< 2 Kings 22 >

1 Josiah was eight years old when he became the king [of Judah]. He ruled from Jerusalem for 31 years. His mother was Jedidah and his grandfather was Adaiah from Bozkath [town].
Valo taona Josia, fony vao nanjaka, ary iraika amby telo-polo taona no nanjakany tany Jerosalema. Ary ny anaran-dreniny dia Jedida, zanakavavin’ i Adaia, avy any Bozkata.
2 Josiah did things that were pleasing to Yahweh and conducted his life as his ancestor King David had done. He completely obeyed [IDM] all the laws of God.
Ary nanao izay mahitsy eo imason’ i Jehovah kosa izy ka nandeha tamin’ izay rehetra nalehan’ i Davida rainy, fa tsy mba nivily, na ho amin’ ny ankavanana, na ho amin’ ny ankavia.
3 After Josiah had been ruling for almost 18 years, he sent his secretary Shaphan, the son of Azaliah and grandson of Meshullam, to the temple with these instructions:
Ary tamin’ ny taona fahavalo ambin’ ny folo nanjakan’ i Josia mpanjaka, dia naniraka an’ i Safana mpanoratra, zanak’ i Azalia, zanak’ i Mesolama, izy ho any an-tranon’ i Jehovah ka nanao hoe:
4 “Go to Hilkiah, the Supreme Priest, and tell him to give me a report, telling me how much money the men who guard the doors of the temple have collected from the people [as offerings].
Miakara any amin’ i Hilkia mpisoronabe, hanisany ny vola izay nampidirina ho ao an-tranon’ i Jehovah, dia izay nangonin’ ny mpiandry varavarana tamin’ ny olona;
5 Then tell him to give all that money to the men who are supervising the work of repairing the temple.
ary aoka hatolony ho eo an-tànan’ ny mpanao raharaha izay voatendry ny amin’ ny tranon’ i Jehovah izany; ary aoka homen’ ireo ho an’ ny mpiasa izay ao an-tranon’ i Jehovah hanamboarany ny simba amin’ ny trano,
6 They must give that money to the carpenters, the builders, and the masons, and they should also buy the timber and the stones that they will use to repair the temple.
dia ho an’ ny mpandrafitra sy ny mpandatsa-bato ary ny mpipaika, dia hividianana hazo sy vato voapaika hanamboarana ny trano.
7 But the men who supervise the work will not be required to make a report on the money that is given to them, saying what they spent it for, because those men are completely honest.”
Kanefa tsy nampamoahina ny amin’ ny vola natolotra teo an-tànany ireo, fa nahatoky izy.
8 [After Shaphan said that to Hilkiah] the king’s secretary, Hilkiah said to Shaphan, “I have found in the temple a scroll on which is written the laws [that God gave to Moses]!” Hilkiah gave the scroll to Shaphan, and he started to read it.
Dia hoy Hilkia mpisoronabe tamin’ i Safana mpanoratra: Ny bokin’ ny lalàna dia hitako tao an-tranon’ i Jehovah. Dia natolotr’ i Hilkia an’ i Safana ny boky ka novakiny.
9 Then Shaphan [took the scroll] to the king and said to him, “Your temple guards have taken the money that was in the temple, and they have given it to the men who will supervise the work of repairing the temple.”
Ary Safana mpanoratra niverina ho any amin’ ny mpanjaka nitondra valiny nanao hoe: Ny mpanomponao dia efa nandrotsaka ny vola izay azo tao an-trano ka nanolotra azy teo an-tànan’ ny mpanao raharaha izay voatendry ny amin’ ny tranon’ i Jehovah.
10 Then Shaphan said to the king, [“I have brought to you] a scroll that Hilkiah gave to me.” And Shaphan started to read it to the king.
Ary Safana mpanoratra nilaza koa tamin’ ny mpanjaka hoe: Misy boky nomen’ i Hilkia mpisorona ahy. Dia novakin’ i Safana teo anatrehan’ ny mpanjaka ny boky.
11 When the king heard the laws that were written in the scroll that Shaphan was reading to him, he tore his clothes [because he was very dismayed].
Ary rehefa ren’ ny mpanjaka ny teny tao amin’ ilay bokin’ ny lalàna, dia nandriatra ny fitafiany izy.
12 Then he gave these instructions to Hilkiah, to Shaphan’s son Ahikam, to Micaiah’s son Achbor, and to Asaiah, the king’s special advisor:
Ary ny mpanjaka nandidy an’ i Hilkia mpisorona sy Ahikama, zanak’ i Safana, sy Akbora, zanak’ i Mikaia, sy Safana mpanoratra ary Asaia, mpanompon’ andriana, hoe:
13 “Go and ask Yahweh for me and for all the people of Judah, about what is written in this scroll that has been found. Because [it is clear that] Yahweh is very angry with us because our ancestors disobeyed what was written on this scroll, things that we [should have done].”
Mandehana ianareo, ka manontania amin’ i Jehovah ho ahy sy ny vahoaka mbamin’ ny Joda rehetra ny amin’ ny tenin’ ity boky vao hita ity, fa mafy ny fahatezeran’ i Jehovah izay mirehitra amintsika noho ny tsy nihainoan’ ny razantsika ny tenin’ ity boky ity hanao araka izay rehetra voasoratra ho antsika.
14 So Hilkiah, Ahikam, Achbor, Shaphan, and Asaiah went to (consult/talk with) a woman whose name was Huldah, who was a prophetess who lived in the newer/northern part of Jerusalem. Her husband Shallum, son of Tikvah and grandson of Harhas, took care of the robes that were worn [in the temple] (OR, [by the king]). [Those five men told her about the scroll].
Dia nandeha Hilkia mpisorona sy Ahikama sy Akbora sy Safana ary Asaia ka nankany amin’ i Holda mpaminanivavy, vadin’ i Saloma, zanak’ i Tikva, zanak’ i Harasa, mpitahiry ny fitafiana (fa nitoetra tao amin’ ny tanàna ambany tany Jerosalema ravehivavy); dia niresaka taminy izy ireo.
15 She said to them, “This is what Yahweh the God whom we Israelis [worship] says: ‘Go back and tell the king who sent you
Ary hoy ravehivavy taminy Izao no lazain’ i Jehovah, Andriamanitry ny Isiraely: Lazao amin’ ny lehilahy izay naniraka anareo ho atỳ amiko hoe:
16 that this is what Yahweh says: “Listen to this carefully. I am going to cause all the people who live here in Jerusalem to experience a disaster, which is what was written in the scroll that the king has read.
Izao no lazain’ i Jehovah: Indro, Izaho hahatonga loza amin’ ity tanàna ity sy amin’ ny mponina eto, dia araka izay rehetra lazain’ ny boky novakin’ ny mpanjakan’ ny Joda.
17 I will do that because they have abandoned me, and they burn incense to [honor] other gods. They have caused me to become very angry by [worshiping] the idols that they have made (OR, by all the wicked things that they have done), and my anger is like [MET] a fire that will not be put out.”
Satria nahafoy Ahy izy ary nandoro ditin-kazo manitra tamin’ izay andriamani-kafa ka nampahatezitra Ahy amin’ izay rehetra nataon’ ny tànany, dia mirehitra amin’ ity tanàna ity ny fahatezerako ka tsy hosakanana.
18 The king of Judah sent you to inquire what I, Yahweh, wanted you to do, so this is what you should say to him: “Because you have heeded what was written in the scroll,
Fa ny amin’ ny mpanjakan’ ny Joda izay naniraka anareo hanontany amin’ i Jehovah kosa anefa, dia ambarao aminy hoe: Izao no lazain’ i Jehovah, Andriamanitry ny Isiraely: Ny amin’ ny teny izay novakinao,
19 and you repented and humbled yourself when you heard what I said to warn you [about what would happen to] this city and the people who live here and because you tore your robes and wept in my presence, I have heard you. I said that I would cause this city to be abandoned. It will be a city whose name people will use when they curse someone. But I have heard what you prayed,
satria nino anatra ianao ka nanetry tena teo anatrehan’ i Jehovah, raha nandre izay nolazaiko ny amin’ izay hanjo ity tanàna ity sy ny mponina eto dia ny handravana azy sy ny hahatongavany ho fanozonana ka nandriatra ny fitafianao sady nitomany teo anatrehako ianao, dia Izaho kosa efa nihaino, hoy Jehovah.
20 so I will allow you to die [EUP] and be buried peacefully. I will cause the people who live here to experience a terrible disaster, but you will not [be alive to] see it.”’” After the men heard that, they returned to King Josiah and gave him that message.
Koa, indro, hangoniko any amin’ ny razanao ianao ary hangonina any amin’ ny fasanao amin’ ny fiadanana; ary ny masonao tsy mba hahita izay loza rehetra ho entiko mamaly ity tanàna ity. Dia nitondra valiny ho any amin’ ny mpanjaka izy ireo.

< 2 Kings 22 >