< 2 Corinthians 13 >
1 [In the Scriptures it is stated that when one person] accuses [another of wrongdoing, you must not believe his] accusation [right away]. [First, you must listen to at least] two or three people who actually saw what happened. [So keep in mind that] this will be the third time that I will visit you!
Socodkan aan idiin imanayo waa kaygii saddexaad. Laba ama saddex markhaati afkooda ayaa eray walba lagu xaqiiqayn doonaa.
2 When I visited you the second time, I warned you [that I was going to punish all the wrongdoers among you]. [And now] I am [warning you] again while I am still away [from you]. When I visit you this third time, I will punish those who were sinning [at the time when I visited you] before [and who are still sinning], and I will [punish] the others [who have been sinning since then, if they have not stopped their sinful behavior].
Markii horaan idhi, haddana waan leeyahay; sidaan idinku idhi markii labaad oo aan idinla joogay, ayaan haatanna anoo idinka maqan ku leeyahay kuwii hadda ka hor dembaabay iyo inta kale oo dhanba in haddaan mar kale imaado, aanan u tudhayn iyaga,
3 Because you have demanded that I prove to you that Christ is speaking [to you when] I [speak to you, I will show you that I speak to you as his apostle. Christ] does not approve of your sinful behavior. On the contrary, he will powerfully [discipline you].
waayo, waxaad doondoonaysaan wax caddeeya in Masiixu iga dhex hadlayo, kan aan xaggiinna ku itaalka yarayn, laakiinse dhexdiinna ku xoogga badan.
4 [It is true that] Christ [seemed to be] weak when he was crucified {when [people] killed him by nailing him to the cross}. But [it is also true that] he [now] lives because God [worked] powerfully [to bring him back to life. Similarly], as I [serve] God, I also am a weak human [being as Christ was]. But I also [have a close relationship with] Christ [who is now alive again]. And with his [authority] I will use God’s power [to discipline] you.
Waayo, isagoo itaaldaran ayaa iskutallaabta lagu qodbay, laakiin wuxuu ku nool yahay xoogga Ilaah. Annaguba isaga waannu la itaal yar nahay, laakiin isagaannu xaggiinna kula noolaan doonnaa xoogga Ilaah.
5 Each of you should ask yourself: “[Do I] believe [God’s message about Christ?]” Each of you should [examine yourselves to] make sure that you truly do [believe] in Christ [and so truly belong to him], and that [his Spirit lives] in you [(pl)]. When you examine yourselves [in that way], I am sure that you will [RHQ] say [to me], “Yes, of course we [belong to] Christ.”
Isjirraba inaad iimaanka ku jirtaan iyo in kale, oo bal istijaabiya. Oo miyeydnaan is-ogayn in Ciise Masiix idinku jiro haddaydnan ahayn kuwo aan loo bogin?
6 I am [also] certain that you will know that I [belong to Christ, just like you do].
Laakiin waxaan rajaynayaa inaad ogaan doontaan inaannan ahayn kuwo aan loo bogin.
7 But [because I do not want to have to punish you], I am praying to God that he will help you not to do anything evil [that would cause me to have to punish you. I pray this], not in order that when people [who say that I am not your apostle] realize [that my ministry among you has been very successful, they will have to agree] that I do have authority from Christ. Instead, [I pray this because I want] you to do what is right, even though that might mean that [my opponents would think] that I do not have authority from Christ, [since I would not have an opportunity to show my authority to discipline you].
Hadda waxaannu Ilaah ka baryaynaa inaydnaan wax shar ah samayn, mana aha inaannu annagu u muuqanno sidii kuwo loo bogay, laakiinse waa inaad idinku samaysaan waxa wanaagsan, in kastoo aannu nahay sidii kuwo aan loo bogin.
8 [If you do what is right, I will not discipline you], [because it would] not [be right for me to do that if you are conducting your lives the way you should, like] God’s true [message says that you should. What God asks me to do is to help people to know and obey his] true [message].
Waayo, annagu ma samayn karno wax runta ka gees ah, laakiinse waxaannu samayn karnaa wax runta la jira.
9 I am happy [whenever] you are strongly [trusting and obeying Christ, and because of that I do not have to use my authority to discipline you. It does not matter to me if that makes people think that I do not have any authority]. Truly, what I am praying for is that [God] will [help] you to completely change your conduct.
Waayo, waannu ku faraxnaa markaannu itaal yar nahay, idinkuna aad itaal weyn tihiin. Wax kalena Ilaah baannu ka baryayna oo waa kaamilnimadiinna.
10 That is why I am writing these things while I am still away from you. [What I want is that] when I visit you, [you will already be conducting your lives as God wants you to], and so I will not have to [discipline you] severely, as the [Lord Jesus Christ gave me] the authority to do. The authority that I have from the Lord is to help you to become [spiritually] mature believers, not to cause you to stop [trusting in him].
Sababtan aawadeed ayaan waxyaalahan u qoray intaan maqnaa, si aanan markaan joogo si adag idiinkula macaamiloon sida amarkii Rabbigu ii siiyey inaan idinku dhiso oo aanan idinku dumin.
11 Finally, my fellow believers, [I say to you], be joyful. Completely [change how you conduct your lives], and do what I have urged you [to do]. Be united in what you think [about the matters about which I have written to you]. Live peacefully [with each other. If you do those things], God, who [enables you to] love [each other] and be peaceful, will bless [MTY] you.
Ugu dambaysta, walaalayaalow, waxaan idinku leeyahay, Nabadgelyo. Qummanaada, dhiirranaada, isku fikir ahaada, nabad ku jooga, oo Ilaaha jacaylka iyo nabaddu wuu idinla joogi doonaa.
12 Greet each other affectionately as [fellow members] of God’s family [should].
Dhunkasho quduus ah midkiinba midka kale ha ku salaamo.
13 All God’s people [here] send you greetings.
Quduusiinta oo dhammi way idin soo salaamayaan.
14 [I pray that] the Lord Jesus Christ will act kindly [toward] all of you, in ways that you do not deserve, that God will [show all of you how much he] loves you, and that the Holy Spirit [will cause you to have good] fellowship [with him and with each other].
Nimcada Rabbi Ciise Masiix iyo jacaylka Ilaah iyo wehelnimada Ruuxa Quduuska ahu kulligiin ha idinla jireen.