< 2 Chronicles 8 >

1 Solomon’s [workers] worked for 20 years to build the temple and the king’s palace.
Le roi Salomon avait mis vingt ans à construire ces deux édifices: le temple du Seigneur et son propre palais.
2 Then his [workers] rebuilt the cities that [King] Hiram had given back to Solomon, and Solomon sent Israelis to live in those cities.
Et il rebâtit les villes qu'Hiram lui avait données, et il y établit des fils d'Israël.
3 Solomon’s [army] then went to Hamath-Zobah [town] and captured it.
Puis, il se rendit à Bésoba, qu'il entoura de remparts.
4 His workers also rebuilt walls around Tadmor [town] in the desert, and in [the] Hamath [region] in all the towns where they kept supplies.
Et il bâtit Thœdnior (Palmyre) dans le désert, ainsi que toutes les places fortes du pays d'Emath.
5 They rebuilt Upper Beth-Horon [town] and Lower Beth-Horon [city], and built walls around them with gates [in the walls] and bars [to fasten the gates].
Et il fit de Béthoron-la-Haute et de Béthoron-la-Basse deux forteresses, avec murailles, portes et verrous.
6 They also rebuilt Baalath [town] and all the cities where supplies were kept and the cities where Solomon’s chariots and horses were kept. Solomon’s [workers] built whatever he wanted them to build, in Jerusalem and in Lebanon, and in other places in the area that he ruled.
Et il bâtit Balaath, ainsi que toutes les places fortes qui lui appartenaient, toutes les villes des chars, les villes des cavaliers, enfin tout ce qu'il lui plut de bâtir tant à Jérusalem que dans le Liban, et dans tout son royaume.
7 Solomon forced people from many other groups who were not Israelis to work for him like slaves. They were people from the Heth, Amor, Periz, Hiv, and Jebus people-groups.
Tout ce qui restait de l'Hettéen, de l'Amorrhéen, de l'Evéen, du Jébuséen; tout ce qui n'était point d'Israël,
8 They were descendants of groups whom the Israelis had not completely destroyed. Solomon forced them to become his slaves, and they are still slaves.
Mais qui descendait de ceux que les fils d'Israël n'avaient point exterminés, et qui étaient restés avec eux en la terre promise, furent obligés de payer à Salomon un tribut qu'ils paient encore de nos jours.
9 But Solomon did not force Israelis to work for him. Israelis became his soldiers and commanders of his chariots and his chariot-drivers.
Et Salomon ne permit point qu'il y eût en son royaume de serviteurs nés des fils d'Israël; car ceux-ci étaient des guerriers, des chefs, des vaillants, qui commandaient les chars et les cavaliers.
10 They were also King Solomon’s chief officials. There were 250 of them, and they supervised the workers.
Il y en avait à la tête des intendants du roi Salomon; on en comptait deux cent cinquante dirigeant les travaux du peuple.
11 Solomon moved his wife, who was the daughter of the king of Egypt, from [the place outside Jerusalem called] ‘The City of David’ to the place that his workers had built for her. He said, “I do not want my wife to live in the palace that [my father] King David’s workers built, because the Sacred Chest [was in that palace for a while], and any place where the Sacred Chest has been is holy.”
Et Salomon conduisit la fille du Pharaon de la ville de David, au palais qu'il avait bâti pour elle, car il avait dit: Ma femme ne doit pas demeurer en la ville de David, roi d'Israël, parce qu'une ville où est entrée l'arche du Seigneur est sainte.
12 On the altar that Solomon’s [workers] had built in front of the entrance [to the temple], Solomon sacrificed many offerings that were to be completely burned.
Alors, Salomon offrit des holocaustes au Seigneur sur l'autel qu'il avait élevé au Seigneur devant le temple,
13 He did that to obey the rules about what sacrifices Moses had declared should be made. These included sacrifices for every day and for the Sabbath days and to celebrate each day on which there was a new moon and for the three other festivals that were celebrated each year. Those festivals were the Festival of Eating Unleavened Bread, the Harvest Festival, and the Festival of Living in Temporary Shelters.
Selon la règle de chaque jour; il les offrit conformément aux commandements de Moïse sur les sabbats, les lunes et les fêtes des trois époques de l'année: fête des azymes, fête des semaines, fête des tabernacles.
14 Obeying what his father David had commanded, he appointed the groups of priests for their work, and he appointed the descendants of Levi to lead the people while they sang to praise Yahweh and while they assisted the priests in their daily work. He also appointed groups of them to guard all the gates, because that was also what David, the man who pleased God [very well], had commanded.
Ensuite, conformément à l'ordre établi par David, son père, il régla les fonctions des prêtres et celles des lévites, qui devaient servir et chanter journellement devant les prêtres; il désigna aussi les portiers; car, ainsi l'avait prescrit David, homme de Dieu.
15 The priests and other descendants of Levi obeyed completely everything that the king commanded, including [taking care of] the storerooms.
Et on ne s'écarta point des commandements du roi, concernant les prêtres et les lévites, en aucune chose, notamment en ce qui regardait les trésors.
16 They did all the work [of building the temple] that Solomon told them to do, until it was all completed. So they finishing building the temple.
Tous les travaux avaient été préparés à partir du jour où Salomon avait jeté les fondations du temple, jusqu'à celui où la construction fut achevée.
17 Then some of Solomon’s men went to Ezion-Geber and Elath [cities] on the coast of the Red Sea, an area that belonged to the Edom people-group.
Alors, Salomon alla à Asiongaber et à Ailath, en la terre d'Idumée, près du rivage de la mer.
18 King Hiram sent to Solomon from [Tyre city] some ships that were commanded by his officers. They were men who were experienced sailors. These men went in the ships with Solomon’s men to [the] Ophir [region] and brought back about 17 tons of gold, which they delivered to King Solomon.
Là, Hiram lui envoya des vaisseaux et des serviteurs habitués à la mer; ceux-ci naviguèrent, avec les serviteurs de Salomon, jusqu'à Ophir; ils rapportèrent de là trois cent cinquante talents d'or, et ils revinrent auprès du roi Salomon.

< 2 Chronicles 8 >