawab kepada raja, "Segala perintah Baginda akan hamba laksanakan." Jadi Mefiboset makan sehidangan dengan raja, seperti putra Raja Daud sendiri.
12 Mephibosheth had a young son named Mica. All of Ziba’s family became servants of Mephibosheth.
Mefiboset mempunyai putra yang bernama Mikha. Semua anggota keluarga Ziba menjadi hamba-hamba Mefiboset.
13 And Mephibosheth, who was still crippled in both of his feet, started to live in Jerusalem, and he always ate (at the king’s table/with the king).
Demikianlah Mefiboset yang cacat pada kedua kakinya itu tinggal di Yerusalem dan selalu makan di istana.

< 2 Samuel 9 >