< 2 Kings 1 >

1 After King Ahab died, [the country of] Moab rebelled against Israel.
Lè Achab te fin mouri, Moab te fè rebelyon kont Israël.
2 One day, Ahaziah, [the new king of Israel, ] fell through the wooden slats/boards around the edge of the flat roof [of his palace] in Samaria. He was badly injured, so he summoned some messengers and told them, “Go to Ekron [city in Philistia], and ask their god Baalzebub whether I will (recover/become well).”
Konsa, Achazia te tonbe sou treyi a soti nan chanm anwo ki te nan Samarie a e li te vin malad. Konsa, li te voye mesaje yo. Li te di yo: “Ale mande a Baal-Zebub, dye a Ékron an si m ap geri de maladi sa a.”
3 But an angel from Yahweh said to Elijah, the prophet from Tishbe [town], “The king of Samaria [is sending] some messengers [to Ekron]. Go and meet them and say to them, ‘Is it because there is no God in Israel that you are going to Ekron to ask Baalzebub, the god of those people, [whether you will recover]?
Men zanj SENYÈ a te di a Élie, Tichbit la: “Leve, ale monte pou rankontre mesaje a wa Samarie yo. Di yo: ‘Èske se akoz nanpwen Dye an Israël ke ou prale mande a Baal-Zebub, dye a Ékron an?’
4 Yahweh says [that you should tell King Ahaziah] that he will not recover from his being injured; he will surely die.’”
Alò, se pou sa, pale SENYÈ a: ‘Ou p ap desann soti nan kabann kote ou te monte a, men ou va anverite, mouri.’” Konsa, Élie te pati.
5 [So Elijah went to meet] the messengers [and told that to them, and they] returned to the king [instead of going to Ekron]. The king asked them, “Why did you return [so soon]?”
Lè mesaje yo te retounen bò kote li, li te di yo: “Se poukisa ke nou tounen an?”
6 They replied, “A man came to meet us, and said to us, ‘Return to the king who sent you and tell him that Yahweh says, “(Is it because there no God in Israel that you are sending [messengers] to Ekron to consult Baalzebub, their god?/You seem to think there is no God in Israel, with the result that you are sending [messengers] to Ekron to ask Baalzebub, their god, [whether you will recover].) [RHQ] [Go tell the king that] he will not recover from being injured; instead, he will surely die.”’”
Yo te di li: “Yon nonm te vin rankontre nou e te di nou: ‘Ale retounen kote wa ki te voye nou an e di li: “Konsa pale SENYÈ a: ‘Èske se akoz nanpwen Dye an Israël ke w ap voye mande a Baal-Zebub, dye a Ékron an? Pou sa, ou p ap desann Kabann kote ou fin monte a, men anverite, ou va mouri.’”’”
7 The king said to them, “The man who came to meet you and told that to you, what did he look like?”
Li te di yo: “Ki kalite moun sa a ki te monte rankontre nou an pou te pale pawòl sila yo a nou?”
8 They replied, “He was a hairy man and he had a [wide] leather belt around his waist.” The king exclaimed, “That was Elijah!”
Yo te reponn li: “Yon nonm avèk anpil cheve ak yon sentiwon an kwi mare nan ren li.” Li te di: “Se Élie, Tichbit la.”
9 Then the king sent an officer with 50 soldiers to seize Elijah. They found Elijah sitting on the top of a hill. The officer called out to him, “Prophet, the king commands that you come down here!”
Konsa, wa a te voye kote li, yon kapitèn a senkant avèk senkant pa li yo. Li te monte kote li; men vwala, li te chita sou do ti mòn nan. Konsa, li te di li: “O nonm Bondye a, wa a di ou: ‘Desann.’”
10 But Elijah replied, “I am a prophet; so, I command that fire come down from the sky and burn up you and your 50 soldiers!” Immediately, fire came down from the sky and completely burned up the officer and his 50 [soldiers].
Élie te reponn a kapitèn a senkant lan: “Si se yon nonm Bondye mwen ye, ke dife vin desann nan syèl la e manje ou menm avèk senkant pa ou yo.” Epi dife te desann soti nan syèl la e te manje li nèt avèk senkant pa li yo.
11 [When the king found out about that, ] he sent another officer with 50 more soldiers. They went [to where Elijah was], and the officer called out to him, “Prophet, the king commands that you come down immediately!”
Konsa, li te voye kote li yon lòt kapitèn a senkant ansanm ak senkant pa li yo. Epi li te di li: “O nonm Bondye, konsa pale wa a: ‘Desann vit.’”
12 But Elijah replied, “I am a prophet; [to prove that, ] I command that fire come down from the sky and kill you and your soldiers!” Then a fire from God came down from the sky and killed the officer and his soldiers.
Élie te reponn yo: “Si mwen se yon nonm Bondye, ke dife desann nan syèl la e manje ou avèk senkant pa ou yo.” Epi dife Bondye a te desann sòti nan syèl la e te manje li nèt avèk senkant pa l yo.
13 [When the king heard about that] he sent another officer with 50 more soldiers. [They went to where Elijah was], and the officer prostrated himself in front of Elijah, and said to him, “Prophet, I plead with you, be kind to me and my 50 soldiers, and (do not kill us/allow us to remain alive)!
Konsa, li te voye ankò kapitèn a senkant avèk senkant pa li yo. Lè twazyèm kapitèn nan te monte, li te vini e te bese ba sou jenou li devan Élie. Li te sipliye li e te mande li: “O nonm Bondye, souple kite lavi mwen avèk senkant sèvitè ou yo gade kòm presye nan zye ou.
14 [We know that] two times fire came down from the sky and killed officers and the 50 soldiers who were with them. So now, please be kind to me!”
Gade byen, dife te desann soti nan syèl la e te manje premye de kapitèn a senkant yo avèk senkant pa yo. Men koulye a, kite lavi mwen parèt presye nan zye ou.”
15 Then the angel from Yahweh said to Elijah, “Go down [and go] with him. Do not be afraid of him.” So Elijah went with them to the king.
Zanj SENYÈ a te di a Élie: “Ale desann avèk li. Pa pè li.” Pou sa, li te leve e te desann avèk li kote wa a.
16 [When Elijah arrived, ] he said to the king, “This is what Yahweh says: ‘You sent messengers to go to Ekron to ask Baalzebub, their god, [whether you would recover]. You acted as though [RHQ] there is no God in Israel to consult. So you will not recover from being injured; instead, you are going to die!’”
Epi li te di li: “Konsa pale SENYÈ a: ‘Akoz ou te voye mesaje yo pou mande a Baal-Zebub, dye a Ékron an—-èske se akoz nanpwen Dye an Israël pou mande pawòl Li? Pou sa, ou p ap desann kabann kote ou te monte a, men anverite, ou va mouri.’”
17 So Ahaziah died, which is what Yahweh told Elijah would happen. Ahaziah’s [younger] brother Joram became the new king, when Jehoram, the son of Jehoshaphat, had been ruling Judah for almost two years. Ahaziah’s brother became the king because Ahaziah had no son [to become the king].
Konsa, Achazia te mouri selon pawòl SENYÈ a ke Élie te pale a. Epi akoz li pa t gen fis, Joram te devni wa nan plas li nan dezyèm ane a Joram, fis a Josaphat a, wa Juda a.
18 [If you want to know about] all the other things that Ahaziah did, they are [RHQ] written in the scroll called ‘The History of the Kings of Israel’.
Alò, tout lòt zèv ke Achazia te fè yo, èske yo pa ekri nan Liv Kwonik a Wa Israël yo?

< 2 Kings 1 >