< 2 Corinthians 7 >

1 My friends, whom I love, because [God] has promised [to accept us(inc) as his children], we [(inc)] must stop doing anything that is sinful. We must not do sinful things with our bodies, and we must not [think] sinful thoughts. [Because] we greatly revere God, we must strive to [live] a completely pure life. By doing that we will become the kind of people that he wants us to be.
Havante do ĉi tiujn promesojn, amataj, ni purigu nin de ĉia malpureco karna kaj spirita, perfektigante sanktecon en la timo al Dio.
2 So, as I just wrote, I want you to love me (OR, us [IDM] [who are true apostles of Christ]). I/we [(exc)] have never done anything wrong to any of you. I/we have not done anything to harm any one of you spiritually or financially. And I/we have not tried to get money from [you] (for myself/for ourselves).
Malfermu al ni viajn korojn; ni kontraŭ neniu maljuste agis, ni ruinigis neniun, al neniu ni friponis.
3 [It is true that some people among you have said that I have done such things. Nevertheless], I am not trying to make you all feel ashamed because, as I wrote before, I will continue to love you all very much [IDM], whether I live with you or die with you. I am very confident about you.
Ne por vin kondamni mi tion diras; ĉar mi antaŭe diris, ke vi estas en niaj koroj, por kune vivi kaj kune morti.
4 I am very pleased with you. You have greatly encouraged me, so that I am now very joyful in spite of all the hardships that I have endured.
Granda estas mia parola libereco al vi, granda estas mia fiereco pri vi: mi estas plena de konsolo, al mi superabundas la ĝojo meze de nia tuta aflikto.
5 Now [I will write more about what I was saying about Titus]. When I [left Troas and] came [here to] Macedonia [province], I still did not get any rest. Everywhere we [(exc)] went, [people were constantly] causing us trouble. [And not only were] people [constantly causing us] trouble, but I was greatly concerned [about you all].
Ĉar eĉ kiam ni jam alvenis en Makedonujon, nia karno tute ne faciliĝis, sed ni ĉiel depremiĝis; ekstere estis bataloj, interne timoj.
6 But God, who always encourages his people when they are discouraged, encouraged us by [sending] Titus back to us.
Tamen Dio, kiu konsolas la humilulojn, konsolis nin per la alveno de Tito;
7 I was encouraged by [seeing] Titus, [but when I heard how] you had encouraged him, that encouraged me even more. He told me how much you wanted [to see me. He told me] that you were very sorry [that you had made me so unhappy. He also told me] that you are very eager for me [to continue to serve as your apostle. When Titus told me those things], I was very, very happy.
kaj ne nur per lia alveno, sed ankaŭ per la konsolo, per kiu li konsoliĝis pri vi, dum li pridiris al ni vian sopiron, vian doloron, vian fervoron pro mi; tiel, ke mi ankoraŭ pli ĝojis.
8 Even though what [I wrote] in my letter (distressed you/made you sad), I am not sorry [that I wrote it]. For a while I was sorry that I had written it, [because I knew that it would distress you]. Now [Titus has also told] me that it did distress you [when you read it], but you were distressed only for a short time.
Ĉar kvankam mi vin malĝojigis per mia epistolo, mi ne bedaŭras pri tio, kvankam mi ja bedaŭris; ĉar mi vidas, ke tiu epistolo vin malĝojigis, sed nur mallonge.
9 [So now] I am happy [that I wrote it]. I am not happy that you were distressed {that [I] distressed you}, but [I am happy] because, when you became distressed, you felt sorry for what you had done and [you asked God to forgive you. What I mean is that you felt sorry in the way that God wanted you to feel sorry, so my making] you feel sorry did not harm you at all.
Mi nun ĝojas, ne pro tio, ke vi malĝojis, sed pro tio, ke vi malĝojis ĝis pento; ĉar vi laŭ Dio malĝojis, por ke vi havu nenian malutilon per ni.
10 [The fact is that] when God causes [us to feel] truly sorry for having sinned and we turn from our sinful behavior, then God saves us [and will not punish us for the sinful things that we have done]. And no one is ever sorry about that. [However], the people who do not trust [in God] [MTY] may be sorry [for the sinful things that they have done]. But [if they do not turn from their sinful behavior and ask God to forgive them], they will remain separated from him forever.
Ĉar la malĝojo laŭ Dio elfaras penton ĝis savo, ne bedaŭrindan; sed la malĝojo de la mondo elfaras morton.
11 But [think about what happened when you read my letter]: God caused you to be truly sorry [for what you had done]. You eagerly [wanted to do what was right], and you wanted to show [God] (OR, [me]) that you had done the right thing. You were angry [about what had happened], and you were worried [that God would punish you if the situation continued]. You also wanted me [to visit you to encourage and help you]. You wanted me to know [that you really do accept me as your apostle, and that you punished the man who had sinned, as I told you to do. By doing] all of those things, you have shown [me] that you have done what is right in this matter.
Ĉar jen kian zorgemon tiu sama malĝojo laŭ Dio elfaris en vi, plue kian senkulpigon, plue kian indignon, plue kian timon, plue kian sopiron, plue kian fervoron, plue kian venĝon! En ĉio vi elmontris vin puraj pri la afero.
12 So, even though I wrote that [severe] letter to you, I did not [write it just] so that [you would punish] the man who had done what was wrong. Also, I [did not write it] for the benefit of the person whom [he] had wronged. Instead, [I wrote it] so that, when you [read the letter], God would enable you to realize how much you really do respect [my authority].
Tial kvankam mi skribis al vi, tamen tio estis ne pro tiu, kiu faris la malbonon, nek pro tiu, kiu suferis la malbonon, sed por ke via zorgemo por ni elmontriĝu al vi mem antaŭ Dio.
13 So, [because you listened to me and did what I asked you to do], (I was/we [(exc)] were all) encouraged. Not only (was I/were we) encouraged, but (I was/we [(exc)] were) [also] very happy to see how happy Titus was [when he arrived here. He told me/us that] he did not need to worry any more, because [he saw] that you all [had a good attitude toward me].
Tial ni konsoliĝis; kaj en nia konsolo ni ĝojis des pli multege pro la ĝojo de Tito, ĉar lia animo estas refreŝigita de vi ĉiuj.
14 I had told Titus that I was pleased about you. And I did not need to be ashamed [for feeling that way about you, because you did what I knew that you would do]. Just like everything that I have taught you [and written to you] has been the truth, the good things that I told Titus about you were also true.
Ĉar se en io mi fanfaronis al li pro vi, mi ne hontis; sed kiel ni ĉion parolis vereme al vi, tiel same ankaŭ nia fanfaronado, kiun mi faris antaŭ Tito, montriĝis vera.
15 Now he happily remembers how you all [were willing to] do [what I asked you to do]. He is [also happy about the way you] treated him with great respect. [When he thinks about those things], [it makes] him love you even more [than he did when he was with you].
Kaj lia interna amo pli abundas al vi, dum li memoras la obeadon de vi ĉiuj, kiel kun timo kaj tremo vi lin akceptis.
16 [As for me], I am very happy [because now] I am certain that I can depend on you [to do what you know God wants you to do].
Mi ĝojas, ke en ĉio mi povas fidi al vi.

< 2 Corinthians 7 >