< 2 Chronicles 15 >
1 The Spirit of God came upon Azariah, the son of Obed.
Y fue el Espíritu de Dios sobre Azarías, hijo de Obed;
2 Azariah went to talk with Asa, and said to him, “Asa and all [you men of the tribes of] Judah and Benjamin, listen to me. Yahweh is with you whenever you are trusting in him. If you request him [to help you], he will help you, but if you abandon him, he will abandon you.
Y salió al encuentro a Asa, y díjole: Oídme Asa, y todo Judá y Ben-jamín. Jehová es con vosotros, si vosotros fuereis con él: y si le buscareis, será hallado de vosotros: mas si le dejareis, él también os dejará.
3 For many years the Israeli people did not know the true God, and they did not have priests or God’s laws.
Muchos días ha estado Israel sin verdadero Dios, y sin sacerdote, y sin enseñador, y sin ley.
4 But when they experienced trouble, they turned to Yahweh our God, and requested him to help them. And he helped them.
Mas cuando con su tribulación se convirtieron a Jehová Dios de Israel, y le buscaron, él fue hallado de ellos.
5 At that time, people were not safe when they traveled, because all the people who lived in the nearby countries were experiencing many difficulties.
En aquellos tiempos no hubo paz, ni para el que entraba, ni para el que salía, sino muchas destrucciones sobre todos los habitadores de las tierras.
6 The people of various nations were thoroughly defeated by [armies of] other nations, and people in some cities were crushed by [armies from] other cities, because God was allowing them to experience many difficulties.
Y la una gente destruía a la otra: y la una ciudad a la otra: porque Dios los conturbó con todas calamidades.
7 But you people, you must be strong and do not become discouraged, because [God] will reward you for what you do [to please him.”]
Esforzáos pues vosotros, y no se descoyunten vuestras manos: que salario hay para vuestra obra.
8 When Asa heard what the prophet Azariah said, he was encouraged. He [commanded his workers to] remove all the detestable idols from everywhere in the land of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin, and from the towns that [his soldiers] had captured in the hills of the tribe of Ephraim. Asa’s workers repaired the altar [where people offered sacrifices] to Yahweh that was in front of the entrance to the temple [in Jerusalem].
Y como Asa oyó las palabras y profecía de Obed profeta, fue confortado, y quitó las abominaciones de toda la tierra de Judá y de Ben-jamín, y de las ciudades que él había tomado en el monte de Efraím: y reparó el altar de Jehová, que estaba delante del portal de Jehová.
9 Then he gathered all [the people of the tribes of] Judah and Benjamin and many people from the tribes of Ephraim, Manasseh, and Simeon who were living among them. [He was able to do that] because many people from [those tribes in] Israel had come to me to Judah when they realized that Yahweh, the God that Asa [worshiped], was helping him.
E hizo juntar a todo Judá y Ben-jamín, y con ellos los extranjeros de Efraím, y de Manasés, y de Simeón: porque muchos de Israel se habían pasado a él, viendo que Jehová su Dios era con él.
10 After Asa had been ruling for almost 15 years, in May of that year, those people gathered in Jerusalem.
Y fueron juntos en Jerusalem en el mes tercero, a los quince años del reino de Asa.
11 At that time they sacrificed to Yahweh 700 bulls and 7,000 sheep and goats, from the animals that they had captured [when they defeated the army of Ethiopia/Sudan].
Y sacrificaron a Jehová aquel mismo día, de los despojos que habían traído, siete cientos bueyes, y siete mil ovejas.
12 They solemnly made an agreement to very sincerely worship Yahweh, the God whom their ancestors [worshiped].
Y entraron en concierto de que buscarían a Jehová el Dios de sus padres, de todo su corazón, y de toda su alma:
13 They promised to execute all those who would not worship Yahweh, including those who were important and those who were not important, both men and women.
Y que cualquiera que no buscase a Jehová el Dios de Israel, muriese, grande o pequeño, hombre o mujer.
14 They shouted and blew trumpets and other horns while they solemnly promised to do that.
Y juraron a Jehová a gran voz y júbilo, a son de trompetas, y de bocinas:
15 All the people who were living in Judah were happy with the agreement because they had solemnly and very sincerely promised to keep it. They eagerly requested help from Yahweh, and he helped them. So he enabled them to have peace throughout their country.
Del cual juramento todos los de Judá se alegraron; porque de todo su corazón le juraban, y de toda su voluntad le buscaban, y fue hallado de ellos: y Jehová les dio reposo de todas partes.
16 King Asa’s grandmother Maacah had made a disgusting pole for [worshiping the goddess] Asherah. So Asa [commanded his workers to] cut down that pole and chop it into pieces and burn it in the Kidron Valley. He then did not allow Maacah to continue [to influence the people because of her] being the mother of the previous king.
Y aun a Maaca la madre del rey Asa, él la depuso que no fuese señora, porque había hecho ídolo en el bosque: y Asa deshizo su ídolo, y le desmenuzó, y quemó en el arroyo de Cedrón.
17 Although Asa’s [workers] did not get rid of the shrines on the hilltops in Israel, he was very determined to [do what] pleased Yahweh all his life.
Mas con todo eso los altos no eran quitados de Israel, aunque el corazón de Asa fue perfecto mientras vivió.
18 He [ordered his workers to] bring into God’s temple all the silver and gold and other valuable items that he and his father had dedicated [to God].
Y metió en la casa de Dios lo que su padre había dedicado, y lo que él había consagrado, plata, y oro, y vasos.
19 There were no more wars [in Judah] until Asa had been ruling Judah almost 35 years.
Y no hubo guerra hasta los treinta y cinco años del reino de Asa.