< 2 Corinthians 6 >
1 [Therefore], because I am working together with God [himself], I say this to you very strongly: God has [already] kindly [forgiven you because Christ died for you], so do not now [say] “It does not matter [if I live just to please myself].”
Kaka Jotich kaachiel gi Nyasaye wakwayou mondo kik ukaw ngʼwono mar Nyasaye ma osemiyou ka gir tugo.
2 For God said [long ago in the Scriptures]: When it is the right time [for me] to help you, [you will ask me to help you], and I will hear you. Then I will [send] a Savior to help you. [So listen to what] I am telling you: God [has sent] his Savior, so now is the time when [God is ready to] save [people from the guilt of their sins].
Nikech Nyasaye wacho niya, “Ne awinji e ndalona mag kech; chutho ne akonyi e odiechiengʼ mar warruok.” Awachonu ni, ma e sa mar Nyasaye mowinjore, ma e odiechieng warruok.
3 Neither I nor the men [working] with me do anything that would hinder people from trusting in Christ, and so we cannot be accused {no one can accuse [us]} [of not] serving [God properly].
Ok wadwar ni ngʼato oyud ketho moro amora e tichwa, omiyo watemo mondo kik wachwany ngʼato.
4 Instead, in everything [that we(exc) say and do], we show [people] that we serve God faithfully. We patiently endure [all the things that happen to us. People cause us] many troubles and, as a result, we are anxious [and often do not know what to do].
Wan kaka jotich Nyasaye wanyisore e yore mangʼeny kaka: dhil maduongʼ, sandruok, chandruok kod masiche;
5 Sometimes we have been beaten [and bound] {People have beaten [us and tied us]} [with] chains in prison. [Angry mobs] have attacked us, [wanting to kill us]. We have continued working [for God until we had no more strength to work]. We have had many sleepless nights, and we have [often been without food].
e chwat, e twech, e koko, e tich matek ma ok wanindi, gi riyo kech;
6 [All that we think about and all that we do is] pure [in God’s sight]. Knowing [how God wants us to conduct our lives, we do what pleases him]. We are patient [with those who oppose us]. We are kind [to everyone. We depend on] the Holy Spirit [to help us]. We love people sincerely [as God wants us to love them].
kuom ritruok maler, kuom ngʼeyo, kuom timo kinda, kuom ngʼwono, kuom Roho Maler gihera mar adier;
7 We faithfully teach [the true] message [about Christ], and God [gives us] his power [as we teach it. Like soldiers] using weapons [MET] [in a battle], we, by [living] righteously, [defend God’s message and refute those who attack it].
kuom wacho adiera, kendo kuom teko mar Nyasaye. Watimo gigi duto ka watingʼo gige lweny mag ngima makare e lwetwa korachwich gi koracham;
8 [We serve God faithfully], whether [people] praise us [(exc)] or [whether they] despise us, whether [people say] bad things [about us(exc)] or [whether they say] good things [about us. We keep teaching] the truth, [even though some people say that] we are deceiving [people].
ka imiyowa duongʼ kendo ichayowa; iketho nyingwa kendo ipwoyowa, kuom joma odimbore to ikawowa ka joma ketore;
9 [Some people] know [well that we are true servants of God, and yet others], who know us, refuse to [believe that. People have often tried to] kill us [(inc)], yet we are still alive. We have [often] been beaten, but we have not been killed {[People have often] beaten us [(exc)], but [they] have not killed us}.
ni joma ongʼere to wachal joma ok ongʼe, kendo wachalo joma chiegni tho, to pod ineno mana ka wangima angima, igoyowa to ok negwa;
10 Although we [(exc)] are often very sad [because people have rejected our message], we are always joyful [because of all that God has done for us]. Even though we [(exc)] are poor, we make [it possible for] many people to be [spiritually] rich. It is true that [in this world] we [(exc)] have nothing [valuable] [HYP], but [because we belong to God’s family], all [that God has] belongs to us.
wakuyo, to wasiko wamor amora, wadhier, to wamiyo ji mathoth bedo jo-mwandu, wanenore ka gima waonge gimoro, to kare wan ema wan gi gik moko duto.
11 You [fellow believers] in Corinth, [I have been] completely honest with you. [I have told you exactly how we(exc) feel about you, that] we love you very much [IDM].
Yaye jo-Korintho, wawuoyonu ka wan kodu thuolo kendo ka chunywa oyaworenu malach.
12 We are not [treating you as though we do not] love you, but you are [treating us as though you do] not love us.
Wan ok wapandonu herawa, to un ema upandonwa.
13 In return [for our loving you, will you not] love [us] [IDM] just as [much as we love you?] I am writing [to you] as if you were my own children.
Ka anyalo wuoyonu kaka nyithinda, to awachonu ni, un bende yawnwauru chunyu malach!
14 Do not (team up/have a close relationship) with anyone who does not trust [in Christ. I say this] because we who [trust in Christ and do] what is right should not [RHQ] [want to do things] with wicked people. Or [to say it in another way], just like light and darkness never join together, so [those who belong to Christ and those who belong to Satan should never join together] [RHQ].
Kik uriwru gi jopiny. Nimar en winjruok mane ma ber gi rach dibedgo e achiel? Koso ere kaka ler gi mudho didag kaachiel?
15 There is no [RHQ] agreement of any kind between Christ and Satan. [So], believers have no [RHQ] common [spiritual] interests with unbelievers.
Winjruok mane ma Kristo nigo gi Satan (nying machielo mar Satan en Belial)? Ere winjruok manyalo bedo e kind ngʼama oyie gi ngʼama pok oyie?
16 [Just] as no one would [dare to bring] idols into the Temple [in Jerusalem], believers should never [RHQ] join with those who worship idols. [I say that] because [MET] [the Holy Spirit is in us, and so] we are [like] the Temple of the all-powerful God. [It is] as God himself said [in the Scriptures]: I will live in [my people]. I will always be with/helping them. [They will say to me], “You are our God,” and [I will say to them], “You are my people.”
Winjruok mane ma hekalu mar Nyasaye nigo gi nyiseche manono? Nikech wan e hekalu mar Nyasaye mangima! Mana kaka Nyasaye owuon osewacho niya: “Abiro dak eigi kendo abiro wuotho e diergi, kendo abiro bedo Nyasachgi to ginibed joga.”
17 [In another place in the Scriptures we read that] the Lord said: Get away from those who do evil things; keep yourselves separated from them. Do [nothing sinful that would make you] unacceptable to me. Then I will welcome you [as members of my family].
Emomiyo, “Auru kuomgi kendo pogreuru kodgi, Jehova Nyasaye ema owacho. Kik umul gima ochido, eka anarwaku.”
18 [The Lord also said]: I will [care for you] as [MET] a loving father [cares for his children], and [it will be as though] you are my own sons and daughters. I, the all-powerful Lord, am saying this [to you].
Kendo, “Anabed Wuonu, to unubed yawuota gi nyiga, Jehova Nyasaye Maratego ema owacho.”