< 2 Corinthians 11 >

1 [But now, because my opponents are saying that Christ sent them to you as his representatives and that he did not send me], please be patient with me, too, [while I say a] few things [that may sound as if] [IRO] [I am praising myself, like] a foolish person [would do. You have been] ([putting up with/tolerating]) [those who teach what is false; ] now then, (put up with/tolerate) me [too].
Kai kah anglatnah te bet na yaknaem uh mai mako, tedae kai nan yaknaem uh gawn.
2 I really do care about [what happens to] you, just as God cares about [what happens to you. Just like a father wants his daughter to be sexually pure when he presents her to the man she will marry] [MET], I [want you to belong] to Christ [alone and to no other]. I want to present you [to him] as people who remain faithful to him [only, and who have not believed the deceitful message of those who are teaching what is false].
Pathen kah thatlainah vanbangla nangmih ham ka thatlai. Nangmih te tongpa pakhat taengkah oila cuem bangla Khrih taengah nawn ham kan oei.
3 However, just like [Satan, when he] cunningly [appeared as a] snake, deceived Eve [and caused her to disobey the Lord God], I am concerned that [those teachers] will cause you to think wrongly so that you will no longer [be faithful to] Christ alone.
Ka rhih mai pawt cakhaw, rhul loh amah kah rhaithinah neh Eve a hoilae bangla, nangmih kah poeknah loh moeihoeihnah neh Khrih dongkah cimcaihnah te ham poeih ve ne.
4 [I say that] because some people have come among you who are teaching [their own thoughts about] Jesus. They [are saying about him] things that are [entirely] different from what I taught you. [They are urging] you to receive a [powerful] spirit who [would come to live in you], but it is not the same [Spirit] that you received [from God when you believed in Christ]. They preach [what they call] a good message, and you accept [their message, even though it is not the same as the good message about Christ that you heard from me. And] you have gladly accepted them and their message!
Hlang tloe te aka pawk loh Jesuh a tloe hoe ngawn cakhaw anih te n'hoe uh moenih, na dang uh noek pawh mueihla tloe, na doe uh noek pawh olthangthen a tloe na dang uh akhaw, balh na yaknaem uh ngawn.
5 I consider that [LIT] none of those [men, even though they think of themselves as being] [IRO] extra-special apostles, are in any way greater than I am.
Te dongah caeltueih rhoek kah buhuenga pom te phavawt pawh ka ti mai.
6 [I admit that] I am not an eloquent speaker, but I do know [God’s message]. I have made that clear to you by everything [that I have done among you and by everything that I have taught you].
Tedae olka ka lol cakhaw mingnah dongah tah ka lol pawh. Te dongah nangmih kah cungkuem dongah cungkuem la phoe coeng.
7 [I refused to accept money] from you as pay for teaching you God’s message about Christ. (It is ridiculous for you to think that what I did was wrong!/Was that wrong?) [RHQ] [I know that by teaching you without pay], I made myself seem [IRO] unimportant to you. [But I did it] to honor you.
Tholhnah aka saii bangla ka tlarhoel daengah a nangmih na pomsang uh eh? Pathen kah olthangthen te nangmih hama yoeyap lam ni ka phong.
8 [Some people might say that it was as though] [IRO] I was robbing other congregations because I accepted money from them in order that I might work among you.
Hlangboel rhoek a hloeh la ka rheth tih nangmih kah bibi paang te ka bawt a?
9 Furthermore, when I was [there] with you and had no [money to buy the things that I needed], I did not cause any [of you] ([to have difficulties by my depending on you/by asking you for money/support]), because our [(inc)] fellow believers who came from [here in] Macedonia [province] brought enough [money for me to buy everything] that I needed. So I have not caused you any difficulty at all [by asking you for money], and I never will [ask you for money] [EUP].
Nangmih taengah aka om tih aka vawtthoek pataeng pakhat khaw ka thinrhih sak moenih. Ka vawtthoeknah te Makedonia lamkah aka pawk manuca rhoek long nia doo. Cungkuem dongah kamah khaw nangmih taengah hoengpoek la ka tuem uh vanbangla ka tuem uh pueng ni.
10 [And] as [sure as you know that] everything that Christ says is true, [you can be sure that what] I say [to you now is true. Wherever I go] there in Achaia [province], [I do not let you believers pay me for doing God’s work among you]. And no one will be able to prevent me from boasting [about that].
Ka khuiah Khrih kah oltak om ta. Te dongah ka khuikah hoemdamnah he tah Akhaia pingpang ah khaw buem uh mahpawh.
11 No one should wrongly [RHQ] think that it is because I do not love you that [I do not take pay from you]. God knows [that you truly/really are very dear to me].
Balae tih, nangmih kan lungnah pawh? Pathen loh a ming ngawn.
12 There are [some men there among you] who would like to be able to say boastfully that they [work among you] just as I do. So, in order to make it impossible [IDM] [for them to say that], I have [refused to accept pay from you], and I will continue doing that.
Tedae ka saii coeng te tah ka saii pueng ni. Te daengah ni rhoidoengnah aka ngaih rhoek kah rhoidoengnah te ka haih pah pueng eh. Te neh a pomsang uh daengah ni mamih bangla a hmuh uh van eh.
13 Those men are lying [when they say that they are] apostles. They work deceitfully. [Even though they say that they work for God, they are working only for themselves]. They try to make people think that Christ [sent them] as his apostles, [but they do not truly represent him].
Amih laithae caeltueih rhoek neh khuplat bibikung rhoek loh Khrih kah caeltueih bangla sa uh.
14 I am not surprised [that they act like that], because Satan himself causes people to think [that he has come] as a shining messenger [from God].
Tedae Satan loh amah neh amah vangnah puencawn la a sa uh te ngaihmang ham om pawh.
15 So it should not surprise [you] if these men, who [really] serve [Satan, do good things in order] to make you think they [serve God]. Some day God will [punish them] according to what they deserve because of the [evil] things that they do.
Anih kah tueihyoeih rhoek loh duengnah kah tueihyoeih rhoek bangla sa uh mai cakhaw olpuei moenih. Amih kaha hnukkhueng tah a khoboe vanbangla om bitni.
16 I say again: I do not want any of you to think that my [boasting about myself] is like foolish [people] boast. But even if anyone [thinks that I am boasting about myself like a foolish person boasts, listen to] what I [have to say anyway, just like you listen to those false apostles]. They really [speak] foolishly! Listen to me while I also boast a little.
Koep ka thui, pakhat long khaw kai he ang tila poek uh boeh. Te pawt cakhaw aka ang banglam khaw kai n'doe uh mai. Te daengah ni kai loh pakhat lam khaw bet ka pomsang van eh.
17 About the things that I am [going to tell you], boasting confidently [about myself, surely you know that they are not the kind of things] that the Lord [Jesus] would say. Instead, [I will speak] as a foolish [person would speak].
Ka thui te Boeipa banglam pawt tih anglat vaengkah banglam ni hoemdamnah he ngaikhueknah neh ka thui.
18 Because many among you are boasting [about their own work], as unbelievers do, I will also boast [about myself and my work] [MTY, IRO].
A yet loh pumsa neh a pomsang uh dongah ka pomsang van ni.
19 [I am sure that you, who think that you are so wise, will accept what I say] because you gladly [accept the] false teachers and the foolish things [that they say].
A cueih neh aka om long ni aka ang rhoek te khaw liplip na yaknaem uh.
20 When people [treat] you as if they were your bosses, you gladly submit [to them. You think that it is all right when others] force you to provide for their needs. You think that it is all right [when people] take control over you, when they boast about themselves, [or when they insult you by] slapping you in the face.
Nangmih te pakhat loh sal m'bi sak akhaw, pakhat loh n'yoop akhaw, pakhat loh han loh akhaw, pakhat loh m'poe akhaw, pakhat loh na maelhmai ah n'thoek akhaw na yaknaem uh coeng.
21 I agree that I was not bold enough to treat you in such ways. [Ha! Do you think that] [IRO] I should feel ashamed [because I did not do that?] So now, talking like a person who does not have any sense, I will boldly tell you [some things about myself, just like those false apostles tell you things about themselves].
Kaimih loh ka vawtthoek uh te rhaidaeng la ka ti. Tedae te nen te khat khat long nia ngaingaih mai atah anglat la ka thui te ka ngaingaih mai coeng.
22 Do [they tell you] that they are Hebrews [and can speak the Hebrew language?] Well, I can say the same thing [about myself]. Do they [tell you that they] belong [to God’s people], the nation of Israel? Well, I can say the same thing [about myself]. [Do they tell you that] they are descendants of [our great] ancestor Abraham? Well, he is my ancestor, too.
Hebrew hlang laa om atah kai khaw ka om van. Israel ca la om uh atah kai khaw ka om van, Abraham kah tiingan la om atah kai khaw ka om van.
23 [Do they tell you how much] work they have done for Christ? Now I am talking like a crazy person talks [EUP]. Well, I work for Christ much more [than they do. I have been] in prison many more times [than they have. Many times I] have been beaten {[people] have beaten me} very severely [because I believe in and obey Christ]. Many times I almost died [because of serving Christ].
Khrih kah tueihyoeih laa om uh atah Kai loh muep ka angsai puei tih ka thui ngai ta. thakthaenah nen khaw ka tahoeng, thongim khuiah khaw vawptawp, lucik nen khaw nainoe, dueknah nen taitu.
24 On five occasions Jewish [religious leaders] beat me 39 times with a whip.
Judah rhoek lamkah voei nga ka yook tih likip ham pakhat vel a ngaih.
25 On three occasions I was beaten {[Roman] officials beat me} with wooden sticks. On one occasion [a large crowd of people] threw stones at me [to kill me]. On three occasions the ship [that I was traveling on] was wrecked [and sank. On one of those occasions] I was [floating] in the water a night and a day [before I was rescued].
Voei thum m'boh uh. Vai n'dae uh. Sangpho loh voei thum m'poci puei, vuenhlaem tuidung khuiah ka yoka sut.
26 As I have often traveled to other places, [I have often risked losing my life. For example], sometimes I have been in danger [crossing] rivers. [I have been] in danger [traveling in places] where there were bandits. [At times I have been in] danger among people of my own nation, [the Jews], and [at other times I been in] danger among those who are not Jews. [I have been] in danger in cities, and I have been in dangerous situations in barren areas. I have been in dangerous situations [when I was traveling in ships]. [I have been in] danger among people who falsely [claim to be] fellow believers.
Yincaehnah khaw ninoe, tuiva kah khoponah, dingca kah khoponah, namtu lamkah khoponah, namtom lamkah khoponah, kho khuikah khoponah, kohong kah khoponah, tuipuei kah khoponah, laithae manuca kah khoponah loh yet.
27 I have worked very hard [DOU] [to earn] ([a living/what I need]), and often I did not sleep. At times I was hungry and thirsty, and at times I did not have enough time to eat. Sometimes I was cold [because] I did not have enough clothes [to wear].
thakthaenah neh patangnah dongah mikhue la ka om taitu. Khokha neh tuihalh dongah yaehnah neh ka om taitu. Khosik khuiah ka kolvang sut.
28 In addition to all that, I am constantly and deeply concerned about all the congregations [that I have helped to begin].
Te bueng kolla hlangboel boeih kah mawntangnah tah hnin takuem ka thinrhihnah laom.
29 [Every time that I hear about fellow believers] [RHQ] who are not strong [spiritually], I sympathize with them [and try to help them. Every time that I learn about a fellow believer] [RHQ] who causes [another believer] to do something wrong, that makes me very angry.
U khaw a tattloel vaengah tah ka tattloel moenih a? U khaw a khah vaengah tah kai n'rhoh moenih a?
30 Because [it seems that] it is necessary for me to [continue] boasting [about myself], I will boast about things that [caused some people to think of me] as being weak.
Pomsang hama kuek atah ka vawtthoeknah dongkah te ka pomsang eh.
31 God, who is the Father of our [(inc)] Lord Jesus, and who is the one [whom we should] praise forever, knows that I am not lying [about this]. (aiōn g165)
Ka laithae pawt te kumhal due uemom la aka om Pathen neh Boeipa Jesuh kah a napa loh a ming. (aiōn g165)
32 [One time when I was] in Damascus [city], the governor whom King Aretas [had appointed] to rule [part of his area, told his soldiers] to guard [the gates of] the city so that they could seize me [if I tried to leave the city].
Damasku ah kai tuuk ham te manghai Aretas kah khotawt loh Damasaku kho khaw a tawt.
33 But [my friends] helped me to escape [by] putting me in a large basket and lowering me [to the ground by a rope] through an opening in the [city] wall. [That was really humiliating]!
Tedae voeihang neh bangbuet lamloh pangbueng kaep ah n'hlak dongah ni amih kut te ka poeng ka hal.

< 2 Corinthians 11 >