< 2 Kings 3 >

1 After Jehoshaphat had been ruling Judah for almost 18 years, Ahab’s son Joram became the king of Israel. He ruled in Samaria [city] for twelve years.
Joram, hijo de Acab, se convirtió en rey de Israel en el año dieciocho del reinado de Josafat de Judá. Reinó en Samaria durante doce años.
2 He did things that Yahweh considered to be evil, but he did not do as much evil as his father and mother had done, and he got rid of the pillar [for worshiping] Baal which his father had made.
Sus hechos fueron malos a los ojos del Señor, pero no como los de su padre y su madre, pues se deshizo de la imagen de piedra de Baal que había hecho su padre.
3 But he committed the sins that [King] Jeroboam had committed and which led the Israeli people to sin, and he did not stop committing those sins.
Sin embargo, aún se aferró a los pecados que Jeroboam, hijo de Nabat, había hecho cometer a Israel; no los abandonó.
4 Mesha, the king of Moab, raised sheep. [Every year] he was forced to give 100,000 lambs and the wool from 100,000 rams to the king of Israel, [because his kingdom was controlled by the king of Israel].
Mesha, rey de Moab, era criador de ovejas. Solía dar un tributo al rey de Israel de cien mil corderos y la lana de cien mil carneros.
5 But after King Ahab died, Mesha rebelled against the king of Israel.
Pero después de la muerte de Acab, el rey de Moab se rebeló contra el rey de Israel.
6 So King Joram left Samaria and gathered together all his soldiers.
Inmediatamente el rey Joram convocó a todo el ejército israelita y salió de Samaria.
7 Then he sent this message to Jehoshaphat, the king of Judah: “The king of Moab has rebelled against me. So will your army join my army and fight against the army of Moab?” Jehoshaphat replied, “Yes, we will help you. We are ready to do whatever you want us to. My soldiers and my horses are ready to help you.”
En su camino envió un mensaje a Josafat, rey de Judá, diciendo: “El rey de Moab se ha rebelado contra mí. ¿Te unirás a mí para atacar a Moab?” Josafat respondió: “Sí, me uniré a ti. Tú y yo somos como uno, mis hombres y tus hombres son como uno, y mis caballos y tus caballos son como uno”.
8 He asked, “On which road shall we march to attack them?” Joram replied, “We will go [south to Jerusalem, where your army will join us. Then we will all go south of the Dead Sea, and then turn north] through the Edom Desert.”
Entonces preguntó: “¿Por qué camino iremos?” “Tomaremos el camino que atraviesa el desierto de Edom”, respondió.
9 So the king of Israel [and his army] went with the kings of Judah and Edom [and their armies]. They marched for seven days. Then there was no water left for their soldiers or for their animals that carried supplies.
Así que el rey de Israel, el rey de Judá y el rey de Edom se pusieron en marcha. Después de seguir una ruta indirecta durante siete días, se quedaron sin agua para su ejército y para sus animales.
10 The king of Israel exclaimed, “This is a terrible situation! [It seems that] Yahweh will allow the three of us to be captured by [the army of] [MTY] Moab!”
“¿Qué estamos haciendo?”, se quejó el rey de Israel. “¡El Señor nos ha traído aquí a tres reyes para entregarnos a los moabitas!”.
11 Jehoshaphat said, “Is there a prophet here who can ask Yahweh for us [what we should do]?” One of Joram’s army officers said, “Elisha, the son of Shaphat, is here. He was Elijah’s assistant.” [IDM]
Pero Josafat preguntó: “¿No hay aquí con nosotros un profeta del Señor? Consultemos al Señor por medio de él”. Uno de los oficiales del rey de Israel respondió: “Eliseo, hijo de Safat, está aquí. Era el ayudante de Elías”.
12 Jehoshaphat said, “[It will be good to ask him, because] he speaks what Yahweh tells him to say.” So those three kings went to Elisha.
Josafat aceptó: “El Señor se comunica por medio de él”. Así que el rey de Israel, Josafat y el rey de Edom fueron a verlo.
13 Elisha said to the king of Israel, “Why do you come to me [RHQ]? Go and ask those prophets that your father and mother consulted!” But Joram replied, “No, [we want you to ask Yahweh, because it seems that] Yahweh is going to allow us three kings to be captured by the army of Moab.”
Eliseo le dijo al rey de Israel: “¿Qué tengo que ver contigo? Ve con tus propios profetas, los de tu padre y tu madre”. Pero el rey de Israel le dijo: “¡No, porque es el Señor quien ha traído aquí a estos tres reyes para entregarlos a los moabitas!”
14 Elisha replied, “I serve Yahweh, the commander of the armies of angels in heaven. As surely as he lives, if I did not respect Jehoshaphat the king of Judah, I would not even think about doing anything to help you.
Eliseo respondió: “Vive el Señor Todopoderoso, a quien sirvo, si no respetara el hecho de que Josafat, rey de Judá, está aquí, ni siquiera miraría en tu dirección ni te reconocería.
15 But, bring a musician to me.” [So they did that]. And when the musician played [on his harp], the power of Yahweh came on Elisha.
Ahora tráeme un músico”. Mientras el músico tocaba, el poder del Señor cayó sobre Eliseo,
16 He said, “Yahweh says that he will cause this dry stream-bed to be full of water.
y anunció: “Esto es lo que dice el Señor: Este valle se llenará de estanques de agua. Porque el Señor dice:
17 The result will be that your soldiers and your animals that carry supplies and your livestock will have plenty of water to drink.
No verás viento, no verás lluvia, pero aun así este valle se llenará de agua. Beberás tú, y tu ganado, y tus animales.
18 That is not difficult for Yahweh to do. [But he will do more than that]. He will also enable you to defeat [the army of] Moab.
El Señor considera que esto es algo trivial, y también te hará victorioso sobre los moabitas.
19 You will conquer all their beautiful cities, cities that have high walls around them. You must cut down all their fruit trees, stop water from flowing from their springs, and ruin their fertile fields by covering them with rocks.”
Conquistarás toda ciudad fortificada y toda ciudad importante. Cortarás todos los árboles buenos, bloquearás todos los manantiales y arruinarás todos los campos buenos arrojando piedras sobre ellos”.
20 The next morning, at the time when they offered the sacrifices [of grain], they were surprised to see water flowing from Edom and covering the ground.
Al día siguiente, alrededor de la hora del sacrificio matutino, el agua fluyó repentinamente desde la dirección de Edom, llenando de agua todo el campo.
21 When the people of Moab heard that the three kings had come [with their armies] to fight against them, all the men who were able to fight in battles, from the youngest men to the oldest ones, were summoned, and they (took their positions/prepared to fight) at the [southern] border of their land.
Todos los moabitas habían oído que los reyes habían venido a atacarlos. Así que todos los que podían llevar una espada, jóvenes y viejos, fueron llamados y fueron a vigilar la frontera.
22 But when they rose early the next morning, they saw that the water across from them appeared to be as red as blood.
Pero a la mañana siguiente, cuando se levantaron, el sol brillaba sobre el agua, y a los moabitas del otro lado les pareció roja como la sangre.
23 They exclaimed, “It is blood! The three enemy armies must have fought and killed each other! So let’s go and take everything that they have left!”
“¡Esto es sangre!”, dijeron. “¡Los reyes y sus ejércitos deben haberse atacado y matado! Moabitas, vamos a coger el botín”.
24 But when they reached the area where the Israeli soldiers had set up their tents, the Israelis attacked the soldiers from Moab and forced them to retreat. The Israeli soldiers pursued the soldiers from Moab and killed many of them.
Pero cuando los moabitas llegaron al campamento israelita, los israelitas salieron corriendo y los atacaron, y ellos huyeron de ellos. Entonces los israelitas invadieron su país y mataron a los moabitas.
25 The Israelis also destroyed their cities. And whenever they passed fertile fields, they threw rocks on those fields, until the fields were covered with rocks. They stopped water from flowing from the springs and cut down the fruit trees. Finally, only [the capital city, ] Kir-Hareseth, remained. The Israeli soldiers who threw stones with slings surrounded the city and attacked it.
Destruyeron las ciudades, y cada soldado arrojó piedras sobre todo campo bueno hasta cubrirlo. Bloquearon todos los manantiales y cortaron todos los árboles buenos. Sólo Quir Jaréset conservaba sus murallas, pero los soldados, usando hondas, la rodearon y la atacaron también.
26 When the king of Moab realized that his army was being defeated, he took with him 700 men who fought with swords, and they tried to force a way through the Israeli lines of soldiers to escape to [get help from] the king of Syria, but they were unable to escape.
Cuando el rey de Moab se dio cuenta de que había perdido la batalla, dirigió a setecientos espadachines para intentar abrirse paso y atacar al rey de Edom, pero no pudieron hacerlo.
27 Then the king of Moab took his oldest son, who would have become the next king, and killed him and offered him for a sacrifice [to their god Chemosh], burning him on top of the city wall. The Israeli soldiers were horrified, with the result that they left that city and returned to their own country.
Entonces el rey de Moab tomó a su hijo primogénito, que estaba destinado a sucederlo, y lo sacrificó como holocausto en el muro de la ciudad. Un gran enojo se apoderó de los israelitas, así que se fueron y regresaron a su país.

< 2 Kings 3 >