< 2 Samuel 3 >

1 There was a long war between those who wanted Saul’s son to be their king and those who wanted David to be their king. But more and more people began to want David to be the king, while the number of people who wanted Saul’s son to be the king continued to become smaller.
E houve uma longa guerra entre a casa de Saul e a casa de David: porém David se ia fortalecendo, mas os da casa de Saul se iam enfraquecendo.
2 David’s wives gave birth to six sons at Hebron. The oldest was Amnon, whose mother was Ahinoam, from Jezreel [city].
E a David nasceram filhos em Hebron: e foi o seu primogenito Amnon, de Achinoam a jizreelita;
3 The next one was Kileab, whose mother was Abigail, the widow of Nabal, from Carmel [city]. The next one was Absalom, whose mother was Maacah, the daughter of Talmai, the king of [the] Geshur [region].
E seu segundo Chileab, de Abigail, mulher de Nabal, o carmelita; e o terceiro Absalão, filho de Maaka, filha de Talmai, rei de Gesur;
4 The next one was Adonijah, whose mother was Haggith. The next one was Shephatiah, whose mother was Abital.
E o quarto Adonias, filho d'Haggith; e o quinto Sephatias, filho d'Abital;
5 The youngest one was Ithream, whose mother was Eglah, [another one of] David’s wives. Those sons of David were all born in Hebron.
E o sexto Jithream, d'Egla, tambem mulher de David: estes nasceram a David em Hebron.
6 While those who wanted Saul’s son to rule over them and those who wanted David to rule over them continued to fight against each other, Abner was becoming more influential among those who wanted Saul’s son to be the king.
E, havendo guerra entre a casa de Saul, e a casa de David, succedeu que Abner se esforçava na casa de Saul.
7 When Saul was alive, he had as one of his wives a slave woman named Rizpah, the daughter of Aiah. [But one day Abner had sexual relations with her]. So Ishbosheth said to Abner, “Why have you had sexual relations with [EUP] my father’s slave wife?”
E tinha tido Saul uma concubina, cujo nome era Rispa, filha de Aia: e disse Isboseth a Abner: Porque entraste á concubina de meu pae?
8 Abner became very angry about what Ishbosheth said to him. He said to Ishbosheth, “(Do you think that I am a [worthless] dog [MET] from Judah?/You are treating me as though I am a [worthless] dog [MET] from Judah.) [RHQ] From the beginning, I have been loyal to Saul your father, to his brothers, and to his friends. And I have prevented you from being defeated by David’s army. So now (why are you criticizing me about [what I have done with] some woman?/you should not be criticizing me about [what I have done with] some woman.) [RHQ]
Então se irou muito Abner pelas palavras de Isboseth, e disse: Sou eu cabeça de cão, que pertença a Judah? ainda hoje faço beneficencia á casa de Saul, teu pae, a seus irmãos, e a seus amigos, e te não entreguei nas mãos de David, e tu hoje buscas motivo para me arguires por respeito da maldade d'uma mulher.
9 Yahweh solemnly promised that he would not allow Saul and his descendants to continue to rule. He promised that he would cause David to rule over all the tribes of Israel and Judah, from Dan [city] far in the north to Beersheba [city] far in the south. So I hope/desire that God will punish me severely [HYP] if I do not enable that to happen!”
Assim faça Deus a Abner, e outro tanto, que como o Senhor jurou a David assim lhe hei de fazer,
Transferindo o reino da casa de Saul, e levantando o throno de David sobre Israel, e sobre Judah, desde Dan até Berseba.
11 Ishbosheth was very afraid of Abner, so he did not say anything in reply to Abner.
E nem ainda uma palavra podia responder a Abner: porque o temia.
12 Then Abner sent messengers to David [when he was at Hebron], to say to him, “[Either you or I] should be [RHQ] the ruler of this entire nation, [but not Isbosheth. However, ] if you make an agreement with me, I will help you by encouraging all the people of Israel to (be want you to be their king/start to support) you.”
Então ordenou Abner da sua parte mensageiros a David, dizendo: De quem é a terra? E disse: Comigo faze a tua alliança, e eis que a minha mão será comtigo, para tornar a ti todo o Israel.
13 David sent back this reply: “Good! I am willing to make an agreement with you. But before that happens, there is one thing that you must do. When you come to see me, you must bring my wife Michal, Saul’s daughter.”
E disse David: Bem, eu farei comtigo alliança, porém uma coisa te peço, que é: não verás a minha face, se primeiro me não trouxeres a Michal, filha de Saul, quando vieres ver a minha face.
14 Then David sent messengers to Ishbosheth, to say to him, “I [had to kill] 100 men from Philistia [and cut off] their foreskins to give to Saul to pay for Michal [to be my wife]. So now give her back to me!”
Tambem enviou David mensageiros a Isboseth, filho de Saul, dizendo: Dá-me minha mulher Michal, que eu desposei comigo por cem prepucios de philisteos.
15 So Ishbosheth sent some men to take Michal from her husband Palti. But [when they took her, ] her husband followed them all the way to Bahurim [town], crying as he went.
E enviou Isboseth, e a tirou a seu marido, a Phaltiel, filho de Lais.
16 Then Abner [turned and] said to him, “Go back [home]!”, so he did.
E ia com ella seu marido, caminhando, e chorando detraz d'ella, até Baurim. Então lhe disse Abner: Vae-te agora, volta. E elle voltou.
17 Abner went to the Israeli leaders and talked with them. He said, “For a long time you have wanted David to be your king.
E praticava Abner com os anciãos de Israel, dizendo: Muito tempo ha que procuraveis que David reinasse sobre vós;
18 So now you have an opportunity to do that. Keep in mind that Yahweh promised this: ‘With the help of David, who serves me [well], I will rescue my people from the people of Philistia, and from the power [MTY] of all their other enemies’.”
Fazei-o pois agora, porque o Senhor fallou a David, dizendo: Pela mão de David meu servo livrarei o meu povo das mãos dos philisteos e das mãos de todos os seus inimigos.
19 Abner also spoke to the people of the tribe of Benjamin. Then he went to Hebron, to tell David what all the people of Israel and the people of the tribe of Benjamin had agreed to do.
E fallou tambem Abner o mesmo aos ouvidos de Benjamin: e foi tambem Abner dizer aos ouvidos de David, em Hebron, tudo o que era bom aos olhos de Israel e aos olhos de toda a casa de Benjamin.
20 When Abner came with 20 of his soldiers to see David at Hebron, David made a feast for all of them.
E veiu Abner a David, a Hebron, e vinte homens com elle: e David fez um banquete a Abner e aos homens que com elle vinham.
21 Afterwards, Abner said to David, “Sir/Your majesty, I will now go and encourage all the people of Israel to accept you to be their king, as you have desired.” Then Abner left, peacefully.
Então disse Abner a David: Eu me levantarei, e irei, e ajuntarei ao rei meu senhor todo o Israel, para fazerem alliança comtigo; e tu reinarás sobre tudo o que desejar a tua alma. Assim despediu David a Abner, e foi-se elle em paz.
22 Soon after that, Joab and some of David’s other soldiers returned [to Hebron] after raiding [one of their enemies’ villages], bringing with them a lot of things that they had captured. But Abner was not there at Hebron, because David had sent him safely home.
E eis que os servos de David e Joab vieram d'uma sortida, e traziam comsigo grande despojo; e já Abner não estava com David em Hebron, porque o tinha despedido, e se tinha ido em paz.
23 When Joab and the soldiers who were with him arrived, someone told him that Abner had come there and talked with the king, and that the king allowed to go home safely.
Chegando pois Joab, e todo o exercito que vinha com elle, deram aviso a Joab, dizendo: Abner, filho de Ner, veiu ao rei, e o despediu, e foi-se em paz.
24 So Joab went to the king and said, “Why have you done that? Listen to me! Abner [is your enemy, but] when he came to you, you allowed him [RHQ] to leave!
Então Joab entrou ao rei, e disse: Que fizeste? eis que Abner veiu ter comtigo; porque pois o despediste, de maneira que se fosse assim livremente?
25 Do you not know that he came to you to deceive you and to find out everything that you are doing, and all the places that you go to?”
Bem conheces a Abner, filho de Ner, que te veiu enganar, e saber a tua saida e a tua entrada, e entender tudo quanto fazes.
26 After Joab left David, he sent some messengers to get Abner. They found him at Sirah Well, and brought him back to Hebron, but David did not know that they had done that.
E Joab, retirando-se de David, enviou mensageiros atraz d'Abner, e o fizeram voltar desde o poço de Sira, sem que David o soubesse.
27 So when Abner returned to Hebron, Joab met him at the city gate, and took him aside as though he wanted to speak with him privately. Then he stabbed Abner in the stomach [with his knife/sword]. In that way he murdered Abner because Abner had killed [MTY] Joab’s brother Asahel.
Tornando pois Abner a Hebron, Joab o tirou á parte, á entrada da porta, para lhe fallar em segredo: e feriu-o ali pela quinta costella, e morreu, por causa do sangue de Asael seu irmão.
28 Later, after David heard what had happened, he said, “Yahweh knows that I and the people of my kingdom are not at all (responsible for/guilty of) murdering [MTY] Abner.
O que David depois ouvindo, disse: Innocente sou eu, e o meu reino, para com o Senhor, para sempre, do sangue d'Abner, filho de Ner.
29 I hope/desire that Joab and all his family will be punished [MTY] for doing that! I hope/desire that there will always be someone in his family who has sores, or someone who is a leper, or some man who is forced to do women’s work, or someone who is killed in a battle, or someone who does not have enough food to eat!”
Fique-se sobre a cabeça de Joab e sobre toda a casa de seu pae, e nunca da casa de Joab falte quem tenha fluxo, nem quem seja leproso, nem quem se atenha a bordão, nem quem caia á espada, nem quem necessite de pão.
30 That is how Joab and his brother Abishai murdered Abner, because he had killed their brother Asahel in the battle at Gibeon.
Joab pois e Abisai, seu irmão, mataram a Abner, por ter morto a Asael, seu irmão, na peleja em Gibeon.
31 Then David said to Joab and to all Joab’s soldiers, “Tear your clothes and put on coarse cloth [to show that you are sad], and mourn for Abner!” And [at the funeral], King David walked behind [the men who were carrying] the coffin.
Disse pois David a Joab, e a todo o povo que com elle estava: Rasgae os vossos vestidos; e cingi-vos de saccos e ide pranteando diante de Abner. E o rei David ia seguindo o feretro.
32 They buried Abner’s body at Hebron. And at the grave, the king cried loudly, and all the other people also cried.
E, sepultando a Abner em Hebron, o rei levantou a sua voz, e chorou junto da sepultura de Abner; e chorou todo o povo.
33 David sang this sad song to lament for Abner: “It is not right that [RHQ] Abner died like outlaws die!
E o rei, pranteando a Abner, disse: Não morreu Abner como morre o vilão?
34 No one tied his hands or put chains on his feet, [like they do to criminals]. No, he was murdered by wicked men!”
As tuas mãos não estavam atadas, nem os teus pés carregados de grilhões de bronze, mas caiste como os que caem diante dos filhos da maldade! Então todo o povo chorou muito mais por elle
35 Then many [HYP] people came to David to tell him to eat some food before sunset, but David refused. He said, “I hope/desire that God will punish me severely [HYP] if I eat any food before the sun goes down!”
Então todo o povo veiu fazer que David comesse pão, sendo ainda dia, porém David jurou, dizendo: Assim Deus me faça, e outro tanto, se, antes que o sol se ponha, eu provar pão ou alguma coisa.
36 All the people saw what David did, and they were pleased. Truly, everything that the king did pleased the people.
O que todo o povo entendendo, pareceu bem aos seus olhos, assim como tudo quanto o rei fez pareceu bem aos olhos de todo o povo.
37 So all the people realized that the king had not wanted Abner to be killed.
E todo o povo e todo o Israel entenderam n'aquelle mesmo dia que não procedera do rei que matassem a Abner, filho de Ner.
38 The king said to his officials, “(Do you not realize that a leader and a great man has died today in Israel?/You should realize that a leader and a great man has died today in Israel.) [RHQ]
Então disse o rei aos seus servos: Não sabeis que hoje caiu em Israel um principe e um grande?
39 Even though Yahweh appointed me to be the king, today I feel weak. These two sons of Zeruiah, [Joab and Abishai], are very violent; I cannot control them. So I hope/desire that Yahweh will punish them severely in return for this wicked thing that they have done!”
Que eu ainda sou tenro, ainda que ungido rei; estes homens, filhos de Zeruia, são mais duros do que eu: o Senhor pagará ao malfeitor, conforme a sua maldade.

< 2 Samuel 3 >