< 2 Samuel 15 >
1 Some time later, Absalom acquired a chariot and horses [to pull it]. He [hired] 50 men to run in front of him [to honor him while he was riding around Jerusalem in the chariot].
Sesudah itu Absalom menyediakan untuk dirinya sebuah kereta perang dengan kuda beserta lima puluh orang pengiring.
2 Furthermore, he always rose early [each morning] and stood by the city gate. Whenever someone came there with a dispute/quarrel that he wanted the king to decide, Absalom would call out to him, asking “What city are you from?” When the person told him what [city and] tribe he was from,
Setiap hari Absalom bangun pagi-pagi lalu berdiri di tepi jalan di dekat pintu gerbang istana. Setiap orang yang hendak mengadukan perkaranya kepada raja, dipanggil dan ditanyai oleh Absalom, katanya, "Engkau dari suku mana?" Dan jika orang itu menjawab, "Dari suku ini atau itu,"
3 Absalom would say to him, “Listen, [I am sure that] what you are saying/claiming is right. But there is no one whom the king has appointed/authorized to listen to [people like] you.”
maka Absalom berkata, "Menurut hukum, engkau benar, tetapi sayang tidak ada wakil raja yang mau mendengarkan pengaduanmu."
4 Absalom would then add, “I wish that I were a judge in this land. If I were a judge, anyone who had a dispute could come to me, and I would decide it fairly/justly.”
Lalu katanya lagi, "Coba, andaikata aku yang menjadi hakim, maka setiap orang yang mempunyai persengketaan atau tuntutan boleh datang kepadaku dan akan kuperlakukan dengan adil."
5 And whenever anyone came near to Absalom to bow respectfully in front of him, Absalom would reach out and embrace him and kiss him.
Jika ada orang yang mendekati Absalom untuk sujud menyembah dia, Absalom mengulurkan tangannya, lalu orang itu dipeluknya dan diciumnya.
6 Absalom did this to everyone in Israel who came to the king because of having a dispute with someone. In that way, Absalom persuaded all the Israeli people to be more pleased with him [IDM] [than they were pleased with David].
Begitulah sikap Absalom terhadap setiap orang Israel yang hendak mengadukan perkaranya kepada raja, dan dengan demikian Absalom mengambil hati orang Israel.
7 Four years later, Absalom [went to] the king and said, “Please allow me to go to Hebron [city], in order that I can do what I promised Yahweh that I would do.
Setelah lewat empat tahun, Absalom berkata kepada Raja Daud, "Ayah, izinkanlah aku pergi ke Hebron untuk memenuhi janjiku kepada TUHAN.
8 When I was living in Geshur, in Syria, I promised Yahweh that if he brought me back to Jerusalem, I would worship him [in Hebron].”
Sebab pada waktu aku masih tinggal di Gesur negeri Siria, aku berjanji akan pergi beribadat kepada TUHAN di Hebron jika Ia mengizinkan aku pulang ke Yerusalem."
9 The king replied, “You may go.” So Absalom went to Hebron.
Jawab raja, "Pergilah dengan selamat." Lalu berangkatlah Absalom ke Hebron.
10 But [while he was there, ] he secretly sent messengers to all the tribes in Israel, to tell them, “When you hear the sound of the trumpets [being blown], shout ‘Absalom has become the king at Hebron!’”
Tetapi sebelum itu ia sudah mengirim utusan-utusan kepada semua suku Israel dengan membawa pesan, "Jika kalian mendengar bunyi trompet, serukanlah, 'Absalom sudah menjadi raja di Hebron!'"
11 Absalom had taken with him to Hebron 200 men from Jerusalem, but they did not know [what Absalom was planning to do].
Dari Yerusalem ada dua ratus orang yang mengiringi Absalom ke Hebron. Mereka tidak tahu apa-apa tentang komplotan itu dan mereka semua turut pergi tanpa curiga.
12 While Absalom was offering sacrifices [at Hebron], he sent a message to Ahithophel, from Giloh [town], requesting him to come. Ahithophel was one of the king’s advisors. So the number of people who joined Absalom and who were ready to rebel [against David] became larger.
Lalu sementara Absalom mempersembahkan kurban, ia juga mengirim utusan ke kota Gilo untuk memanggil Ahitofel, yaitu salah seorang penasihat Raja Daud. Demikianlah komplotan melawan raja itu semakin kuat, dan semakin banyaklah pengikut-pengikut Absalom.
13 Soon a messenger came to David and said to him, “All [HYP] the Israeli people [SYN] are joining Absalom to rebel against you!”
Kemudian seorang pembawa berita melaporkan kepada Daud, "Orang-orang Israel telah memihak Absalom."
14 So David said to all his officials, “We must leave immediately if we want to escape from Absalom! We must go quickly, before he [and his men] arrive. If we do not do that, they will kill us and everyone else in the city!”
Lalu Daud berkata kepada semua pegawainya yang ada di Yerusalem, "Mari kita mengungsi. Ini satu-satunya jalan supaya kita luput dari Absalom. Tidak lama lagi ia akan datang. Cepatlah, jangan sampai kita dapat dikejar dan dikalahkannya, sehingga seluruh penduduk kota dibunuh!"
15 The king’s officials said, “Okay, your majesty, we are ready to do whatever you decide.”
"Baik, Baginda," jawab mereka. "Kami siap melakukan apa pun kehendak Baginda."
16 So the king left ten of his slave wives there to take care of the palace, but all the other people in his palace went with him.
Lalu berangkatlah raja diiringi oleh seluruh keluarganya dan pegawainya, kecuali sepuluh orang selirnya yang ditinggalkannya untuk menunggui istana.
17 When they all were leaving [the city], they stopped at the last house.
Pada waktu raja dan semua pengiringnya berjalan meninggalkan kota, mereka berhenti di dekat rumah yang terakhir.
18 The king and his officials stood there while his bodyguards went by in front of him. 600 soldiers from Gath [city] also walked by in front of him.
Semua pegawai raja berdiri di sebelahnya ketika pasukan pengawal raja berbaris melewatinya. Juga enam ratus orang prajurit yang telah mengikutinya dari Gat, berbaris di hadapannya.
19 Then David said to Ittai, [the leader of the soldiers] from Gath, “(Why are you going with us?/You should not be going with us.) [RHQ] Go back and stay with [Absalom] the [new] king. You are not an Israeli; you are living away from your own land.
Melihat itu raja berkata kepada Itai pemimpin keenam ratus orang prajurit itu, "Mengapa engkau ikut juga dengan kami? Lebih baik engkau kembali dan tinggal bersama dengan raja yang baru. Bukankah engkau orang asing, pengungsi yang jauh dari negerimu sendiri?
20 You have lived here [in Israel] for only a short time [HYP]. And we do not even know where we will be going. So it is not right [RHQ] for me to force you to wander around with us. And take your troops with you. And I hope/wish that Yahweh will faithfully love and be loyal to you.”
Belum lama engkau tinggal di sini, masakan engkau kusuruh ikut mengembara dengan aku? Aku sendiri tidak tahu ke mana aku akan pergi. Kembalilah dan bawalah juga teman-temanmu sebangsa, semoga TUHAN mengasihimu dan setia kepadamu."
21 But Ittai replied, “Your Majesty, as surely as you live, wherever you go, I will go; I will stay with you, whether they kill me or allow me to live.”
Tetapi Itai menjawab, "Yang Mulia, demi TUHAN yang hidup dan demi nyawa Tuanku, ke mana pun Tuanku pergi, hamba akan ikut juga, meskipun menghadapi kematian."
22 David replied to Ittai, “Okay, march with us!” So Ittai and all his troops and their families went [with David].
"Baiklah!" jawab Daud, "Majulah terus!" Maka berjalanlah Itai bersama-sama dengan seluruh pasukannya dan keluarga mereka.
23 All the people [along the road] cried when they saw them walking by. The king and all the others crossed the Kidron Valley and then they all went [up the hill] toward the desert.
Semua rakyat menangis dengan nyaring ketika pasukan-pasukan Daud meninggalkan kota. Kemudian raja menyeberangi anak Sungai Kidron diikuti oleh seluruh pasukannya, lalu berjalanlah mereka menuju ke padang gurun.
24 Abiathar and Zadok, [the priests, ] were walking with them. The descendants of Levi [who helped the priests] also went with them, carrying the sacred chest that contained the Ten Commandments. But they set it on the ground until all the others had left the city.
Imam Zadok dan Imam Abyatar ada di situ beserta semua orang Lewi yang membawa Peti Perjanjian TUHAN. Peti Perjanjian itu diletakkan, dan tidak diangkat sebelum seluruh rakyat meninggalkan kota itu.
25 Then the king said to Zadok, “You and Abiathar take the sacred chest back into the city. If Yahweh is pleased with me, he will some day allow me to return to see it and the place where it is kept.
Lalu berkatalah raja kepada Zadok, "Kembalikanlah Peti Perjanjian itu ke kota. Jika TUHAN menyukai aku, tentulah aku akan diizinkan-Nya kembali dan melihat Peti Perjanjian itu lagi bersama tempat kediamannya.
26 But if he says that he is not pleased with me, then I am willing for him to do to me whatever he thinks is good.”
Tetapi jika TUHAN tidak suka kepadaku, terserah sajalah pada apa kehendak-Nya atas diriku!"
27 He also said to Zadok, “Listen [to what I suggest]. You and Abiathar return to the city peacefully/safely, and take your son Ahimaaz and Abiathar’s son Jonathan with you.
Selanjutnya raja berkata lagi kepada Zadok, "Ajaklah Ahimaas anakmu dan Yonatan anak Abyatar; kembalilah kamu ke kota dengan tenang.
28 I will wait in the desert at the place where people can walk across the river, until you send a message to me.”
Aku akan menunggu di dekat tempat-tempat penyeberangan sungai di padang gurun sampai menerima kabar dari kamu."
29 So Zadok and Abiathar carried the sacred chest back to Jerusalem, and they stayed there.
Lalu Zadok dan Abyatar membawa Peti Perjanjian itu kembali ke Yerusalem dan mereka tinggal di situ.
30 David [and those with him] went up Olive [Tree] Hill. David was crying while he walked. He was walking barefoot and had something covering his head [to show that he was sorrowful]. All those who were going with him also covered their heads and were crying while they walked.
Setelah itu Daud membuka sepatunya. Dia bersama semua pengikutnya mendaki Bukit Zaitun sambil menangis dengan kepala berselubung tanda berkabung.
31 Someone told David that Ahithophel had joined with those who were rebelling against David. So David prayed, “Yahweh, cause whatever Ahithophel suggests to Absalom [that he should do to be considered] to be foolish!”
Ketika diberitahukan kepada Daud bahwa Ahitofel juga ikut bersama komplotan Absalom, berdoalah Daud demikian, "Ya, TUHAN, kiranya gagalkanlah nasihat Ahitofel!"
32 When they arrived at the top of the hill, where there was a place where the people worshiped [God], suddenly Hushai, from the Arki people-group, met David. He had torn his clothes and put dirt on his head [to show that he was very sad].
Pada waktu Daud sampai ke puncak bukit di tempat orang biasanya beribadat kepada TUHAN, ia disambut oleh temannya yang setia, yaitu Husai orang Arki. Pakaian Husai koyak dan kepalanya ditaburi abu.
33 David said to him, “If you go with me, you will not be able to help me.
Daud berkata kepadanya, "Jika engkau ikut bersama aku, engkau menjadi beban bagiku.
34 But if you return to the city, [you can help me by] saying to Absalom, ‘Your Majesty, I will serve you as faithfully as I served your father.’ If you do that [and stay near Absalom], you will be able to oppose any advice that Ahithophel gives to Absalom.
Tetapi engkau dapat menolongku, jika engkau kembali ke kota dan berkata kepada Absalom, bahwa sekarang engkau hendak melayani dia dengan setia, seperti telah kaulayani ayahnya dahulu. Dengan cara begitu engkau dapat menggagalkan segala nasihat Ahitofel.
35 Zadok and Abiathar the priests are already there [RHQ]. Whatever you hear people say in the king’s palace, tell it to Zadok and Abiathar.
Imam Zadok dan Abyatar juga ada di sana. Beritahukanlah kepada mereka segala sesuatu yang engkau dengar di istana.
36 Keep in mind that Zadok’s son Ahimaaz and Abiathar’s son Jonathan are also there. You can tell them whatever you find out, and send them to report it to me.”
Ahimaas anak Zadok dan Yonatan anak Abyatar juga mengikuti ayah mereka, jadi mereka ada di situ juga. Anak-anak itulah kausuruh datang kepadaku untuk menyampaikan segala kabar yang dapat kaudengar."
37 So David’s friend Hushai returned to the city, at the same time that Absalom was entering Jerusalem.
Maka kembalilah Husai teman Daud itu ke Yerusalem, tepat pada waktu Absalom tiba di situ.