< 2 Kings 5 >

1 [A man named] Naaman was the commander of the army of Syria. Yahweh had enabled him to win many victories/battles. He was a great warrior, and as a result the king of Syria greatly respected him. But he had (leprosy/a dreaded skin disease).
И Нееман князь силы Сирийския бе муж велий пред господином своим и дивен лицем, яко им даде Господь спасение Сирии: и муж бе силен крепостию прокажен.
2 [Some time previously, ] groups of soldiers/marauders from Syria had raided/attacked the land of Israel, and they had captured a young girl [and taken her to Syria]. She became a servant for Naaman’s wife.
И из Сирии изыдоша воини и плениша юнотку малу от земли Израилевы: и бе пред женою Неемановою (служа)
3 One day, that girl said to her, “I wish that (my master/your husband) would go to see the prophet in Samaria. That prophet would heal your husband from his leprosy.”
и рече госпоже своей: о, дабы господин мой был у пророка Божия, иже в Самарии, той бы очистил его и проказы его.
4 [Naaman’s wife told her husband] what the girl from Israel had said, [and] Naaman told [that] to the king.
И вниде и возвести господину своему и рече: тако и тако глагола юнотка, яже от земли Израилевы.
5 The king said to him, “Okay, go [and see the prophet]. I will [write] a letter for you to take to the king of Israel, [saying that I sent you].” The king wrote in the letter, “I am sending this letter with [my army commander] Naaman, who serves me [faithfully]. I want you to heal him of his disease.” So Naaman, [assuming/thinking that the king of Israel was the prophet, took the letter and] 750 pounds of silver, 150 pounds of gold, and ten sets of clothing, to give to the king of Israel, [and he went to Samaria, taking along several servants].
И рече царь Сирийский ко Нееману: иди, вниди, и послю писание ко царю Израилеву. И пойде, и взя в руце свои десять талант сребра и шесть тысящ златник и десять изменяемых риз.
И внесе писание к царю Израилеву глаголя: и ныне егда приидет писание сие к тебе, се, послах к тебе Неемана раба моего, да очистиши его от проказы его.
7 [When he arrived in Samaria, he gave the letter to the king] of Israel. The king read the letter. Then, being very dismayed, the king tore his clothes and said, “I am not God [RHQ]! I am not able to enable people to live or to die [RHQ]! Why does [the king] who wrote this letter request me to cure this man of his leprosy? I think that he is just wanting to start a fight with me!”
И бысть егда прочте писание царь Израилев, раздра ризы своя и рече: еда аз Бог есмь, еже мертвити и животворити, яко сей посла и мне, да очищу мужа от проказы его? Прочее разумейте и видите, яко се ищет вины ко мне.
8 But the prophet Elisha heard that the king of Israel had torn his robe [and said that]. So he sent a message to the king, saying, “Why are you upset/frustrated [RHQ]? Send Naaman to me, and he will find out that [because] I am a true prophet [here] in Israel, [I can help/heal him].”
И бысть егда услыша Елиссеи, яко раздра ризы своя царь Израилев, и посла к царю Израилеву, глаголя: почто раздрал еси ризы твоя? Да приидет ко мне ныне Нееман, и да разумеет, яко есть пророк во Израили.
9 So Naaman went with his horses and chariots to Elisha’s house and waited outside the door.
И прииде Нееман на конех и на колесницех и ста при дверех дому Елиссеева.
10 But Elisha [did not come to the door. Instead, he] sent a messenger to Naaman, to tell him, “Go to the Jordan [River] and wash yourself seven times in the river. Then your skin will be restored/healed, and you will no longer have leprosy.”
И посла Елиссей посланника к нему, глаголя: шед измыйся седмижды во Иордане, и возвратится плоть твоя к тебе, и очистишися.
11 But Naaman became very angry. He said, “I thought that surely he would wave his hand over the leprosy, and pray to Yahweh his god, and heal me!
И разгневася Нееман, и отиде, и рече: се, убо глаголах, яко изыдет ко мне, и станет, и призовет во имя Бога своего, и возложит руку свою на место, и очистит проказу:
12 Surely the Abana River and the Pharpar River in Damascus [in my own country of Syria] are [RHQ] better than any of the rivers in Israel! Why can I not wash in those rivers and be healed?” [RHQ] So he turned and walked away with great anger/disgust.
не благи ли Авана и Фарфар реки Дамасковы паче Иордана и всех вод Израилевых? Не шед ли измыюся в них и очишуся? И уклонися и отиде во гневе.
13 But his servants came to him, and [one of them] said, “Sir, if that prophet had told you to do something difficult, you would certainly [RHQ] have done it. So you should certainly do what he says and wash [in the Jordan River] to be healed!” [RHQ]
И приближишася отроцы его и реша ему: аще бы велие слово глаголал пророк тебе, не бы ли сотворил еси? А яко рече к тебе: измыйся, и очистишися.
14 So Naaman went down to the Jordan [River] and washed himself seven times, as (the prophet/Elisha) told him to do. Then his skin was restored/healed, and it became healthy/smooth, like the skin of a young child.
И сниде Нееман, и погрузися во Иордане седмижды, по глаголу Елиссееву: и возвратися плоть его яко плоть отрочате млада, и очистися.
15 Then Naaman and those who were with him went back to talk to Elisha. They stood in front of him, and Naaman said, “Now I know that there are no real gods anywhere else in the world, but there is a God here in Israel! So now please accept these gifts that I [have brought to you]!”
И возвратися ко Елиссею сам и все ополчение его, и прииде и ста пред ним и рече: се, ныне разумех, яко несть Бога во всей земли, но токмо во Израили: и ныне приими благословение от раба твоего.
16 But Elisha replied, “Just as certainly as Yahweh, the one whom I serve, lives, I will not accept any gifts.” Naaman kept urging him [to accept the gifts], but Elisha kept refusing.
И рече Елиссей: жив Господь, Емуже предстах пред ним, аще прииму. И понуждаше его взяти, и не послуша.
17 Then Naaman said, “Okay, but [I have one request. This dirt here in Israel is holy, so] please allow me to take some dirt from this place and put it [in sacks] on two mules. Then I will take it back home with me [and make an altar on this dirt]. From now on, I will offer sacrifices to Yahweh [on that altar]. I will not offer sacrifices to any other god.
И рече Нееман: аще ли не (хощеши взяти), то даждь рабу твоему время, супруг мсков, от земли сея червленыя: яко и сотворит отселе раб твой всесожжения и жертвы богом иным, но Господу единому,
18 However, when my master, [the king, ] goes into the temple of the god Rimmon to worship him/it there, and he is leaning on my arm, I hope/desire that Yahweh will forgive me because I will have to bow down, too.”
по глаголу сему и о словеси сем: и очистит Господь раба твоего, егда внидет господин мой в дом Ремманов на поклонение тамо: и той почиет на руку моею, и поклонюся в дому Реммани, внегда кланятися ему в дому Реммани, и очистит Господь раба твоего по словеси сему.
19 Elisha replied, “Go home, and do not worry about that.” So Naaman [and his servants] started to travel home.
И рече Елиссей ко Нееману: иди с миром. И отиде от него на Хаврафа земли.
20 But then Elisha’s servant Gehazi said to himself, “It is not good that my master allowed this Syrian man to leave like this. He should have accepted his gifts. So just as certainly as Yahweh lives, I will go and catch up with Naaman and get something from him.”
И рече Гиезий отрочищь Елиссеев: се, пощаде господин мой Неемана Сирянина сего, еже не взяти от руки его, яже принесе: жив Господь, яко имам тещи вслед его, и возму от него нечто.
21 So Gehazi hurried to catch up with Naaman. When Naaman saw Gehazi running toward him, he [stopped] the chariot [in which he was riding, ] jumped out, and went to see what Gehazi wanted. He asked him, “Is everything all right?”
И тече Гиезий во след Нееманов. И виде его Нееман текуща вслед себе, и возвратися с колесницы на сретение ему и рече: мир ли?
22 Gehazi replied, “Yes, but two young prophets from the hilly area where the descendants of Ephraim live have just arrived. Elisha has sent me to tell you that he would like 75 pounds of silver and two sets of clothing to give to them.”
И рече Гиезий: мир: господин мой посла мя, глаголя: се, ныне приидоста ко мне два отрочища от горы Ефремли от сынов пророчих: даждь убо има талант сребра и две премены риз.
23 Naaman replied, “Certainly! You can have 150 pounds of silver!” He urged Gehazi to take it. He also gave him two sets of clothing. He tied up the silver in two bags and gave them to two of his servants to carry back to Elisha.
И рече Нееман: возми два таланта сребра. И взя два таланта во два мешца и две премены риз, и возложи на два отрочиша своя, и несоста пред ним:
24 But when they arrived at the hill [where Elisha lived], Gehazi took the silver and the clothes from Naaman’s servants and sent the servants back to Naaman. Then he took those things into his house and hid them.
и приидоша в сумраки, и взя от рук их и сокры во храмине, и отпусти мужы.
25 When he went to Elisha, Elisha asked him, “Where did you go, Gehazi?” Gehazi replied, “I did not go anywhere.”
И сам вниде и предста господину своему. И рече к нему Елиссей: откуду (пришел еси), Гиезие? И рече Гиезий: не исходил раб твой никаможе.
26 Elisha asked him, [“Do you not realize that] my spirit was there when Naaman got out of his chariot to talk with you? This is certainly not [RHQ] the time to accept gifts of money and clothes and olive groves and vineyards and sheep and oxen and servants!
И рече к нему Елиссей: не ходило ли сердце мое с тобою, и видех, егда возвращашеся муж с колесницы своей во сретение тебе? И ныне взял еси сребро и ризы взял еси, да купиши за них вертограды и маслины и винограды, и овцы и волы, и отроки и отроковицы:
27 Because you have done this, you and your children and all your descendants, forever, will have leprosy just like Naaman had!” And when Gehazi left the room, he was a leper! His skin was as white as snow!
и проказа Нееманова да прильпнет к тебе и к семени твоему во веки. И изыде от лица его прокажен яко снег.

< 2 Kings 5 >