< 2 Samuel 5 >

1 Then [the leaders of] all the tribes of Israel came to David at Hebron, and said to him, “Listen, we have the same ancestors [IDM] that you do.
Toutes les tribus d’Israël vinrent auprès de David, à Hébron, et lui dirent: "Nous sommes ta chair et ton sang.
2 In the past, when Saul was our king, it was you who led our Israeli soldiers [in our battles]. You are the one to whom Yahweh promised, ‘You will be the leader [MET] of my people; you will be their king.’”
Déjà hier, déjà avant-hier, alors que Saül était notre roi, c’est toi qui dirigeais toutes les expéditions d’Israël. C’Est toi, avait dit l’Eternel, qui gouverneras Israël, mon peuple, toi qui seras son chef…"
3 So while Yahweh was listening, all those leaders of the people of Israel declared there at Hebron [that David would be their king]. And David made a sacred agreement with them. They anointed him [with olive oil to set him apart] to be the king of the Israeli people.
Tous les anciens d’Israël vinrent donc trouver le roi, à Hébron; le roi David fit un pacte avec eux à Hébron, devant l’Eternel, et ils le sacrèrent comme roi d’Israël.
4 David was 30 years old when he became their king. He ruled them for 40 years.
David avait trente ans lorsqu’il devint roi; son règne fut de quarante ans.
5 In Hebron he ruled over the tribe of Judah for seven and a half years, and in Jerusalem he ruled over all the people of Judah and Israel for 33 years.
Il régna dans Hébron, sur Juda, sept ans et six mois, et dans Jérusalem il régna trentre-trois ans sur tout Israël et Juda.
6 [One day] King David and his soldiers went to Jerusalem to fight against the Jebus people-group who lived there. The people there thought that David’s army would not be able to capture the city, so they sent a message to David, saying “Your army will never be able to get inside our city! Even the blind and crippled people will be able to chase you away!”
Le roi, avec ses hommes, marcha sur Jérusalem contre les Jébuséens, qui occupaient le pays; mais ceux-ci dirent à David: "Tu n’entreras pas ici que tu n’aies délogé les aveugles et les boiteux," voulant dire que David n’y entrerait point.
7 But David’s army captured the fortress on Zion [Hill], [and later it was known as] David’s City.
Mais David s’empara de la forteresse de Sion, qui est la Cité de David.
8 On that day, David said [to his soldiers], “Those who want to get rid of the Jebus people-group should go through the water tunnel [to enter the city]. Then they can attack those people whom I [SYN] detest—[and we will find out if any] blind and crippled people [will be able to stop them]!” That is why people say, “Blind and crippled people cannot enter Yahweh’s temple.”
Ce même jour, David avait dit: "Celui qui veut battre les Jébuséens doit pénétrer jusqu’au faîte, jusqu’aux boiteux et aux aveugles", devenus odieux à David. C’Est pourquoi on a dit: "Aveugle ni boiteux ne doivent entrer dans la maison."
9 [After] David [and his soldiers captured] the city with its strong walls around it, he lived there, and they named it ‘David’s City’. David [and his soldiers] built the city around the fortress, starting where the [land was (filled in/terraces) on the east side of the hill].
David s’établit dans la forteresse, qu’il nomma la Cité de David, et ajouta des constructions tout autour, à l’intérieur du Millo:
10 David continued to become more and more powerful/influential, because the Almighty Commander of the armies of angels was with/helping him.
David alla grandissant de plus, en plus, assisté par l’Eternel, Dieu-Cebaot.
11 [One day] Hiram, the king of Tyre [city], sent ambassadors/messengers to David [to talk about making agreements between their countries]. Hiram agreed to provide cedar trees [to make lumber], and also that he would send carpenters and masons, to build a palace for David.
Hiram, roi de Tyr, envoya une députation à David avec du bois de cèdre, des charpentiers et des maçons, qui bâtirent une maison pour David.
12 His doing that caused David to realize that Yahweh truly had appointed him to be the king of Israel, and that Yahweh was going to cause his kingdom to prosper, because Yahweh loved the Israeli people, whom [he had chosen to] belong to him.
Et David reconnut que le Seigneur l’avait destiné à régner sur Israël, et lui avait accordé une royauté glorieuse en faveur de son peuple Israël.
13 After David moved from Hebron to Jerusalem, he took more slave women to be his second-class wives, and he also married other women. [All of those women] gave birth to more sons and daughters.
David prit encore des concubines et des épouses dans Jérusalem, après son départ d’Hébron, et il lui naquit encore des fils et des filles.
14 The names of the sons who were born in Jerusalem were Shammua, Shobab, Nathan, Solomon,
Voici les noms de ceux qui lui naquirent à Jérusalem: Chammoua, Chobab, Nathan et Salomon;
15 Ibhar, Elishua, Nepheg, Japhia,
Yibhar, Elichoua, Néfeg et Yafia;
16 Elishama, Eliada, and Eliphelet.
Elichama, Elyada et Elifélet.
17 When the Philistia people heard that David had been appointed to be the king of Israel, their army went up [toward Jerusalem] to try to capture David. But David heard that they were coming, so he went down to another fortified place.
Les Philistins, ayant su que David avait été oint comme roi d’Israël, montèrent tous pour chercher à le prendre; David l’apprit et se rendit à la forteresse.
18 The [army of] Philistia arrived at Rephaim Valley [southwest of Jerusalem] and spread all over the valley.
Les Philistins étaient arrivés et s’étaient déployés dans la vallée de Refaïm.
19 David asked Yahweh, “Should [my men and] I attack the Philistia army? Will you enable us to defeat them [IDM]?” Yahweh replied, “Yes, attack them, because I will certainly enable your army to defeat them. [IDM]”
Alors David consulta le Seigneur en disant: "Dois-je monter vers les Philistins? Les livreras-tu en ma main?" Le Seigneur répondit à David: "Monte! Oui, je livrerai les Philistins en ta main."
20 So David [and his army] went to [where the Philistia army was], and there they defeated them. Then David said, “Yahweh has burst through my enemies like a flood.” [SIM] So that place is called ‘Lord of Bursting-through’.
David atteignit Baal-Peraçim et les y battit. Et il dit: "Le Seigneur a dispersé mes ennemis devant moi comme une eau débordée." C’Est de là que cet endroit fut nommé Baal-Peraçim.
21 The Philistia men left their idols there; so David and his soldiers took them away.
Ils laissèrent là leurs idoles, qui furent emportées par David et ses hommes.
22 Then the Philistia [army] returned to Rephaim Valley and spread all over the valley.
Mais de nouveau les Philistins y montèrent et se déployèrent dans la vallée de Refaïm.
23 So again David asked Yahweh [if his army should attack them]. But Yahweh replied, “Do not attack them [from here]. Tell your men to go around them and attack them from the other side, near the balsam trees.
David consulta le Seigneur, qui répondit: "Ne monte pas; tourne-les par derrière et marche sur eux du côté des bekhaïm.
24 When you hear something in the tops of the balsam trees that sounds like [an army] marching, attack them, because I will have gone ahead of you [to enable your army] to defeat their army.”
Or, lorsque tu entendras un bruit de pas sur les cimes des bekhaïm, mets-toi vite en mouvement, car alors le Seigneur sera venu à ton secours pour que tu battes l’armée des Philistins."
25 So David did what Yahweh told him to do, and his [army] defeated the Philistia army from Geba [city] all the way [west] to Gezer [city].
David se conforma aux instructions du Seigneur, et il battit les Philistins depuis Ghéba jusque vers Ghézer.

< 2 Samuel 5 >