< 2 Corinthians 2 >
1 Anyway, I definitely decided that I would not come to visit you again [now. If I had come, I would have spoken severely to you again, and] I would have made you unhappy as I did the last time [I visited you].
Ich habe aber aus Rücksicht auf mich selbst diesen Beschluß gefaßt, nicht nochmals zu euch zu kommen, wenn mein Besuch nur unter Betrübnis möglich ist.
2 [And] if I make you unhappy, I will have made unhappy [the only people who can cheer me up], so (there will be none of you to cheer me up!/who would cheer me up?) [RHQ]
Denn wenn ich euch in Betrübnis versetze – ja, wer ist dann da, der mich noch erfreuen könnte? Wer sonst als der, welcher von mir in Betrübnis versetzt wird?
3 So, [instead of going to visit you at that time], I wrote a letter [and sent it to you]. I wrote it the way I did so that [you would know what you should do. Then] when I come to visit you, you will not make me unhappy when you should be causing me to rejoice. I was quite sure that all of you [would do what I told you to do in that letter, and because of that] I would be happy and you would be happy, too.
Und eben dies habe ich auch in meinem Briefe ausgesprochen, um nicht nach meiner Ankunft Betrübnis an denen zu erleben, von denen mir doch billigerweise Freude widerfahren müßte; ich darf ja doch zu euch allen das Vertrauen haben, daß meine Freude euer aller Freude ist.
4 I wrote to you [the way I did] because I felt very troubled and distressed about you. I was even crying very much as I wrote. [My purpose in writing was] not in order to make you feel bad, but, instead, in order that you might know how deeply/much I love you.
Denn aus großer Bedrängnis und Herzensangst heraus habe ich euch unter vielen Tränen (meinen Brief) geschrieben, nicht damit ihr in Betrübnis versetzt würdet, sondern damit ihr die Liebe erkennen möchtet, die ich in besonders hohem Maße gerade zu euch habe.
5 [Now I want to write about the man who] caused all this anguish. [What he did was very wrong, but] I know that it has caused you much more sorrow than it has caused me, because [what he did] has [affected] all of you [to some extent. I say], “to some extent,” [because I do not want to say that he has] done more harm [than he really has done].
Wenn aber jemand Betrübnis verursacht hat, so hat er nicht mich (persönlich) betrübt, sondern mehr oder weniger – damit ich ihn nicht zu schwer belaste – euch alle.
6 [Since he has now stopped sinning in that way], the punishment that nearly all of you [decided was right for him] has continued long enough.
Für den Betreffenden genügt nun diese von der Mehrheit (der Gemeinde) ihm zuerkannte Strafe,
7 So now, instead [of punishing him any longer], you need to forgive him and deal kindly with him. [If you do not forgive him], he may become so sad that he will begin to [think that you will never forgive him] (OR, will stop [believing in Christ]).
so daß ihr im Gegenteil ihm jetzt lieber verzeihen und Trost zusprechen solltet, damit der Betreffende nicht durch die übergroße Traurigkeit in Verzweiflung versetzt wird.
8 For those reasons, I beg you to [forgive him and accept him into your group again, and by doing that] assure him that you truly love him.
Deshalb empfehle ich euch, Liebe gegen ihn walten zu lassen.
9 [I feel sure that you will do as I ask], because when I wrote [severely] to you [before], I did it to test you by finding out whether or not you really would do everything [that I, as your apostle, asked you to do].
Denn ich habe mich ja bei meinem Schreiben auch von der Absicht leiten lassen, euch auf die Probe zu stellen, ob euer Gehorsam sich in allen Stücken bewähren würde.
10 So [since you obeyed what I told you before, I feel sure that now you will obey what I am writing in this letter] and forgive the man, as I have done, because I indeed have forgiven him for the wrong thing that he did. Anything he needed me to forgive him for, I have forgiven, and Christ knows [that I have forgiven him sincerely. I have done that mainly] to help you [so that you and I will again have fellowship with each other, and that you will accept him into your group again].
Wem ihr aber eine Verfehlung verzeiht, dem verzeihe auch ich; denn auch ich habe das, was ich verziehen habe – wenn ich überhaupt etwas zu verzeihen hatte –, um euretwillen vor dem Angesicht Christi verziehen.
11 [I want you to forgive him] so that Satan will not be able to take advantage of [the problems among] us [and make the situation worse]. We know very well [LIT] that Satan is always planning to [cause problems among us].
Wir wollen uns doch nicht vom Satan überlisten lassen, dessen Gedanken uns ja wohlbekannt sind.
12 [I will continue by telling you what I did after I wrote to you from Ephesus city]. I went to Troas [city] in order to [tell people] the message [about] Christ. [When I arrived there], I found [many people] who had been prepared by the Lord [Jesus] [MET] [to listen to what I told them about him].
Als ich aber nach Troas gekommen war, um die Heilsbotschaft Christi zu verkünden, stand mir dort wohl eine Tür im Herrn offen,
13 But because my fellow believer Titus had not [arrived with a report from you], I still felt very anxious and concerned [about you]. So, [after spending only a short time at Troas], I said goodbye to [the believers who were there] and came [here] to Macedonia [province to find Titus].
aber ich kam doch innerlich zu keiner Ruhe, weil ich meinen Bruder Titus dort nicht antraf; ich nahm vielmehr Abschied von ihnen und zog weiter nach Mazedonien.
14 However, [before I tell you any more about that], I [want to] thank God [for what he is doing. As a great leader of fighting men causes all his prisoners to take part in his victory parade] [MET], God leads us [who are his workers] to always be victorious [over Satan because of our(exc) close relationship with Christ. God causes people to come to] know Jesus Christ as a result of our [(exc) teaching his message. That message is like] [MET] the smell of perfume.
Gott aber sei gedankt, der uns in Christus allezeit (wie) in einem Triumphzug mit sich einherführt und den Wohlgeruch seiner Erkenntnis durch uns an allen Orten offenbart!
15 [When we(exc) tell God’s message] about Christ, it [spreads out among people] like the smell of perfume. [Those who believe the message that we tell them] are saved {[Jesus Christ] saves them} [from the guilt of their sin. But those who reject that message] will be separated from God [forever].
Denn ein Wohlgeruch Christi sind wir für Gott bei denen, die gerettet werden, und auch bei denen, die verlorengehen:
16 To those who [are on the way to hell, our message is like] [MET] a foul smell [because it is about dying] and being separated from God forever. But, to those [on the way to heaven, the message that we teach is like] a pure fragrant smell, [because we tell them] that they will live [forever with God. As we think about that, we think] (no one is able [to do] such important work [for God!]/how can anyone be able [to do] such important work [for God]?) [RHQ] ()
für die letzteren ein Geruch vom Tode her zum Tod, für die ersteren ein Geruch vom Leben her zum Leben. Und wer ist dazu tüchtig?
17 [But perhaps God considers us(exc) able], because we do not work/act like so many [others whom you know]. They teach God’s message in a way that [they think people will like, and they think that] people will pay them for teaching that way. We [(exc) certainly do not do that]. On the contrary, [as servants of] Christ, and knowing that God is watching us [(exc)], we teach sincerely [the message that] God sent us to proclaim.
Nun, wir machen es nicht wie so viele, die mit Gottes Wort hausieren gehen; nein, aus reinem Herzen, nein, auf Antrieb Gottes reden wir vor Gottes Angesicht in Christus.