< 2 Samuel 5 >

1 Then [the leaders of] all the tribes of Israel came to David at Hebron, and said to him, “Listen, we have the same ancestors [IDM] that you do.
Och alla Israels slägter kommo till David i Hebron, och sade: Si, vi äre af ditt ben och ditt kött.
2 In the past, when Saul was our king, it was you who led our Israeli soldiers [in our battles]. You are the one to whom Yahweh promised, ‘You will be the leader [MET] of my people; you will be their king.’”
Dertill ock tillförene, när Saul var Konung öfver oss, förde du Israel ut och in; så hafver nu Herren sagt dig: Du skall vakta mitt folk Israel, och skall vara en höfvitsmän öfver Israel.
3 So while Yahweh was listening, all those leaders of the people of Israel declared there at Hebron [that David would be their king]. And David made a sacred agreement with them. They anointed him [with olive oil to set him apart] to be the king of the Israeli people.
Och alle äldste i Israel kommo till Konungen i Hebron; och Konung David gjorde med dem ett förbund i Hebron för Herranom; och de smorde David till Konung öfver Israel.
4 David was 30 years old when he became their king. He ruled them for 40 years.
Tretio åra gammal var David, då han Konung vardt, och regerade i fyratio år.
5 In Hebron he ruled over the tribe of Judah for seven and a half years, and in Jerusalem he ruled over all the people of Judah and Israel for 33 years.
I Hebron regerade han i sju år och sex månader, öfver Juda; men i Jerusalem regerade han i tre och tretio år, öfver hela Israel och Juda.
6 [One day] King David and his soldiers went to Jerusalem to fight against the Jebus people-group who lived there. The people there thought that David’s army would not be able to capture the city, so they sent a message to David, saying “Your army will never be able to get inside our city! Even the blind and crippled people will be able to chase you away!”
Och Konungen drog bort med sina män till Jerusalem, emot de Jebuseer, som bodde der i landena. Men de sade till David: Du skall icke komma härin, utan blinde och halte skola drifva dig af. Och deras mening var, att David skulle icke komma derin.
7 But David’s army captured the fortress on Zion [Hill], [and later it was known as] David’s City.
Men David vann borgena Zion; det är Davids stad.
8 On that day, David said [to his soldiers], “Those who want to get rid of the Jebus people-group should go through the water tunnel [to enter the city]. Then they can attack those people whom I [SYN] detest—[and we will find out if any] blind and crippled people [will be able to stop them]!” That is why people say, “Blind and crippled people cannot enter Yahweh’s temple.”
Då sade David på den dagen: Den som slår de Jebuseer, och kommer upp till takrännorna; de halta och blinda, hvilka Davids själ hatar. Deraf säger man: Låt ingen blindan eller haltan komma i huset.
9 [After] David [and his soldiers captured] the city with its strong walls around it, he lived there, and they named it ‘David’s City’. David [and his soldiers] built the city around the fortress, starting where the [land was (filled in/terraces) on the east side of the hill].
Så bodde då David på borgene, och kallade henne Davids stad; och David byggde omkring, ifrå Millo och innanföre.
10 David continued to become more and more powerful/influential, because the Almighty Commander of the armies of angels was with/helping him.
Och David gick, och förkofrade sig; och Herren Gud Zebaoth var med honom.
11 [One day] Hiram, the king of Tyre [city], sent ambassadors/messengers to David [to talk about making agreements between their countries]. Hiram agreed to provide cedar trees [to make lumber], and also that he would send carpenters and masons, to build a palace for David.
Och Hiram, Konungen i Tyro, sände båd till David, och cederträ till väggar, och timbermän och stenhuggare, att de skulle bygga David ett hus.
12 His doing that caused David to realize that Yahweh truly had appointed him to be the king of Israel, and that Yahweh was going to cause his kingdom to prosper, because Yahweh loved the Israeli people, whom [he had chosen to] belong to him.
Och David förmärkte, att Herren hade stadfäst honom för en Konung öfver Israel, och upphöjt hans rike för sitt folk Israels skull.
13 After David moved from Hebron to Jerusalem, he took more slave women to be his second-class wives, and he also married other women. [All of those women] gave birth to more sons and daughters.
Och David tog ännu flera hustrur och frillor i Jerusalem, sedan han var kommen ifrå Hebron; och honom vordo ännu flere söner och döttrar födde.
14 The names of the sons who were born in Jerusalem were Shammua, Shobab, Nathan, Solomon,
Och detta är deras namn, som honom födde voro i Jerusalem: Sammua, Sobab, Nathan, Salomo,
15 Ibhar, Elishua, Nepheg, Japhia,
Jibehar, Elisua, Nepheg, Japhia,
16 Elishama, Eliada, and Eliphelet.
Elisama, Eljada, Eliphalet.
17 When the Philistia people heard that David had been appointed to be the king of Israel, their army went up [toward Jerusalem] to try to capture David. But David heard that they were coming, so he went down to another fortified place.
Och då de Philisteer hörde, att man hade smort David till Konung öfver Israel, drogo de alle upp till att söka David. Då David det förnam, drog han neder till en borg.
18 The [army of] Philistia arrived at Rephaim Valley [southwest of Jerusalem] and spread all over the valley.
Men de Philisteer kommo, och lade sig neder i den dalenom Rephaim.
19 David asked Yahweh, “Should [my men and] I attack the Philistia army? Will you enable us to defeat them [IDM]?” Yahweh replied, “Yes, attack them, because I will certainly enable your army to defeat them. [IDM]”
Och David frågade Herran, och sade: Skall jag draga upp emot de Philisteer, och vill du gifva dem i mina hand? Herren sade till David: Drag ditupp; jag vill gifva de Philisteer i dina hand.
20 So David [and his army] went to [where the Philistia army was], and there they defeated them. Then David said, “Yahweh has burst through my enemies like a flood.” [SIM] So that place is called ‘Lord of Bursting-through’.
Och David kom till BaalPerazim, och slog dem der, och sade: Herren hafver förskingrat mina fiendar för mig ifrå, hvarannan, såsom vattnen förskingras. Deraf kallar man det samma rummet BaalPerazim.
21 The Philistia men left their idols there; so David and his soldiers took them away.
Och de läto der deras afgudar; men David och hans män togo dem bort.
22 Then the Philistia [army] returned to Rephaim Valley and spread all over the valley.
Men de Philisteer drogo åter upp, och lade sig neder i Rephaims dal.
23 So again David asked Yahweh [if his army should attack them]. But Yahweh replied, “Do not attack them [from here]. Tell your men to go around them and attack them from the other side, near the balsam trees.
Och David frågade Herran. Han sade: Du skall icke draga ditupp; utan kom bakuppå dem, så att du kommer uppå dem in mot päronaträn.
24 When you hear something in the tops of the balsam trees that sounds like [an army] marching, attack them, because I will have gone ahead of you [to enable your army] to defeat their army.”
Och när du får höra, att det ruskar öfverst uppe i skatarna af päronaträn, så var vid ett friskt mod; ty Herren är då utgången för dig, till att slå de Philisteers här.
25 So David did what Yahweh told him to do, and his [army] defeated the Philistia army from Geba [city] all the way [west] to Gezer [city].
David gjorde som Herren honom budit hade, och slog de Philisteer, ifrå Geba allt intilldess man kommer till Gaser.

< 2 Samuel 5 >