< 2 Samuel 14 >

1 Joab realized that the king yearned [IDM] to see Absalom.
Advirtiendo Joab, hijo de Sarvia, que el corazón del rey estaba inclinado hacia Absalón,
2 So Joab sent someone to Tekoa [town] to bring back a woman who was very clever. [When she arrived, ] Joab said to her, “Pretend that you are grieving because someone has died. Put on clothes that show that you are mourning. Do not put any lotion/ointment on your body. Act as if you are a woman who has been mourning for a long time.
envió (mensajeros) a Tecoa e hizo venir de allí una mujer sabia, a la cual dijo: “Finge que estás de duelo, ponte un vestido de luto, y no te unjas con óleo, a fin de que parezcas ser una mujer que de tiempo atrás está de duelo por un muerto.
3 And go to the king, and tell him what I tell you to say.” Then Joab told her what to say [MTY] [to the king].
Irás al rey y le hablarás de esta manera.” Y Joab le puso las palabras en la boca.
4 So the woman from Tekoa went to the king. She prostrated herself in front of him and then bowed down to him, and said, “Your Majesty, help me!”
Fue, pues, aquella mujer de Tecoa a hablar con el rey. Cayendo en tierra sobre su rostro hizo reverencia, y dijo: “¡Sálvame, oh rey!”
5 The king replied, “What is your problem?” She replied, “Please, sir, I am a widow. My husband died [some time ago].
El rey le dijo: “¿Qué tienes?” Ella respondió: “Soy una mujer viuda, pues se me murió mi marido.
6 I had two sons. But one day they quarreled with each other out in the fields. There was no one to separate them, and one of them struck the other one and killed him.
Tenía tu sierva dos hijos, que riñeron en el campo, sin que hubiera quien los separase, de manera que el uno hirió al otro y le mató.
7 Now, all my family oppose me. They are insisting that I allow them to kill my son who is still alive [MTY], in order that they may get revenge for his killing his brother. But if they do that, I will not have any son to inherit [my husband’s possessions]. That would be like [MET] extinguishing the last coals of a fire, and my husband would not have a son to preserve our family’s name. [DOU]”
Y he aquí que toda la parentela se ha levantado contra tu sierva, diciendo: ‘Entréganos al que mató a su hermano, para hacerle morir en venganza de la vida de su hermano a quien mató; y extirparemos también al heredero’. Así extinguirán la centella que me queda aún, sin dejar a mi marido ni nombre ni heredero sobre la faz de la tierra.”
8 Then the king said to the woman, “Go back home; I will take care of this matter for you.”
El rey respondió a la mujer: “Vete a tu casa, que yo daré órdenes en tu caso.”
9 The woman from Tekoa replied to the king, “Your Majesty, if you are criticized [for helping me], my family and I will accept the blame. You and the royal family will (be innocent/not have done what is wrong).”
Luego dijo la mujer de Tecoa al rey: “¡Recaiga la culpa, oh rey y señor mío, sobre mí y sobre la casa de mi padre; mas el rey y su trono queden sin culpa!”
10 The king said to her, “If anyone says anything [to threaten you/cause you trouble] you, bring that person to me, and [I will make sure that] he will never cause you trouble again.”
Y dijo el rey: “A cualquiera que te moleste, tráele a mí, y no te incomodará más.”
11 Then the woman said, “Your Majesty, please pray that Yahweh your God will not allow my relative, who [wants to get] revenge on my son for killing [MTY] his brother, to be able to do that.” David replied, “As surely as Yahweh lives, your son will not be harmed at all. [IDM]”
A lo que replicó ella: “Acuérdese el rey de Yahvé, tu Dios, para que el vengador de la sangre no aumente el estrago matando a mi hijo.” Respondió él: “¡Vive Yahvé, que ni un cabello de tu hijo caerá en tierra!”
12 Then the woman said, “Your Majesty, please allow me to say one more thing to you.” He replied, “Speak!”
Dijo entonces la mujer: “Permite que tu sierva diga una palabra a mi señor el rey.” Respondió el rey: “Habla.”
13 The woman said, “Why have you done this bad thing to God’s people? You have not allowed your son Absalom to return home. By saying what you have just said, you have certainly declared [RHQ] that what you have done is wrong.
Y dijo la mujer: “¿Por qué has pensado tú esto mismo contra el pueblo de Dios? Pues pronunciando el rey este juicio se hace culpable, por cuanto el rey no hace volver a su (hijo) desterrado.
14 We all die; we are like [SIM] water that cannot be picked up after it is spilled on the ground. But God does not just cause us to die; he creates ways to bring us back when we become separated from him.
Que sin duda nos consume la muerte; somos como agua derramada sobre la tierra, la cual no puede ser recogida; pero Dios no quiere quitar la vida, sino que busca medios para que el desterrado no permanezca arrojado de su presencia.
15 “Now, Your Majesty, I have come to you because others have threatened me. So I said to myself, ‘I will go and talk to the king, and perhaps he will do what I request him to do.
Si yo ahora me he presentado para hablar al rey mi señor estas cosas, es porque el pueblo me ha atemorizado. Dijo, pues, tu sierva: «Voy a hablar con el rey; quizás accederá el rey a la palabra de su sierva.
16 Perhaps he will listen to me, and save me from the man who is trying to kill my son. If my son is killed, it would result in us disappearing from the land that God gave to us.’
Seguramente el rey escuchará y librará a su sierva de la mano del hombre que quiere exterminarme, juntamente con mi hijo, de la herencia de Dios.»
17 “And I thought, ‘What the king says will comfort/encourage me, because the king is like [SIM] an angel of God. He knows what is good and what is evil.’ I pray/desire that Yahweh our God will (be with/direct) you.”
Pensó, pues, tu sierva: ¡Que la respuesta de mi señor el rey me dé tranquilidad! Pues como un ángel de Dios, así es mi señor el rey para entender lo bueno y lo malo. ¡Yahvé, tu Dios, sea contigo!”
18 Then the king said to the woman, “I will now ask you a question. Answer it, and tell me the truth. [LIT]” The woman replied, “Your majesty, ask your question.”
Respondió el rey, y dijo a la mujer: “No me encubras nada de lo que voy a preguntarte.” A lo que dijo la mujer: “Hable mi señor el rey.”
19 The king said, “Was Joab the one who told you to do this?” She replied, “Yes, Your Majesty, as surely as you live, I cannot avoid telling you what is true. Yes, indeed, it was Joab who told me to come here, and who told me what to say.
Preguntó entonces el rey: “¿No está contigo en todo este asunto la mano de Joab?” La mujer respondió y dijo: “Por la vida de tu alma, oh rey, señor mío, que es plena verdad todo lo que dice mi señor el rey; porque tu siervo Joab es el que me lo ha mandado, y él mismo puso en boca de tu sierva todas estas palabras.
20 He did it in order to cause you to think differently about this matter. Your Majesty, you are as wise as God’s angels, and [it seems that] you know everything [that happens] on the earth, [so you know why Joab sent me here].”
Tu siervo Joab hizo esto para disfrazar este asunto, pero mi señor es sabio como un ángel de Dios para conocer todo cuanto pasa en la tierra.”
21 Then the king [summoned] Joab [and] said to him, “Listen! I have decided to do [what you want]. So go and get that young man Absalom and bring him back [to Jerusalem].”
Dijo entonces el rey a Joab: “He aquí, ya que lo tengo resuelto, ve y haz que vuelva el joven Absalón.”
22 Joab prostrated himself on the ground, and then he bowed down before the king, and [asked God to] bless him. Then Joab said, “Your Majesty, today I know that you are pleased with me, because you have agreed to do what I requested.”
Joab cayó en tierra sobre su rostro, postrándose, y bendijo al rey, diciendo: “Hoy sabe tu siervo que ha hallado gracia a tus ojos, oh rey señor mío, por haber otorgado el rey lo que ha pedido su siervo.”
23 Then Joab got up and went to Geshur, and got Absalom and brought him back to Jerusalem.
Y se levantó Joab y fue a Gesur, de donde trajo a Absalón a Jerusalén.
24 But the king said/commanded that Absalom would not be permitted to live in the palace. He said, “I do not want him to come to see me.” So Absalom lived in his own house, and did not go to [talk to] the king.
Pero el rey dijo: “¡Retírese él a su casa y que no venga a ver mi rostro!” Se retiró, pues, Absalón a su casa, sin ver la cara del rey.
25 Absalom was very handsome. He looked perfect, from the bottom of his feet to the top of his head. In all of Israel there was no one whom people admired more than Absalom.
En todo Israel no había hombre tan hermoso como Absalón. Desde la planta de su pie hasta la coronilla de su cabeza no había en él defecto alguno.
26 His hair was very thick, and he cut it only once each year, when it became too heavy for him. Using the standard weights, he would weigh the hair [that he cut off], and it always weighed about five pounds.
Cuando se cortaba el pelo —lo hacía cada año, porque le era muy pesado, por eso lo cortaba— pesaba el cabello de su cabeza doscientos siclos, según el peso del rey.
27 Absalom had three sons and one daughter named Tamar. She was a very beautiful woman.
Le nacieron a Absalón tres hijos y una hija, la cual se llamaba Tamar, que era mujer muy hermosa.
28 [After] Absalom [returned to] Jerusalem, he lived there two years, and during that time he never [was allowed to] see the king.
Absalón estuvo en Jerusalén dos años sin ver la cara del rey.
29 So he sent [a messenger] to Joab to ask him to come [and talk to him], but Joab refused to come. So Absalom sent [a message to him] a second time, but he still would not come.
Por lo cual mandó llamar a Joab para enviarlo al rey; pero Joab no quiso ir a verlo. Mandó, pues, llamarlo por segunda vez; mas no quiso ir.
30 Then Absalom said to his servants, “You know that Joab’s field is next to mine, and that he has barley [growing] there. Go and light a fire there [to burn his barley].” So Absalom’s servants [went there and] lit a fire, [and all his barley burned].
Dijo entonces a sus siervos: “Ved, el campo de Joab está junto al mío, y tiene allí cebada. Id y pegadle fuego.” Y los siervos de Absalón pegaron fuego a (las mieses) del campo.
31 Joab [knew who had done it, so he] went to Absalom’s house and said to him, “Why have your servants burned [the barley in] my field?”
Con lo cual Joab se levantó, y llegado a Absalón, a su casa, le dijo: “¿Por qué tus siervos han pegado fuego a mi campo?”
32 Absalom replied, “Because [you did not come to me when] I sent messages to you [requesting that you come]. I wanted to request that you go to the king to say to him, ‘Absalom (wants to know what good it did/says that is was useless) [RHQ] for him [RHQ] to leave Geshur and come here. [He thinks that] it would have been better for him to have stayed there. [He wants you to] allow him to talk to you. And if you think that he has done something that is wrong, you can [command that] he be executed.’”
Contestó Absalón a Joab: “Mira, he enviado por ti para decirte: Ven aquí para que te envíe al rey y le digas: ¿A qué propósito he venido de Gesur? Mejor sería para mí estar todavía allí. Quiero ver ahora el rostro del rey; y si hay en mí culpa quíteme él la vida.”
33 So Joab went to the king, and told him [what Absalom had said]. Then the king [summoned Absalom], and he came to the king and knelt down in front of him with his face touching the ground. Then the king kissed Absalom [to show that he was pleased to see him].
Fue, pues, Joab al rey y le contó estas cosas; y este llamó a Absalón, el cual vino y se prosternó ante el rey con el rostro en tierra; y el rey besó a Absalón.

< 2 Samuel 14 >