< 2 Kings 18 >

1 After King Hoshea had been ruling Israel for almost three years, Hezekiah, the son of Ahaz, began to rule Judah.
La troisième année d’Osée, fils d’Éla, roi d’Israël, Ézéchias, fils d’Achaz, roi de Juda, régna.
2 He was 25 years old when he became the king [of Judah] and he ruled from Jerusalem for 29 years. His mother was Abijah, the daughter of [a man whose name was] Zechariah.
Il avait vingt-cinq ans lorsqu’il devint roi, et il régna vingt-neuf ans à Jérusalem. Sa mère s’appelait Abi, fille de Zacharie.
3 Hezekiah did things that Yahweh considered to be right, like his ancestor King David had done.
Il fit ce qui est droit aux yeux de l’Éternel, entièrement comme avait fait David, son père.
4 He destroyed the places where people worshiped Yahweh on the tops of hills, and he broke into pieces the stone pillars [for worshiping the goddess Asherah]. He also broke into pieces the bronze [replica/statue of a] snake that Moses had made. He did that because the people had named it Nehushtan, and they were burning incense in front of it to honor it.
Il fit disparaître les hauts lieux, brisa les statues, abattit les idoles, et mit en pièces le serpent d’airain que Moïse avait fait, car les enfants d’Israël avaient jusqu’alors brûlé des parfums devant lui: on l’appelait Nehuschtan.
5 Hezekiah trusted in Yahweh, the God whom the Israelis [worshiped.] There was no king who ruled Judah before him or after him who was as [devoted to Yahweh as] he was.
Il mit sa confiance en l’Éternel, le Dieu d’Israël; et parmi tous les rois de Juda qui vinrent après lui ou qui le précédèrent, il n’y en eut point de semblable à lui.
6 He remained loyal to Yahweh and never disobeyed him. He carefully obeyed all the commandments that Yahweh had given to Moses.
Il fut attaché à l’Éternel, il ne se détourna point de lui, et il observa les commandements que l’Éternel avait prescrits à Moïse.
7 Yahweh always (helped/was with) him. He was successful in everything that he did. He rebelled against the king of Assyria and refused to (pay taxes to him/do what the king of Assyria wanted him to do).
Et l’Éternel fut avec Ézéchias, qui réussit dans toutes ses entreprises. Il se révolta contre le roi d’Assyrie, et ne lui fut plus assujetti.
8 His army defeated [the soldiers of] Philistia as far [south] as Gaza [city] and the nearby villages. They conquered the entire area, from the smallest watchtower to the largest cities surrounded by walls.
Il battit les Philistins jusqu’à Gaza, et ravagea leur territoire depuis les tours des gardes jusqu’aux villes fortes.
9 After King Hezekiah had been ruling Judah for almost four years, and when King Hoshea had been ruling Israel for almost seven years, [the army of] King Shalmaneser of Assyria invaded Israel and surrounded Samaria [city].
La quatrième année du roi Ézéchias, qui était la septième année d’Osée, fils d’Éla, roi d’Israël, Salmanasar, roi d’Assyrie, monta contre Samarie et l’assiégea.
10 In the third year they captured the city. That was when Hezekiah has been ruling Judah for almost six years, and when Hoshea had been ruling Israel for almost nine years.
Il la prit au bout de trois ans, la sixième année d’Ézéchias, qui était la neuvième année d’Osée, roi d’Israël: alors Samarie fut prise.
11 The king of Assyria commanded that the people of Israel be taken to Assyria. Some of them were taken to Halah [town], some were taken to a place near the Habor [River] in [the] Gozan [region], and some were taken to cities where the Mede people-group live.
Le roi d’Assyrie emmena Israël captif en Assyrie, et il les établit à Chalach, et sur le Chabor, fleuve de Gozan, et dans les villes des Mèdes,
12 That happened because the Israelis did not obey Yahweh their God. They disobeyed the agreement that Yahweh had made with their ancestors, and all the laws that Moses, the man who served Yahweh [very well], had told them to obey. They would not obey those laws; they would not even listen to them.
parce qu’ils n’avaient point écouté la voix de l’Éternel, leur Dieu, et qu’ils avaient transgressé son alliance, parce qu’ils n’avaient ni écouté ni mis en pratique tout ce qu’avait ordonné Moïse, serviteur de l’Éternel.
13 After King Hezekiah had been ruling Judah for almost 14 years, [the army of] King Sennacherib of Assyria attacked all the cities in Judah that had walls around them. They [did not capture Jerusalem, but they] captured all the other cities.
La quatorzième année du roi Ézéchias, Sanchérib, roi d’Assyrie, monta contre toutes les villes fortes de Juda, et s’en empara.
14 King Hezekiah sent a message to Sennacherib, while Sennacherib was in Lachish, saying “What I have done was wrong. Please [tell your soldiers to] stop attacking us. If you do that, I will pay you whatever you tell me to.” So the king of Assyria said that Hezekiah must pay to him (ten tons/9,000 kg.) of silver and (one ton/900 kg.) of gold.
Ézéchias, roi de Juda, envoya dire au roi d’Assyrie à Lakis: J’ai commis une faute! Éloigne-toi de moi. Ce que tu m’imposeras, je le supporterai. Et le roi d’Assyrie imposa à Ézéchias, roi de Juda, trois cents talents d’argent et trente talents d’or.
15 So Hezekiah gave to him all the silver that was in the temple and that was stored in the king’s palace.
Ézéchias donna tout l’argent qui se trouvait dans la maison de l’Éternel et dans les trésors de la maison du roi.
16 Hezekiah’s men also stripped the gold from the doors of the temple and the gold that he himself had put on the doorposts, and he sent all that gold to the king of Assyria.
Ce fut alors qu’Ézéchias, roi de Juda, enleva, pour les livrer au roi d’Assyrie, les lames d’or dont il avait couvert les portes et les linteaux du temple de l’Éternel.
17 But the king of Assyria sent a large army with some of his important officials from Lachish [city] to [persuade] King Hezekiah [to surrender]. When they arrived at Jerusalem, they stood alongside the aqueduct/channel in which water flows from the upper pool into Jerusalem, near the road to the field where the women wash clothes.
Le roi d’Assyrie envoya de Lakis à Jérusalem, vers le roi Ézéchias, Tharthan, Rab-Saris et Rabschaké avec une puissante armée. Ils montèrent, et ils arrivèrent à Jérusalem. Lorsqu’ils furent montés et arrivés, ils s’arrêtèrent à l’aqueduc de l’étang supérieur, sur le chemin du champ du foulon.
18 They sent a message requesting King Hezekiah to come to them, but the king sent three of his officials [to talk to them]. He sent Hilkiah’s son Eliakim, who supervised the palace; Shebna, the official secretary; and Asaph’s son Joah, who communicated the king’s messages to the people.
Ils appelèrent le roi; et Éliakim, fils de Hilkija, chef de la maison du roi, se rendit auprès d’eux, avec Schebna, le secrétaire, et Joach, fils d’Asaph, l’archiviste.
19 One of Sennacherib’s important officials told them to take this message to Hezekiah: “This is what the king of Assyria, the great king, says: ‘What are you trusting in [to rescue you] [RHQ]?
Rabschaké leur dit: Dites à Ézéchias: Ainsi parle le grand roi, le roi d’Assyrie: Quelle est cette confiance, sur laquelle tu t’appuies?
20 You say that you have weapons to fight us, and some country promises [to help you], [and that will enable you to defeat us, ] but that is only talk [RHQ]. Who do you think will help you to rebel against my [soldiers from Assyria]?
Tu as dit: Il faut pour la guerre de la prudence et de la force. Mais ce ne sont que des paroles en l’air. En qui donc as-tu placé ta confiance, pour t’être révolté contre moi?
21 Listen to me! You are relying on [the army of] Egypt. But that is like [MET] using a broken reed for a walking stick on which you could lean. But it would pierce the hand of anyone who would lean on it! That is what the king of Egypt would be like for anyone who relied on him [for help].
Voici, tu l’as placée dans l’Égypte, tu as pris pour soutien ce roseau cassé, qui pénètre et perce la main de quiconque s’appuie dessus: tel est Pharaon, roi d’Égypte, pour tous ceux qui se confient en lui.
22 But perhaps you will say to me, “No, we are (relying on/trusting in) Yahweh our God [to help us].” [I would reply, ] “Is he not the one whom you [insulted by] tearing down his shrines and altars and forcing everyone in Jerusalem and [other places in] Judah to worship only in front of the altar [in Jerusalem]?”’
Peut-être me direz-vous: C’est en l’Éternel, notre Dieu, que nous nous confions. Mais n’est-ce pas lui dont Ézéchias a fait disparaître les hauts lieux et les autels, en disant à Juda et à Jérusalem: Vous vous prosternerez devant cet autel à Jérusalem?
23 So I suggest that you make a deal between you and my master/boss, the king of Assyria. I will give you 2,000 horses, but [I do not think that] you are able to find 2,000 of your men who can ride on them!
Maintenant, fais une convention avec mon maître, le roi d’Assyrie, et je te donnerai deux mille chevaux, si tu peux fournir des cavaliers pour les monter.
24 You are expecting the king of Egypt to send chariots and men riding horses [to assist you]. But they certainly would not [RHQ] be able to resist/defeat even the most insignificant/unimportant official in the army of Assyria!
Comment repousserais-tu un seul chef d’entre les moindres serviteurs de mon maître? Tu mets ta confiance dans l’Égypte pour les chars et pour les cavaliers.
25 Furthermore, (do you think that we have come to destroy Jerusalem without Yahweh’s help?/do not think that we have come to Jerusalem without Yahweh’s help.) [RHQ] It is Yahweh himself who told us to come here and destroy this land!”
D’ailleurs, est-ce sans la volonté de l’Éternel que je suis monté contre ce lieu, pour le détruire? L’Éternel m’a dit: Monte contre ce pays, et détruis-le.
26 Then Eliakim, Shebna and Joah said to the official from Assyria, “Sir, please speak to us in your Aramaic language, because we understand it. Do not speak to us in our Hebrew language, because the people who are standing on the wall will understand it [and be frightened].”
Éliakim, fils de Hilkija, Schebna et Joach, dirent à Rabschaké: Parle à tes serviteurs en araméen, car nous le comprenons; et ne nous parle pas en langue judaïque, aux oreilles du peuple qui est sur la muraille.
27 But the official replied, “Do you think [RHQ] that my master sent me to say these things only to you and not to the people who are standing on the wall? [If you reject this message, ] the [people in this city] will soon need to eat their own dung and drink their own urine, just like you will, [because there will be nothing more for you to eat or drink].”
Rabschaké leur répondit: Est-ce à ton maître et à toi que mon maître m’a envoyé dire ces paroles? N’est-ce pas à ces hommes assis sur la muraille pour manger leurs excréments et pour boire leur urine avec vous?
28 Then the official stood up and shouted in the Hebrew language [to the people sitting on the wall]. He said, “Listen to this message from the great king, the king of Assyria. He says,
Alors Rabschaké, s’étant avancé, cria à haute voix en langue judaïque, et dit: Écoutez la parole du grand roi, du roi d’Assyrie!
29 ‘Do not allow Hezekiah to deceive you. He will not be able to rescue you from my power [MTY].
Ainsi parle le roi: Qu’Ézéchias ne vous abuse point, car il ne pourra vous délivrer de ma main.
30 Do not allow him to persuade you to rely on Yahweh, saying that Yahweh will rescue you, and that the army of Assyria will never capture this city!’
Qu’Ézéchias ne vous amène point à vous confier en l’Éternel, en disant: L’Éternel nous délivrera, et cette ville ne sera pas livrée entre les mains du roi d’Assyrie.
31 “Do not pay attention to what Hezekiah says! This is what the king of Assyria says: ‘Come out of the city and surrender to me. If you do that, I will arrange for each of you to drink the juice from your own grapevines, and to eat figs from your own trees, and to drink water from your own wells.
N’écoutez point Ézéchias; car ainsi parle le roi d’Assyrie: Faites la paix avec moi, rendez-vous à moi, et chacun de vous mangera de sa vigne et de son figuier, et chacun boira de l’eau de sa citerne,
32 You will be able to do that until we come and take you to a land that is like your land—a land where there is grain to make bread and vineyards to [produce grapes for making] wine. It will be a land that has plenty of olive trees and honey. If you do what the king of Assyria commands, you will not die. You will continue to live. ‘Do not allow Hezekiah to persuade you to trust in Yahweh saying that he will rescue you!
jusqu’à ce que je vienne, et que je vous emmène dans un pays comme le vôtre, dans un pays de blé et de vin, un pays de pain et de vignes, un pays d’oliviers à huile et de miel, et vous vivrez et vous ne mourrez point. N’écoutez donc point Ézéchias; car il pourrait vous séduire en disant: L’Éternel nous délivrera.
33 The gods that people of other nations worship have never rescued them from the power [MTY] of the king of Assyria [RHQ]!
Les dieux des nations ont-ils délivré chacun son pays de la main du roi d’Assyrie?
34 Why were the gods of Hamath and Arpad [cities] unable to rescue their people from the king of Assyria [RHQ]? What happened to the gods of Sepharvaim, Hena, and Ivvah, [towns that we completely destroyed and their gods disappeared] [RHQ]? Did any god rescue Samaria from my power?
Où sont les dieux de Hamath et d’Arpad? Où sont les dieux de Sepharvaïm, d’Héna et d’Ivva? Ont-ils délivré Samarie de ma main?
35 No, none of the gods of the countries [that my army attacked] rescued their people [RHQ] from me! So why do you think that Yahweh will rescue you people of Jerusalem from my power [MTY]?’”
Parmi tous les dieux de ces pays, quels sont ceux qui ont délivré leur pays de ma main, pour que l’Éternel délivre Jérusalem de ma main?
36 But the people [who were listening] stayed silent. No one said anything, because King Hezekiah had told them, “[When the official from Assyria talks to you, ] do not answer him.”
Le peuple se tut, et ne lui répondit pas un mot; car le roi avait donné cet ordre: Vous ne lui répondrez pas.
37 Then Eliakim the palace administrator and Shebna the court secretary and Joah the royal historian went back to Hezekiah with their clothes torn [because they were extremely distressed], and they told him what the official from Assyria had said.
Et Éliakim, fils de Hilkija, chef de la maison du roi, Schebna, le secrétaire, et Joach, fils d’Asaph, l’archiviste, vinrent auprès d’Ézéchias, les vêtements déchirés, et lui rapportèrent les paroles de Rabschaké.

< 2 Kings 18 >