< 2 Chronicles 17 >
1 Asa’s son Jehoshaphat became the king [of Judah], and he enabled his army to become very strong, with the result that they could resist attacks from [the army of] Israel.
Asa werd opgevolgd door zijn zoon Josafat. Deze wapende zich tegen Israël;
2 He put soldiers in all the cities in Judah around which they had built walls, and he put soldiers in other places in Judah and in the towns in the area belonging to the tribe of Ephraim that [soldiers of] his father Asa had captured.
hij legde een garnizoen in alle vestingen van Juda, en bezettingen in het land Juda en in de steden, die zijn vader Asa had ingenomen.
3 Yahweh helped Jehoshaphat because when he started [to rule Judah], he did the things that pleased Yahweh like his ancestor [King] David had done. He did not worship the idols of Baal.
Jahweh was met Josafat; want hij volgde het voorbeeld, dat zijn vader in de eerste tijd had gegeven, en vereerde geen Báals,
4 Instead, he sought advice from the God whom his father [had worshiped], and he obeyed God’s commands, and did not do the [evil things that the kings of] Israel continually did.
maar den God zijner vaderen, en deed niet als de Israëlieten, maar onderhield zijn geboden.
5 Yahweh enabled him to completely control his kingdom. All [the people of] Judah brought gifts to him, with the result that he became very rich and was greatly honored.
Jahweh bevestigde het koninklijke gezag van Josafat in zijn hand, zodat heel Juda hem geschenken bracht, en rijkdom en aanzien hem in ruime mate ten deel viel.
6 He was completely devoted to doing what pleased Yahweh. His workers got rid of the shrines on the hilltops and the poles for [worshiping the goddess] Asherah throughout Judah.
Hierdoor steeg zijn moed, om de wegen van Jahweh te bewandelen, en de offerhoogten en de heilige palen in Juda op te ruimen.
7 When he had been ruling [Judah] for almost three years, he sent some of his officials—Ben-Hail, Obadiah, Zechariah, Nethanel, and Micaiah—to teach the people in various towns in Judah.
In het derde jaar van zijn regering gaf hij opdracht aan de leiders Ben-Cháil, Obadja, Zekarja, Netaneël en Mikájehoe, om onderricht te geven in de steden van Juda.
8 With them he sent several descendants of Levi—Shemaiah, Nethaniah, Zebadiah, Asahel, Shemiramoth, Jehonathan, Adonijah, Tobijah, and Tob-Adonijah—and two priests, Elishama and Jehoram.
Zij waren vergezeld van de levieten Sjemajáhoe, Netanj hoe, Zebadjáhoe, Asaël, Sjemiramot, Jehonatan, Adoni-jáhoe, Tobi-jáhoe en Tob-Adoni-jáhoe, en de priesters Elisjama en Jehoram.
9 They took with them a scroll on which were written the laws of Yahweh and taught them to the people in all the towns throughout Judah,
Zij gaven onderricht in Juda, aan de hand van het wetboek van Jahweh, en gingen rond in alle steden van Juda, om het volk te onderrichten.
10 The people in all the kingdoms surrounding Judah became very afraid of [what Yahweh might do to punish them if they fought against Judah], so they did not start wars with Jehoshaphat’s army.
Bij alle vreemde koninkrijken, die in de omgeving van Juda lagen, zat de schrik voor Jahweh er zo levendig in, dat ze niet met Josafat durfden strijden.
11 Some people from Philistia brought gifts to Jehoshaphat, and they also brought to him the silver that he demanded that they pay to him. Some Arabs brought to him 7,700 rams and 7,700 goats.
De Filistijnen brachten Josafat geschenken en een schatting aan zilver; ook de Arabieren brachten hem een schatting van zeven en zeventighonderd rammen en zeven en zeventighonderd bokken.
12 Jehoshaphat continued to become more powerful/influential. His workers built forts and places to store supplies in various towns in Judah.
Zo werd Josafat voortdurend machtiger. Hij bouwde in Juda burchten en opslagplaatsen;
13 Then they put large amounts of supplies in those storehouses. Jehoshaphat also placed in Jerusalem soldiers who were experienced.
in de steden van Juda had hij geweldige voorraden, en in Jerusalem dappere ervaren krijgers.
14 The leaders and numbers from each tribe were as follows: From the tribe of Judah, Adnah was the leader of the soldiers, and he commanded 300,000 soldiers.
Hier volgt een opsomming van hun verschillende families. Tot Juda behoorden de volgende bevelhebbers van duizend: Adna, de legeraanvoerder, met driehonderdduizend dappere mannen;
15 His assistant was Jehohanan, who commanded 280,000 soldiers.
hem stond terzijde de legeraanvoerder Jehochanan, met tweehonderd en tachtigduizend man;
16 Next was Zicri’s son Amasiah, who volunteered to serve Yahweh in this way; he commanded 200,000 soldiers.
deze werd terzijde gestaan door Amas-ja, den zoon van Zikri, die zich vrijwillig aan Jahweh gewijd had, met tweehonderdduizend dappere mannen.
17 From the tribe of Benjamin, Eliada, who was a brave soldier, was the leader of the soldiers; he commanded 200,000 men who had bows [and arrows] and shields.
Tot Benjamin behoorde de heldhaftige Eljada, met tweehonderdduizend man, gewapend met boog en schild;
18 Next was Jehozabad, who commanded 180,000 men who had weapons for fighting battles.
hij werd bijgestaan door Jehozabad, met honderd tachtigduizend dienstplichtigen.
19 Those were the soldiers who served the king [in Jerusalem], in addition to the men whom the king had placed in the other cities in Judah that had walls around them.
Dat waren de krijgers, die in ‘s konings dienst stonden, afgezien nog van hen, die de koning in de verschillende vestingen van Juda had gelegd.