< 2 Kings 13 >

1 After Joash had been ruling Judah for almost 23 years, Jehu’s son Jehoahaz became the king of Israel. He ruled in Samaria [city] for 17 years.
Mugore ramakumi maviri namatatu raJoashi mwanakomana waAhazia mambo weJudha, Jehoahazi mwanakomana waJehu akava mambo weIsraeri muSamaria, uye akatonga kwamakore gumi namanomwe.
2 He did many things that Yahweh considered to be evil and committed the same kind of sins that Jeroboam had committed, sins which led the people of Israel to sin. He did not stop committing those sins.
Akaita zvakaipa pamberi paJehovha nokutevera zvivi zvaJerobhoamu mwanakomana waNebhati, zvaakanga aita kuti vaIsraeri vaite, uye haana kutendeuka kubva pazvivi.
3 So Yahweh became very angry with the Israeli people, and he allowed the army of King Hazael of Syria and his son Ben-Hadad to defeat the Israelis many times.
Naizvozvo kutsamwa kwaJehovha kwakabvira somoto pamusoro peIsraeri, uye kwenguva yakareba akavaisa pasi poruoko rwaHazaeri mambo weAramu naBheni-Hadhadhi mwanakomana wake.
4 Then Jehoahaz prayed to Yahweh [for help], and Yahweh heeded him, because he saw that the army of the king of Syria was oppressing the Israelis.
Ipapo Jehoahazi akatsvaka nyasha dzaJehovha, Jehovha akamunzwa, nokuti akanga aona kuti mambo weAramu airwadzisa uye achitambudza Israeri zvakanyanya sei.
5 Yahweh sent a leader to Israel, who enabled them to be freed from being controlled by Syria. After that, the Israeli people lived peacefully as they had done previously.
Jehovha akamutsira Israeri mudzikinuri, uye vakapukunyuka kubva pasi poruoko rwavaAramu. Naizvozvo vaIsraeri vakagara mumisha yavo sezvavakanga vakaita kare.
6 But they still continued to commit the same kind of sins that Jeroboam and his family had committed and which led the Israelis to [also] sin. And the statue of the goddess Asherah remained in Samaria.
Asi havana kutendeuka kubva pazvivi zveimba yaJerobhoamu, zvaakanga aita kuti Israeri iite, vakarambira mazviri. Uyezve danda raAshera rakaramba rimire muSamaria.
7 Jehoahaz had only 50 men who rode on horses and ten chariots and 10,000 other soldiers, because the army of Syria had killed all the rest, trampling them like people walk on dirt.
Hapana hondo yaJehoahazi yakasara kunze kwavarume vamabhiza makumi mashanu, nengoro gumi uye zviuru gumi zvavarwi vaifamba netsoka, nokuti mambo weAramu akanga aparadza vazhinji vavo akavaita seguruva renguva yokupura.
8 [If you want to read about] [RHQ] everything else that Jehoahaz did, you can read about it in the scroll called ‘The History of the Kings of Israel’.
Zvino zvimwe zvakaitwa pakutonga kwaJehoahazi, nezvose zvaakaita nokubudirira kwake, hazvina kunyorwa here mubhuku renhoroondo dzamadzimambo eIsraeri?
9 Jehoahaz died [EUP] and was buried in Samaria. Then his son Jehoash became the king.
Jehoahazi akazorora namadzibaba ake uye akavigwa muSamaria. Jehoashi mwanakomana wake akamutevera paumambo.
10 Jehoash, the son of Jehoahaz, started to rule in Israel after King Joash had been ruling in Judah for 23 years. Jehoash ruled in Samaria for 17 years.
Mugore ramakumi matatu namanomwe raJoashi mambo weJudha, Jehoashi mwanakomana waJehoahazi akava mambo weIsraeri muSamaria, uye akatonga kwamakore gumi namatanhatu.
11 He did many things that Yahweh considered to be evil. He refused to turn away from worshiping idols, which was the sin that [many years earlier King] Jeroboam had told the Israeli people to commit.
Akaita zvakaipa pamberi paJehovha akasatendeuka kubva kana pane chimwe chezvivi zvaJerobhoamu mwanakomana waNebhati, zvaakaita kuti Israeri iite; akarambira mazviri.
12 The other things that happened while Jehoash was king and all the things that he did are written in the book called ‘The Account of What the Kings of Israel Did’. In that account they wrote about Jehoash’s [army’s] victories, and their war with [the army of] King Amaziah of Judah.
Zvino zvimwe zvakaitwa pakutonga kwaJehoashi, nezvose zvaakaita, nokubudirira kwake, pamwe nokurwa kwake naAmazia mambo weJudha, hazvina kunyorwa here mubhuku renhoroondo dzamadzimambo eIsraeri?
13 When Jehoash died, he was buried in Samaria where the [other] kings of Israel were buried. Then his son Jeroboam became king.
Jehoashi akazorora namadzibaba ake, Jerobhoamu akamutevera pachigaro choushe. Jehoashi akavigwa muSamaria pamwe chete namadzimambo eIsraeri.
14 Elisha became very ill. Just before he died, King Jehoash went to Elisha and cried in front of him. [Saying the same words that Elisha had said when Elijah was taken to heaven], he said, “My father/master! My father/master! The chariots of us Israeli people and their drivers [are taking my master away]!”
Zvino Erisha akanga achirwadziwa nedenda iro rakazomuuraya. Jehoashi mambo weIsraeri akaendako kundomuona akachema pamusoro pake akati, “Baba vangu! Ngoro dzaIsraeri navatasvi vamabhiza!”
15 Elisha said to him, “Bring to me a bow and some arrows!” So the king did that.
Erisha akati, “Tora uta nemiseve,” iye akaita saizvozvo.
16 Then Elisha told the king to put his hands on the bow [and prepare to shoot some arrows]. And then Elisha put his own hands on the king’s hands.
Akati kuna mambo weIsraeri, “Tora uta muruoko rwako.” Akati atora uta, Erisha akaisa maoko ake pamusoro pamaoko amambo.
17 Then Elisha told him, “[Have someone] open that window toward the east.” So they opened it. Then Elisha said, “Shoot!” So the king did. Then Elisha said, “That is the arrow that [indicates that your army] will defeat the Syrian army. Your army will completely defeat their [army] at Aphek [town].”
Akati, “Zarura windo rokumabvazuva,” iye ndokurizarura. Erisha akati, “Pfura!” iye ndokupfura. Erisha akati, “Museve waJehovha wokukunda, museve wokukunda Aramu! Iwe uchaparadza vaAramu zvachose paAfeki.”
18 Then Elisha said, “Pick up the other arrows and strike the ground with them!” So the king picked up the arrows and struck the ground three times.
Ipapo akati, “Chitora miseve,” mambo akaitora. Erisha akati kwaari, “Rova pasi,” iye akarova katatu akabva amira.
19 But Elisha was angry with him. He exclaimed, “You should have struck the ground five or six times! If you had done that, your army would have defeated the Syrian [army] until they were completely wiped out! But now, [because you struck the ground only three times, ] your army will defeat them only three times!”
Munhu waMwari akamutsamwira akati kwaari, “Wanga uchifanira kurova pasi kashanu kana katanhatu; ipapo waizokunda Aramu uye ugoiparadza zvachose. Asi zvino uchazongoikunda katatu chete.”
20 Then Elisha died and was buried. Groups of raiders from Moab came to Israel each year during (spring/the time when the cold season was ending).
Erisha akafa akavigwa. Zvino hondo dzavaMoabhu dzakanga dzichipinda munyika kutanga kwegore roga roga.
21 One year, when some Israeli people were burying a man’s body, they saw a group of those raiders. [They were afraid, ] so quickly they threw that man’s body into the tomb where Elisha [had been buried, and they ran away]. But as soon as the man’s body touched Elisha’s bones, the dead man became alive again and jumped up!
Rimwe zuva vaIsraeri vachiviga mumwe murume, pakarepo vakaona mapoka avapambi; naizvozvo vakakanda mutumbi womunhu uyu muguva raErisha. Mutumbi wakati wagunzva mapfupa aErisha, munhu uya akamuka akamira namakumbo ake.
22 King Hazael of Syria [sent soldiers to] oppress the Israeli people all during the years that Jehoahaz [ruled Judah].
Hazaeri mambo weAramu akatambudza vaIsraeri pamazuva ose okutonga kwaJehoahazi.
23 But Yahweh was very kind [DOU] to the Israeli people. He helped them because of the agreement that he had made with [their ancestors] Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He did not get rid of the Israelis, and he still has not rejected them.
Asi Jehovha akavaitira nyasha, uye akava nengoni akava nehanya navo nokuda kwesungano yake naAbhurahama, naIsaka naJakobho. Kusvikira nhasi haana kuda kuvaparadza kana kuvarasira kure naye.
24 When Hazael the king of Syria died, his son Ben-Hadad became the king.
Hazaeri mambo weAramu akafa, mwanakomana wake Bheni-Hadhadhi akamutevera paumambo.
25 [The army of] King Jehoash of Israel defeated [the army of] King Ben-Hadad three times, and recaptured the cities that Ben-Hadad’s army had captured during the time that Jehoash’s father Jehoahaz was ruling Israel.
Ipapo Jehoashi mwanakomana waJehoahazi akatorazve kubva kuna Bheni-Hadhadhi mwanakomana waHazaeri maguta aakanga atora muhondo kubva kuna baba vake Jehoahazi. Jehoashi akamukunda katatu, nokudaro akadzorazve maguta avaIsraeri.

< 2 Kings 13 >