< 2 Samuel 23 >

1 David, the son of Jesse, was a man whom [God caused to] become great. He was appointed to become king by the God whom Jacob [worshiped]. He wrote beautiful songs for the Israeli people. This is the last song that he wrote:
Estas son las últimas palabras de David. El mensaje divino de David hijo de Isaí, el mensaje divino del hombre engrandecido por Dios, el ungido por el Dios de Jacob, el maravilloso salmista de Israel:
2 “The Spirit of Yahweh tells me what to say; the message that I speak [MTY] comes from him.
“El Espíritu del Señor habló a través de mí; mi lengua dio su mensaje.
3 God, the one whom we Israeli [people worship], has spoken; the one who protects us Israeli people said to me, ‘Kings who rule people justly have an awesome respect for me, God.
“El Dios de Israel habló; la Roca de Israel me dijo: ‘El que gobierna al pueblo con justicia, el que gobierna respetando a Dios,
4 They are like the sun that shines at dawn and causes the grass to [sprout/sparkle] after the rain ends.’
es como la luz del sol de la mañana que sale en un amanecer sin nubes; como el brillo de las gotas de lluvia sobre la hierba nueva que crece de la tierra’.
5 And truly, that is how God will surely bless my family [RHQ] because he made an agreement with me that will endure forever, an agreement in which he promises that no part of it will ever be changed. He will surely cause me to prosper [RHQ], and he will always help me, and that is all that I desire.
“¿No es así mi familia con Dios? Porque él ha hecho un acuerdo eterno conmigo, detallado y con todas las partes garantizadas. Se asegurará de salvarme y de darme todo lo que quiero.
6 But [he will get rid of] godless/evil people like [SIM] people throw away thorns that [injure people if they try to] pick them up with their hands.
“Pero las personas malas son como espinas que hay que arrojar a un lado, pues no se las puede sostener con la mano.
7 Someone [who wants to get rid of thornbushes] does not grab them; he uses an iron [shovel] or a spear [to dig them out] and then he burns them completely.
La única manera de tratar con ellos es usar una herramienta de hierro o el mango de una lanza. Se queman por completo allí donde están”.
8 These are the names of David’s three greatest warriors. The first was Esh-Baal, [whose other name was Jashobeam], from the Hachmon clan (OR, the son of Hachmon). He was the leader of the three men. One time he fought against 800 enemies and killed them all with his spear.
Estos son los nombres de los principales guerreros que apoyaron a David: Joseb-basebet, un tacmonita, líder de los Tres. Usando su lanza, una vez mató a ochocientos hombres en una sola batalla.
9 The second/next one of the three greatest warriors was Eleazar, who was the son of Dodo from the clan of Ahoh. One day he was with David when they defied/challenged the soldiers of Philistia who had gathered for the battle. The [other] Israeli soldiers retreated,
Después de él vino Eleazar, hijo de Dodai, el ahohita, uno de los Tres guerreros principales. Estaba con David cuando desafiaron a los filisteos reunidos para la batalla en Pas-damin. Los israelitas se retiraron,
10 but Eleazar stood there and fought the soldiers of Philistia until his arm became very tired, with the result that [his hand cramped and] he could not stop gripping his sword. Yahweh won a great victory on that day. And afterwards the [other] Israeli soldiers returned [to where Eleazar was], and stripped off the [armor from the men whom he had] killed.
pero Eleazar se mantuvo firme y siguió matando filisteos hasta que se le quedó la mano en la espada. El Señor los salvó concediéndoles una gran victoria. El ejército israelita regresó, pero sólo para despojar a los muertos.
11 The third one of the greatest warriors was Shammah, the son of Agee from [the clan/town of] Harar. One time the Philistia soldiers gathered at Lehi [town], where there was a field full of lentils/peas [that they wanted to steal]. The other Israeli soldiers ran away from the Philistia troops,
Después de él vino Sama, hijo de Agee, el harareo. Cuando los filisteos se reunieron en Lehi, en un campo lleno de lentejas, el ejército israelita huyó de ellos,
12 but Shammah stood there in the field and did not let the Philistia soldiers [steal the crops], and killed them. Yahweh won a great victory on that day.
pero Sama se apostó en medio del campo, lo defendió y mató a los filisteos. El Señor les dio una gran victoria.
13 Altogether there were 30 special warriors among David’s soldiers. Once, when it was almost time to harvest [the crops], three of those 30 men went down to Adullam Cave, where David was [staying]. A group of men from the Philistia army had set up their tents in Rephaim Valley [near Jerusalem].
En la época de la cosecha, los Tres, que formaban parte de los Treinta guerreros principales, bajaron a recibir a David cuando estaba en la cueva de Adulam. El ejército filisteo estaba acampado en el valle de Refaim.
14 David [and his soldiers] were in the cave [because it was safe there], and [another] group of Philistia soldiers was occupying Bethlehem.
En ese momento David estaba en la fortaleza, y la guarnición filistea estaba en Belén.
15 [One day] David very much wanted [some water] to drink, and said “I wish that someone would bring me some water from the well near the gate at Bethlehem!”
David tenía mucha sed y dijo: “¡Si tan solo alguien pudiera traerme un trago de agua del pozo que está junto a la puerta de entrada de Belén!”
16 So his three greatest warriors forced their way through the camp of Philistia soldiers and drew some water from the well, and brought it to David. But he would not drink it. Instead, he poured it out [on the ground] as an offering to Yahweh.
Los tres guerreros principales rompieron las defensas filisteas, tomaron un poco de agua del pozo de la puerta de Belén y se la llevaron a David. Pero David se negó a beberla y la derramó como ofrenda al Señor.
17 He said, “Yahweh, it would certainly not be right for me to drink this water! That would be like [RHQ] drinking the blood of these men who were willing/ready to die for me!” So he refused to drink it. That was one of the things that those three great warriors did.
“¡Señor, no me dejes hacer esto!”, dijo. “¿No es como beber la sangre de esos hombres que arriesgaron sus vidas?” Así que no la bebió. Estas son algunas de las cosas que hicieron los tres guerreros principales.
18 Abishai, Joab’s [younger] brother, was the leader of the 30 [greatest warriors]. [One day] he fought against 300 men and killed them all with his spear. As a result, he also became famous.
Abisai, hermano de Joab, era el líder del segundo Tres. Usando su lanza, una vez mató a 300 hombres, y se hizo famoso entre los Tres.
19 He was the most famous of the thirty greatest warriors, and he became their leader/commander, but he was not one of the three greatest warriors.
Era el más apreciado de los Tres y era su comandante, aunque no fue uno del grupo del primer Tres.
20 Jehoiada’s son Benaiah, from Kabzeel [town], also did great deeds. He killed two of the best warriors from the Moab people-group. Also, he went down into a pit on a day when snow was falling, and killed a lion there.
Benaía, hijo de Joiada, un fuerte guerrero de Cabseel, hizo muchas cosas sorprendentes. Mató a dos hijos de Ariel de Moab. También fue tras un león a un pozo en la nieve y lo mató.
21 He also killed a huge soldier from Egypt who carried a spear. Benaiah [had only] his club, but he attacked the giant with it. Then he snatched the spear from the man’s hand and killed him with his own spear.
En otra ocasión mató a un enorme egipcio. El egipcio tenía una lanza en la mano, pero Benaía lo atacó sólo con un garrote. Agarró la lanza de la mano del egipcio y lo mató con su propia lanza.
22 Those are [some of] the things that Benaiah did. As a result, he became famous, like the three greatest warriors were.
Este fue el tipo de cosas que hizo Benaía y que lo hicieron tan famoso como los tres principales guerreros.
23 He was more honored than the other members of the group of thirty great warriors, but not as famous as the three greatest warriors. David appointed him to be the commander of his bodyguards.
Era el más apreciado de los Treinta, aunque no era uno de los Tres. David lo puso a cargo de su guardia personal.
24 [These are the names of the great warriors]: Asahel, the brother of Joab; Elhanan, the son of Dodo, from Bethlehem;
Entre los Treinta estaban: Asael, hermano de Joab; Elhanan, hijo de Dodo, de Belén;
25 Shammah and Elika, from [the] Harod [clan];
Sama el harorita; Elica el harodita,
26 Helez, from Pelet [city]; Ira, the son of Ikkesh, from Tekoa [town];
Heles el paltita; Ira, hijo de Iques, de Tecoa;
27 Abiezer, from Anathoth [city]; Mebunnai [whose other name was Sibbecai], from Hushah’s [clan];
Abiezer de Anatot; Mebunai el husatita;
28 Zalmon [whose other name was Ilai], from Ahoh’s [clan]; Maharai, from Netophah [town];
Salmón el ahohita; Maharai el netofita;
29 Heleb, the son of Baanah, also from Netophah [town]; Ittai, the son of Ribai, from Gibeah [town] in [the land that belonged to] the tribe of Benjamin;
Heleb, hijo de Baná el netofita; Itai, hijo de Ribai, de Guibeá de los benjamitas;
30 Benaiah, from Pirathon [town]; Hiddai, from the valleys near Gaash [Mountain];
Benaía el piratonita; Hidai, de los arroyos de Gaas;
31 Abi-Albon, from the clan of Arabah; Azmaveth, from Bahurim [town];
Abi-albón el arbateo; Azmavet el baharumita;
32 Eliahba, from Shaalbon [town]; The sons of Jashen; Jonathan;
Eliahba el saalbonita; los hijos de Jasem; Jonatán,
33 Shammah, from Harar [town/clan]; Ahiam the son of Sharar, from Harar [town/clan];
hijo de Sage el hararita; Ahiam, hijo de Sarar el ararita;
34 Eliphelet, the son of Ahasbai, from Maacah [town]; Eliam, the son of Ahithophel, from Gilo [town];
Elifelet, hijo de Ahasbai, hijo del maacateo; Eliam, hijo de Ahitofel, de Gilo,
35 Hezro, from Carmel [city]; Paarai, from Arba [city];
Hezro el carmelita; Paarai el arbita;
36 Igal, the son of Nathan, from Zobah [city]; Bani, from the tribe of Gad;
Igal, hijo de Natán de Soba; Bani el gadita,
37 Zelek, from the Ammon people-group; Naharai, the man who carried Joab’s weapons, from Beeroth [town];
Selec el amonita; Naharai, el berotita, que era el escudero de Joab, hijo de Servia,
38 Ira and Gareb, from Jattir [town];
Ira de Jatir; Gareb de Jatir,
39 Uriah, [Bathsheba’s husband], from the Heth people-group. Altogether, there were 37 famous soldiers, [but some of them had died and their names were not included].
y Urías el hitita, para un total de treinta y siete.

< 2 Samuel 23 >