< 2 Corinthians 12 >

1 [It seems that] I must go on boasting [about myself]. Although [I do] not [think that my telling you about] this will help [you to accept me as Christ’s representative to you], I [will say this anyway]. I will tell you about visions that the Lord [gave a certain man] and about things that he [supernaturally] revealed [to that man. I will tell you this because some of the people among you boast that it was in visions that they received the things that they teach].
Wprawdzie nie jest dla mnie pożyteczne chlubić się, to jednak przejdę do widzeń i objawień Pańskich.
2 The man that I will tell you about is one [who believes] in Christ. Fourteen years ago he was taken {[Christ] took him} up into the third heaven, [the highest heaven, the place where God is]. I do not know whether he went there [in his physical body] or whether he was outside of his body [at that time and only his spirit went]. Only God really knows.
Znam człowieka w Chrystusie, który przed czternastu laty – czy w ciele, nie wiem, czy poza ciałem, nie wiem, Bóg wie – został porwany aż do trzeciego nieba.
3 But he was [suddenly] taken {[Christ suddenly] took him} up to [a place called] Paradise, [that wonderful place where God lives. I repeat that] I do not know whether his body [went there] or only his spirit. Only God knows [that. While he was there, God] told him some things that he does not allow [human beings] to tell [others about].
I znam takiego człowieka – czy w ciele, czy poza ciałem, nie wiem, Bóg wie;
Który został porwany do raju i słyszał niewypowiedziane słowa, których człowiekowi nie wolno mówić.
5 I will proudly talk about that man. However, I will not be boasting [as] I say that I [am the one who saw and heard those wonderful things]. I will talk only about the things that [cause others to think of] me as a weak [human being like everyone else].
Z takiego [człowieka] będę się chlubić, a z samego siebie nie będę się chlubił, chyba że z moich słabości.
6 But even if I should choose to boast [to you about such wonderful things that happened to me], I would not be [speaking like] a fool, because I would be telling you the truth. But I will not [talk proudly about such things], because I do not want any of you to think highly of me [because of the things that have happened to me]. Instead, [I want you to decide what kind of person I am by the way you see] me [acting] and by what you hear me teach.
Gdybym bowiem chciał się chlubić, nie byłbym głupi, bo powiedziałbym prawdę. Powstrzymuję się jednak, aby ktoś nie myślał o mnie ponad to, jakim mnie widzi albo co ode mnie słyszy.
7 In order that I might not become proud because of those many wonderful things [that Christ] revealed to me, [God permitted] Satan to send a messenger [to humble me] (OR, to [make me sick]). [What that messenger did to me was painful, like] [MET] a thorn pricking my body.
A żebym zbytnio nie wynosił się ogromem objawień, dany mi został cierń dla ciała, wysłannik szatana, aby mnie policzkował, żebym się ponad miarę nie wynosił.
8 Three times I prayed to the Lord about it, begging him to take this away from me.
Dlatego trzy razy prosiłem Pana, aby [on] odstąpił ode mnie.
9 But he said to me, “[No, I will not take this away from you. Instead], I will kindly help you, and that will be all that you need, because it is [when you are] weak that I [can] best [work] powerfully [to help you].” So, because of [what the Lord said to me], I will very gladly boast about [the things that make] me [seem] weak, so that [people may realize] that it is Christ who gives me power [to serve him].
Lecz powiedział mi: Wystarczy ci moja łaska. Moja moc bowiem doskonali się w słabości. Najchętniej więc będę się chlubił z moich słabości, aby zamieszkała we mnie moc Chrystusa.
10 For that reason, [whenever I am] weak, or [when people] insult me, [or when I have to endure] hardships, or [when I am persecuted] {[people] cause me to suffer}, or [when I am in situations that] distress me, I am content because [I am serving] Christ. [I can say that] because at any time when I myself am weak, that is the [very] time when [Christ] powerfully [helps me].
Dlatego mam upodobanie w słabościach, w zniewagach, w niedostatkach, w prześladowaniach, w uciskach ze względu na Chrystusa; gdy bowiem jestem słaby, wtedy jestem mocny.
11 It has been foolish for me [to talk about myself like this], but it is you who forced me to do it. Truly [if the Lord would not help me], I would be worthless, [as my opponents say that I am]. But none of the men whom you [wrongfully think] [IRO] are great apostles are greater in any way than I am. So it would have been right/proper for you to say good things about me.
Stałem się głupi, chlubiąc się; wy mnie [do tego] zmusiliście. Ja bowiem przez was powinienem być polecany, ponieważ nie byłem mniejszy niż ci wielcy apostołowie, chociaż jestem niczym.
12 [You should have done that, because] when I was with you [I] repeatedly did the things that showed you that [I am truly] an apostle, such as performing many [DOU] miracles.
Jednak znaki apostoła okazały się wśród was we wszelkiej cierpliwości, w znakach, cudach i [przejawach] mocy.
13 And I have [certainly treated] you as well as [I treated] the other congregations [that I helped to start. Or do you think that] by not asking you [to pay me for my work], I was not treating you as well as I treated the other congregations? (It is foolish for you to [think that] [IRO] [it] was wrong for me not [to ask for pay from you for my work, and therefore I should ask] you to forgive me for that!/Do you [think that it] was wrong for me not [to ask for pay from you for my work, and therefore I should ask] you to forgive me for that?) [RHQ]
W czym bowiem jesteście gorsi od innych kościołów, jeśli nie w tym tylko, że ja sam nie byłem dla was ciężarem? Wybaczcie mi tę krzywdę.
14 Now listen to me! It is time for me to come to you for a third [visit. When I come], I [still] will not insist that you [pay me for my work], because I do not want [any of] your [money] [EUP]! What I want is for you [MTY] [to love and appreciate me]. It is not [normally the duty of] children to save [money to provide for the needs of] their parents. Instead, it [is the duty of] parents to [provide] for their children [MET]. In the same way, [it is not your duty to provide for me. Instead, it is my duty to provide spiritual help for you because you are my spiritual children].
Oto po raz trzeci jestem gotów przybyć do was i nie będę dla was ciężarem. Nie szukam bowiem tego, co wasze, ale was [samych], ponieważ nie dzieci rodzicom powinny gromadzić skarby, ale rodzice dzieciom.
15 So, for my part, [as a good parent would do], I will be very happy to use everything that I have, and do everything that I possibly can, [in order to help you]. And because I love you very much, (I will be very disappointed if [you] do not love me a little bit, too./will [you] not love me a little bit, too?) [RHQ]
Lecz ja bardzo chętnie poniosę wydatki i samego siebie wydam za wasze dusze, chociaż im bardziej was miłuję, tym mniej jestem [przez was] miłowany.
16 [You all] know that I did not depend on you [to provide for my needs]. However, [there are some who accuse me, saying that] [IRO] I was very clever and got money from you by tricking you.
Ale niech i tak będzie; nie byłem dla was ciężarem, ale będąc przebiegły, zdobyłem was podstępem.
17 But did I ever do that? No! I never [RHQ] asked any of the men whom I sent to you [to get money] from you [and bring it to me]
Czy wyzyskałem was przez kogoś z tych, których do was posłałem?
18 Titus went [and visited you because] I urged him to do so. I also sent the other believer, [whom you know], to go with Titus. [You know that] Titus did not [RHQ] trick [you in order to get money from you. And you certainly know that] he and I have always [RHQ] acted in exactly the same [honest] way [towards you].
Uprosiłem Tytusa i wysłałem z nim brata. Czy Tytus was wyzyskał? Czy nie postępowaliśmy w tym samym duchu? Czy nie [kroczyliśmy] tymi samymi śladami?
19 While [you have been reading this letter, if] you have been thinking that I have [just] been [saying these things to] defend myself [against those who accuse me, you are wrong]. I have been saying [these things honestly, knowing] that God is listening [to me. I also speak as one who has a close relationship] with Christ. Everything that I do and [everything that I say is] to [help you] whom I love (to grow [spiritually/] to become [spiritually] mature).
Znowu sądzicie, że się przed wami usprawiedliwiamy? W obliczu Boga w Chrystusie mówimy, a to wszystko, najmilsi, dla waszego zbudowania.
20 [I have written this way to you] because I worry that when I come [to visit you], I will see that [some of] you are [not conducting your lives the way] that I want you [to]. If that is so, [when I get there] you will see that I will have [to act] in a [very severe way toward you, and I am sure] that you do not want that. Specifically, I am afraid that [some of you] may be quarreling, or that you are being jealous [of each other], or that you quickly get very angry [with them], or that you are acting selfishly, or that [some of] you are saying bad things about others, or that you are (spreading false rumors/saying false things) about each other, or that you are acting proudly, or that you are [doing things] in a disorderly manner.
Obawiam się bowiem, żebym przypadkiem, gdy przyjdę, nie zastał was takimi, jakimi nie chciałbym [was zastać], i żebyście wy nie zastali mnie takim, jakim nie chcielibyście; żeby przypadkiem [nie było wśród was] sporów, zazdrości, gniewu, kłótni, obmów, szemrania, wynoszenia się i zamieszań;
21 [I] ([feel anxious/am concerned]) [about you. I worry that] when I visit you again, God, the one whom I [serve], will make me feel ashamed of you [when I see that] you [still are not conducting your lives as believers should]. Then I will feel very sad about [some of] you who were sinning previously and have not stopped your sinful behavior. [Some of you] may still have impure [thoughts. Some of you] may be having sexual intercourse with those to whom you are not married. [And some of you] may be doing other shameful things.
Żeby, gdy znowu przyjdę, mój Bóg nie poniżył mnie wobec was i musiałbym opłakiwać wielu tych, którzy przedtem grzeszyli i nie pokutowali z nieczystości, nierządu i rozpusty, których się dopuścili.

< 2 Corinthians 12 >