< 2 Chronicles 18 >

1 Jehoshaphat became very wealthy and was greatly honored. But then he arranged for one of his family to marry someone from the family of King Ahab [of Israel].
Zvino Jehoshafati akava nepfuma zhinji nokukudzwa kukuru, uye akava noukama naAhabhu nokuda kwokuroorerana.
2 Several years later, he went down [from Jerusalem] to Samaria to visit Ahab. Ahab welcomed him and the people who had come with him by slaughtering many sheep and cattle [for a feast].
Zvino mamwe makore akati apfuura, iye akaenda kundoshanyira Ahabhu kuSamaria. Ahabhu akauraya makwai akawanda nemombe achiitira iye navanhu uye akamukurudzira kuti arwise Ramoti Gireadhi.
3 Then he asked Jehoshaphat, “Will you [and your army] go with my army to attack Ramoth [city] in [the] Gilead [region]?” Jehoshaphat replied, “My soldiers and I will go to the battle when you tell us to go.”
Ahabhu mambo weIsraeri akakumbira Jehoshafati mambo weJudha, akati, “Mungandibatsirawo here kundorwisa Ramoti Gireadhi?” Jehoshafati akapindura akati, “Ini ndakaita sewe uye vanhu vangu savanhu vako; tichakubatsirai muhondo.”
4 Then he added, “But we should ask Yahweh first, to find out what he wants us to do.”
Asi Jehoshafati akatizve kuna mambo weIsraeri, “Chokutanga, tsvakai kuda kwaJehovha.”
5 So the king of Israel gathered all his 400 prophets and asked them, “Should we go to attack the people of Ramoth [city], or should we not do that?” They replied, “Yes, go [and attack them] because God will enable your army to defeat them.”
Saka mambo weIsraeri akaunganidza vaprofita vaisvika mazana mana akavabvunza akati, “Tingaenda kundorwisana neRamoti Gireadhi here kana kuti ndorega?” Vakapindura vakati, “Endai nokuti Mwari achariisa mumaoko amambo.”
6 But Jehoshaphat asked, “Is there no prophet of Yahweh here whom we can ask?”
Asi Jehoshafati akabvunza akati, “Hakuna here muprofita waJehovha watingabvunza?”
7 The king of Israel replied, “There is still one man here, whom we can ask to find out what Yahweh wants, his name is Micaiah, the son of Imlah. But I hate him because he never says anything good about me. He always predicts [that] bad [things will happen to me].” Jehoshaphat replied, “King Ahab, you should not say that!”
Mambo weIsraeri akapindura Jehoshafati akati, “Pachine murume mumwe chete watingabvunza nezvaJehovha asi ndinomuvenga nokuti haamboprofita zvakanaka pamusoro pangu, asi zvakaipa nguva dzose. Anonzi Mikaya mwanakomana waImira.” Jehoshafati akapindura akati, “Mambo havafaniri kutaura vachidaro.”
8 So the king of Israel told one of his officials to summon Micaiah immediately.
Saka mambo weIsraeri akadana mumwe wavabati vavo akati, “Uya naMikaya mwanakomana waImira iye zvino.”
9 The king of Israel and the king of Judah were sitting there on their thrones, wearing their royal robes. They were at the place where people threshed grain, near the gate of Samaria [city]. All of [Ahab’s] prophets were standing in front of them, predicting what was going to happen.
Vakapfeka nguo dzavo dzoumambo, mambo weIsraeri naJehoshafati mambo weJudha vakanga vakagara pazvigaro zvavo zvoushe paburiro pamukova wesuo reSamaria, navaprofita vose vachiprofita pamberi pavo.
10 [One of them whose name was] Zedekiah, the son of Kenaanah, had made from iron something that resembled the horns of a bull. He proclaimed to Ahab, “This is what Yahweh says: ‘With horns [like these], your [army] will keep attacking the army of Syria [like a bull attacks another animal], until you completely destroy them.’”
Zvino Zedhekia mwanakomana waKenaana akanga agadzira nyanga dzesimbi, uye akataura achiti, “Zvanzi naJehovha: ‘Neidzi muchabaya vaAramu kusvikira vaparara.’”
11 All the other prophets [of Ahab] agreed. They said, “Yes! If you attack Ramoth [city] in [the] Gilead [region], you will be successful, because Yahweh will enable you to defeat them.”
Vamwe vaprofita vose vachiprofita zvimwe chetezvo, vakati, “Rwisai Ramoti Gireadhi uye mukunde, nokuti Jehovha achariisa mumaoko amambo.”
12 The messenger who went to summon Micaiah said to him, “Listen to me! All the other prophets are unitedly predicting that the king will be successful [in the battle]. So be sure to agree with them and say that the king’s army will be successful!”
Nhume yakanga yaenda kundodaidza Mikaya yakati kwaari, “Tarira, somunhu mumwe vamwe vaprofita vari kutaura nezvokubudirira kwamambo. Shoko rako ngariwirirane neravamwe, uye utaure zvakanaka.”
13 But Micaiah said, “As surely as Yahweh lives, I will tell the king only what Yahweh tells me to say.”
Asi Mikaya akati, “Zvirokwazvo naJehovha mupenyu ndinogona kumutaurira chete zvinotaurwa naMwari wangu.”
14 When Micaiah arrived, the king [of Israel] asked him, “Should we go to attack Ramoth, or not?” Micaiah replied, “Sure, go! Yahweh will enable your army to defeat them!”
Paakasvika, mambo akamubvunza akati, “Mikaya, tingaenda here kundorwisana neRamoti Gireadhi kana kuti ndiregere?” Akapindura akati, “Varwisei munokunda nokuti vachaiswa mumaoko enyu.”
15 But King Ahab [realized that Micaiah was lying, so he] said to Micaiah, “I have told you many times that you must always tell only the truth when you say what Yahweh [has revealed to you]!”
Mambo akati kwaari, “Kangani kandinofanira kukuita kuti upike kuti usandiudza zvimwe zvinhu kunze kwechokwadi muzita raJehovha?”
16 Then Micaiah replied, “[The truth is that in a vision] I saw all the troops of Israel scattered on the mountains. They seemed to be like sheep that did not have a shepherd. And Yahweh said, ‘Their master has been killed. So tell them all to go home peacefully.’”
Ipapo Mikaya akapindura akati, “Ndakaona Israeri yose yakapararira mumaoko samakwai asina mufudzi, uye Jehovha akati, ‘Vanhu ava havana tenzi, regai mumwe nomumwe wavo adzokere kumba kwake murugare.’”
17 Ahab said to Jehoshaphat, “I told you that he never predicts that anything good will happen to me! He [always] predicts that bad things will happen to me.”
Mambo weIsraeri akati kuna Jehoshafati, “Handina kukuudzai here kuti haamboprofita zvakanaka pamusoro pangu asi zvakaipa chete?”
18 But Micaiah continued, saying, “Listen to what Yahweh showed to me! [In a vision] I saw Yahweh sitting on his throne, with all the armies of heaven [standing around him], on his right side and on his left side.
Mikaya akaenderera mberi achiti, “Naizvozvo inzwai shoko raJehovha: Ndakaona Jehovha akagara pachigaro chake nehondo dzose dzokudenga dzakamira kurudyi rwake nokuruboshwe kwake.
19 And Yahweh said, ‘Who can persuade Ahab, the king of Israel, to go to fight against the people of Ramoth, in order that he may be killed there?’ “Some suggested one thing, and others suggested something else.
Uye Jehovha akati, ‘Ndiani angakwezva Ahabhu mambo weIsraeri kuti andorwisa Ramoti Gireadhi kuti aende kurufu rwake ikoko?’ “Mumwe akataura izvi, mumwe izvo.
20 “Finally one spirit, [having received a message from Satan], came to Yahweh and said, ‘I can do it!’ “Yahweh asked him, ‘How will you do it?’
Pakupedzisira mumwe mweya wakauya, ukamira pamberi paJehovha ukati, ‘Ini ndichandomukwezva.’ “Jehovha akabvunza akati, ‘Nenzira ipi.’
21 “The spirit replied, ‘I will go and inspire all of Ahab’s prophets to tell lies.’ Yahweh said, ‘You will be successful; go and do it!’
“Akati, ‘Ndichaenda ndonova mweya wenhema mumiromo yavaprofita vake.’ “Jehovha akati, ‘Uchabudirira mukumukwezva. Enda unozviita.’
22 “So now [I tell you that] Yahweh has caused your prophets to lie to you. Yahweh has decided that something terrible will happen to you.”
“Saka zvino Jehovha aisa mweya wenhema mumiromo yavaprofita venyu ava. Jehovha akatema chirevo chokuparadzwa kwako.”
23 Then Zedekiah son of Kenaanah walked over to Micaiah and slapped him on his face. He said, “Do you think that Yahweh’s Spirit left me in order to speak to you?”
Ipapo Zedhekia mwanakomana waKenaana akakwira akandorova Mikaya kumeso nembama akabvunza akati, “Mweya waJehovha waenda nokupi pawabuda mandiri kuti utaure kwauri?”
24 Micaiah replied, “You will find out for yourself [to which of us Yahweh’s Spirit has truly spoken] on the day when you go into a room of some house to hide [from the Syrian soldiers]!”
Mikaya akapindura akati, “Uchazozviziva zuva rauchaenda kunohwanda mukamuri yomukati.”
25 King Ahab commanded [his soldiers], “Seize Micaiah and take him to Amon, the governor of this city, and to my son Joash.
Mambo weIsraeri ipapo akarayira akati, “Torai Mikaya mumutumire kuna Amoni mutongi weguta nokuna Joashi mwanakomana wamambo.
26 Tell them that I have commanded that they should put this man in prison and give him only bread and water. Do not give him anything else to eat until I return safely [from the battle]!”
Muti, ‘Zvanzi namambo: Isai murume uyu mutorongo uye musamupa chimwe chinhu kunze kwechingwa nemvura kusvikira ndadzoka zvakanaka.’”
27 Micaiah replied, “If you return safely, [it will be clear that] it was not Yahweh who told me what to say to you!” Then he said [to all those who were standing there], “Do not forget what I have said [to King Ahab]!”
Mikaya akati, “Kana mukadzoka zvakanaka Jehovha haana kutaura neni.” Akawedzerazve achiti, “Batisisai mashoko angu, imi vanhu vose!”
28 So the king of Israel and the king of Judah [led their armies] to Ramoth, in [the] Gilead [region].
Saka mambo weIsraeri naJehoshafati mambo weJudha vakakwira kuRamoti Gireadhi.
29 King Ahab said to Jehoshaphat, “I will put on different clothes, [in order that no one will recognize that I am the king.] But you should wear your royal robe.” So the king of Israel disguised himself, and they both went into the battle.
Mambo weIsraeri akati kuna Jehoshafati, “Ini ndichapinda muhondo ndakapfeka nguo dzokuti ndisazivikanwa asi imi pfekai nguo dzenyu dzoumambo.” Saka mambo weIsraeri akazvishandura akapinda muhondo.
30 The King of Syria told his soldiers who were driving the chariots, “Attack only the king of Israel!”
Zvino mambo weAramu akanga arayira vakuru vengoro achiti, “Musarwisana navamwe vose, vadiki kana vakuru kunze kwamambo weIsraeri.”
31 So when the soldiers who were driving the Syrian chariots saw Jehoshaphat [wearing the royal robes], they thought “He must be the king of Israel!”
Vakuru vengoro pavakaona Jehoshafati vakafunga kuti ndiye mambo weIsraeri. Saka vakatendeuka kuti vamurwise asi Jehoshafati akachema, Jehovha akamurwira. Mwari akavabvisa kwaari,
32 So they turned to attack him. But when Jehoshaphat cried out, Yahweh helped him, and they realized that he was not the king of Israel. And God caused them to stop pursuing him.
nokuti vakuru vengoro pavakaona kuti akanga asiri iye mambo weIsraeri vakarega kumudzingirira.
33 But one [Syrian] soldier shot an arrow at Ahab, without knowing that it was Ahab. The arrow struck Ahab between the places where the parts of his armor joined together. Ahab told the driver of his chariot, “Turn the chariot around and take me out of here! I have been [severely] wounded!”
Asi mumwe munhu akangokanda museve wake usina kunanga munhu ukandobaya mambo weIsraeri pakati pezvikamu zvenguo dzake dzokurwa nadzo. Mambo akataurira muchairi wengoro kuti, “Tendeutsa ngoro undibvise muhondo. Ndakuvara.”
34 The battle continued all that day. Ahab was sitting propped up in his chariot, facing the Syrian soldiers. And late in the afternoon, when the sun was setting, he died.
Kwezuva rose kurwa kwakaenderera mberi uye mambo weIsraeri akazvitsigira mungoro yake akarwisana navaAramu kusvikira manheru. Zvino pakuvira kwezuva akafa.

< 2 Chronicles 18 >