< 2 Chronicles 3 >

1 Then Solomon’s workers started to build the temple for Yahweh in Jerusalem. They built it on Moriah Hill, where [an angel from] Yahweh had appeared to his father David. They built it on the ground that Araunah, a descendant of the Jebus people-group, had sold to David and where David said that it should be built.
솔로몬이 예루살렘 모리아 산에 여호와의 전 건축하기를 시작하니 그곳은 전에 여호와께서 그 아비 다윗에게 나타나신 곳이요 여부스 사람 오르난의 타작마당에 다윗이 정한 곳이라
2 They began the work in April, when Solomon had been ruling almost four years.
솔로몬이 왕위에 나아간지 사년 이월 초이일에 건축하기를 시작하였더라
3 The foundation of the temple was about 90 feet long and 30 feet wide.
솔로몬이 하나님의 전을 위하여 놓은 지대는 이러하니 옛적 재는 법대로 장이 육십 규빗이요 광이 이십규빗이며
4 The entrance room across the front of the temple was 30 feet wide and 30 feet high.
그 전 앞 낭실의 장이 전의 광과 같이 이십 규빗이요 고가 일백 이십 규빗이니 안에는 정금으로 입혔으며
5 Solomon’s workers used [panels/boards of] pine [wood] to line the main hall of the temple. Then they covered those panels with [very thin sheets of] pure gold. Then they decorated the walls with [carved images of] palm trees and designs that resembled chains.
그 대전 천장은 잣나무로 만들고 또 정금으로 입히고 그 위에 종려나무와 사슬 형상을 새겼고
6 They decorated the temple with very valuable stones. The gold that they used was from [the land of] Parvaim.
또 보석으로 전을 꾸며 화려하게 하였으니 그 금은 바르와임 금이며
7 They covered the ceiling beams, the door frames, the walls and the doors of the temple with [very thin sheets of] gold. They also carved [statues of] winged creatures on the walls.
또 금으로 전과 그 들보와 문지방과 벽과 문짝에 입히고 벽에 그룹들을 아로새겼더라
8 They also built the Very Holy Place [inside the temple]. It was 30 feet wide and 30 feet long. They covered its walls with sheets of pure gold that altogether weighed 23 tons.
또 지성소를 지었으니 전 넓이대로 장이 이십 규빗이요 광도 이십 규빗이라 정금 육백 달란트로 입혔으니
9 They used 1-1/4 pounds of gold to [cover the heads of] the nails. They also covered the walls of the upper rooms with sheets of gold.
못 중수가 오십 금 세겔이요 다락들도 금으로 입혔더라
10 Solomon’s workers made two statues of creatures with wings to put inside the Very Holy Place. They covered those statues with [very thin sheets of] gold.
지성소 안에 두 그룹의 형상을 새겨 만들어 금으로 입혔으니
11 [Each statue had two long wings]. One wing of each statue touched one of the walls of the Temple. The other wing of each statue touched a wing of the other statue. It was 7-1/2 feet from the outer tip of one wing to the outer tip of the other wing. The inner wings of the two statues touched each other.
두 그룹의 날개 길이가 모두 이십 규빗이라 좌편 그룹의 한 날개는 다섯 규빗이니 전 벽에 닿았고 그 한 날개도 다섯 규빗이니 우편 그룹의 날개에 닿았으며
우편 그룹의 한 날개도 다섯 규빗이니 전 벽에 닿았고 그 한 날개도 다섯 규빗이니 좌편 그룹의 날개에 닿았으며
13 It was 30 feet from the outer wing of the one statue to the outer wing of the other statue. The statues faced the doorway to the main room.
이 두 그룹의 편 날개가 모두 이십 규빗이라 그 얼굴을 외소로 향하고 서 있으며
14 Solomon’s workers made a curtain [to separate the main room from the Very Holy Place]. It was made of blue, purple, and red thread and fine linen. There were figures of winged creatures that were embroidered on the curtain.
청색, 자색, 홍색실과, 고운 베로 문장을 짓고 그 위에 그룹의 형상을 수놓았더라
15 They made two [bronze] pillars and put them at the entrance of the temple. They were each 27 feet high. Each had a top over it that was 7-1/2 feet high.
전 앞에 기둥 둘을 만들었으니 고가 삼십 오 규빗이요, 각 기둥 꼭대기의 머리가 다섯 규빗이라
16 The workers made [carvings that resembled] chains and put them on top of the pillars. They made [carvings that resembled] pomegranates and attached them to the chains.
성소 같이 사슬을 만들어 그 기둥 머리에 두르고 석류 일백개를 만들어 사슬에 달았으며
17 They set up the pillars in front of the temple, one on the south side [of the entrance] and the other on the north side. The one on the south side was named Jakin and the one on the north side was named Boaz.
그 두 기둥을 외소 앞에 세웠으니 좌편에 하나요, 우편에 하나라 우편 것은 야긴이라 칭하고 좌편 것은 보아스라 칭하였더라

< 2 Chronicles 3 >