< 2 Peter 3 >

1 This letter that I am now writing to you whom I love, is the second [letter] that I have written to you. [In both] these letters I have reminded you [about the things you already know, in order that I may] stimulate/cause you to think sincerely [about those things].
Dies ist, meine Lieben, schon der zweite Brief, den ich euch schreibe. In beiden Briefen suche ich durch meine Erinnerungen den lauteren Sinn in euch wachzuhalten,
2 [I want you] to remember the words that were spoken by the holy prophets {that the holy prophets spoke} long ago, and also to remember what our Lord and Savior commanded, things that we, your apostles, told you about.
damit ihr eingedenk seid der Worte, die lange zuvor die heiligen Propheten geredet haben, und des Gebotes des Herrn und Heilands, das euch von euern Aposteln mitgeteilt worden ist.
3 It is important for you to understand that in the time [immediately] before Christ comes back, there will be people who will ridicule [the idea of his coming back. Those people will do whatever] evil things they wish to do.
Bedenkt vor allem: In den letzten Tagen werden Spötter auftreten, die alles verhöhnen; sie werden nach ihren eigenen Lüsten wandeln
4 They will say, “[Although it was] promised [that Christ] will come back, ([nothing has happened that would indicate] that he is coming back./[what happened to the promise] that he is coming back?) [RHQ] We say that because ever since the [Christian] leaders [who lived] long ago died [EUP], everything [has remained the same]. Things are as [they always have been] since God created [the world!]”
und sprechen: "Wo bleibt denn seine verheißene Wiederkunft? Seitdem unsere Väter entschlafen sind, geht ja alles seinen Gang wie immer, solange die Welt steht."
5 [They will say that because] they (deliberately overlook [the fact/have decided to ignore what they know]) that God, by commanding [long ago that it should be so], caused the heavens to exist, and he caused the earth to appear out of water and to be separate from the water.
Dabei sind sie absichtlich blind gegen die Tatsache, daß es einst einen Himmel gab, der von alters her bestand, und eine Erde, die sich auf Gottes Wort aus dem Wasser erhob und durch das Wasser hin ausdehnte.
6 And God, by [commanding that it should be so], later destroyed the world [that existed] at that time, by causing the earth to be flooded with water {water to flood the earth}.
Und doch ging gerade durch diese beiden die damalige Welt an einer Wasserflut zugrunde.
7 Furthermore, [God], commanded that the heavens and the earth [that exist] now remain until the time when [he] will judge (ungodly people/people whose lives are not pleasing to him). And at that time [he] will destroy the heavens and the earth by burning them.
Der jetzige Himmel aber und die jetzige Erde sind auch durch ein Gotteswort wie ein Schatz erhalten geblieben: sie werden für ein Feuer aufbewahrt, das sich entzünden soll an jenem Tag, wenn das Gericht gehalten wird und die gottlosen Menschen das Verderben trifft.
8 Dear friends, I want you to understand well that the Lord [God is willing to wait a long time to judge the people in the world! How much time passes before] the Lord God [judges the people in the world does not matter to him! He considers] that one day [passes no more quickly than] 1,000 years, and [he also considers] that 1,000 years [pass as quickly as] one day passes [to us]!
Doch eins, Geliebte, dürft ihr nicht vergessen: In des Herrn Augen ist ein Tag wie tausend Jahre, und tausend Jahre sind wie ein Tag.
9 [Therefore, you should not think that because Christ has not yet come back to judge people], the Lord God is (delaying/slow to do) what he promised. Some people think that this is so, [and they say that Christ will never come back]. But [you should understand that the reason why Christ has not yet come back to judge people is that] God is being patient with you, because he does not want anyone to be lost [eternally]. Instead, he wants everyone to turn away from their sinful behavior.
Der Herr zögert nicht, die Verheißung zu erfüllen, wie so manche denken; er ist nur langmütig gegen euch. Denn er will nicht, daß jemand verlorengehe, sondern daß alle zur Sinnesänderung vorwärtsschreiten.
10 Although [God is being patient, at] the time [MTY] [that he has chosen], the Lord [Jesus Christ] will [certainly] come back [to judge people]. He will come back [unexpectedly], like a thief [SIM] [comes unexpectedly]. At that time there will be a great roaring sound. The heavens will cease to exist. (The elements/The parts [of which the universe consists]) will be destroyed by fire, and the earth [that God made] and everything on it [that people have made] will disappear (OR, will be burned up).
Es wird aber der Tag des Herrn kommen wie ein Dieb. Dann werden die Himmel mit Geprassel vergehen, denn ihre Grundstoffe werden sich in Flammen auflösen; und die Erde mit allem, was darauf ist, wird verbrennen.
11 Because God will certainly destroy all these things like [I just said], you certainly know how you should behave. [RHQ] You should behave (in a [godly manner/] a [manner that pleases God])
Da nun dies alles so zergehen soll, wie müßt ihr euch deshalb auszeichnen durch heiligen Wandel und durch Frömmigkeit!
12 while you [eagerly/expectantly] wait for [Christ] to return on the day that God [has chosen] [MTY], and you should try to make that day come soon. Because of what [God] [PRS] [will do on that day], the heavens will be destroyed. (The elements/The parts of which the universe consist) will melt and burn up.
Ihr sollt ja die Ankunft des Tages Gottes erwarten und beschleunigen! Weil dieser Tag hereinbricht, werden sich die Himmel im Feuer auflösen, und ihre Grundstoffe werden in Brand geraten und zerschmelzen.
13 Although [all those events/things will happen, we rejoice because] we are waiting for the new heavens and new earth that [God] has promised. The [only people who will be] in the new heavens and on this new earth will be [people who are] [PRS] righteous.
Wir warten aber nach seiner Verheißung auf neue Himmel und eine neue Erde, und darin soll Gerechtigkeit wohnen.
14 Therefore, dear friends, because you are waiting for these things [to happen], do all that you can [live] (in a [godly manner/] a [manner that pleases God]), [in order that Christ] will see that you [are] completely pure [DOU] [and that you are living] peacefully [with each other].
In dieser Erwartung befleißigt euch deshalb, Geliebte, daß er euch zu euerm Heil fehllos und unsträflich finde!
15 And think about this: Our Lord [Jesus Christ is] patient [because he wants] people to be saved. Our dear (brother/fellow believer) Paul also wrote wise words to you [about these same matters], because God enabled him to understand [these] ([events/things that will happen]).
Laßt euch die Langmut unseres Herrn zu eurer Rettung dienen! In diesem Sinn hat euch ja auch unser lieber Bruder Paulus nach der ihm verliehenen Weisheit geschrieben.
16 In the [letters] that Paul wrote there are certain things that are difficult for people to understand. People [who are spiritually] ignorant and (unstable/do not believe firmly in Christ) interpret these things wrongly, as they also (interpret/explain the meaning of) the other parts of the Scriptures wrongly. The result is that they will destroy themselves [spiritually], and [God] will punish them.
Und ebenso redet er in allen seinen Briefen, wenn er auf diese Dinge zu sprechen kommt. Darin ist freilich manches schwer verständlich, und die Schlechtunterrichteten und Unbefestigten verdrehen solche Stellen, wie sie's auch sonst mit den Schriften machen, und zwar zu ihrem eigenen Verderben.
17 Therefore, dear friends, [since you already know about those who teach what is false], (guard against them/beware). Do not let those wicked people deceive you by telling you things that are wrong, with the result that you yourselves begin to doubt [what you now firmly believe].
Ihr nun, meine Lieben, seid vorher gewarnt worden. So gebt denn acht, daß ihr nicht durch die Verführung der ruchlosen Menschen mitfortgerissen werdet und aus euerm festen Glaubensstand fallt!
18 [Instead, live in such a manner that you] experience more and more our Savior Jesus Christ being kind [to you], and that you get to know him [better and better]. 2 Peter 3:18b [I pray/desire that Jesus Christ] will be honored both now and forever! (aiōn g165)
Wachst vielmehr in der Gnade und Erkenntnis unseres Herrn und Heilandes Jesus Christus! Ihm sei Ehre jetzt und bis auf den Tag der Ewigkeit! Amen. (aiōn g165)

< 2 Peter 3 >

The Great Flood
The Great Flood