< 2 Chronicles 21 >

1 Then Jehoshaphat died, and was buried where his ancestors were buried in [the part of Jerusalem called] ‘The City of David’. Then his son Jehoram became the king [of Judah].
Josafat murió y fue enterrado con sus antepasados en la Ciudad de David, y su hijo Joram asumió el cargo de rey.
2 His [younger] brothers were Azariah, Jehiel, Zechariah, Azariah, Michael, and Shephatiah.
Sus hermanos, Los hijos de Josafat, fueron Azarías, Jehiel, Zacarías, Azarías, Miguel y Sefatías. Todos eran hijos de Josafat, rey de Judá.
3 Before Jehoshaphat died, he gave them gifts of silver and gold and other valuable things. He also appointed them to rule various cities in Judah that had walls around them. But he appointed Jehoram to be the king of Judah, because Jehoram was his oldest son.
Su padre les había dado muchos regalos de plata y oro y objetos valiosos, así como las ciudades fortificadas de Judá; pero le dio el reino a Joram porque era el primogénito.
4 After Jehoram was completely in control of his father’s kingdom, he had all of his [younger] brothers executed, along with some of the leaders of the nation.
Pero una vez que Joram se aseguró el reino, se aseguró de su posición matando a todos sus hermanos, junto con algunos de los príncipes de Judá.
5 Jehoram was 32 years old when he became the king, and he ruled in Jerusalem for eight years.
Joram tenía treinta y dos años cuando llegó a ser rey, y reinó en Jerusalén durante ocho años.
6 But he did many of the [evil] things that the kings of Israel had done. He did many things that Yahweh considers to be evil, things that the family of Ahab had done, because he married one of Ahab’s daughters.
Siguió los malos caminos de los reyes de Israel y fue tan malo como Acab, pues se había casado con una de las hijas de Acab. Hizo lo malo a los ojos del Señor.
7 However, because of the agreement that Yahweh had made with King David, Yahweh did not want to get rid of the descendants of David. He had promised that David’s descendants would always be the ones who ruled Judah.
Sin embargo, el Señor no quiso destruir el linaje de David debido al acuerdo que había hecho con él, y había prometido que los descendientes de David gobernarían para siempre como una lámpara que siempre arde.
8 While Jehoram was ruling, the people of [the] Edom [region] rebelled against [the king of] Judah and appointed their own king.
Durante el reinado de Joram, Edom se rebeló contra el gobierno de Judá y eligió su propio rey.
9 So Jehoram and his officers and his men in chariots went to Edom. There, the army of Edom surrounded them. Jehoram escaped during the night.
Entonces Joram cruzó a Edom con sus oficiales y todo su ejército de carros. Los edomitas lo rodearon a él y a sus comandantes de carros, pero él se abrió paso durante la noche.
10 But the king of Judah was never able to regain control of Edom, and Edom is still not controlled by Judah. [The people in] Libnah [city between Judah and Philistia] also rebelled against Judah. Those things happened because Jehoram turned away from [obeying] Yahweh, the God whom his ancestors [belonged to].
A partir de este momento, Edom se rebeló contra el gobierno de Judá, y lo sigue haciendo hasta el día de hoy. Al mismo tiempo, Libna también se rebeló contra su gobierno, porque había abandonado al Señor, el Dios de sus antepasados.
11 On the hilltops in Judah he had also built shrines [to worship idols], and had caused the people of Judah to stray away from Yahweh by worshiping foreign gods.
También construyó lugares altos en los montes de Judá; hizo que el pueblo de Jerusalén fuera infiel a Dios y alejó a Judá de él.
12 One day, Jehoram received a letter from the prophet Elijah. Elijah had written this in the letter: “This is what Yahweh, the God whom your ancestor [King] David [worshiped], says: 'You have not done things that please me like your father Jehoshaphat did or what King Asa did.
Joram recibió una carta del profeta Elías que decía: “Esto es lo que dice el Señor, el Dios de David, tu antepasado: ‘No has seguido los caminos de tu padre Josafat, ni de Asa, rey de Judá,
13 Instead, you have continually done the [evil things] that the kings of Israel have done. You have encouraged the people in Jerusalem and other places in Judah to stop worshiping Yahweh, like the descendants of Ahab did. You have also murdered your own brothers, who were more righteous men than you are.
sino que has seguido los caminos de los reyes de Israel, y has hecho que el pueblo de Jerusalén sea tan infiel como la familia de Acab. Incluso has matado a tus hermanos, la familia de tu padre, que eran mejores que tú.
14 So now Yahweh is about to very severely punish the people in your kingdom and even your own children and your wives and everything that you own.
Ten cuidado, porque el Señor va a golpear duramente a tu pueblo: a tus hijos, a tus mujeres y a todo lo que posees.
15 And you yourself will have an intestinal disease that will continue to become worse, and you will suffer from it until you die.'”
Tú mismo serás golpeado con una terrible enfermedad, una enfermedad de los intestinos que empeorará día a día hasta que salgan’”.
16 Then Yahweh caused some men from the Philistia people-group and some Arabs who lived near the coast [of the Mediterranean Sea], where people from Ethiopia had settled, to become angry with Jehoram.
El Señor despertó la hostilidad de los filisteos y de los árabes (que viven cerca de los etíopes) contra Joram.
17 Their army invaded Judah and took away [from Jerusalem] all the valuable things that they found in the king’s palace, and even his sons and wives. His youngest son, Ahaziah, was the only one of his sons whom they did not take away.
Vinieron e invadieron Judá, y se llevaron todo lo que encontraron en el palacio del rey, junto con sus hijos y sus esposas, de modo que sólo el hijo menor Joacaz quedó.
18 After that happened, Yahweh caused Jehoram to be afflicted with an intestinal disease that no one could cure.
Después de todo esto, el Señor hirió a Joram con una enfermedad de los intestinos para la cual no había cura.
19 About two years later, while he was in great pain, he died because of that disease. The people of Judah had made bonfires to honor his ancestors when they died, but they did not make a bonfire for Jehoram.
Día tras día se agravaba, hasta que después de dos años completos se le salieron los intestinos a causa de su enfermedad, y murió en agonía. Su pueblo no hizo una hoguera para honrarlo como había hecho con sus antepasados.
20 Jehoram was 32 years old when he became the king, and he ruled in Jerusalem for eight years. No one was sorry when he died. His corpse was buried in [the part of Jerusalem called] ‘The City of David’, but he was not buried where the other kings [of Judah] had been buried.
Joram tenía treinta y dos años cuando fue rey, y reinó en Jerusalén durante ocho años. Cuando murió, nadie lo lloró. Fue enterrado en la Ciudad de David, pero no en las tumbas reales.

< 2 Chronicles 21 >