< 2 Chronicles 13 >
1 When Jeroboam had been ruling [Israel] for almost 18 years, Abijah became the king of Judah.
Ķēniņa Jerobeama astoņpadsmitā gadā Abija palika par ķēniņu pār Jūdu.
2 He ruled in Jerusalem for three years. His mother was Micaiah (OR, Maacah), the daughter of Uriel from Gibeah [town]. There was a war between [the armies of] Abijah and Jeroboam.
Viņš valdīja trīs gadus Jeruzālemē, un viņa mātei bija vārds Mikaja, Uriēļa meita no Ģibejas. Un karš cēlās starp Abiju un Jerobeamu.
3 Abijah went into the battle, taking 400,000 of his capable soldiers, and Jeroboam prepared to fight them, taking 800,000 of his capable troops.
Un Abija taisījās uz karu ar varenu kara spēku, ar četrsimt tūkstoš izlasītiem vīriem. Un Jerobeams taisījās pret viņu uz karu ar astoņsimt tūkstoš izlasītiem stipriem kara vīriem.
4 Abijah stood on the top of Zemaraim Mountain, which is in the hilly area that belonged to the tribe of Ephraim, and he shouted, “Jeroboam and all you other people of Israel, listen to me!
Un Abija uzkāpa uz Cemaraim kalnu Efraīma kalnos un sacīja: klausiet mani, Jerobeam un viss Israēl.
5 You should know that Yahweh, the God to whom all we Israelis belong, has appointed David and his descendants to be the kings of Israel forever. He has confirmed that by making a permanent agreement.
Vai jums nav zināms, ka Tas Kungs, Israēla Dievs, valdību pār Israēli devis Dāvidam uz mūžīgiem laikiem, ir viņam, ir viņa dēliem caur sāls (neiznīkstamu) derību?
6 But Jeroboam, who was [only] an official of David’s son King Solomon, rebelled against his king.
Taču Jerobeams, Nebata dēls, Salamana Dāvida dēla, kalps, sacēlis dumpi pret savu kungu!
7 And when Solomon’s son Rehoboam became king and was still young and inexperienced, a group of worthless scoundrels gathered around you, Jeroboam, and rebelled against Rehoboam.
Un pie viņa sapulcējušies nelieši, netikli ļaudis, un pret Rekabeamu, Salamana dēlu, palikuši stipri, kamēr Rekabeams vēl bija jauns un tam bija bailīga sirds, ka pret viņiem nevarēja turēties.
8 “And now you are planning to fight against the kingdom that Yahweh established to be governed by David’s descendants. It is true that you have a huge army, and you and your soldiers have brought with you the golden [statues of] calves that Jeroboam’s workers made to be gods for all of you.
Un nu jūs domājat stipri būt pret Tā Kunga valstību Dāvida dēlu rokā; jūs gan esat liels pulks, bet pie jums ir zelta teļi, ko Jerobeams jums cēlis par dieviem.
9 But you expelled the priests that Yahweh [appointed], men who are descendants of Aaron [the first Supreme Priest], and you expelled the descendants of Levi, and you appointed the priests that you wanted, like the people of other countries do. You allow anyone to become a priest of idols that are not gods if he comes to dedicate himself to be a priest by sacrificing a young bull and seven rams.
Vai jūs Tā Kunga priesterus, Ārona dēlus, tos Levitus, neesat izdzinuši un neesat sev priesterus cēluši, kā pasaules tautas? Ikviens, kas nāk savu roku pildīdams ar jaunu vērsi un septiņiem auniem, tas top par priesteri tādiem, kas nav dievi.
10 “As for us, Yahweh is our God, and we have not abandoned him. Our priests who serve Yahweh are descendants of Aaron, and the descendants of Levi assist them.
Bet ar mums ir Tas Kungs, mūsu Dievs, un mēs Viņu neesam atstājuši, un tie priesteri, kas Tam Kungam kalpo, ir Ārona dēli, un Leviti savā kalpošanā.
11 Every morning and every evening they present to Yahweh offerings to be completely burned [on the altar], and they burn fragrant incense. [Each week] they place the sacred bread on the sacred table, and each morning they light the lamps that are on the gold lampstand. We are obeying what Yahweh our God requires us to do. But you have abandoned him.
Un tie Tam Kungam iededzina dedzināmos upurus ik rītu un ik vakaru, arī saldas kvēpināmās zāles, un liek to (svēto) maizi uz to šķīsto galdu; un tur ir tas zelta lukturis ar saviem eļļas lukturīšiem, kas ik vakaru top iededzināti; jo mēs turam Tā Kunga, sava Dieva, likumus, bet jūs Viņu esat atstājuši.
12 Yahweh is with us; he is our leader. The priests whom he has appointed will blow their trumpets to signal [that we are ready] to fight a battle against you. You Israeli men, do not fight against Yahweh, the God to whom your ancestors belonged, because you will not be successful and win the battle against him.”
Un nu redzi, Dievs ir ar mums pašā priekšā un Viņa priesteri ar skanīgām bazūnēm, bazūnēt pret jums. Jūs, Israēla bērni nekarojat ar To Kungu, savu tēvu Dievu; jo tas jums neizdosies.
13 [While he was speaking, ] Jeroboam sent some of his troops around the army of Judah. So while the soldiers who were with Jeroboam were in front of the army of Judah, the other soldiers of Israel were behind the army of Judah.
Bet Jerobeams karavīriem lika slepeni apiet apkārt, tiem uzbrukt mugurā, un tā viņi stāvēja Jūda priekšā, un tie glūnētāji viņiem mugurā.
14 When the soldiers of Judah turned and saw that they were going to be attacked from the front and from the rear, they cried out to Yahweh. The priests blew their trumpets,
Kad nu Jūda atpakaļ skatījās, redzi, tad karš tiem bija priekšā un mugurā. Un tie piesauca To Kungu, un priesteri bazūnēja ar bazūnēm.
15 and the men of Judah shouted a loud battle-cry. Then Yahweh [enabled Abijah and the army of Judah to] defeat Jeroboam and [the army of] Israel.
Un Jūda vīri kliedza. Un kad Jūda vīri tā kliedza, tad Dievs kāva Jerobeamu un visu Israēli Abijas un Jūda priekšā,
16 The soldiers of Israel fled from the soldiers of Judah, and God enabled the army of Judah to defeat them.
Un Israēla bērni bēga Jūda priekšā, un Dievs tos deva viņu rokā,
17 Abijah and his troops struck the capable soldiers of Israel and killed 500,000 of them.
Un Abija ar saviem ļaudīm tos sakāva lielā kaušanā, un no Israēla krita nokauti piecsimt tūkstoš izlasīti vīri.
18 So the soldiers of Israel were defeated, and the soldiers of Judah won the battle because they trusted in Yahweh, the God to whom their ancestors belonged.
Tā Israēla bērni tanī laikā tapa pazemoti, bet Jūda bērni tapa vareni, tāpēc ka tie bija paļāvušies uz To Kungu, savu tēvu Dievu.
19 Abijah’s army pursued the army of Jeroboam, and they captured from the people of Israel the cities of Bethel, Jeshanah, and Ephron, and the surrounding villages.
Un Abija dzinās Jerobeamam pakaļ un ieņēma viņa pilsētas: Bēteli ar viņas miestiem un Jēzanu ar viņas miestiem, un Efronu ar viņas miestiem.
20 During the remaining time that Abijah ruled, Jeroboam did not become powerful again. Then Yahweh caused him to become very ill, and he died.
Un Jerobeams vairs netika pie spēka Abijas laikā, bet Tas Kungs to sita, un tas nomira.
21 But Abijah became more powerful. He married 14 wives and had 22 sons and 16 daughters.
Un Abija palika spēcīgs un apņēma četrpadsmit sievas un dzemdināja divdesmit divus dēlus un sešpadsmit meitas.
22 An account of the other things that Abijah did while he was the king, including what he said and what he did, is in the scroll written by the prophet Iddo.
Un kas vēl par Abiju stāstāms, viņa ceļi un viņa vārdi, tie rakstīti pravieša Idus stāstos.