< 2 Chronicles 23 >

1 After Joash had been hidden in the temple for six years, Jehoiada the priest decided that it was necessary to do something. So he made an agreement with the army commanders of groups of 100 soldiers: Azariah the son of Jeroham, Ishmael the son of Jehohanan, Azariah the son of Obed, Maaseiah the son of Adaiah, and Elishaphat the son of Zicri.
Mas no sétimo ano Joiada se esforçou, e tomou consigo em aliança aos comandantes de cem, Azarias, filho de Jeroão, e a Ismael, filho de Joanã, e a Azarias, filho de Obede, e a Maaseias, filho de Adaías, e a Elisafate, filho de Zicri;
2 They went throughout Judah and gathered the descendants of Levi and the leaders of Israeli families from all the towns. When they came to Jerusalem,
Os quais rodeando por Judá, juntaram os levitas de todas as cidades de Judá, e aos príncipes das famílias de Israel, e vieram a Jerusalém.
3 the whole group went to the temple and made an agreement with the young king there. Jehoiada said to them, “This is the son of the previous king of Judah. So he is the one who must rule, like Yahweh promised that the descendants of King David must do.
E toda a multidão fez aliança com o rei na casa de Deus. E ele lhes disse: Eis que o filho do rei, o qual reinará, como o SENHOR o tem dito dos filhos de Davi.
4 “So this is what you must do: One-third of you priests and other descendants of Levi who are starting their work on the Sabbath day must guard the doors [of the temple].
O que haveis de fazer é: a terceira parte de vós, os que entram de semana, estarão de porteiros com os sacerdotes e os levitas;
5 One-third of you must guard the king’s palace, and one-third of you must guard the Foundation Gate. All the other people will be in the courtyards outside the temple.
E a terceira parte, à casa do rei; e a terceira parte, à porta do fundamento: e todo o povo estará nos pátios da casa do SENHOR.
6 Only the priests and the descendants of Levi who work there will enter the temple. They will be allowed to enter the temple because they are set apart [for that work]. All the others must remain in the courtyards, obeying what Yahweh has commanded.
E ninguém entre na casa do SENHOR, a não ser os sacerdotes e levitas que servem: estes entrarão, porque estão consagrados; e todo o povo fará a guarda do SENHOR.
7 You descendants of Levi must stand around the young king, each of you with your weapon in your hand. Anyone else who tries to enter the temple you must kill. And stay close to the young king, wherever he goes.”
E os levitas rodearão ao rei por todas as partes, e cada um terá suas armas na mão; e qualquer um que entrar na casa, morra: e estareis com o rei quando entrar, e quando sair.
8 So the descendants of Levi and all [the men of] Judah did what Jehoiada had told them. He did not allow anyone to go home after having finished his work on that Sabbath day. Each commander took charge of his men, the ones who were finishing their work on that day and those who were starting their work on that day.
E os levitas e todo Judá o fizeram tudo como o havia mandado o sacerdote Joiada: e tomou cada um os seus, os que entravam de semana, e os que saíam o sábado: porque o sacerdote Joiada não deu licença às companhias.
9 Then Jehoiada gave each of the commanders the spears and the large and small shields that had been put there in the temple by King David.
Deu também o sacerdote Joiada aos comandantes de cem as lanças, paveses e escudos que haviam sido do rei Davi, que estavam na casa de Deus;
10 He commanded all the guards to stand in their positions, each with his sword in his hand, all around the king—around the altar and the temple, from the north side to the south side.
E pôs em ordem a todo o povo, tendo cada um sua espada na mão, desde o canto direito do templo até o esquerdo, até o altar e a casa, em derredor do rei por todas as partes.
11 Then Jehoiada and his sons brought Joash out. They put a crown on his head and gave him [a scroll] on which were written the rules [that the kings needed to obey], and proclaimed that he was now the king. They anointed him with olive oil and shouted, “We hope that the king will live for many years!”
Então tiraram ao filho do rei, e puseram-lhe a coroa e o testemunho, e fizeram-lhe rei; e Joiada e seus filhos lhe ungiram, dizendo logo: Viva o rei!
12 When Athaliah heard the noise being made by the people running [toward the king] and cheering, she ran to the temple.
E quando Atalia ouviu o estrondo da gente que corria, e dos que bendiziam ao rei, veio ao povo à casa do SENHOR;
13 She saw the young king there, standing alongside the pillar at the entrance of the temple, [which is the place at the temple] where the kings usually stood. The army commanders and trumpet players were standing beside the king, and all the people of Judah were rejoicing and blowing trumpets, and singers with their musical instruments were leading the people while they praised God. Then Athaliah tore her robes and started screaming, “You are committing treason!”
E olhando, viu ao rei que estava junto a sua coluna à entrada, e os príncipes e os trombetas junto ao rei, e que todo o povo da terra fazia alegrias, e soavam buzinas, e cantavam com instrumentos de música os que sabiam louvar. Então Atalia rasgou seus vestidos, e disse: Traição! Traição!
14 Jehoiada the Supreme Priest said to the army commanders, “Kill her, but do not kill her at the temple of Yahweh!” Then he said to them, “Bring Athaliah out in front of the troops and kill anyone who tries to follow her!”
E tirando o sacerdote Joiada os comandantes de cem e capitães do exército, disse-lhes: Tirai-a fora do recinto; e o que a seguir, morra à espada: porque o sacerdote havia mandado que não a matassem na casa do SENHOR.
15 [She tried to flee, but] they seized her as she reached the gate where horses enter the palace area, and they killed her there.
Eles, pois, a detiveram, e logo que havia ela passado a entrada da porta dos cavalos da casa do rei, ali a mataram.
16 Then Jehoiada made an agreement that he and the king and all the other people would be Yahweh’s people.
E Joiada fez pacto entre si e todo o povo e o rei, que seriam povo do SENHOR.
17 Then all the people who were there went to the temple of Baal and tore it down. They smashed the altars [of Baal]. They also killed Mattan, the priest of Baal, in front of those altars.
Depois disto entrou todo o povo no templo de Baal, e derrubaram-no, e também seus altares; e fizeram pedaços suas imagens, e mataram diante dos altares a Matã, sacerdote de Baal.
18 Then Jehoiada appointed the priests, who were also descended from Levi, to work at the temple. They were part of the group to whom King David had given various jobs at the temple, to sacrifice the animals that were to be completely burned on the altar, doing what was written in the laws that Moses had given to them. He also told them to rejoice and sing, which was also what David had commanded.
Logo ordenou Joiada os ofícios na casa do SENHOR sob a mão dos sacerdotes e levitas, segundo Davi os havia distribuído na casa do SENHOR, para oferecer ao SENHOR os holocaustos, como está escrito na lei de Moisés, com alegria e cantares, conforme a ordenação de Davi.
19 He also put guards at the gates of the temple in order that anyone who was unacceptable to God would not be allowed to enter.
Pôs também porteiros às portas da casa do SENHOR, para que por nenhuma via entrasse nenhum imundo.
20 Jehoiada took with him the army commanders, the important men, the leaders and many others, and brought the king down from the temple. They went into the palace through the Upper Gate, and put the king on his throne.
Tomou depois os comandantes de cem, e os principais, e os que governavam o povo; e a todo o povo da terra, e levou ao rei da casa do SENHOR; e vindo até o meio da porta maior da casa do rei, assentaram ao rei sobre o trono do reino.
21 Then all the people of Judah rejoiced. And there was calm throughout the city, because Athaliah had been killed.
E todo o povo daquela terra se alegrou; e a cidade ficou em paz, depois de terem matado Atalia à espada.

< 2 Chronicles 23 >