< 2 Chronicles 26 >

1 After King Amaziah died, all the people of Judah appointed his son Uzziah, who then was 16 years old, as their king. [One of the things that happened] while he was the king [was that] his men captured Elath [town on the Gulf of Aqaba] and rebuilt it.
Todo el pueblo de Judá tomó a Uzías, de dieciséis años, y lo nombró rey en sucesión de su padre Amasías.
Él reconstruyó Elot y la devolvió al reino de Judá después de la muerte de Amasías.
3 Uzziah ruled in Jerusalem for 52 years. His mother was Jecoliah; she was from Jerusalem.
Uzías tenía dieciséis años cuando llegó a ser rey, y reinó en Jerusalén durante cincuenta y dos años. Su madre se llamaba Jecolías y era de Jerusalén.
4 Uzziah did things that Yahweh considered to be good, like his father Amaziah had done.
Hizo lo que era correcto a los ojos del Señor, como lo había hecho su padre Amasías.
5 He tried to please God while [the priest] Zechariah was living, because Zechariah taught him to revere God. As long as Uzziah tried to please God, God enabled him to be successful.
Adoró a Dios durante la vida de Zacarías, quien le enseñó a respetar a Dios. Mientras siguió al Señor, Dios le dio éxito.
6 Uzziah and his army started to fight against the army of Philistia. They tore down the walls of Gath, Jabneh, and Ashdod [cities]. Then they rebuilt the towns near Ashdod and in other places in Philistia.
Uzías fue a la guerra contra los filisteos, y derribó las murallas de Gat, Jabne y Asdod. Luego construyó ciudades alrededor de Asdod y en otras zonas filisteas.
7 God helped them to fight the army of Philistia and the Arabs who lived in [the town of] Gur-Baal and the descendants of Meun who had come to that area from Edom.
Dios lo ayudó contra los filisteos, contra los árabes que vivían en Gurbaal y contra los meunitas.
8 Even the Ammon [people-group] paid taxes to Uzziah each year. So Uzziah became famous as far as the border of Egypt, because he had become very powerful.
Los meunitas trajeron regalos como tributo a Uzías. Su fama se extendió hasta la frontera de Egipto, pues llegó a ser muy poderoso.
9 Uzziah’s [workers] built watchtowers in Jerusalem at the Corner Gate, at the Valley Gate, and at the place where the wall turns, and they placed weapons in them.
Uzías construyó torres defensivas en Jerusalén, en la Puerta de la Esquina y en la Puerta del Valle, y en la esquina, y las reforzó.
10 They also built watchtowers in the desert and dug many wells. They did that [to provide water] for a lot of the king’s cattle that were in the foothills and in the plains. Uzziah liked farming, so he also stationed workers [to take care of] his fields and vineyards in the hills and in the fertile areas.
También construyó torres en el desierto y cortó muchas cisternas de agua en la roca, porque tenía mucho ganado en las colinas y en las llanuras. Tenía agricultores y viñadores en las colinas y en las tierras bajas fértiles, porque amaba la tierra.
11 Uzziah’s army was trained for fighting battles. They were in groups that were always ready to go into battle. Jeiel, the king’s secretary, and Maaseiah, one of the army officers, counted the men and placed them in groups. Hananiah, one of the king’s officials, was their commander.
Uzías tenía un ejército de soldados listos para la batalla, en divisiones según los números de la lista hecha por el secretario Jeiel y el funcionario Maasías, bajo la dirección de Hananías, uno de los comandantes del rey.
12 There were 2,600 leaders of those groups of soldiers.
El número total de jefes de familia era de 2.600 combatientes.
13 In the groups that those leaders commanded there were a total of 307,500 well-trained soldiers. It was a very powerful army which was ready to help the king fight against his enemies.
Bajo su mando había un ejército de 307.500 entrenados para la batalla, que tenían el poder de ayudar al rey a luchar contra el enemigo.
14 Uzziah gave to each soldier a shield, a spear, a helmet, a vest made of iron plates, a bow [and arrows], and a slingshot.
Uzías suministró escudos, lanzas, cascos, armaduras, arcos y hondas para todo el ejército.
15 In Jerusalem his skilled workers made machines to put on the watchtowers and on the corners [of the walls], to shoot arrows and to hurl large stones. He became very famous even in distant places, because God helped him very much and enabled him to become very powerful.
También fabricó máquinas de guerra hábilmente diseñadas para disparar flechas y grandes piedras desde las torres y las esquinas de la muralla. Su fama se extendió por todas partes, pues recibió una ayuda extraordinaria hasta que llegó a ser realmente poderoso.
16 But because Uzziah was very powerful, he became very proud, and that led to his being punished. He disobeyed what Yahweh his God had commanded. He went into the temple to burn incense on the altar [where God had said that only the priests should burn] incense.
Pero por ser poderoso se volvió arrogante, y esto lo llevó a la ruina. Porque fue infiel al Señor, su Dios, y él mismo entró en el Templo del Señor para quemar incienso en el altar del incienso.
17 Azariah the [Supreme] Priest and 80 other brave priests followed him into the temple.
El sacerdote Azarías entró tras él, con ochenta valientes sacerdotes del Señor.
18 They rebuked him and said to him, “Uzziah, it is not right for you to burn incense to [honor] Yahweh. That duty is only for the priests, those who are descendants of Aaron [our first Supreme Priest]! You must leave [immediately], because you have disobeyed Yahweh our God, and he will not honor you [for what you have done]!”
Se enfrentaron a él y le dijeron: “No es tu lugar quemar incienso al Señor. Sólo los sacerdotes, los descendientes de Aarón, que han sido apartados como santos, pueden quemar incienso. Sal del santuario, porque has pecado, y el Señor Dios no te bendecirá”.
19 Uzziah had in his hand a pan for burning incense. He became very angry with the priests, but suddenly there was leprosy on his forehead.
Uzías, que tenía un incensario en la mano para ofrecer incienso, se puso furioso. Pero mientras se enfurecía con los sacerdotes en el Templo del Señor, frente al altar del incienso, le apareció la lepra en la frente.
20 When Azariah the [Supreme] Priest and all the other priests [who were there] looked at him, they saw the leprosy on his forehead, so they quickly took him outside. And truly the king was eager to leave the temple, because he knew that it was Yahweh who had caused him to have that leprosy, [and he did not want it to become worse.]
Cuando el sumo sacerdote Azarías y todos los sacerdotes lo miraron y vieron la lepra en su frente, lo sacaron corriendo. De hecho, él también tenía prisa por salir, porque el Señor lo había golpeado.
21 King Uzziah had leprosy until he died. And because he had leprosy, he lived in a house that was not near other houses, and he was not allowed to enter [the courtyard of] the temple. His son Jotham supervised the palace and ruled the people of Judah.
El rey Uzías fue leproso hasta el día de su muerte. Vivió solo como leproso, sin poder entrar en el Templo del Señor, mientras su hijo Jotam se encargaba de los asuntos del rey y gobernaba el país.
22 A record of all the other things that Uzziah did while he was the king [of Judah] was written by the prophet Isaiah, the son of Amoz.
El resto de lo que hizo Uzías, desde el principio hasta el final, fue escrito por el profeta Isaías, hijo de Amoz.
23 Because Uzziah was a leper, [when he died, ] they would not bury him in the tombs where the other kings were buried. Instead, he was buried in a nearby cemetery that the kings owned. Then his son Jotham became the king [of Judah].
Uzías murió y fue enterrado cerca de ellos en un cementerio de los reyes, porque la gente decía: “Era un leproso”. Su hijo Jotam tomó el relevo como rey.

< 2 Chronicles 26 >