< 2 Chronicles 36 >

1 Then the people of Judah chose Josiah’s son Jehoahaz and appointed him as the king in Jerusalem.
Uye vanhu vomunyika iyi vakatora Jehoahazi mwanakomana waJosia vakamuita mambo muJerusarema panzvimbo yababa vake.
2 Jehoahaz was 23 years old when he became the king, but he ruled from Jerusalem for [only] three months.
Jehoahazi akanga ana makore makumi maviri namatatu paakava mambo, uye akatonga muJerusarema kwemwedzi mitatu.
3 King Neco of Egypt [captured him and] prevented him from ruling any longer. He also forced the people of Judah to pay him a tax of almost four tons of silver and about 75 pounds of gold.
Mambo weIjipiti akamubvisa paumambo muJerusarema akatemera Judha kuti iripe matarenda zana esirivha netarenda regoridhe.
4 The king of Egypt appointed Jehoahaz’s [younger] brother Eliakim to be the king of Judah. He changed Eliakim’s name to Jehoiakim. After Neco captured Jehoahaz, he took him to Egypt.
Mambo weIjipiti akaita kuti Eriakimu, mukoma waJehoahazi, ave mambo pamusoro peJudha neJerusarema akashandura zita raEriakimi kuti anzi Jehoyakimi. Asi Neko akatora mununʼuna waEriakimi, Jehoahazi, akaenda naye kuIjipiti.
5 Jehoiakim was 25 years old when he became the king [of Judah], and he ruled from Jerusalem for 11 years. He did things that Yahweh his God considers to be evil.
Jehoyakimi akanga aina makore makumi maviri namashanu paakava mambo, uye akatonga muJerusarema kwamakore gumi nerimwe chete akaita zvakaipa pamberi paJehovha Mwari wake.
6 Then the army of King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon attacked Jehoiakim’s army. They [captured Jehoiakim and] bound him with bronze chains and took him to Babylon.
Nebhukadhinezari mambo weBhabhironi akamurwisa akamusunga nengetani dzendarira kuti amutore aende naye kuBhabhironi.
7 Nebuchadnezzar’s soldiers also took valuable things from the temple; they took them to Babylon and put them in king [Nebuchadnezzar’s] palace there.
Nebhukadhinezari akatorawo midziyo yomutemberi yaJehovha akaenda nayo kuBhabhironi akandoiisa mutemberi yake ikoko.
8 A record of the other things that happened while Jehoiakim was ruling, the detestable things that he did, including the evil things that people said that he did, is written in the scroll called ‘The History of the Kings of Israel and Judah’. After [he was taken to Babylon], his son Jehoiachin became the king [of Judah].
Zvimwe zvakaitwa panguva yokutonga kwaJehoyakimi, zvinhu zvinonyangadza zvaakaita nezvose zvakawanikwa zvaakakanganisa, zvakanyorwa mubhuku ramadzimambo eIsraeri neJudha. Uye Jehoyakini mwanakomana wake akamutevera paumambo.
9 Jehoiachin was 18 years old when he became the king [of Judah], and he ruled from Jerusalem for [only] three months and ten days. He did things that Yahweh considers to be evil.
Jehoyakini akanga ava namakore gumi namasere paakava mambo, uye akatonga muJerusarema kwemwedzi mitatu namazuva gumi. Akaita zvakaipa pamberi paJehovha.
10 During the spring of the next year, King Nebuchadnezzar sent [soldiers] to bring him to Babylon. They also took to Babylon many valuable things from the temple of Yahweh. Then Nebuchadnezzar appointed Jehoiachin’s uncle, Zedekiah, to be the king of Judah.
Pakupera kwegore, Mambo Nebhukadhinezari akatuma shoko rokuti auyiswe kuBhabhironi pamwe chete nemidziyo inokosha kubva mutemberi yaJehovha, akaita mununʼuna waJehoyakini, Zedhekia, mambo pamusoro peJudha neJerusarema.
11 Zedekiah was 21 years old when he became the king, and he ruled in Jerusalem for 11 years.
Zedhekia akanga ava namakore makumi maviri nerimwe paakava mambo uye akatonga muJerusarema kwamakore gumi nerimwe.
12 He did many things that Yahweh his God considered to be evil. And he did not humble himself when the prophet Jeremiah gave him a message from Yahweh [to warn him].
Akaita zvakaipa pamberi paJehovha uye haana kuzvininipisa pamberi pomuprofita Jeremia, akataura shoko raJehovha.
13 He would not return to Yahweh, the God that the people of Israel [said that they worshiped]. Zedekiah also rebelled against King Nebuchadnezzar, who had forced him to solemnly promise using God’s name [to be loyal to him]. Zedekiah became very stubborn.
Akamukirawo Mambo Nebhukadhinezari akanga amuita kuti ape mhiko muzita raMwari. Akaomesa mutsipa akaomesa mwoyo wake uye akaramba kutendeukira kuna Jehovha, Mwari weIsraeri.
14 Furthermore, all the leaders of the priests and also the people [of Judah] became more wicked again, doing all the detestable things that the people of the other nations did, and causing the temple in Jerusalem that Yahweh had caused to be holy to become [an] unacceptable [place to worship him].
Uyezve vakuru vose vavaprista navanhu vakanyanya kutadza vachitevera zvinonyangadza zvose zvendudzi vakasvibisa imba yaJehovha yaakanga akudza kwazvo muJerusarema.
15 Yahweh, the God whom the ancestors [of the people of Judah belonged to/worshiped], gave messages to his prophets many times, and the prophets told those messages to the people of Judah. Yahweh did that because he pitied his people and did not want his temple to be destroyed.
Jehovha, Mwari wamadzibaba avo, akatuma shoko rake kubudikidza nenhume dzake nguva nenguva, nokuti akaitira tsitsi vanhu vake nenzvimbo yake yokugara.
16 But the people continually made fun of God’s messengers. They despised God’s messages. They ridiculed his prophets, until finally God became extremely angry with his people, with the result that nothing could stop him [from destroying Judah].
Asi vakashora nhume dzaMwari, vakazvidza mashoko ake vakadadira vaprofita vake kusvikira hasha dzaMwari dzavamukira uye pasisina zvingagadziridzwa.
17 He incited the king of Babylonia to attack [Judah with his army]. They killed the young men with their swords, even in the temple. They did not spare/pity anyone, young men or young women or old people. God enabled the army of Nebuchadnezzar to kill all of them.
Akauyisa mambo wavaBhabhironi kuti azovarwisa uye akauraya majaya avo nomunondo munzvimbo tsvene, uye hapana waakasiya, jaya kana mhandara, varume vakuru kana vatana. Mwari akavapa vose kuna Nebhukadhinezari.
18 His soldiers took to Babylon all the things that were used in God’s temple—big things and little things, all the valuable things, and the valuable things that belonged to the king and his officials.
Akatakura midziyo yose yaiva mutemberi yaMwari akaenda nayo kuBhabhironi, zvose zvikuru nezvidiki nepfuma yomutemberi yaJehovha nepfuma yaMambo namachinda ake.
19 They burned the temple, and they broke down the wall surrounding Jerusalem. They burned all the palaces [in Jerusalem] and destroyed all the remaining valuable things there.
Vakapisa temberi yaMwari vakaputsa rusvingo rweJerusarema; vakapisa mizinda yose uye vakaparadza zvose zvaikosha imomo.
20 Nebuchadnezzar’s soldiers took to Babylon the remaining people who had not been killed with their swords. Then those people became the king’s slaves and his son’s slaves, until the [army of the] king of Persia conquered [the army of Babylonia].
Akatakura vose vakanga vasara muutapwa avo vakanga vapunyuka kubva pamunondo uye vakava varanda vake nevevanakomana vake kusvikira pakutanga umambo hwePezhia kutonga.
21 [Moses had said that every seventh year the people must not plant their fields; they must allow the soil to rest. But the people had not done that. So after the army of Babylonia destroyed Judah, ] the soil was allowed to rest. That continued for 70 years, fulfilling what Yahweh told Jeremiah and what Jeremiah had predicted/prophesied would happen.
Nyika yakava namaSabata ayo ezororo; panguva yose yokuparadzwa kwayo yakazorora, kusvikira makore makumi manomwe apera kuti shoko raJehovha rakataurwa naJeremia rizadziswe.
22 During the first year that Cyrus was the king of Persia, in order that what Yahweh told Jeremiah would happen would occur, Yahweh motivated Cyrus to write this and proclaim it throughout his kingdom:
Mugore rokutanga raSirasi mambo wePezhia, kuitira kuti shoko raJehovha rakataurwa naJeremia rizadziswe, Jehovha akasunda mwoyo waSirasi mambo wePezhia kuti aparadzire kuumambo hwake hwose uye kuti anyore achizivisa kuti:
23 “I, Cyrus, the king of Persia, declare that Yahweh, the God [who rules] in heaven, has enabled me to become the ruler of all the kingdoms of this world. And he wants me to [command that my workers] build a temple {a temple be built} for him in Jerusalem, which is in Judah. Any of his people living among you people of Persia are allowed to go to Jerusalem. And I will pray that Yahweh will be with them.”
“Zvanzi naSirasi mambo wePezhia: “‘Jehovha Mwari wedenga, andipa umambo hwose hwapanyika uye akandigadza kuti ndimuvakire temberi paJerusarema muJudha. Ani naani wavanhu vake vari pakati penyu, Jehovha Mwari wake ave naye, uye ngaaende ikoko.’”

< 2 Chronicles 36 >