< 2 Chronicles 3 >
1 Then Solomon’s workers started to build the temple for Yahweh in Jerusalem. They built it on Moriah Hill, where [an angel from] Yahweh had appeared to his father David. They built it on the ground that Araunah, a descendant of the Jebus people-group, had sold to David and where David said that it should be built.
Salomo mulai mendirikan rumah TUHAN di Yerusalem di gunung Moria, di mana TUHAN menampakkan diri kepada Daud, ayahnya, di tempat yang ditetapkan Daud, yakni di tempat pengirikan Ornan, orang Yebus itu.
2 They began the work in April, when Solomon had been ruling almost four years.
Ia mulai mendirikan rumah itu dalam bulan yang kedua, pada tahun keempat pemerintahannya.
3 The foundation of the temple was about 90 feet long and 30 feet wide.
Inilah ukuran dasar yang dipakai Salomo untuk mendirikan rumah Allah: panjangnya enam puluh hasta, menurut ukuran hasta yang lama dan lebarnya dua puluh hasta.
4 The entrance room across the front of the temple was 30 feet wide and 30 feet high.
Balai di sebelah depan ruang besar rumah itu, panjangnya dua puluh hasta, menurut lebar rumah itu, dan tingginya seratus dua puluh hasta. Balai itu dilapisinya dari dalam dengan emas murni.
5 Solomon’s workers used [panels/boards of] pine [wood] to line the main hall of the temple. Then they covered those panels with [very thin sheets of] pure gold. Then they decorated the walls with [carved images of] palm trees and designs that resembled chains.
Ruang besar dipapaninya dengan kayu sanobar. Kayu itu disaputnya dengan emas tua; kemudian dipasangnya pohon korma dan untaian rantai di atasnya.
6 They decorated the temple with very valuable stones. The gold that they used was from [the land of] Parvaim.
Ruang itu dilapisinya juga dengan batu permata yang mahal-mahal sebagai perhiasan, sedang emasnya emas Parwaim.
7 They covered the ceiling beams, the door frames, the walls and the doors of the temple with [very thin sheets of] gold. They also carved [statues of] winged creatures on the walls.
Demikianlah ruang itu, balok-baloknya, ambang-ambangnya, dinding-dindingnya dan pintu-pintunya disaputnya dengan emas dan pada dinding-dindingnya diukirkannya kerub.
8 They also built the Very Holy Place [inside the temple]. It was 30 feet wide and 30 feet long. They covered its walls with sheets of pure gold that altogether weighed 23 tons.
Kemudian ia membuat ruang maha kudus; panjangnya dua puluh hasta, menurut lebar rumah itu, dan lebarnya dua puluh hasta juga. Lalu ia menyaputnya dengan emas tua seberat enam ratus talenta;
9 They used 1-1/4 pounds of gold to [cover the heads of] the nails. They also covered the walls of the upper rooms with sheets of gold.
berat paku-paku lima puluh syikal emas. Juga kamar-kamar atas disaputnya dengan emas.
10 Solomon’s workers made two statues of creatures with wings to put inside the Very Holy Place. They covered those statues with [very thin sheets of] gold.
Ia membuat dua kerub berupa pahatan di ruang maha kudus dan melapisinya dengan emas.
11 [Each statue had two long wings]. One wing of each statue touched one of the walls of the Temple. The other wing of each statue touched a wing of the other statue. It was 7-1/2 feet from the outer tip of one wing to the outer tip of the other wing. The inner wings of the two statues touched each other.
Sayap kerub-kerub itu seluruhnya dua puluh hasta panjangnya; sayap yang sebelah kerub yang satu lima hasta panjangnya dan menyentuh dinding ruang, sedang sayapnya yang sebelah lagi juga lima hasta panjangnya dan menyentuh sayap kerub yang lain.
Begitu pula sayap kerub yang lain itu lima hasta panjangnya dan menyentuh dinding ruang, sedang sayapnya yang sebelah lagi juga lima hasta panjangnya dan bersentuhan dengan sayap kerub yang pertama.
13 It was 30 feet from the outer wing of the one statue to the outer wing of the other statue. The statues faced the doorway to the main room.
Jadi sayap kedua kerub itu membentang sepanjang dua puluh hasta, sedang kedua kerub itu berdiri di atas kakinya dan menghadap ruang besar.
14 Solomon’s workers made a curtain [to separate the main room from the Very Holy Place]. It was made of blue, purple, and red thread and fine linen. There were figures of winged creatures that were embroidered on the curtain.
Kemudian ia membuat tabirnya dari kain ungu tua, kain ungu muda, kain kirmizi dan lenan halus, dan menggambarkan kerubim padanya.
15 They made two [bronze] pillars and put them at the entrance of the temple. They were each 27 feet high. Each had a top over it that was 7-1/2 feet high.
Di depan rumah itu dibuatnya dua tiang, yang tingginya tiga puluh lima hasta, dengan ganja di kepalanya masing-masing setinggi lima hasta.
16 The workers made [carvings that resembled] chains and put them on top of the pillars. They made [carvings that resembled] pomegranates and attached them to the chains.
Lalu dibuatnya untaian rantai yang dipasangnya sebagai kalung di atas kepala tiang-tiang itu, dan dibuatnya seratus buah delima yang dipasangnya pada untaian rantai itu.
17 They set up the pillars in front of the temple, one on the south side [of the entrance] and the other on the north side. The one on the south side was named Jakin and the one on the north side was named Boaz.
Tiang-tiang itu didirikannya di depan Bait Suci, yang satu di sebelah kanan dan yang lain di sebelah kiri; tiang kanan dinamainya Yakhin, dan tiang kiri Boas.