< 2 Kings 2 >

1 When Yahweh was about to take [the prophet] Elijah up to heaven in a (whirlwind/twisting wind), Elijah and [his fellow prophet] Elisha were traveling [south] from Gilgal [town].
Dengang HERREN ville lade Elias fare op til Himmelen i et Stormvejr, gik Elias fra Gilgal.
2 Elijah said to Elisha, “Stay here, because Yahweh has told [only] me to go to Bethel [town].” But Elisha replied, “Just as certainly as Yahweh lives and you live, I will not leave you!” So they went down [together] to Bethel.
Og Elias sagde til Elisa: "Bliv her, thi HERREN vil have mig til Betel!" Men Elisa svarede: "Så sandt HERREN lever, og så sandt du lever, jeg går ikke fra dig!" De gik da ned til Betel.
3 A group of prophets came to Elisha [and Elijah before they entered the town], and they asked Elisha, “Do you know that Yahweh is going to take your master/boss [Elijah] away from you today?” Elisha answered, “Certainly I know that, but don’t talk about it!” [IDM]
Så kom Profetsønnerne i Betel ud til Elisa og sagde til ham: "Ved du, at HERREN i dag vil tage din Herre bort fra dig?" Han svarede: "Ja, jeg ved det, ti kun stille!"
4 Then Elijah said to Elisha, “Stay here, because Yahweh has told [only] me to go to Jericho.” But Elisha replied [again], “Just as certainly as Yahweh lives and you live, I will not leave you!” So they went [together] to Jericho [city].
Derpå sagde Elias til ham: "Bliv her, Elisa, thi HERREN vil have mig til Jeriko!" Men han svarede: "Så sandt HERREN lever, og så sandt du lever, jeg går ikke fra dig!" De kom da til Jeriko.
5 [As they neared] Jericho, a group of prophets who were from there came to Elisha and said to him, “Do you know that Yahweh is going to take your master/boss [Elijah] away from you today?” He answered again, “Certainly I know that, but don’t talk about it!” [IDM]
Men Profetsønnerne i Jeriko trådte hen til Elisa og sagde til ham: "Ved du, at HERREN i Dag vil tage din Herre bort fra dig?" Han svarede: "Ja, jeg ved det, ti kun stille!"
6 Then Elijah said to Elisha, “Stay here, because Yahweh has told [only] me to go to the Jordan [River].” But [again] Elisha replied, “As certainly as Yahweh lives and you live, I will not leave you!” So they continued walking together.
Derpå sagde Elias til ham: "Bliv her, thi HERREN vil have mig til Jordan!" Men han svarede: "Så sandt HERREN lever, og så sandt du lever, jeg går ikke fra dig!" Så fulgtes de ad.
7 Fifty men from a group of prophets [who were from Jericho] also went, but they watched from a distance as Elijah and Elisha stopped at the edge of the Jordan [River].
Men halvtredsindstyve af Profetsønnerne gik hen og stillede sig et godt Stykke derfra, medens de to stod ved Jordan.
8 Then Elijah rolled up his cloak and struck the water with it. A path opened up for them through the river, and they walked across [as though they were] on dry ground.
Elias tog nu sin Kappe, rullede den sammen og slog Vandet med den; da skiltes det ad, og de gik begge over på tør Bund.
9 When they came to the other side, Elijah said to Elisha, “What do you want me to do for you before (I am taken away/Yahweh takes me away)?” Elisha replied, “I want to receive twice as much of your power [as you have had, ] (OR enable me to very powerfully continue your ministry).”
Og da de var kommet over, sagde Elias til Elisa: "Sig, hvad du ønsker, jeg skal gøre for dig, før jeg tages bort fra dig!" Elisa svarede: "Måtte to Dele af din Ånd komme over mig!"
10 Elijah replied, “You have asked for something which is difficult [for me to cause to happen]. But, if you see me when (I am taken from you/Yahweh takes me from you), you will get what you are requesting. But if you do not see me, then you will not get it.”
Da sagde han: "Det er et stort Forlangende, du kommer med! Dersom du ser mig, når jeg tages bort fra dig, skal det blive dig til Del, ellers ikke!"
11 As they were walking and talking, suddenly a chariot that had fire [surrounding it], pulled by horses which also had fire [surrounding them], appeared. [The chariot driver] drove the chariot between Elijah and Elisha and separated them. Then Elijah was taken up to heaven in a (whirlwind/twisting wind).
Medens de nu gik og talte sammen, se, da kom en lldvogn og Ildheste og skilte dem ad, og Elias for op til Himmelen i Stormvejret.
12 Elisha saw it. He cried out, “My father/master! My father/master! The chariots of us Israeli people and their drivers [have taken my master away]!” [They disappeared into the sky, ] and Elisha never saw Elijah again. Then Elisha tore his own robe into two pieces [to show that he was sad].
Og Elisa så det og råbte: "Min Fader, min Fader, du Israels Vogne og Ryttere!" Og han så ham ikke mere. Så greb han sine Klæder og sønderrev dem.
13 Elijah’s cloak [had fallen off when he was taken away, so] Elisha picked it up and returned to the bank of the Jordan [River].
Derpå tog han Elias's Kappe, som var faldet af ham, op og gik tilbage og stillede sig ved Jordans Bred,
14 He [rolled up the cloak and] struck the water with it, and cried out, “Will Yahweh, the God who [enabled] Elijah [to perform miracles, enable me to do similar things]?” Then the water separated, and a path opened up for him, and Elisha went across.
og han tog Elias's Kappe, som var faldet af ham, slog Vandet med den og sagde: "Hvor er nu HERREN, Elias's Gud?" Og da han havde slået Vandet, skiltes det ad, og Elisa gik over.
15 When the group of prophets from Jericho saw what happened, they exclaimed, “Elisha now has the power that Elijah had!” [MTY] They walked over to him and bowed down in front of him.
Da Profetsønnerne fra Jeriko så det derovre, sagde de: "Elias's Ånd hviler på Elisa!" Og de gik ham i Møde og kastede sig til Jorden for ham.
16 [One of] them said, “Sir, if you permit us, 50 of our strongest men will go and search for your master [on the other side of the river]. Perhaps the Spirit of Yahweh has left him on some mountain or in some valley.” Elisha replied, “No, do not send them.”
Derpå sagde de til ham: "Se, her hos dine Trælle er der halvtredsindstyve raske Mænd, lad dem gå ud og lede efter din Herre; måske HERRENs Ånd har taget ham og kastet ham hen på et af Bjergene eller i en af Dalene!" Men han svarede: "I skal ikke sende dem af Sted!"
17 But they kept insisting. Finally he was tired of saying “No,” and he said, “Okay, send them.” So 50 men searched for three days, but they did not find Elijah.
Men da de blev ved at trænge ind på ham, sagde han: "Så send dem da af Sted!" Så sendte de halvtredsindstyve Mænd ud, og de ledte efter ham i tre Dage, men fandt ham ikke.
18 They returned to Jericho, and Elisha was still there. He said to them, “I told you that you should not go, [because you would not find him]!” [RHQ]
Og da de kom tilbage, medens han endnu var i Jeriko, sagde han til dem: "Sagde jeg ikke til eder, at I ikke skulde gå?"
19 Then the leaders of [Jericho] city came to talk with Elisha. One of them said, “Our master, we have a problem. You can see that this is a very nice place [to live in]. But the water is bad, and as a result, crops will not grow on the land.”
Mændene i Byen sagde til Elisa: "Byen ligger godt nok, som min Herre ser, men Vandet er dårligt og volder utidige Fødsler i Egnen."
20 Elisha said to them, “Put some salt in a new bowl and bring the bowl to me.” So they brought it to him.
Da sagde han: "Hent mig en ny Skål og kom Salt deri!" Og de hentede den til ham.
21 Then he went out to the spring [from which the people in the town got water]. He threw the salt into the spring. Then he said, “This is what Yahweh says: ‘I have made this water good/pure. No longer will anyone die, from having drunk this water, and now crops will be able to grow.’” [LIT]
Så gik han ned til Kildevældet og kastede Salt deri, idet han sagde: "Så siger HERREN: Jeg gør dette Vand sundt, så at der ikke mer skal komme Død eller utidige Fødsler deraf!"
22 And the water became pure, just as Elisha said it would be. Since that time it has always remained pure.
Så blev Vandet sundt, efter det Ord Elisa talte; og det er det den Dag i dag.
23 Elisha left Jericho and went up to Bethel. As he was walking along the road, a group of young boys from Bethel [saw him and] started to make fun of him. They continued shouting, “Go away, you bald-headed man!”
Derfra begav han sig op til Betel. Som han var på Vej derop, kom nogle Smådrenge ud af Byen og spottede ham og råbte: "Kom herop, Skaldepande, kom herop, Skaldepande!"
24 Elisha turned around and looked/glared at them. He asked Yahweh to (curse them/do something bad to them). Immediately two bears came out of the woods and mauled forty-two of them.
Han vendte sig om, og da han fik Øje på dem, forbandede han dem i HERRENs Navn. Så kom to Bjørne ud af Krattet og sønderrev to og fyrretyve af Drengene.
25 Elisha left Bethel and went to Carmel Mountain, and after that he returned to Samaria [city].
Derfra begav han sig til Karmels Bjerg, og derfra vendte han tilbage til Samaria.

< 2 Kings 2 >