< 2 Kings 24 >
1 While Jehoiakim was ruling [Judah, the army of] King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon invaded Judah. [They defeated the Judean army, and as a result, ] Jehoiakim was required to pay a lot of tribute/taxes to King Nebuchadnezzar. But after three years, Jehoiakim rebelled.
In diebus eius ascendit Nabuchodonosor rex Babylonis, et factus est ei Ioakim servus tribus annis: et rursum rebellavit contra eum.
2 Then Yahweh sent raiders from Babylonia and Syria, and from the Moab and Ammon people-groups, to attack the people of Judah and get rid of them, just as Yahweh had told his prophets to warn the people would happen.
Immisitque ei Dominus latrunculos Chaldaeorum, et latrunculos Syriae, et latrunculos Moab, et latrunculos filiorum Ammon: et immisit eos in Iudam, ut disperderent eum, iuxta verbum Domini, quod locutus fuerat per servos suos prophetas.
3 These things happened to the people of Judah according to what Yahweh commanded. [He had decided] to get rid of the people of Judah because of the many sins that King Manasseh [had committed].
Factum est autem hoc per verbum Domini contra Iudam, ut auferret eum coram se propter peccata Manasse universa quae fecit,
4 Manasseh had even caused many innocent people in Jerusalem to be killed, and Yahweh would not forgive that.
et propter sanguinem innoxium, quem effudit, et implevit Ierusalem cruore innocentium: et ob hanc rem noluit Dominus propitiari.
5 The other things that happened while Jehoiakim was king, and all the things that he did, are written in the scroll called ‘The History of the Kings of Judah’.
Reliqua autem sermonum Ioakim, et universa quae fecit, nonne haec scripta sunt in Libro sermonum dierum regum Iuda? Et dormivit Ioakim cum patribus suis:
6 When Jehoiakim died, his son Jehoiachin became the king.
et regnavit Ioachin filius eius pro eo.
7 [The army of] the king of Babylon [defeated the army of Egypt, and] took control of all the area that the Egyptians formerly controlled, from the brook [at the border] of Egypt [in the south] to the Euphrates River [in the north]. So [the army of] the king of Egypt did not return [to attack Judah] again.
Et ultra non addidit rex Aegypti, ut egrederetur de terra sua: tulerat enim rex Babylonis a rivo Aegypti usque ad fluvium Euphraten, omnia quae fuerant regis Aegypti.
8 Jehoiachin was 18 years old when he became the king of Judah. His mother’s name was Nehushta; she was the daughter of a man from Jerusalem named Elnathan. Jehoiachin ruled in Jerusalem for [only] three months.
Decem et octo annorum erat Ioachin cum regnare coepisset, et tribus mensibus regnavit in Ierusalem: nomen matris eius Nohesta filia Elnathan de Ierusalem.
9 Jehoiachin did many things that Yahweh considered to be evil, just as his father had done.
Et fecit malum coram Domino, iuxta omnia quae fecerat pater eius.
10 [While Jehoiachin was king, ] some officers of King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon came [along with the whole Babylonian army] to Jerusalem, and they surrounded the city.
In tempore illo ascenderunt servi Nabuchodonosor regis Babylonis in Ierusalem, et circumdata est urbs munitionibus.
11 While they were doing that, Nebuchadnezzar himself came to the city.
Venitque Nabuchodonosor rex Babylonis ad civitatem cum servis suis ut oppugnarent eam.
12 Then King Jehoiachin and his mother and his advisors and important officers and palace officials all surrendered to the Babylonian army. These thngs happened when Nebuchadnezzar had been king for eight years. He arrested Jehoiachin and took him to Babylon.
Egressusque est Ioachin rex Iuda ad regem Babylonis, ipse et mater eius, et servi eius, et principes eius, et eunuchi eius: et suscepit eum rex Babylonis anno octavo regni sui.
13 Just as Yahweh had said would happen, Nebuchadnezzar’s [soldiers] took [to Babylon] all the valuable things from Yahweh’s temple and from the king’s palace. They cut apart all the gold items that King Solomon had put in the temple.
Et protulit inde omnes thesauros domus Domini, et thesauros domus regiae: et concidit universa vasa aurea, quae fecerat Salomon rex Israel in templo Domini iuxta verbum Domini.
14 They took from Jerusalem [to Babylon] 10,000 people, including the important officials and the best soldiers and the people who made and repaired things that were made of metal. Only the very poor people were left in Judah.
Et transtulit omnem Ierusalem, et universos principes, et omnes fortes exercitus, decem millia, in captivitatem: et omnem artificem et inclusorem: nihilque relictum est, exceptis pauperibus populi terrae.
15 Nebuchadnezzar’s soldiers also took to Babylon Jehoiachin’s wives and officials, his mother, and [all] the important people.
Transtulit quoque Ioachin in Babylonem, et matrem regis, et uxores regis, et eunuchos eius: et iudices terrae duxit in captivitatem de Ierusalem in Babylonem.
16 They also took to Babylon 7,000 of the best soldiers and 1,000 men who knew how to make and repair things that are made from metal. All of these people whom they took were strong and able to fight in wars.
Et omnes viros robustos, septem millia, et artifices, et inclusores mille, omnes viros fortes et bellatores: duxitque eos rex Babylonis captivos in Babylonem.
17 Then the king of Babylon appointed Jehoiachin’s uncle, Mattaniah, to be the king [of Judah], and he changed Mattaniah’s name to Zedekiah.
Et constituit Matthaniam patruum eius pro eo: imposuitque nomen ei Sedechiam.
18 When Zedekiah was twenty-one years old, he became king, and he ruled in Jerusalem for eleven years. His mother’s name was Hamutal; she was the daughter of a man named Jeremiah from Libnah [town].
Vigesimum et primum annum aetatis habebat Sedecias cum regnare coepisset, et undecim annis regnavit in Ierusalem: nomen matris eius erat Amital, filia Ieremiae de Lobna.
19 But Zedekiah did many things that Yahweh considered to be evil, just as Jehoiakim had done.
Et fecit malum coram Domino, iuxta omnia quae fecerat Ioakin.
20 Yahweh was very angry. So (and finally/after he had been patient a long time) he expelled the people of Jerusalem and [the other places in] Judah and sent them to Babylon. [That is what happened when] Zedekiah rebelled against the king of Babylon.
Irascebatur enim Dominus contra Ierusalem et contra Iudam, donec proiiceret eos a facie sua: recessitque Sedechias a rege Babylonis.