< 2 Samuel 22 >

1 After Yahweh had rescued David from Saul and his other enemies, David sang a song to Yahweh.
Cantó David a Yahvé las palabras de este cántico, cuando Yahvé lo hubo librado de todos sus enemigos, y de la mano de Saúl.
2 [This is what] he sang: Yahweh, you are like a [huge overhanging] rock [under which I can hide] [MET]; you are like my fortress, and you rescue me.
Dijo: “Yahvé es mi Roca, mi fortaleza y mi libertador;
3 Yahweh, you protect me; you are like a shield; you are the powerful one [MET] who saves me; you are like a place where I (find refuge/am safe). You save me from those who act violently toward me.
Dios es mi Roca, a Él me acojo; Él es mi escudo y el cuerno de mi salvación, mi alto amparo, mi asilo. ¡Salvador mío! Tú me libraste de la violencia.
4 I call out to you, Yahweh; you deserve to be praised, and you rescue me from my enemies.
Clamé alabándole, a Yahvé, y quedé salvo de mis enemigos.
5 “almost died [PRS]; it was like [MET] a huge wave had crashed over me, and almost destroyed me like a flood.
Ya me cercaban las ondas de la muerte, me aterraban torrentes perniciosos;
6 I thought that I would die; it was as though death wrapped ropes around me; it was as though I was in a trap where I would surely die. [PRS, MET] (Sheol h7585)
ya me rodeaban las sogas del scheol, y me amenazaban los lazos de la muerte; (Sheol h7585)
7 But when I was (very distressed/in great trouble), I called out to you, Yahweh; I cried out to you, my God. And from your temple you heard me; you listened when I called to you to help me.
cuando en mi angustia clamé a Yahvé, invoqué a mi Dios; y Él desde su templo oyó mi voz, y mi clamor llegó a sus oídos.
8 “Then [it was as though] the earth quaked and shook; [it was as though] the foundations that ([held up/supported]) the sky trembled, because you were angry.
Se conmovió y tembló la tierra, vacilaron los cimientos de los cielos, temblaron, porque se inflamó su ira.
9 [It was as though] smoke poured out of your nostrils and burning coals and fire that burns everything came out of your mouth.
Subía humo de sus narices, y fuego devorador de su boca; ascuas encendidas salían de Él.
10 You tore open the sky and came down; there was a thick dark [cloud] under your feet.
E inclinó los cielos y descendió, teniendo espesa nube bajo sus pies.
11 You rode [through the sky] on a winged creature; the wind enabled you to travel [swiftly] [MET], like a bird.
Subió sobre un querubín y voló, apareció sobre las alas del viento.
12 The darkness surrounded you, like a blanket; thick clouds that were full of water also surrounded you.
Puso en torno suyo tinieblas por velo, masas de aguas, densos nubarrones.
13 Out of the lightning in front of you fire from burning coals flamed.
Al fulgor que le precedía se encendieron ascuas de fuego.
14 Then, Yahweh, you spoke like thunder from the sky; it was your voice, God, you who are greater than all other gods, that was heard.
Tronó Yahvé desde el cielo, el Altísimo hizo resonar su voz.
15 When you sent flashes of lightning, [it was as though] [MET] you shot your arrows and scattered your enemies.
Disparó saetas y los dispersó, rayos, y los consternó.
16 Then the bottom of the ocean was uncovered; the foundations of the world could be seen when you rebuked [your enemies] with a snort from your nostrils.
Entonces apareció el fondo del mar se descubrieron los cimientos del orbe ante la voz increpadora de Yahvé, ante el resuello del furor de su ira.
17 “Yahweh, you reached down from heaven and lifted me up; you pulled me up from the deep water.
Extendió su mano desde lo alto, me tomó y me sacó de grandes aguas.
18 You rescued me from my strong enemies, from those who hated me; [I could not defeat them because] they were very strong.
Me libró de mi feroz enemigo, de los que me aborrecían, porque eran más fuertes que yo.
19 They attacked me when I was experiencing troubles/difficulties, but Yahweh, you protected me.
Me habían sorprendido en el día de mi calamidad; pero Yahvé fue mi sostén.
20 You brought me to a place where I was safe; you rescued me because you were pleased with me.
Me sacó fuera, a un lugar ancho, salvándome porque me amaba.
21 “Yahweh, you rewarded me because I do what is right; you did good things for me because I (was innocent/had not done things that are wrong).
Yahvé me ha recompensado según merecía mi justicia; según la inocencia de mis manos me dio el pago;
22 Yahweh, I have obeyed your laws; I have not turned away from you, my God.
pues he guardado los caminos de Yahvé, no me he apartado impíamente de mi Dios.
23 All of your regulations were in my mind, and I did not turn away from [obeying] all your statutes.
Tenía ante mis ojos todos sus preceptos, y no me apartaba de sus mandamientos.
24 You know that I have not done anything that is evil; I have kept myself from doing things for which I should be punished.
Sin reproche anduve en su presencia, me guardé de hacer iniquidad.
25 So you have rewarded me in return for my doing what is right, because [you know that] I (am innocent of doing/have not done) wrong things.
Yahvé me ha retribuido conforme a mi justicia, según mi inocencia ante sus ojos.
26 “Yahweh, you are faithful/loyal to those who always trust in you; you always do what is good to those whose behavior is always good.
Con el piadoso Tú te portas piadoso, con el nombre recto, rectamente;
27 You act sincerely toward those whose inner beings are pure, but you are hostile to those who are perverse/wicked.
Tú eres limpio con el limpio, y al perverso lo tratas como tal.
28 You rescue those who are humble, but you watch [MTY] those who are proud and humiliate them.
Tú salvas al pueblo humilde, y con tu mirada abates a los altivos.
29 Yahweh, you are [like] [MET] a lamp that causes it to become light when I am in the dark.
Tú, Yahvé, eres mi antorcha; Yahvé ilumina mis tinieblas.
30 With your strength/help I can run through a line of enemy soldiers and I can climb over the wall [that surrounds their city].
Contigo me arrojo sobre ejércitos, con mi Dios salto murallas.
31 “My God whom I worship, everything that you do is perfect; you always do what you promise that you will do. You are like a shield [MET] to all those who request you to protect them.
El camino de Dios es perfecto, y acrisolada la palabra de Yahvé; Él es un escudo para cuantos en Él confían.
32 Yahweh, you are [RHQ] the only one who is God; only you are like a huge rock [MET] [under which we are protected/safe].
Pues ¿quién es Dios sino solo Yahvé? ¿Quién es Roca fuera de nuestro Dios?
33 God, you [whom I worship] are a strong refuge for me; you keep me safe on the roads that I [walk on].
Mi fortaleza inexpugnable es Dios, quien hace perfecto mi camino.
34 [When I walk] in the mountains, you enable me to walk safely, without stumbling [MET] like a deer runs.
Me dio pies ligeros cual de ciervo y me colocó sobre las alturas;
35 You teach me [how to fight] in a battle in order that I can shoot arrows well from a very strong bow.
adiestró mis manos para la guerra, y mis brazos doblan el arco de bronce.
36 [It is as though] [MET] you have given me a shield by which you have saved/rescued me, and you have answered my prayers and caused me to become famous/great.
Me diste el escudo de tu salvación, y tu benignidad me ha hecho grande.
37 You have not allowed [my enemies] to capture me [IDM], and I have not fallen down [during battles].
Ensanchaste el camino bajo mis pies, para que no resbalasen.
38 “pursued my enemies and defeated them; I did not stop [fighting them] until they were all killed.
Así perseguí a mis enemigos hasta destruirlos, y no me volví hasta acabar con ellos.
39 I struck them down; I stabbed them with my sword; they fell down at my feet and did not stand up again.
Sí, acabé con ellos y los aplasté, de modo que no pueden ya levantarse; han caído debajo de mis pies.
40 You have given me strength for fighting battles and caused those who were attacking me to fall down, and I trampled on them.
Me ceñiste de fortaleza para luchar, sometiste mis enemigos a mi poder,
41 You caused my enemies to turn and run away from me; I destroyed those who hated me.
pusiste en fuga a mis contrarios; y así destrocé a los que me odiaban.
42 They (looked for/wanted) someone to rescue them, but no one did. They cried out to you, Yahweh, [for help, ] but you did not answer them.
Miraban en derredor, mas no hubo quien los salvase, (clamaban) a Yahvé, pero no los oía;
43 I crushed them, and as a result they became like [SIM] tiny particles of dust. I trampled them, and they became like [SIM] mud in the streets.
triturábalos como polvo de la tierra; cual barro de las calles los aplastaba y los hollaba.
44 “You rescued me from those who tried to rebel [against me], and you appointed me to rule many nations; people whom I did not know previously are now (under my authority/my slaves).
Me libraste también de los revoltosos de mi pueblo, para jefe de naciones me elegiste. Pueblos que no conocía me sirven.
45 Foreigners humbly bowed down in front of me; as soon as they heard about me, they obeyed me.
Hombres extranjeros me dicen lisonjas, apenas oyen de mí, me obedecen.
46 They became afraid, and they came to me, trembling, from the places where they were hiding.
Los extranjeros palidecen y temblando salen de sus refugios.
47 “Yahweh, you are alive! I praise you! You are like [MET] a [huge overhanging] rock under which I am safe/protected! You are the one who rescues me [MET]. Everyone should exalt/honor/praise you.
¡Viva Yahvé, y bendita sea mi Roca! Ensalzado sea Dios, la Roca de mi salvación,
48 You enable me to conquer my enemies; you cause people of [other] nations to be (under my authority/my slaves).
el Dios que me otorga venganza, y somete los pueblos a mis pies;
49 You delivered me from my enemies; you caused me to be honored more than they were; you rescued me from men who [always] acted violently.
el que me salva de mis enemigos. Pues Tú me ensalzas sobre los que se levantan contra mí; me libras del hombre violento.
50 Because of all that, I exalt you among many people-groups and I sing to praise you.
Por eso, te alabaré entre las naciones, y cantaré loores a tu nombre, Yahvé.
51 You enable me, whom you appointed to be king, to powerfully conquer [my enemies]; you faithfully love me, David, and you will love my descendants forever.
Él salva maravillosamente a su rey, y usa de misericordia con su ungido David y su descendencia para siempre.”

< 2 Samuel 22 >