< 2 Chronicles 33 >
1 Manasseh was 12 years old when he became the king [of Judah], and he ruled from Jerusalem for 55 years.
Manáse je bil star dvanajst let, ko je začel kraljevati in v Jeruzalemu je kraljeval petinpetdeset let,
2 He did many things that Yahweh considered to be evil. He imitated the disgusting things that were formerly done by the people-groups that Yahweh had expelled from Israel as his people advanced [though the land].
toda počel je to, kar je bilo zlo v Gospodovih očeh, podobno ogabnostim poganov, ki jih je Gospod pregnal pred Izraelovimi otroki.
3 He commanded his workers to rebuild the shrines [for worshiping idols] that his father Hezekiah had destroyed. He told them to set up altars to [honor] the statues of Baal, and to make altars to [honor the goddess] Asherah. He bowed down to [worship] all the stars.
Kajti ponovno je zgradil visoke kraje, ki jih je njegov oče Ezekíja porušil, vzdignil Báalove oltarje, naredil ašere in oboževal vso vojsko neba ter jim služil.
4 He directed his workers to build altars [for foreign gods] in the temple, about which Yahweh had said, “It is here in Jerusalem that I want people to worship me, forever.”
Prav tako je zgradil oltarje v Gospodovi hiši, o kateri je Gospod rekel: »V Jeruzalemu bo moje ime na veke.«
5 He directed that altars for [worshiping] all the stars be built in both of the courtyards outside the temple.
Zgradil je oltarje za vso vojsko neba v dveh dvorih Gospodove hiše.
6 He even sacrificed [some of] his own sons and burned them in a fire in Hinnom Valley. He performed rituals to practice sorcery. He asked fortune-tellers for advice. He performed witchcraft. He talked to people who consulted the spirits of people who had died to find out what would happen in the future. He did many things that Yahweh considered o be very evil, things that caused Yahweh to become very angry.
Svoje otroke je izročil, da gredo skozi ogenj v dolini sina Hinómovega. Obeleževal je tudi čase, uporabljal izrekanje urokov, uporabljal čarovništvo in postopal z osebnim duhom in s čarovniki. Storil je mnogo zla v Gospodovih očeh, da ga izziva do jeze.
7 Manasseh took a carved idol [that his workers had made] and put it in the temple. That is the temple concerning which God had said to David and to his son Solomon, “My temple will be here in Jerusalem, the city that I have chosen [where I want people to] worship me, forever.
Postavil je izrezljano podobo, malika, ki ga je naredil v Božji hiši, o kateri je Bog rekel Davidu in njegovemu sinu Salomonu: »V tej hiši, v Jeruzalemu, ki sem jo izbral pred vsemi Izraelovimi rodovi, bom svoje ime postavil na veke.
8 If they will obey all the laws and decrees and regulations that I told Moses to give to them, I will not again force the Israeli people to leave this land that I gave to their ancestors.”
Niti ne bom več odstranil Izraelovega stopala iz dežele, ki sem jo določil za vaše očete, tako da bodo pazili, da storijo vse, kar sem jim zapovedal, glede na celotno postavo, zakone in odredbe po Mojzesovi roki.
9 But Manasseh led the people of Jerusalem and other places in Judah to do things that are wrong, with the result that they did more evil than was done by the people in the people-groups that Yahweh had expelled as the Israeli people advanced [through the land].
Tako je Manáse storil Judu in prebivalcem Jeruzalema, da zaidejo in da počnejo huje kakor pogani, ki jih je Gospod uničil pred Izraelovimi otroki.
10 Yahweh spoke to Manasseh and the people of Judah, but they paid no attention.
Gospod je spregovoril Manáseju in njegovemu ljudstvu, toda niso hoteli prisluhniti.
11 So Yahweh caused the army commanders of Assyria [and their soldiers] to [come to Jerusalem, and they] captured Manasseh. They put a hook in his nose and put bronze chains on his [feet] and took him to Babylon.
Zato je Gospod nadnje privedel poveljnike vojske asirskega kralja, ki so Manáseja zajeli med trnjem in ga zvezali z okovi ter ga odvedli v Babilon.
12 There, while he was suffering, he humbled himself greatly in the presence of Yahweh, the God whom his ancestors [worshiped], and pleaded with Yahweh to help him.
Ko je bil v stiski, je iskal Gospoda, svojega Boga in se silno ponižal pred Bogom svojih očetov
13 When he prayed, Yahweh heard him and pitied him. So he [allowed him to] return to Jerusalem and [to] rule his kingdom again. Then Manasseh realized that Yahweh is [an all-powerful] God.
in molil k njemu in izprošen je bil od njega in slišal je njegovo ponižno prošnjo in ga ponovno privedel k Jeruzalemu, v njegovo kraljestvo. Potem je Manáse spoznal, da je bil Gospod Bog.
14 Later, Manasseh’s [workers] rebuilt the eastern section of the outer wall around Jerusalem, and [they] made it higher. That section extended from Gihon Spring [north] to the Fish Gate, and around the part of the city that they called Ophel [Hill]. Manasseh also appointed army officers to guard each of the cities in Judah that had walls around them.
Torej po tem je zgradil zid zunaj Davidovega mesta, na zahodni strani Gihona, v dolini, celo pri vhodu velikih ribjih vrat in obdal Ofel ter ga dvignil na zelo veliko višino in vojne poveljnike postavil v vsa utrjena Judova mesta.
15 Manasseh’s [workers] removed from the temple the idols and the stone statues of gods of other nations. Manasseh also [told them to] remove the altars that they had previously built on Zion Hill and in [other places in] Jerusalem. He had all those things thrown out of the city.
Odstranil je tuje bogove in malike iz Gospodove hiše in vse oltarje, ki jih je zgradil na gori Gospodove hiše in v Jeruzalemu ter jih vrgel iz mesta.
16 Then he [told them to] repair the altar of Yahweh, and he offered sacrifices to restore fellowship with Yahweh and to thank him. And he told [the people of] Judah that they must worship [only] Yahweh.
Popravil je Gospodov oltar in na njem žrtvoval mirovne daritve in zahvalne daritve in Judu zapovedal, da služi Gospodu, Izraelovemu Bogu.
17 The people continued to offer sacrifices on the hilltops, but only to Yahweh their God.
Kljub temu je ljudstvo še vedno darovalo na visokih krajih, vendar samo Gospodu, svojemu Bogu.
18 The other things that happened while Manasseh was ruling, including his prayer to God and the messages from Yahweh that the prophets gave to him, are written in the scroll called ‘The History of the Kings of Israel’.
Torej preostala izmed Manásejevih dejanj, njegova molitev k njegovemu Bogu in besede vidcev, ki so mu govorili v imenu Gospoda, Izraelovega Boga, glej, ta so zapisana v knjigi Izraelovih kraljev.
19 What Manasseh prayed and how God pitied him because he pleaded to God, and also his sins and ways in which he disobeyed God, and the [list of] places where he built shrines and set up poles to [honor the goddess] Asherah and other idols [before he humbled himself], are written in what the prophets wrote.
Tudi njegova molitev in kako je bil Bog izprošen od njega, ves njegov greh, njegov prekršek in kraji, na katerih si je zgradil visoke kraje ter postavil ašere in rezane podobe, preden je bil ponižan. Glej, ta so zapisana med izreki vidcev.
20 Manasseh died and was buried in his palace. Then his son Amon became the king [of Judah].
Tako je Manáse zaspal s svojimi očeti in pokopali so ga v njegovi lastni hiši. Namesto njega je zakraljeval njegov sin Amón.
21 Amon was 22 years old when he became king, and he ruled in Jerusalem for two years.
Amón je bil star dvaindvajset let, ko je začel kraljevati in v Jeruzalemu je kraljeval dve leti.
22 He did things that Yahweh considered to be evil, like his father Manasseh had done. Amon worshiped all the idols that Manasseh’s [workers] had made.
Toda počel je to, kar je bilo zlo v Gospodovih očeh, kakor je počel njegov oče Manáse, kajti Amón je žrtvoval vsem izrezljanim podobam, ki jih je naredil njegov oče Manáse in jim služil.
23 But he did not humble himself and turn to Yahweh like his father did. So he became more sinful than his father had been.
Ni se ponižal pred Gospodom, kakor se je ponižal njegov oče Manáse, temveč je Amón bolj in bolj grešil.
24 Then Amon’s officials made plans to kill him. They assassinated him in his palace.
In njegovi služabniki so se zarotili zoper njega in ga usmrtili v njegovi lastni hiši.
25 But then the people of Judah killed all those who had assassinated Amon, and they appointed his son Josiah to be their king.
Toda ljudstvo dežele je usmrtilo vse tiste, ki so se zarotili zoper kralja Amóna in ljudstvo dežele je postavilo njegovega sina Jošíja za kralja namesto njega.